#casually clowning my own taste yknow
the hargreeves kids as things my friends have said
I know I used some of these for my raven cycle post but I couldn't resist
I want another Clementine but they've all been juggled!
contrary to popular belief, your hands are NOT wrenches.
You got snow? don't worry about it. all I need is my chair and I'll take care of it.
No, [Allison], I'm not doing a line of smarties off your buttcrack.
Don't belittle my teeth!
I have... milk sadness.
There's a lot more gay popes than I thought there were.
remember that thing we did yesterday? yeet the moon.
How do you smoke weed? oh you SMOKE it!
They always ask who I'm throwing... but they never ask who's throwing me :(
What's it called... English? is it English? Fuck English.
You don't tell a lady to keep her spear in the trunk.
Chickens are fine. I don't think they have feelings.
What, you have boneless water where you live like some kind of fancy person?
Hell yeah ladies get on this scarf dick
You can't slorp without knowing the consequences.
We're just... hands
I swear I've developed a cowboy persona.
The cheese has little knives, the milk has daggers, ice cream has poison, and the yogurt has a disk sander, and if you don't have a strong stomach membrane that's lactose intolerance because they try to kill you.
My aunt Rosalie could kick your aunt Rosalie's ASS
Hashtag baddie cowboy emoji sunglasses emoji
I need a favor involving olives.
Sorry to disappoint, cannibal
not getting vaccinated is the equivalent of a spawn kill
Beekeeper on the top, party on the bottom.
Nothing says "hail satan!" like a Yankee candle
s... something just... dabbed in there....
in AND out burger? that seems excessive.
Yknow, shirt genres?
What DOESN'T sound like a bathtub?
Dom brain takes over and there are no survivors. Not even me
I'm the lover! dab on me!
That's a bone, bitch!
When was i... New York!!
Y'all ever smoke Fall Out Boy?
The 3 genders: male, female, fear
I'm a mall Santa by day, hospital twerker by night
picture this: the middle of the desert. Now picture this: total anarchy. Are you intrigued?
Stop wizard-splaining
My sexuality is Nickelodeon slime
Juice is temporary. Sauce is forever. My brother said that. he's dead now. the juice got him
The West Virginian mountains could fuck me
live your best life. eat your own ass
I don't know what God tastes like but pussy tastes like good fuckin food
have you ever seen the human centipede?? THAT WOULD BE THE BEST ORAL SEX EVER!
[Allison] just lay on the floor and we'll all smell you
Its teeth are hands? oh I'm so proud of you!
does big suck on small peen result in detachment?
The best way to ask someone's sexuality: what's your favorite flavor of crotch?
I promise I will never call you a beanie bitch
Pack the wife and kids and go watch Mt. St. Helena erupt
The rectangle and the rhombus fell in love and made a baby named the square and then they eventually commited suicide
Are you implying that all other spas are run by robots?
I don't want your styrofoam spheres!
Blue highlighters will never amount to anything.
Fine print is for wimps
Its called a prayer circle, dumbass
Out of all the animals that would dab, the Clydesdale horse is not one of them
Only white people are legally allowed to play ultimate frisbee.
The shamrock shake gave me ptsd
Just casual arson, I guess
If you give the baby LSD, maybe it'll be happy.
Dying alone, GONG. Now there's a bell in your head.
Uranium can't be transuranium... unless it wants to be and that's fine
I want a Graham cracker taped to a rock as my tombstone
Everyone is just an allele goodwill
Wildfires kill people, [Klaus]!
Have fun getting shanked by the bathroom clown
You're worth negative corn chips
I don't trust buildings with upside dowm handicap signs
bikes are causing discrepancies amongst the skeleton mating habits
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train. heaven is a train.
posse pentacle pass the tentacle
kill me on your favorite salad
why do olives make you feel like a shark?
that's what music is. it's a lot of seIlf hatred wrapped up in a little violin.
string quartet? you mean fourplay?
well, it's not MY half lemon...
we do NOT want bananas in our cellos.
when the bees are inside you, you understand them.
you should try slapping a crab sometime
are....... are you conquered?
Have a vengeance against the sight reading. This piece killed your father.
Alright. lime screaming over
What the fuck? it's not even whale time!
You sound like your shoelaces are tied together
Just let the fingers have a little dancing fun!
You gotta pour your sheet music
I love the sound of smooth jazz and distant screaming
I don't deserve fingers
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