ofeternityandlove · 10 years
Tag Game
Tagged by: hobbit-at-baker-street
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.  Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.  Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them.
My Answers 
1.What colour is your room?
A: Red and Green, and yes, it makes everyday feel like Christmas :P
2.Can you cook?
A: Yes, but only if it comes in a can or pre-made box
3.Favourite pie?
A: Chocolate cream
4.Ever been skiing? If not, do you want to?
A: A few times in elementary school, but it's not really my thing.
5.How many pillows do you sleep with?
A: Two, and one of them is a taking Dalek pillow :D
6.Your favourite fictional character?
A: Right now, Merlin (Ciolin Morgan). Last week it was Stiles from Teen Wolf
7.Favourite candle scent?
A: Lavender... I'll just leave it at that.
8.What “fandom” merch do you own?
A: A Dalek pillow, as stated earlier, a rolling TARDIS, an ink portrait of Sherlock and Watson (Cumberbatch and Freeman), Game of Thrones Jon Snow poster, "Things I Learned from Watching Doctor Who" poster, three Supernatural books, and buttons... lots of fandom buttons...
9.Favourite drink?
A: Earl Grey tea, and I'm not saying that just to sound cool.
10.Whats number one on your bucket list?
A: To have an on screen role on Supernatural or meet the cast of BBC Merlin
11.Have you got dyed hair? If yes, what colour, if no, what colour would you do if you could/had it.
A: Right now, dark blue, but it's washing out :P
My Questions:
1. What was your first OTP? Do you still ship it?
2. If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?
3. What fandom would you never join, if any? Why?
4. If you could do anything, without any sort of restrictions, what would it be?
5. When did you first join Tumblr?
6. What is your favourite animal?
7. What would you name your first child, if you wanted children? (If you don't want children, just replaced children with whatever you want)
8. Do you like cheese? If yes, what is your favourite cheese?
9. What is/was your least favourite subject in school?
10. Can you do a handstand? 
11. What Disney song do you think describes you the best?
People I've tagged: whosthedoctorin221b  sansastakr  blueboxsocipathjerkbitch  mycroftssgoldfish   hobbits-hunters-hylians   castielandthewinchesterrs  hannibaldearwatson   captain-jacking-hardness  superwholocked-in-space  dont-blink-sherlock lonewolfstark
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