ciaomichaella · 2 years
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Had lots of fun at OC Curling’s Oktoberfest cash spiel. Thanks Andrew, Mark, and Stephanie for joining me in representing @teamtotzek & @teamkapp.roehrs Stephanie is a newbie and had only ever played on Curl SD’s ice. She was in awe of OC’s ice. I can’t wait to take her to SCCC and Coyotes so she can experience dedicated ice (she might be on my Vagspiel team in February). . . We got so many compliments on our “Olympic” uniforms last night. I wish I could’ve been more into the theme, but there was no way I’d survive curling in a dirndl as a skip. I might consider it for when the last end gets rescheduled (we ran out of time & got chased off the ice by hockey players), but we’ll see. . . I made goodie bags to hand out to folks to promote 610 and the 2023 Curling Cares Calendar. I’m hoping it helps introduce more people to him and gets folks interested in ordering calendars. I’m probably ordering multiples and can certainly organize a group order for SoCal folks so we can save on shipping. LMK if you want a calendar and if you want to join the support/promo efforts. Let’s make Sixten Totzek a household name! . . 🥌❤️🇩🇪🥌❤️🇩🇪🥌❤️🇩🇪🥌❤️🇩🇪 #SixtenTotzek #KlaudiusHarsch #MagnusSutor #DominikGreindl #BenjaminKapp #curling #wintersports #sports #TeamD #Germans #TeamDeutschland #HardlineNation #PinayCurler #concussedcurler #changethefaceofcurling #AteLovesHerAdings 🥌❤️🇩🇪🥌❤️🇩🇪🥌❤️🇩🇪🥌❤️🇩🇪 . . #Repost @curlsandiego Good luck and good #curling to Team #TotzeKapp at @occurlingclub ‘s #Oktoberfest #cashpiel tonight. #curlsandiego #TeamTotzek #TeamKapp #Germany #TeamGermany #Deutschland https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci9GiJJrjGV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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