#cashew nut cracking machine
gombella · 5 months
Beyond Creamy Crunch: Unmasking the "Is Raw Cashew Nuts Healthy?" Mystery
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Beyond Creamy Crunch: Unmasking the "Is Raw Cashew Nuts Healthy?" Mystery
Imagine sinking your teeth into a bowl of golden treasures, their creamy richness exploding with flavor. Each delectable bite begs the question: "Is raw cashew nuts healthy?" Well, my friends, prepare to have your minds blown – these little nuggets are more than just a snack; they're a tiny mystery box of nutritional goodness, and I'm here to be your trusty detective, leading you on a delicious investigation into the truth! As a content writer for Gombella Integrated Services Limited, a champion of bringing the world the finest raw cashews, I've delved deep into the science behind these creamy delights. So, put your curiosity hats on, and let's crack open the mystery of "is raw cashew nuts healthy?" and unleash a bounty of nutty secrets!
Nature's Tiny Powerhouse: Peeking Inside the Cashew Cosmos
Before we crack the health code, let's understand our suspect. Each raw cashew nut is a nature's marvel, nestled within a tough shell and brimming with potential. Protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals? This symphony of goodness is ready to serenade your well-being! But wait, what about the infamous fat content? Does it throw a wrench in our "healthy" verdict? Fear not, for the fat found in cashews is primarily monounsaturated, the kind your heart gives a standing ovation to. These good fats lower bad cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and even boost brainpower – think of them as tiny cheerleaders for your health!
The Health Harmony: Melodies of Cashew Goodness
Now, let's paint a picture of how incorporating raw cashews into your diet can become a health symphony: - Weight Management Maestro: The fiber and protein in cashews keep you feeling satisfied and reduce cravings, potentially assisting in weight management. - Heart Health Hero: Those good fats and minerals become superheroes for your heart, lowering bad cholesterol, regulating blood pressure, and keeping your cardiovascular system singing. - Energy Enhancer: Feeling sluggish? The iron and magnesium in cashews can give your energy levels a much-needed boost, making you feel like you can conquer the day. - Brainpower Booster: Need a mental edge? The nutrients in cashews can support cognitive function, memory, and even mood, turning your brain into a well-oiled machine. - Bone Bliss: Calcium and magnesium, essential for strong bones, are present in raw cashews. So, munch on these nuts and give your skeletal system a happy dance!
Cashew Creations: Beyond the Handful
Is raw cashew nuts healthy even if you don't just pop them straight from the bag? Absolutely! Get creative and unlock a world of culinary delights: - Blend them into creamy sauces and dips for added richness and texture. - Whip up homemade cashew milk for a lactose-free alternative. - Sprinkle them over salads, stir-fries, or even your morning oatmeal for a nutty surprise. - Grind them into flour for gluten-free baking adventures.
The Final Nutty Note: Unwinding the Mystery
So, to unravel the "is raw cashew nuts healthy?" mystery, the answer is a resounding yes! When enjoyed in moderation, they're a nutritional powerhouse packed with benefits for your heart, brain, bones, and overall well-being. Just remember, portion control is key – a handful of happiness, not a fistful of frenzy! Now, the investigation is open for you! Share your favorite cashew recipes, health tips, and cashew-fueled questions in the comments below. Let's keep the nutty conversation flowing and celebrate the wonders of nature's creamy treasures! Remember, Gombella Integrated Services Limited is dedicated to bringing you the highest quality raw cashews, so you can unlock the health and flavor this incredible nut has to offer. Visit our website to learn more and experience the cashew magic for yourself! Read the full article
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muskaangroup · 8 months
Revolutionizing Nut Industry: The Cashew Processing Machine
In the world of nuts, cashews hold a special place due to their distinct flavor, versatility, and nutritional value. Cashews are not only consumed as a snack but are also used as a key ingredient in various culinary dishes and processed foods. However, the journey from cashew tree to cashew kernel involves multiple intricate steps that were once labor-intensive and time-consuming. The advent of cashew processing machines has revolutionized the nut industry, streamlined the process, and improved efficiency. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of cashew processing machines and their impact on the industry.
The Traditional Cashew Processing Challenge
Before the introduction of cashew processing machines, the cashew nut industry relied heavily on manual labor for each processing stage. The process involved harvesting, shelling, drying, peeling, and grading the cashews, all of which required extensive human effort. The manual approach not only posed challenges in terms of efficiency but also led to inconsistencies in quality, yield, and safety. Moreover, it was labor-intensive and often involved poor working conditions for those involved in the process.
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Enter the Cashew Processing Machine
Cashew processing machines have transformed the industry by automating many of the labor-intensive steps involved in turning raw cashew nuts into the delectable kernels we enjoy today. Here are some of the key stages of cashew processing and how machines have revolutionized them:
Cashew Shelling: Shelling cashews by hand was a time-consuming and delicate task. Cashew processing machines have automated this process with precision, efficiently cracking the shells and separating the kernels without damaging them.
Drying: Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold growth and ensure a longer shelf life for cashews. Modern drying machines offer controlled and uniform drying conditions, reducing the risk of spoilage and maintaining the nuts' quality.
Peeling: The thin skin or testa that covers the cashew kernel can be bitter and affect the flavor. Cashew peeling machines can quickly and efficiently remove this skin without compromising the kernel's integrity.
Grading and Sorting: Cashews come in different sizes and grades. Cashew processing machines use advanced sorting mechanisms based on size, color, and quality, ensuring uniformity in the final product.
Packaging: Automated packaging systems ensure that cashews are packed in a hygienic and appealing manner, ready for distribution and retail.
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Benefits of Cashew Processing Machines
The introduction of cashew processing machines has brought about numerous benefits to the nut industry:
Increased Efficiency: The automated nature of these machines significantly reduces the processing time, allowing for higher production capacity and quicker turnaround times.
Consistent Quality: Cashew processing machines ensure consistent quality and uniformity in the final product, meeting industry standards and consumer expectations.
Higher Yield: The precision of these machines minimizes kernel breakage, leading to a higher yield of intact cashew kernels.
Improved Working Conditions: The adoption of machines reduces the need for strenuous manual labor, thereby improving the working conditions for laborers and enhancing their safety.
Cost Savings: While the initial investment in processing machinery can be substantial, the long-term cost savings due to increased efficiency and reduced labor costs are significant.
Market Competitiveness: Businesses that embrace technology and automation tend to stay ahead in a competitive market. Cashew processing machines give companies an edge by optimizing their production processes.
The cashew processing machine has brought about a transformative shift in the nut industry, turning a labor-intensive and time-consuming process into an efficient and automated one. From shelling to packaging, these machines have revolutionized every step of cashew processing, resulting in higher yields, consistent quality, and improved working conditions. As the demand for high-quality nuts continues to grow, the integration of cashew processing machines will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the cashew industry, offering benefits to manufacturers, workers, and consumers alike.
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muskaangroup11 · 10 months
Title: Revolutionizing Nut Processing: The Automatic Cashew Shelling Machine
In the world of food processing, innovation plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, reducing labor-intensive tasks, and increasing productivity. One such remarkable innovation is the Automatic Cashew Shelling Machine. Cashew nuts, known for their rich flavor and nutritional benefits, are a popular snack worldwide. However, the traditional manual shelling process is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Enter the automatic cashew shelling machine, a game-changer in the nut processing industry. In this blog, we will explore the features, benefits, and impact of this technological marvel.
The Need for Automation
Cashew nuts, encased in a hard shell and surrounded by caustic oil, are notoriously challenging to shell manually. The traditional method involves roasting the nuts, manually cracking open the shell, and then extracting the edible kernel. This process is not only time-consuming but also labor-intensive, leading to higher production costs and potential inconsistencies in the quality of the final product. The demand for automation in the cashew processing industry gave rise to the development of the automatic cashew shelling machine.
Features and Functionality
High Efficiency: The automatic cashew shelling machine is designed to process many cashew nuts in a significantly shorter time compared to manual methods. This efficiency boost is crucial for meeting the ever-growing demand for cashew products.
Precise Shelling: The machine is equipped with advanced technology that ensures precise shelling without damaging the delicate cashew kernels. This results in higher yields of intact and visually appealing cashews.
Labor Savings: With automation, the need for a large workforce to perform the labor-intensive task of manual shelling is reduced. This leads to substantial labor cost savings for manufacturers.
Consistent Quality: Manual shelling can lead to variations in the quality of the final product due to differences in individual shelling techniques. The automatic machine ensures uniform quality across all processed cashew nuts.
Reduced Wastage: Cashew shells are often discarded after manual shelling. The automatic machine, however, optimizes the shelling process, minimizing wastage and making the process eco-friendlier.
Safety Measures: The machine is equipped with safety features to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of operators. This is especially important given the caustic oil present in cashew shells, which can cause skin irritation.
Impact on the Industry
The introduction of the automatic cashew shelling machine has brought about a transformative impact on the cashew processing industry:
Increased Production: Manufacturers can now meet larger orders and growing market demands without compromising on quality. This has the potential to expand the cashew industry's global reach.
Job Evolution: While the adoption of automation might raise concerns about job loss, it is important to note that the technology opens opportunities for skilled technicians who can operate, maintain, and troubleshoot these machines.
Competitive Advantage: Companies that embrace automation gain a competitive edge by offering a consistent supply of high-quality cashew products. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and improved market positioning.
The automatic cashew shelling machine stands as a remarkable example of how innovation can revolutionize traditional processes. By streamlining the shelling process, this technology has paved the way for increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved product quality in the cashew industry. As automation continues to reshape the landscape of food processing, the automatic cashew shelling machine is a significant step forward in meeting the demands of modern consumers and businesses alike.
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wmmachinery · 2 years
Automatic cashew nuts cracking machine cashew shelling machine
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gelcara-blog · 7 years
Cashew Nut Shelling Machine Manufacturer In China
Cashew Nut Shelling Machine Manufacturer In China
Working process of cashew nut shelling machine: Cooked cashews rupture in automatic cashew husk. Roller bearings are used to adjust the distance between cashew nuts of different sizes. Cashew nut shelling capacity of up to 170 kg / h, cashew nut shelling line 300 kg / hour, equipped with two shelling machine. Peel rate of 90-95%.
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This cashew nut shelling machine is a professional equipment to…
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loyalfoodmachine · 4 years
Advantages and application fields of industrial sterilization equipment
Industrial sterilization equipment is a microwave equipment used for sterilization and sterilization of food, medicine, chemical products, etc. Compared with the traditional mechanical equipment, the industrial sterilization equipment's biggest highlight is the high production efficiency of the machine, which does not need professional control, and the whole sterilization process is completed automatically. Therefore, it is favored by customers all over the world.
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                                   Industrial sterilization equipment
The advantages of industrial sterilization equipment compared with conventional thermal sterilization are as follows:
1. Microwave has the double bactericidal effect of rapid temperature rise and non thermal effect. Compared with conventional thermal sterilization, it can obtain the required drying and bactericidal effect at a lower temperature and a shorter time. The practice shows that the general sterilization temperature can achieve the effect at 75-80 ℃.
2. Conventional thermal sterilization is to transfer heat from the surface of materials to the interior by means of heat conduction, convection or radiation. It usually takes a long time to reach the sterilization temperature. Industrial sterilization equipment is the direct interaction of microwave energy with materials, bacteria and other microorganisms. The thermal effect and non thermal effect work together to achieve rapid temperature rise sterilization, greatly shorten the processing time, generally only tens of seconds, minutes can achieve satisfactory results.
3. Conventional thermal sterilization often has heat loss in the environment and equipment, while the industrial sterilization equipment directly acts on the materials. The heating box itself is not heated, and there is no additional heat loss, which saves energy to the greatest extent, generally 30-50% power.
4. Conventional thermal sterilization starts from the surface of the material, and then passes through the heat conduction to the interior, there is internal and external temperature difference. In order to maintain the flavor and shorten the processing time, the sterilization effect is often affected by the insufficient temperature in the material. The microwave has the penetrability. When the whole treatment is carried out, the surface and the interior work at the same time, which can ensure that the internal and external temperature reach the required value together, so the drying and sterilization are even and thorough.
5. The operation of the equipment is flexible and convenient. There is no thermal inertia of conventional thermal sterilization. The microwave power can be continuously adjustable from zero to rated power, and the transmission speed can be continuously adjusted from zero. It is easy to control. It can be processed according to the requirements of different process specifications. It is easy to realize automatic production, reduce production operators and reduce labor costs.
6. The equipment is simple, the process is advanced, and the boiler, pipeline system, coal yard and transport vehicle are not required. As long as the basic conditions of water and electricity are available, there is no special requirement for the plant, with less investment and quick effect. Waste water and waste gas will not be discharged in the process of work, which is safe and environmentally friendly.
7. The microwave equipment has no high temperature, no heat and no heat radiation, which can greatly improve the working conditions. Moreover, the structure of the equipment is compact, saving the workshop area and reducing the site cost.
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                                                   Material richness
Industrial sterilization equipment is widely used:
1. Food industry: the industrial sterilization equipment can be used to dry, sterilize, expand and preserve food. It has been used in the production of Cereals, soy milk powder, pickled vegetables, small meat packaging, instant noodles, pastries, dried beef, salted duck, cashew nuts, peanut, melon seeds and many other aspects.
2.Pharmaceutical industry: it is used in the drying and sterilization of pharmaceutical products such as powder, granule, sheet and pill like mucus, the rapid drying, insecticidal and sterilization of Chinese herbal medicine, and the sterilization of oral liquid, etc.
3. Wood processing: microwave drying can evenly and quickly dry 1-6cm thick wood board, which only takes more than ten minutes to dry, and does not crack and deform, and kills the eggs and larvae inside the wood; it can also cure plywood or panel gluing, and dry, mildew and sterilize bamboo products and wooden crafts.
4. Rubber industry: use 2450MHz, 5-10kw microwave heating equipment to heat the tire once, heat it up to the curing temperature, and then heat it with hot air, which can cure 3-4t weight tire; use 915MHz, 50KW horn antenna as the radiator, and use program control to scan the rotation of large tire, which has the advantages of uniform heating and one third shorter curing time.
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400kg/h cashew processing line
Pls contact [email protected] for Quotation.
Website: https://www.shellingmachine.com
It is a whole plant, from raw cashew nut to finished nut kernels, the whole processCraft of process: grading-steam cooking-nut shelling-sorting-drying-kernel peeling-roasting-packaging-ready for sale Number of operator: 7-10 person Space area required: length 15-20m, width 10-15m, height 5m Warranty: include spares and technical support on operation and maintain, after sale service all machine life
Payment term: 40% advance, 60% before shipping 
Delivery time: 35 days after order 
Port of loading: Qingdao China 
Size of container: 40ft 
Transportation: by sea
Machines Details
1. Cashew grading machine
Output: 500-600 kg/hour, 
Power:  1.1 kw 
Dimensions: 3.6*0.9*1.6 m 
Weight 700 kg
2. Cashew steam boiler
Capacity 150 kg/hr 
Power: 16 kw 
Dimension: 1.5*0.6*1.55 m 
Weight: 150 kg
3. Cashew nut shelling/cracking machine
Range: 20—30mm 
Weight: 200KG 
Capacity: 170-200KG/h 
Control type:button 
Voltage: 380/220V/50HZ
4. Cashew shell-kernel separating machine
Capacity: 500-600kg/hour
Power: 2kw
Separating rate: 98%
Dimensions: 1950*480*1130mm
Weight: 230kg
5. Cashew dryer/roaster
Capacity: 300-400kg/hr 
Power: 16kw 
Temperature: 0-300 
Material: stainless steel 
Dimensions: 2800*1100*1600mm 
Weight: 400kg
6. Cashew kernel peeling machine
Capacity: 200kg/hr 
Peeling rate: 98% 
Dimensions: 640*600*1300mm 
Weight: 80kg
7. Packing machine
Model: AT-DGS-50F 
Range: 2-50kg 
Speed:3-8 bags/minute 
Feeding type: single screw
Air use: 1 m3/hr 
Dimensions(mm): 820×1400×2300
Get Quotation
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nutcracker2021 · 3 years
Take your nut cracking to the next level. This nut cracking machine is especially made for almonds, hazelnuts and hard-shelled nuts like walnuts
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machineprices · 3 years
Automatic Cashew Nut Cracking Machine|Cashew Shell Breaking Machine from...
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muskaangroup11 · 10 months
Title: Revolutionizing Nut Industry: The Cashew Processing Machine
In the world of nuts, cashews hold a special place due to their distinct flavor, versatility, and nutritional value. Cashews are not only consumed as a snack but are also used as a key ingredient in various culinary dishes and processed foods. However, the journey from cashew tree to cashew kernel involves multiple intricate steps that were once labor-intensive and time-consuming. The advent of cashew processing machines has revolutionized the nut industry, streamlined the process, and improved efficiency. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of cashew processing machines and their impact on the industry.
The Traditional Cashew Processing Challenge
Before the introduction of cashew processing machines, the cashew nut industry relied heavily on manual labor for each processing stage. The process involved harvesting, shelling, drying, peeling, and grading the cashews, all of which required extensive human effort. The manual approach not only posed challenges in terms of efficiency but also led to inconsistencies in quality, yield, and safety. Moreover, it was labor-intensive and often involved poor working conditions for those involved in the process.
Enter the Cashew Processing Machine
Cashew processing machines have transformed the industry by automating many of the labor-intensive steps involved in turning raw cashew nuts into the delectable kernels we enjoy today. Here are some of the key stages of cashew processing and how machines have revolutionized them:
Cashew Shelling: Shelling cashews by hand was a time-consuming and delicate task. Cashew processing machines have automated this process with precision, efficiently cracking the shells and separating the kernels without damaging them.
Drying: Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold growth and ensure a longer shelf life for cashews. Modern drying machines offer controlled and uniform drying conditions, reducing the risk of spoilage and maintaining the nuts' quality.
Peeling: The thin skin or testa that covers the cashew kernel can be bitter and affect the flavor. Cashew peeling machines can quickly and efficiently remove this skin without compromising the kernel's integrity.
Grading and Sorting: Cashews come in different sizes and grades. Cashew processing machines use advanced sorting mechanisms based on size, color, and quality, ensuring uniformity in the final product.
Packaging: Automated packaging systems ensure that cashews are packed in a hygienic and appealing manner, ready for distribution and retail.
Benefits of Cashew Processing Machines
The introduction of cashew processing machines has brought about numerous benefits to the nut industry:
Increased Efficiency: The automated nature of these machines significantly reduces the processing time, allowing for higher production capacity and quicker turnaround times.
Consistent Quality: Cashew processing machines ensure consistent quality and uniformity in the final product, meeting industry standards and consumer expectations.
Higher Yield: The precision of these machines minimizes kernel breakage, leading to a higher yield of intact cashew kernels.
Improved Working Conditions: The adoption of machines reduces the need for strenuous manual labor, thereby improving the working conditions for laborers and enhancing their safety.
Cost Savings: While the initial investment in processing machinery can be substantial, the long-term cost savings due to increased efficiency and reduced labor costs are significant.
Market Competitiveness: Businesses that embrace technology and automation tend to stay ahead in a competitive market. Cashew processing machines give companies an edge by optimizing their production processes.
The cashew processing machine has brought about a transformative shift in the nut industry, turning a labor-intensive and time-consuming process into an efficient and automated one. From shelling to packaging, these machines have revolutionized every step of cashew processing, resulting in higher yields, consistent quality, and improved working conditions. As the demand for high-quality nuts continues to grow, the integration of cashew processing machines will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the cashew industry, offering benefits to manufacturers, workers, and consumers alike.
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gelcara-blog · 7 years
Which Machine Can Removing Cashew Nut Shell ?
Do you know cashew nut? Cashew nut is originally native to northeastern Brazil. Portuguese colonists in Brazil began exporting cashew nuts as early as the 1550s. Major production of cashews occurs in Vietnam, Nigeria, India, and Ivory Coast.
Do you know which machine can removing cashew nut shell? This energy saving cashew nut shelling machine is mainly used for shelling the cashew,separating the cashew nut kernels from the outer shell. It can be used in food processing industry or the pretreatment of oil production plants.
If you are interested in this machine,want to know more about this machine,welcome to contact me with freely,i will send the machine detail and quotation to you.
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sambilling · 3 years
Guerra Nut Shell
Guerra Nut Shell
The Guerra Nutshelling Company had its origin during the economic depression years when several neighbors from farms across the country were employed by the Guerra Nut shelled Shell Company to perform unusual chores. Their main job was to use heavy hammers and screws to remove the hard-to-reach nuts from the old-fashioned shell. This provided them with the idea of manufacturing modern nut shells, which are available in local supermarkets today. Although Guerra nut shelling remains a popular and important industry, the company's main industry is cheese making. Although the cheese making business has been simplified over time due to advances in cheese making equipment, the tradition of Guerra nut shelling is continuing.
Today, Guerra nut shelling is performed in many Guerra nut shelling factories around Mexico. Most of these factories make a few hundred nuts per day, although some also produce thousands of shells per day, mainly for local markets. As of this writing, there are more than forty factories scattered throughout Mexico, although the major hub remains Guadalajara.
During the early days of Guerra nut shelling market price , workers would climb up ladders on the roofs of houses or buildings and remove the nuts using Guerra shelled nuts hammers. These hammers, called "crescent hammers" by the workers, are made from cast iron. The hammers can crack walnut shells with extreme pressure, making the workers wary of using them to remove cracked shells from cashews, pecan shells from pine nuts, and shelled walnut from walnut trees. This was the reason why Guerra nut shell factories were set up in low-income areas, near places where the workers would need to go. Workers would wear masks, so they wouldn't breathe in the fumes.
To extract the nuts, workers would use hydraulic hammers on the roof of buildings, breaking the shell as they pressed the hydraulic cylinders. The shells would then be taken to the factories for cleaning and shelled again. The cleaners would slosh the shelled nuts in a barrel, which is used to ferment the walnut liquor (chilli) and spirits used to scent the shells. The shells would then be returned to the roofs, where they would dry for several days. Once dried, they would then be sent to market.
Today, Guerra nut shells are sold commercially in Mexico, in the United States, South America, and Central America. They're also popular worldwide, as Guerra Naturals products are a popular and effective alternative to chocolate. The seeds of Guerra nut can be used for salsa, chocolate eclairs, cookies, custards, desserts, ice cream, pies, cakes, and more! These nut shells are gluten-free and are safe for those with celiac disease, diabetes, and lactose intolerance. They're also an excellent substitute for walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds, due to their high antioxidant content.
A Guerra nut shell is not just a good addition to your cupboard - you'll find it in plenty of cookware. For example, Guerra nut polishing wax can be used to add that last little bit of shine to silken cookware. You can also use Guerra nut shell in place of butter when making fried foods or vegetable dishes. It adds a subtle flavor, without being overpowering. It's versatile, useful, and delicious all at the same time!
The report forecast global Automatic Shelling Machine market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation. The report offers detailed coverage of Automatic Shelling Machine industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Automatic Shelling Machine by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Automatic Shelling Machine market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Automatic Shelling Machine according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Automatic Shelling Machine company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru] Key Companies Amisy Shelling Machinery TECNOCEAM F. H. SCHULE Muehlenbau Defino & Giancaspro Spectrum Industries Kett Nikko Yung Soon Lih Food Machine MIA FOOD TECH MLT MINET LACING TECHNOLOGY AMB ROUSSET Buhler Brovind - GBV Impianti Market by Type Vertical Type Shelling Machine Horizontal Type Shelling Machine Market by Application Rice Seed Castor Seed Others
 For more details contact as  https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
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peanutmachines-blog · 6 years
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Cashew nut shelling machine for sale,the machine is a professional equipment to shell cashew nuts,more detail please visit our website: http://www.peanutmachines.com/products/cashew-nut-machines/cashew-nut-shelling-machine.html
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Or you can contact me with freely,i will send the machine detail and quotation to you.
Contacts: Cara
Email|Skype: [email protected]
Whatsapp|phone: 008618539931566
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vsplusonline · 4 years
A love affair with cashew
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/a-love-affair-with-cashew/
A love affair with cashew
The cashew nut — favoured ghee-tempered ingredient of many an Indian sweet like payasam, barfi and ladoo — isn’t a stranger to long-distance travel. And as we consume it by the tonne as a wholesome snack, ‘mylk’ (a vegan alternative to dairy milk), or as the thickening agent in curries, it’s clear that the cashew doesn’t believe in culinary social distancing either.
This becomes evident after a visit to Karthikeya Agro Processing unit along the Edumalai-Tirupattur road in Manachanallur Taluk, where women employees are working on cashews that will eventually be supplied to sweet shops and retailers in Tiruchi, Salem and Madurai.
Most of the stock at this factory has been shipped from African countries like Benin, Ivory Coast and Tanzania to Thoothukudi.
The cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a Brazilian evergreen that is thought to have been introduced to India by the Portuguese, mainly to prevent soil erosion. The kidney-shaped drupe is the nut/seed that grows below the cashew apple (also called botanically as a pseudocarp or false fruit). While the commercial processing of cashew nut in India started in the early 20th century, of late, our country has become not just leading supplier (after Vietnam), but also a ravenous consumer of the kernel. Nearly 270,000 metric tonnes of cashew are eaten in India every year.
Trying to go green
The harmful effects of conventional farming and pest control are the subject of Our Cashew Story, a recent 42-minute documentary directed by Serena Aurora. Centred on the cultivation of cashew in and around Auroville community in Puducherry, Serena’s film tries to show the growing disconnection between agriculture and food consumption.
Every year, the cashew fields surrounding Auroville are sprayed with pesticides from February to April. Health problems such as headaches, nausea, dizziness and runny nose are commonly caused by the spraying. Spray operators also inadvertently inhale the chemicals, because they don’t wear protective gear. The documentary tries to show the different problems related to cashew farming, and focuses on an organic grower within Auroville.
“Our Cashew Story is a case study for the global food industry. Modern agriculture is increasingly dependent on pesticides and their negative impact on health, environment and economy is a universal story. I hope this film can add to the conversation,” says Serena in an email interview.
Public screenings have helped to create dialogue between the growers and consumers, says Serena. “So far, we have screened Our Cashew Story in the local villages around Auroville where up to 200 people attended. We have had lively discussions between farmers who practice organic and inorganic and also with the other villagers, after the screening,” she says.
While people are willing to try out the eco-friendly pest repellents as shown in the film, the future of organically grown cashews is less certain, says Serena. “What is missing is the market to buy the cashews if farmers shift to organic.”
“Our own production cannot fulfill even 10% of the local demand for raw cashew nut (RCN) in India, so most processing units have to rely on imports. Though cashew is grown in Kollam, Panruti, Theni, Orissa, and Mangalore, among other places, farms cannot keep up with the demand from local buyers,” says unit proprietor D Karthikeyan.
YouTube unit
A mechanical engineer by training, Karthikeyan marketed pharmaceuticals for over 20 years before being inspired by a friend in Kerala to establish what is for now, Tiruchi district’s sole cashew processing unit. “I spent a year researching the idea, and selected the equipment by following YouTube videos,” he says.
Karthikeya Agro processes around 2 tonnes of cashew per month. “The best time to start buying stock is from March to June, when the crop is harvested,” says K Villavan, the unit manager, who oversees the daily production with his wife Deivakanni.
The nuts are transported by road from the Thoothukudi docks in gunny sacks weighing 80kg each. “In its raw state, RCN can last up to even a year, but once processed, it must be sold within a month,” says Deivakanni. A sack of raw nuts can yield up to 25 kg of kernels.
At the unit, the RCN is steam-boiled, and then spread out on the floor to dry for at least a day. They are transferred next to a separator machine that will partially crack the shell, without damaging the kernel. “Some 20% of the nuts may get discarded due to improper cutting,” says Villavan. “We cannot put it back in the machine, because it will release oil.”
The kernels are next roasted in a ‘Borma’ dryer. A refrigeration chamber cools down the roasted kernels at the end. “This is essential to loosen the outer testa or husk from the nut,” says Villavan. Once cleaned and graded by a photo-sensitive machine, the nuts are classified as ‘White Wholes’ (sizes 180, 210, 240, 320 and 400); Splits; Large White Pieces; Small White Pieces and Baby Bits. They are also packed for wholesalers in vacuum-sealed 10kg tins.
“Every country’s cashew has its own characteristics based on the soil and growing conditions. Though it actually tastes nicer if there is less colour, buyers prefer white kernels,” says Karthikeyan, who prices his stock between ₹400 and ₹850 per kilo.
With cashew cultivated in 17 states of India on approximately 10.41 lakh hectares, the processing industry is a leading employer of women, as their skills in manually scooping out the whole nut from within the plant casing are highly valued. A skilled worker can earn around ₹400 per day as a kernel processor. All over India, around 10 lakh women are working the cashew industry, with Tamil Nadu alone employing over 2 lakh women. Karthikeya Agro’s 25 female employees, unlike workers of earlier generations, are required to wear safety gear to protect their hands from the abrasive oil secreted by the cashew shells.
The industry is a major employer of women. Photo: M.Srinath/THE HINDU  
Kernel leader
Panruti, in Cuddalore district, is ‘Cashew Central’ as far as Tamil Nadu is concerned. Out of the total 1,42,000 hectares under cashew cultivation in the State, Panruti accounts for about 35,000 hectares. There are around 32 export-oriented cashew production units here besides 250 processing units and more than 500 cottage industries.
Automation has removed many of the unsafe practices in this industry, but more could be done by the government to promote local agriculture and bring down the reliance on imported RCN, says M Ramakrishnan, secretary of Tamil Nadu Cashew Processors and Exporters Association, and managing partner of Pratipa Cashews in Panruti.
“The Indian market alone needs 20 lakh tonnes of cashews, but we produce only around 8 lakh tonnes domestically. So we have been forced to import at least 10-12 lakh tonnes to keep up,” says Ramakrishnan.
The granting of land to set up a model cashew farm will serve as an agricultural showcase, he adds. Cashew trees don’t require much maintenance — hybrids can last up to 10 years, while the older heirloom varieties could live up to 50 years.
Though the Panruti cashew looks small, it has a unique taste that makes it very marketable. “Cyclone Thane hit our cashew farmers badly in 2011, but they have been able to recoup their losses slowly. We are expecting a bumper crop in Panruti this year,” says Ramakrishnan.
A still from the documentary Our Cashew Story, directed by Serena Aurora. Photo: Special Arrangement/THE HINDU  
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foodreceipe · 5 years
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Cracking the Case on Nuts 
For years, people have been hesitant to eat high-fat foods for fear of gaining weight. As a result, many have shunned nuts from their diets because they contain a high amount of calories from fat. Recently, however, dieticians have dispelled this myth and have begun promoting the consumption of nuts as a key element in a well-balanced diet.
All Fats are not Created Equal
There are foods with high fat contents that should be avoided – such as processed meat, fast food, pizza, chips, or anything out of a deep fryer. But there are also foods with equally high calories from fat that should be eaten on a regular basis, such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Now you’re probably thinking this doesn’t make sense: Isn’t fat the same no matter where it comes from? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone in your confusion. Many people don’t realize there are good fats and bad fats. Let’s explore both:
Bad Fats
Trans Fat: Also knowns as trans fatty acids, these fats are created by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils to make them more solid. While they tend to make food taste better (think deep-fried anything), they are also used to increase shelf life and create desirable textures. Trans fat should be avoided at all costs. It is so bad for your health, the Food and Drug Administration has removed it from the list of GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) foods.
These are the types of fats you should eat sparingly. These are known to clog arteries, raise your cholesterol levels, and increase your risk of heart disease and cancer.
Better Fats
Saturated Fat: This is typically sold at room temperature and often found in animal-based products. The American Health Association (AHA) recommends consuming less than 7% of your daily recommended calories from saturated fat.
Best Fats
Monounsaturated Fat: This is common in the Mediterranean diet. It is liquid at room temperature and solidifies when chilled. Monounsaturated fats have proven health benefits, such as lowering your risk of breast cancer, aiding in arthritis relief, and even weight loss.
Polyunsaturated Fat: Similar to monounsaturated fat, it is also liquid at room temperature. This healthy fat is often found in plant-based oils and foods. These fats can assist in lowering your risk of heart disease, and they may help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes.
Let’s go Nuts!
If you are trying to lose weight, lower your cholesterol, or simply eat a more balanced diet, be sure to include nuts. Just a single handful can have a powerful, positive impact on your diet. Nuts are high in fiber, protein, and – most important – good fats. The fiber and protein will leave you feeling full and can help curb cravings. People who eat nuts daily tend to feel satiated and, as a result, eat fewer calories throughout the day. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats will help regulate cholesterol, reduce your risk of cancer, and deter type 2 diabetes. They even help keep skin hydrated and plump – meaning you will look younger.
Nuts high in monounsaturated fats include macadamia nuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, and hazelnuts.
Nuts high in polyunsaturated fats include walnuts, pine nuts, beechnuts, and Brazil nuts.
But What About the Calories?
Looking at the calorie count for a single serving of nuts might make you question whether the health benefits are worth it. And to that I say, yes! They are. Counting calories has been around for decades and is the go-to method for dieters monitoring and restricting their intakes. However, this way of thinking about and tracking your diet must be dispelled because not all calories are created equal. I am not saying you should toss the calorie-counting books out the window; I am simply stating that it is important to make room for quality foods in your diet, despite their high calorie counts.
What is a calorie? To calculate calories, scientists place food in a machine called a calorimeter and burn it. The heat given off by the food is absorbed in water and measured. One calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.
While this method has proved to be accurate when determining calories of easily digestible foods, researchers now say the calories in nuts have been inaccurately defined. A study conducted by nutritional scientist David Baer, indicates that nuts, such as almonds, are more difficult to digest because of their high fiber content and rigid outer shell. This means your body must use more energy to break down the almond. It was also observed that lipids from the nuts were not completely absorbed by the body. Considering these two factors, scientists now agree there has been an inflation of calories in nuts by upward of 25%.
Keep in Mind: This information is based on whole, raw nuts. If you are consuming crushed nuts or nut-based spreads and oils, the calorie counts presented on the labels are accurate. Also, the degree of inaccuracy in calorie counts varies based on the nut. Pistachios are mislabeled but only by a margin of 5.8%.
Are You Sure I Won’t Gain Weight from Eating Nuts?
If you still aren’t convinced that adding nuts to your diet will help you lose weight, let’s talk about digestion. During the study mentioned above, three groups were assigned different nut intakes per day. One group didn’t consume nuts, and the other two ate 1.5 ounces and 3 ounces, respectively. When examining the stools of the groups consuming nuts, scientists realized there was a significant amount of undigested fat, protein, and carbohydrates. This incomplete digestion has been attributed to the rigid outer shell on the nut; it creates a barrier between the digestive enzymes and fat inside the nut.     This incomplete digestion paired with the full feeling you get eating from nuts is the reason dieticians and scientists agree that adding nuts to your diet will not cause weight gain.
The next time you are craving a candy bar or greasy burger, reach for a handful of nuts. Not only will they leave you feeling full, but you can be confident that with each bite you are doing something great for your body.
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