#casandra is gonna let the world KNOW about her grandbabies
fundielicious-simblr · 4 months
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Casandra just can't get over her grandkids and their musical ability (which isn't bad but isn't mozart - you know?) and when she finally got sent the recordings from the day she dutifully posted them onto SimBook.
Caption: "This is a late post, but I just had to! At harvestfest we had the grandkids show off their music skills in a mini talent show, they played short verses of hymns and made their grandma’s heart proud! We raise up our children for a Godly heritage, how blessed it is to see it come to fruition! Pic 1: Chloe, Violet, and Rose (Barrett & Kyleigh’s girls) pic 2: Noah and Luke (Adalynn and Mason’s boys)."
"I will never get tired of listening to the boys play, Adalynn does a great job of teaching them!" - Angie Leonard, mother to Mason and other grandmother to Noah and Luke.
"The girls played so well! Love to watch them praise the Lord with their talents." - Ella Mae Patten, mother to Kyleigh and other grandparent of Chloe, Rose, and Violet.
"Amazing music! We should arrange more things like this next time the grandkids visit!" - Claire Paulson, Allan's sister
"The girls had so much fun practicing, Macie and Annette are amazing teachers and I can’t wait to see what more they do!" - Kyleigh Collins, Casandra's DIL and mother to Chloe, Rose, and Violet
"Love the playing!" - Rebecca Aritza, family friend of Allan & Casandra
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