#carmen mondragón
random-brushstrokes · 14 days
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Dr. Atl - Carmen Mondragón (Nahui Olin), ca. 1922
Nahui Olin was born María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca in Mexico City, the fifth of eight children in a wealthy military family. She began writing poetry and prose while living in France, between the ages of four and twelve. In 1914, she became part of Parisian artistic circles when she returned to live in Paris, after she married Mexican diplomat and painter, Manuel Rodríguez Lozano (1891-1971) in 1913. The couple returned to Mexico in 1921 and remained in an open relationship until 1922. In 1921 she began a long-term relationship with the political activist and painter Gerardo Murillo (1865-1964), better known as Dr. Atl (the Nahuatl word for “water”). Also inspired by post-revolutionary desires to publicly assert connections to indigenous culture and past, C. Mondragón Valseca changed her name to Nahui Olin in 1922, a Nahuatl reference to renewal and the sun’s force behind the cyclic rhythm of the heavens, a symbol of earthquakes and change. (source)
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pascalkirchmair · 2 years
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"Carmen Mondragón (Nahui Olín)", ink and gouache on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm
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nobrashfestivity · 3 months
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1- María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca, also known as Nahui Olin
2- Nahui Olin, Self-portrait as a Student in Paris, undated, oil on cardboard, 102 x 76 cm, private collection
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traegics · 1 month
❛ how does it feel to be in love? ❜ (Carmen to iggy )
The older dragon shrugs as his gaze falls on his youngest, a contemplative look against his features as he debates his approach on her question before eventually a sigh eased for his lips. “You sure that’s a question you wanna ask me hija,” Iggy questioned. “I mean I was dead for 300 years and the last woman that I loved betrayed me. You won’t like my answer to that question.”
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the-cricket-chirps · 8 months
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Dr Atl, Nahui Olin, c. 1922
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Nahui Olin (María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca, July 8, 1893-January 23, 1978, artist & poet)
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jartitameteneis · 10 months
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Nacida un 8 de julio de 1893 en el barrio de Tacubaya, fue la más bella y adelantada de su época. Nahui Olin, poeta y pintora pero sobre todo musa, nació en la Ciudad de México en 1893. Hija del General Manuel Mondragón, sobre quien recae la ejecución de la decena trágica, creció en el seno de una familia adinerada, en pleno Porfiriato.
Nahui Olin tenía lava en vez de sangre y el cuerpo como provocación. El desafío era su norma y la creatividad le estallaba a borbotones. Asombró y posó para Diego Rivera, escandalizó a México en los años de sus vanguardias, fue la loca en la época de la locura, escribió poemas, pintó a su aire, mostró su cuerpo como obra de arte en portadas de revistas de variedades y asistió sola a su ocaso de la vida dando clases en un colegio donde nadie sabía que el nombre de aquella mujer que vivía entre la escasez medio siglo atrás fue sinónimo de frenesí.
Los grandes ojos de Nahui Olin "eran de un verde felino y su pelo una hoguera. Era como si lo fuera iluminando todo a su paso, como si el mundo se incendiase al calor de su mirada". Nahui Olin no era Nahui Olin en el comienzo sino Carmen Mondragón (1893-1978). Nahui Olin, en náhuatl, en azteca, significa el último sol, pero también el primero, el que deslumbra y ciega, el poder con que el astro hace girar a los planetas y el que mueve los ciclos del universo.
Su padre, el general Manuel Mondragón, se convirtió en más rico aún diseñando un cañón, una carabina y un fusil automático y llegó a ser secretario de Guerra y Marina con el gobierno de Victoriano Huerta, quien provocó su exilio en París. Allí vivió la Carmen niña, quinta de ocho hermanos, ocho años, desde que tenía cuatro. Piano, danza, pintura, teatro, literatura.
Pero nada en su vida es como en la vida de los demás: Carmen se casa por contentar a su padre con un cadete que la turbó al verlo montado a caballo con la gallardía que un jinete puede despertar al verlo al trote por un cuartel. Se llamaba Manuel Rodríguez Lozano y la boda fue portada en los Hola aztecas en plena revolución mexicana. Pero, exiliados de nuevo, vivirán un poco cada uno por su lado en el París de cuando París era París, de cuando había que estar en París, cuando París era Picasso, Juan Gris, Braque y Matisse. Y a ellos Carmen los conoció y los trató. Allí prendió la lava que nunca se extinguió, o que acabó extinguiéndola.
Luego de tener a varios amantes, a los 40 años conoció al capitán Eugenio Agacino, de quien se enamoró perdidamente. El buen amor la llevó a crear una prolífica colección de poemas que aludían al cosmos y pinturas de estilo naïf. La muerte de Agacino a manos del mar fue un golpe del que Carmen jamás se recuperó. Se retiró de la vida pública en 1934. Nahui optó por la soledad que acarreó una devastadora locura; vivía con decenas de gatos y se le podía encontrar deambulando por la alameda. Nahui: deshecha, demente, sucia, obesa, sin un centavo, cayó para no levantarse jamás.
Enferma, pidió a sus sobrinas que la trasladasen a la recámara donde nació, y el 23 de enero de 1978, a los 85 años, Nahui Olin cerró para siempre sus bellos y enormes ojos verdes. Sus restos descansan en el Panteón Español de la Ciudad de México.
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unrunirun · 2 months
"Para mí, para ti, ya no habrá ayer ni mañana –para nosotros dos sólo hay un solo día: la eternidad del amor y un solo cambio: más amor –amor que se transforma en más amor, donde no hay ayer ni mañana, sólo un espacio infinito –un día donde la noche no existirá sino para amarnos –una noche que será más luminosa que el día mismo cuando nuestras carnes se junten- es nuestro destino".
–Carmen Mondragón "Nahui Olin"
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dmpled · 2 months
[ jenna ortega | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome CARMEN MONDRAGÓN to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 21/300 year old DRAGON, who is one of the SACRIFICED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be QUICK TEMPERED, but that’s all a façade to cover up their METICULOUS nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to EXES by TATE MCREA, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
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carmen doesn’t recall much about her father or birth mother. her birth mother’s family capturing and torturing and ultimately killing her father, iggy for what he was and her mother left her with her dragon family to be raised and protected
.she has a love for her family and did often ask about iggy and what he was like. she wanted to be close to him in someway. he, in a way sacrificed himself for her to live. she would say out of her aunt and uncle she would prefer zera.
carmen is very feisty and easily tempered and ready to fight, if you wronged her she will know about it. she is a fork who has never forgotten a grudge.
she was one of the first to be sacrificed by the oea, her stupidly letting slip of what she was when drunk led to her capture, torture and then eventually her being sacrificed.
let’s say when she was returned she was so happy to see her aunt, who she had missed for 100 years as well as her father, the man she had never met but felt and instant connection.
she will pretty much do anything for her family but her dad will take priority. she is a nice girl who still does like to party but is more careful than she was and yeah that’s what I got.
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exitiumhq · 2 months
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✧ ━ ACCEPTED ━ ✧  welcome to new orleans, carmen mondragón, isadora gomez, & matthias allesio! be sure to send in your account within twenty-four hours or your role will be reopened. don’t forget to look over our checklist and make yourself comfortable. jenna ortega, diane guerrero, & lorenzo zurzolo are now taken!
[ jenna ortega | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome CARMEN MONDRAGÓN to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 21/300 year old DRAGON, who is one of the SACRIFICED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be QUICK TEMPERED, but that’s all a façade to cover up their METICULOUS nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to EXES by TATE MCREA, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( lizzie) * iggy’s child
[ diane guerrero | she / her] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome ISADORA GOMEZ to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 35 year old FAIRY, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be TIMID, but that’s all a façade to cover up their NUTURING nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to DANDELIONS by RUTH B, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( lizzie ) *alexander wc
[ lorenzo zurzolo | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome MATTHIAS ALESSIO to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 28 year old HUNTER, who is one of the RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be IMPULSIVE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their INTELLIGENT nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to I FOUND by AMBER RUN, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( ooc tia, 27, gmt +2, she/her )
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Carmen Mondragón, also known as Nahui Olin, was a Mexican painter, poet, and artist's model. She became active in the art scene in Mexico City during the 1920s, gaining significant attention for both her paintings and poetry, though her fame reached its peak posthumously.
Photographed in 1925 by the Leguizamo Photographic Studio.
Colored by Lombardie Colorings.
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Sono un essere incompreso che affoga nel vulcano delle passioni.
Faccio sorgere il Sole e senza di me, Nahui Olin, l’inizio e la fine di tutto, non può tramontare. Cammino lentamente nell’aria elastica di un mondo affascinante e terrificante, ma sono autentica in tutto ciò che faccio e dico.
Sono sempre presente. Eppure nessuno mi vede.
Sono consapevole delle emozioni che provo, anche le più travolgenti. Eppure tutti si prendono gioco di me.
Si sono persi nel mare verde dei miei occhi e si sono dimenticati di andare in profondità.
Sono destinata a morire d’amore, sola.
Mi hanno negato di essere bambina, circondandomi di regole del cazzo, come se si potesse imprigionare una tigre.
Ho buttato giù l’infanzia con un bicchiere di tequila e ora seguo solo il mio corpo. Unica guida saggia e affidabile.
Non ho mai smesso di credere in me stessa, non ho mai smesso di farmi condurre dall’amore, non ho mai smesso di ricercare o di studiare. E mai smetterò di vivere.
Rimarranno le mie poesie, i miei dipinti, i miei spartiti musicali.
Rimarrà la leggenda della donna messicana con gli occhi più belli di tutto l’universo.
Rimarrò io, nei ricordi, forse, di qualcuno.
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Carmen Mondragón meglio conosciuta come Nahui Olin
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intomore · 1 year
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Edward Weston, “Nahui Olín,” 1923,
María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca, also known as Nahui Olin, was a Mexican painter, poet, and artist's model.
Gelatin silver print,
Dimensions9 × 6 15/16" (22.9 × 17.7 cm)
Courtesy: MoMa
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nobrashfestivity · 3 months
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María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca, also known as Nahui Olin
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Nahui Olin (María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca) (Mexican, 1893–1978). Self portrait (1927).
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“Ripensando alla mia vita, ho la sensazione di essere stata sabbia trasportata dal vento, anche se in ogni situazione mi sono illusa di cavalcare il destino, di imprimergli la direzione, di poterlo piegare alla mia volontà”
Nahui Olin (Carmen Mondragón)
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l-o-t-m · 2 years
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María del Carmen Mondragón Valseca (also known as Nahui Olin), Mexican painter, poet and art’s model. Mexico City, 1925.
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