#capital T themes baybee
landwriter · 1 year
*throws roses at u like confetti*
I love ur writing so much!!!!
“Then I shall take my leave of you and prove you wrong.”
“A story.”
“Let’s make a second wager. I’ll tell you a story, and if it doesn’t move you, I’ll know I was wrong to accuse you of loneliness. Then I’ll make my amends if you’ll have them, or see you off into the night if you won’t.”
“How is that possibly related?”
“It’s a story about love. It’ll break the heart of any lonely man.”
“I have heard many love stories before.”
“Not this one,” said Hob, “Not this one, you haven’t. It’s never been told.”
“And if I have heard it before? What then, for your wasting of my time? For your insolence?”
“You can keep your own counsel on the consequences. You won’t have heard it before.”
“Very well. Tell me this story.”
“Not yet. I haven’t named the stakes if it succeeds in moving you.”
“I presume you will say you have somehow proven your offensive suggestion,” he said. “I do not think it will be a concern.”
“No. I won’t say anything on it. And I’m sorry for upsetting you. I am. I’d name a different prize.”
“What would you have?”
“A question. One question. And you’ll answer it.”
thank u!! taking confetti quite literally here and sharing the early bare bones dialogue from the start of a Secret WIP that only @moorishflower has ever heard abt! it is set in 1889 and a sort of 1001 Nights meets a Hob who speaks instead of hesitates when he stands up angrily after Dream does; who might say stupid things but isn't a stupid man, who sees how stories are what captivates his stranger, whose frustration at being constantly denied knowledge of his friend has boiled over and caused this fight where he tried to name the knowledge himself, who refuses to lose him, who has lived for five hundred years now and knows how to tell a story, and will use them to bargain now not for his life but for the regard of the stranger he loves.
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