#cant believe hunter blushed when he saw willow & THEN the way he IMMEDIATELY knew it wasnt rly her its so hecking cute i adore them
drbtinglecannon · 2 years
On the one hand, suffering cuz Darius, Raine, and Eber finding Hunter in the woods after "Hollow Mind" and helping him is not canon 😔
On the other hand, Hunter crushing on Willow is, and he could immediately tell it was an illusion because he admires her strength so much, and he still exclusively calls her "Captain"
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Also his flyer derby friends care about him so much they risked safety to get him!
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Also Hunter and Gus becoming better friends and Gus teaching Hunter a breathing technique (that Willow taught him) warms my heart
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Rip Dadrius as canon for now at least, but I'm thrilled Hunter has such good friends!!!! (and his crush on Willow is super cute)
Also to see Hunter is the one that gets to warn everyone about the day of unity is actually a nice twist I wasn't expecting, but it's also great growth for him in his redemption arc.
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