#can you guees their major by just looking at them
taichea · 2 months
;; postcanon persona 5 designs but it’s just the girlies because ✨the girls✨ were too strong for me and i couldn’t handle their power
(but i hope i will soon … i will finish…)
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cienie-isengardu · 7 years
Anakin making sure Obi-Wan get medical help & will not sidetrack on his way to medbay
I’m re-reading again The Clone Wars: Gambit duology - or more precisely, I’m focusing at parts about clone troopers and Anakin for my upcoming analysis about the relationship between them and its impact on Skywalker and the  marginalized group of soldiers. Yeah, wish me luck with that, there is so many stuff to check out.
Anyway, the thing I wish to actually talk right now is how Anakin is sort of “mother hen” when it comes to Obi-Wan’s injuries. I mean, both of them are patients difficult to work with, but Kenobi is even worse. He has a tendency to not take a proper care of his injuries and it comes to Anakin to make sure that he is not harassing the poor medics and get to medbay like it’s suggested. What in itself is so funny for me because majority(?) of fans usually associate Anakin with recklessness and immature behaviour which I disagree, but whatever while Kenobi is seen as the responsible, caring and sober-minded adult figure in their duo I sort of disagree with that too.
Whatever can be said about Gambit: Stealth, the interactions between characters are full of interesting things to analyze. Like the scene after battle, in which Anakin came to makeshift “medical infirmary” where wounded clone  troopers were already triaged and waiting for the next medevac flight to arrive. Here he met his injuried padawan and former master (Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Torrent Company took part in ground assault while Skywalker fought in a space battle):
"No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me. You need to check on Captain Rex and the others, there's nothing wrong with me, it's just a bruise. And I didn't faint, I-I tripped."
The second thing he heard was the clipped, impatient voice of his former Master.
"Ahsoka, be quiet. Captain Rex and his men are in good hands already. Besides, it's not a bruise, it's three fractured ribs, which means-ow!"
Ow? Oh, great. He's done it again.
Threading a path between hurrying medics and clone troopers and scattered bits of Grievous's destroyed army, Anakin let the Force guide him to where he needed to be.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka sat side-by-side on crates in a hastily setup triage area, just outside an entrance into the spynet building. One clone medic was encasing his singed and smoke-stained Padawan's torso in an inflatable brace, and another was attempting to extract a wicked-looking shard of shattered transparisteel from Obi-Wan's chest plate. Several more shards were deeply embedded in both arms and his right shoulder. He looked like an extremely cranky pincushion.
"General, please stay completely still," said the medic, sounding harried. "I don't want to hurt you any more than I..."
"Can I help?" Anakin said, joining them.
This is not the first time when Obi-Wan get seriously injured. I’m glad that various sources acknowledged that Jedi can be hurt as everyone else. Thinking about it, in Republic comics series Kenobi for sure suffered a lot, including beating from Durge & Asajj’s torture.
Ahsoka’s is so worry about badly wounded Rex and other troopers, she doesn’t care much for her own wounds. Obi-Wan’s voice is described as impatient, what means he is irritated by her reckless behaviour. Even though he doesn’t act any better when in comes to his injuries.
“General, please stay completely still," said the medic, sounding harried.“ Where is your appreciation for the hard work of the medics, Obi-Wan?
"You're sure my Padawan's going to be fine?" Anakin asked the medic.
"No reason to think otherwise, sir," said the medic, allowing a little unprofessional sympathy to show. "Provided she gets to a proper medfacility sooner rather than later."
"She will. Now, about General Kenobi... "
The medic treating Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "The general's life might not be in danger, sir, but I still really need to get this transparisteel out of him. It's not what you'd call hygienic." He looked down. "So, General, if you could please keep still and stop talking, that would be helpful."
"Yes, yes, all right," Obi-Wan muttered, hating the fuss. Refusing to admit any kind of physical weakness. "But do please hurry up. I can't sit here all day."
"Obi-Wan, you can sit there for as long as the medics need you to," said Anakin, and turned to the harassed clone. "Have you scanned him? Is there any arterial involvement? Or nerve damage?"
Obi-Wan hates when people fuss about him and refuses to admit any kind of physical weakness. Yeah, I think such attitude seriously affected Anakin and his lack of social skills & courage to ask for help.
Also Obi-Wan is terrible patient who just want get back to his duties as fast as he can, without regard for his own health. As someone who a) is Jedi and 2) outrank the poor medic, the hustling must be double stressful.
Anakin doesn’t care, just sit and let the medic do his job, thank you very much.
Also, in older comics series, Anakin spent some time in Republic Mobile Surgical Units (R.M.S.U.) and though he is not full trained Jedi healer (not like Legend!Barriss was), it’s nice to see him discuss medical stuff with non-Jedi qualified staff:
"No nerve damage, no compromised arteries," said the medic. "There's a tendon that's not looking too cheerful, but we can take care of it once these transparisteel splinters are out of him."
"You're having some trouble with that?"
"A bit," the medic admitted. "They're stuck in him but good and if I use brute force to pull them out, I'll do more damage than they did going in."
"Please don't," said Obi-Wan. "I've wasted enough time as it is."
Ignoring him, Anakin frowned thoughtfully. "Right. I get the picture. Look, I don't mean to tread on your toes but do you mind if I try something?"
The medic stood back. "Be my guest, General Skywalker."
"Anakin, what are you doing?" Obi-Wan demanded. "We both know you're not a healer. Please, leave this to the exp..."
"Hush up," he said mildly. "You're distracting me."
As Obi-Wan opened his mouth in comical surprise, the medics exchanged amused glances. Ahsoka stifled a giggle.
"Fine," said Obi-Wan with poor grace, defeated. "But whatever you intend to do, get on with it. Captain Drayk and Sergeants Ven and Ando are coordinating what's left of our troops but I need to get back out there. It's going to take hours to clean up the mess Grievous has left behind here."
"Don't worry about that now," he said, and dropped to a crouch in front of his former Master. "Drayk's a good officer. Just relax, clear your mind, and don't fight me."
Anakin is already famous & respected general who outrank almost everyone in that scene (except Kenobi), still he asked if the medic is okey with him “trying something different” (like using Force) to remove dangerous splinters from Obi-Wan’s body.
Did I mention that Obi-Wan is really difficult patient? Thanks the Force, Anakin is stubborn too & sure about his skills enough to just hush his former master.
Also, praising Drayk as a good officer who will get the job done without Kenobi’s help. Someone has a faith in skills of other officers while someone else thinks(?) that without him the job will not be done enough fast and/or good... unless Obi-Wan simply uses this as an excuse to get away from medic / “infirmary”...?
Resting his gloved human fingers on Obi-Wan's forearm, Anakin closed his eyes and breathed out long and slow. Allowing the Force to rise within him, warm and familiar, he let it show him the shape of the eight transparisteel splinters still lodged in Obi-Wan's body. Nasty. Painful. It was nothing short of a miracle they hadn't severed nerves or sliced major blood vessels, which meant Obi-Wan would heal as good as new once the shards were removed.
He lifted his hand and opened his eyes. Focusing the power of the Force, he summoned the first piercing splinter out of Obi-Wan's chest.
"Sorry," he murmured, as his former Master grunted. "This is going to sting a bit. Hold on... hold on... "
Dimly, he was aware of his fascinated audience: Ahsoka, the two medics, the less seriously wounded clones. All of them stared as he eased the shard of transparisteel out of vulnerable flesh and the armor that had failed to protect it. Bloody, the splinter of transparisteel clattered to the oil-stained ground.
He smiled. Excellent. "Okay. One down, seven to go."
Anakin uses Force (including sort of healing I guees) to remove dangerous splinters from Obi-Wan’s body. Personally I think it would be great to see more scenes like that, especially since Legend!Anakin used Force healing also on injured clone troopers.
Medics, Ahsoka and less seriously wounded clones were fascinated by such display.
Seriously, why there is so little scenes with Force healing?? I get that not everyone Jedi is healer (like Legends!Barriss Offee was) but would it kill them if they helped from time to time in medbays? I’m not even talking about "miraculous healing”, just reducing at least some of the pain of wounded soldiers would be really great assistance. And how Anakin is one of few Jedi that uses such skills to heal others --- right, this is Anakin, he wants to help people, especially if those are under his care. What a bad Jedi...
When the final shard was safely extracted, he rose from his crouch and got out of the way. Warm and comforting, the Force resonated through him. Pride, too, for a difficult task perfectly executed. The medic moved in, stripping off Obi-Wan's armor and tugging him out of his spoiled Jedi tunic. Then he slapped a succession of pressure pads on each seemingly insignificant puncture wound.
"General, wriggle your fingers for me," he ordered, tapping Obi-Wan's right hand. It was the tendon in his right forearm that was the cause for concern. "Then make a fist."
Grimacing, Obi-Wan obeyed. "That feels fine."
"Looks fine, too," said the medic, patently relieved. "I think you dodged a blaster bolt this time, General."
"Actually, I dodged quite a few," said Obi-Wan as he eased himself back into his scorched and bloodstained tunic. "Thank you, Sergeant. Now perhaps you could turn your attention to those among us who aren't merely scratched."
"Yes, sir," the medic replied. "But let's get one thing straight, General-those aren't just scratches and you need to take care of them properly."
Anakin grinned. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he's sorted out."
"Thank you, General Skywalker," said the medic, and moved aside with his partner to confer quietly about their other charges.
It’s just me, or clone medics really like general Skywalker & appreciate his help?
Obi-Wan can be polite when he is allowed to get out of temporary infirmary. And then is a total ass.“Now perhaps you could turn your attention to those among us who aren't merely scratched “? Seriously? The medic would take care of them much sooner if you let him do his job. Not being terrible patient would actually help a lot...
Ok, maybe Obi-Wan really doesn’t consider himself that much in need of someone help even when sharp shards punctured his body through the fucking armor (because Force can heal him?) or really doesn’t understand how important Jedi generals are to army (about that a bit later) but I suspect that clone medics would love to save/help their brothers more than dealing with cranky Jedi, who (before leaving) has the guts to tell them how to do their job. I mean, on the front line (but not only!) there is always selection which patient has priority based on the degree of injury and chance of survival. Kenobi’s comment would be less impolite, if his wound was just a scratch that medics prioritize over all badly wounded troops. What was not true. According to Obi-Wan, Rex and other badly injured soldiers were “in good hands already” and the rest waited for medevac. What looks like both Ahsoka and Kenobi - Jedi! - weren’t the first ones to get medical help, even though Republic always favored Jedi lives and put it above well being of clone troopers. I really don’t understand what purpose had such impolite comment.
Anakin has to watch over Ahsoka AND his former master as well. With Ahsoka it's understandable, she is his padawan after all. While Kenobi is not his responsible, Skywalker just knows him too well. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he's sorted out.". Yep.
"General Kenobi. Do you copy?"
It was Yularen, sounding relieved. Obi-Wan tapped his comlink. "Kenobi here."
"The Senate disaster relief team has arrived."
"That was fast."
"They were in the neighborhood. Major flooding on Rishi. They-hold on..." There was some background chatter, then... "The Bothan delegation's here, too, General. They're on their way to your location now."
"That's excellent news, Admiral. I'll be here waiting for them. Kenobi out."
Anakin shook his head. "Ah-no, you won't."
"I won't?" Obi-Wan's eyebrows shot up. "Anakin, I don't recall needing your permission to..."
"Save your breath," Anakin said flatly. "I'm not arguing this with you. Medic!"
And so much for Kenobi taking care about his own injuries. Right. For someone who claims to not like politics, he for sure is ready to meet with delegation from Senate. Is Obi-Wan really such workaholic?
Then again, Anakin said he will make sure that Obi-Wan get to medbay so he will keep his promise. Of course, since he doesn’t have any power over Obi-Wan - they are more or less equal in this scene - he must do it in more cunning way:
The clone who'd patched up Obi-Wan looked around from packing his medkit. "General Skywalker?"
"When's the next medevac due?"
"In a couple of minutes, sir. But it's not coming here, it's..."
"It is now. Arrange that, would you? Then see General Kenobi safe on board-and if it's not heading back to Indomitable, tell them to make a detour."
The medic nodded. "Yes, sir."
Exasperated, Anakin glared at his mentor. "Obi-Wan, you don't need to brief the disaster team and the Bothans. I can do that. And get a proper sitrep and sort out our troops while I'm at it."
"Well, yes, that's true, but..."
"But nothing," he snapped, not the least bit interested in good manners. Sometimes Obi-Wan needed a short, sharp shock. Not your Padawan anymore, remember? "You said it yourself-Chancellor Palpatine has to know what's going on. That's our top priority. And in case you hadn't noticed? You're bleeding again. You belong in a medbay. Now, I've given this soldier a direct order. Don't make him disobey it by being difficult and don't upset the chain of command by countermanding me."
Silence. Obi-Wan stared at him.
Anakin should write manual book “how to deal with Obi-Wan Kenobi”. If he doesn’t listen, forget all good manners. Short, sharp shock is the best way.
Anakin is multitasking person; meet with delegation from senate, get a proper sitrep, sort out troops & make sure that Obi-Wan get to medbay like it was suggested by medics.
To sent Obi-Wan to medbay, Anakin had to give clone medic direct and very specific orders. Of course, Kenobi could countermand them, but by doing so he would “upset the chain of command” - something for which Kenobi usually criticizes Anakin. In other way, to sent Kenobi to medbay, Anakin had to put his former master in situation when he can’t get away without creating chaos /confusion in the ranks.
"Okay." Anakin patted his mentor on his undamaged shoulder. "Now I'm going to move my fighter, because it's probably in the way. I will see you upstairs when I'm finished down here. And I promise-in the unlikely event I run into trouble I can't handle, I'll contact you."
With a cheerful nod at his mute former Master, carefully not looking at the medics, he sauntered out of the loading dock, heading for his fighter. As he walked, he toggled his comlink. "This is Gold Leader. Check in, people. Tell me what's going on."
One by one, his surviving pilots replied. Good news all around. No more casualties, lots more kills, the last of Grievous's garbage disposed of. Kothlis was free at last.
"Good job. Head on home," he told them. "I've got a couple of things to do here but I'll be right behind you. And the drinks are on me."
 Check in, people. One of the biggest difference between Anakin’s mindset and other characters, is how he thinks & addresses the clone troopers. People, not just clones.
Anakin’s part in “sent Obi-Wan to medbay” didn’t end there. Getting Kenobi to Republic warship was only first step:
 To his surprise, Obi-Wan found Admiral Wullf Yularen waiting for him when he disembarked from the medical transport in Indomitable's busy main hangar.
"Welcome back, General," the admiral greeted him, as around them deckhands and medics got down to business. "Nice to see you still in one piece, more or less."
"Thank you," Obi-Wan said warily. Since when did admirals loiter about in hangar bays? "I'm fine." Unless... Anakin. "If you were led to believe otherwise, Admiral, my apologies."
Yularen's sober gaze followed an antigrav gurney laden with a bloodied, half-unconscious clone - hurt, but not hurt enough to ship all the way to Kaliida Shoals. Only the worst cases, the touch-and-go cases that needed Kaminoan specialists, were sent there. "I wasn't. Precisely."
No? Obi-Wan found that hard to believe. "But?"
Yularen hesitated, then nodded. "But after bringing me up to speed on the Kothlis ground situation, General Skywalker did mention in passing that you might get-ah-sidetracked, on your way to the medbay."
Oh, really? I'll sidetrack him the next time I see him. "I see."
"I must say," said Yularen, unbending a trifle, giving him a once-over glance, "you don't appear to be knocking on death's door."
"I'm not," he said tightly. "I'm afraid Anakin is..." With an effort he stopped himself. Whatever irritation he might be feeling with his high-handed former Padawan, it wasn't appropriate to vent it at the admiral.
Yularen was looking at him closely, an odd and unexpected sympathy in his deep-set eyes. "He's upset about his lost pilots," the admiral observed. Only a fool forgot he was a smart, perceptive man. "And about our ground troop casualties - as am I. This was an expensive outing, General Kenobi."
“General Skywalker did mention in passing that you might get-ah-sidetracked, on your way to the medbay. “ The most funny thing about this? Obi-Wan was going to do exactly what Skywalker said. So, to make sure Jedi General of Great Army or Republic get to medbay, Anakin contacted with admiral Yularen, so he would be aware of Kenobi’s foolishness. And the admiral - who had enough problems & stuff to sort out already - personally went to “welcome” just arrived Kenobi.
I seriously love dynamic of Anakin & Yularen relationship and how despite their differences it works so good.
"Of course, Admiral. Whatever I can do to assist you. If I might ask... how many people did you lose in this engagement?"
They'd reached the transport. Its doors hissed open, and Yularen let himself be waved in first. "Nine. And three times as many wounded."
"I'm so sorry," Obi-Wan said, stepping in after him. "What about the other cruisers?"
"Eleven dead on Coruscant Sky. Their wounded are still being tallied. Pioneer got off the lightest this time. Four lost, a dozen wounded." As the transport doors hissed shut again, Yularen hit the control toggle. "Medbay, then bridge."
Obi-Wan crushed the rising grief. "Actually, I should code my report to the Council before I..."
"Medbay, then bridge," Yularen repeated, frowning. "I didn't just speak to General Skywalker. I double-checked with the medic who treated you. Have you stopped yet to consider how much explosive force it takes to shatter transparisteel and puncture clone armor? No? I didn't think so. Therefore do please humor me, General. Ten minutes here or there won't make a difference to the Council."
Yularen did not speak only with Skywalker, he double-checked with the medic who treated Kenobi. I’m not sure, if admiral would know which of clone medics was responsible for that - I mean, medics probably keep records about their patients, but Kenobi was treated in the field, not sure how fast / when clone medics upload their files or do they must inform admiral / officers about injures of Jedi. I get the feeling Anakin either told Yularen with one of medics it was (or at least, gave coordinates where Kenobi was treated) because I assume  there were more than one place to sort and treat the injured troopers after such big, bloody battle or the clone medic was somewhere around, so Anakin could call him for talk with Yularen. Either way, I like how admiral analyzes everything in such objective way. Anakin reported mentioned Kenobi must get to medbay but will sidetrack, but still Yularen get the confirmation from medical staff.
Nonplussed, Obi-Wan stared at him. "Admiral - your concern is appreciated, but frankly, I believe it's misplaced. I'm not quite sure why you and Anakin feel the need to..."
"Not quite sure?" said Yularen, incredulous, as they headed toward the warship's medbay. "Since I know you're not a fool, sir, are you by any chance concussed?"
Temper was starting to burn away Obi-Wan's leaden exhaustion. "No, I am not concussed. Admiral Yularen..."
"General Kenobi." With a slap of his hand Yularen halted the transport. "While as a rule I find your modesty refreshing, in this instance I'm inclined to feel peeved. You, Master Jedi, are a valuable asset. Your skills are irreplaceable, your contributions to the Republic's war effort immeasurable. You do not have the right to treat your person lightly. What you have, sir, is an obligation to guard your health and well-being as though it were the health and well-being of our precious Republic's Supreme Chancellor. And if you so cavalierly refuse to do that, then you can hardly be astonished when those of us who aren't blind to your value make whatever arrangements we deem necessary to keep you in one piece." Yularen's salt-and-pepper eyebrows shot up. "Need I continue, or have I made my point?"
Obi-Wan dropped his shocked gaze to the floor. Not once in the months they'd been loosely working together had this highly respected officer raised his voice to him, or even come close to raking him over the coals as though he were an errant subordinate. Nobody spoke to him like that. Not since Qui-Gon. Well, except for Yoda. And Yoda-like Qui-Gon-had earned the right.
Except... perhaps Wullf Yularen has earned the right, too. Today-like so many days-he threw his ship, his life, and every life he's sworn to protect between me and death. I suppose it's only natural he feels something of a vested interest in my survival.
"Admiral... " He looked up. "My apologies. Your point is made."
Breathing out a harshly relieved sigh, Yularen restarted the transport. "You know, General, some say young Skywalker's the crazy one, the reckless one, the Jedi most likely to go down in a blaze of glory. I used to say it-but now I'm not so sure. In your own quiet way you can be just as terrifying.”
"I'm sorry-I don't know what to say to that."A faint smile curved Yularen's lips. "You don't see it, do you?""No, I'm afraid I don't," Obi-Wan replied. "You seem to be suggesting that I take unnecessary risks. I can't agree. I only ever do what I feel is right.""And rarely stop to think of the personal consequences," said Yularen, still wryly amused. "You and Skywalker are cut from the same cloth. And that little Padawan of his-she's been fashioned out of the discarded material!"
Nobody spoke to him like that. Shame, no one did that more often. Also, is it me, or Kenobi sound a bit arrogant here? Like, what? Only other Jedi have right to call him on his foolishness, because they earned the right to do so? How excatly Yoda earned the right, since he get it due to being “the wise master” and the head of Jedi Order for some ages already.
Yularen is such a precious character, I’m so glad he ended with Skywalker. I also like how his view of Skywalker & Kenobi changed. Yeah, Anakin may do crazy things, but his master - despite all the stoic attitude - isn’t better.
"I'll join you on the bridge as soon as I can, Admiral," he said. "Perhaps in the meantime you could ask Lieutenant Avrey to set up for a Priority Alpha shortburst to the Jedi Temple. That is, if our current comm capacity permits."
"It does," said Yularen, professionally impersonal once more. "I'll get Avrey on it immediately."
In Indomitable's impressive medbay anteroom, Obi-Wan breathed in the antiseptic air and felt-and banished-the pain of its occupants, hidden inside the facility's treatment cubicles. A 2-1B med droid stood behind the anteroom's desk. Registering his presence it looked up, its visual sensors electronically gleaming.
"General Kenobi. We've been expecting you," it said politely, moving to join him. "Please come this way. I understand you've suffered a number of penetrating wounds, facial lacerations, a blaster burn, and injury to one of your flexor tendons."
I am far too busy for this. "Yes, but I assure you my situation sounds worse than it is," he said, stepping back. "In fact..."
"Please, General, there's no need for concern," the med droid continued, herding him toward the treatment area. "I was recently upgraded courtesy of the Rhinnal State Medical Academy. I assure you, you're in excellent hands."
Clearly there was no escape. Ungraciously surrendering to his fate, Obi-Wan followed the droid into the serious part of the medbay.
Anakin, there will be a reckoning for this.
Despite clone medic, Anakin & Yularen effort, even in the medbay(!), Obi-Wan tried to shirk from medical attention he should get as fast as it’s possible.
Of course, Obi-Wan isn’t going to forget he ended in medbay because of his former padawan. And the last words doesn’t sound like he truly appreciates Anakin’s effort. And seriously, do you see how much it took Skywalker to make sure Kenobi get the medical attention he needed? And it wasn’t the first time when Kenobi get injured. Good Force, and people say that Anakin is the immature and reckless one.
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