g0atmama · 28 days
zora may 8 - yona's domain + accessorize
226 words, set about four years after ToTK. Ororo is seeing things that she might be reading too much into.
A sunnier environment is not that conducive to one who cannot see in direct sunlight. Even in her Zora form, Lady Camza is struggling to see anything as we visit our tropical allies of Lady Yona's home.
Bazz is staying right at her side. Letting our queen hold his arm as she struggles. King Sidon speaks with the leaders of this domain. I would be documenting what's said, but they insist I stay outside. So instead, I find myself watching our Queen and Guard Captain.
I’m not certain of what words to use to describe how he acts around her. I’m not sure if it’s proper for a queen to have her hands on the captain the way she does. And it does not escape me that part of the regalia the captain wears- the new set created for him for these political journeys- bears the emblem of the Mirror, as well as our people. I understand that this is meant to symbolize the relationship between our kingdoms. Perhaps I am reading too much into this.
Forgive the speculation, but I believe I saw him smile just now. Looking at our Queen as Lady Yona places a pair of sun-tinted goggles on her. It allows her to see a bit better. It does look nice, but… It must be my imagination. Surely there is nothing untoward.
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andrescasciani · 7 months
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"Homenaje al Arquitecto Darío Álvarez" Retrato realizado por encargo por Andrés Casciani. Para CAMZA regional este (San Martín, Mendoza) Digital (2023)
*Para encargos : mensaje privado o al mail: [email protected]
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wordchanter · 1 year
4 Random Rumors
There are secret chapels under Eridalda's shop
Luul the weaponsmith sometimes cooks and eats minks
The spirit of Camza the holy dwells in the quarry of Brashmei
A mighty broadsword is kept in the dwelling of Elatnene
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c-k-chang · 9 years
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g0atmama · 30 days
zora may 6 (sidon fanclub + kelp forest)
this was supposed to be yesterdays but I got excited by the twili zora
154 words
Zora do not eat kelp. They use it for other things, weaving baskets for eggs. For support for tads as they learn to walk on land. The Twili princess, in her well-known Zora form, was joined by Tula and Tona. The two Zora were speaking to each other fast. All over their beloved prince. Camza listened. She did not mean to eavesdrop. But when one speaks so loudly, it is hard not to listen.
They are among those that believe the coming marriage is political. They believe it to be merely for the alliance. Camza listens. She says nothing, harvesting bunches of the kelp and enjoying how it feels against her scales. She says nothing, listening as the girls talk. It’s natural for a royal married for alliance to have a consort.
It is then that she speaks. What was said silenced the two Zora. What was said remains between the three of them.
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g0atmama · 1 month
zora may 2 - water magic + tears
136 words, set at the beginning of ToTK
The slime in the water came suddenly. It filled the gills of Zora and left them helpless. They couldn’t swim, they had to walk. Sidon climbed to their source, working with his magic to try. To try to help. It worked, for a time. For a while. Camza couldn’t sit idle. Even as Yona arrived and began to help. Camza could not just sit and help those already affected.
So a form she doesn’t take often. A bird. She left Bazz to know. She was crossing the Mirror. It would not be quick. She was crossing the Mirror, to find one of her brothers. He could surely help more than she could. It was only the Captain who knew where the Twili vanished.
Her brother could help. His magic, though specialized like hers, could surely help.
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g0atmama · 1 month
day 1 and i rolled camaraderie + royalty. this is one of the really loose ones 121 words, set like. Probably just before the Upheaval
Royal marriages are often for alliances. It’s rare, especially for a firstborn, to marry someone they love. Love usually comes later. It usually comes after years at this person’s side, if ever. The betrothal between the Zora prince and the Twili princess was just that, as far as anyone knew.
Anyone on the outside, that is.
Royal marriages for love are something completely different. A firstborn never marries solely for love. But Sidon isn’t a firstborn. He’s second. And Camza, she’s sixth. That being said, circumstances have still made Sidon the heir, and most eligible candidate for royal alliances. To create an alliance at the same time as love? It’s almost unheard of. But it happened.
And their bond is incredible.
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g0atmama · 1 month
zora may - session 0
To start with, I’ll introduce Camza. I’ve made a few posts about her, but let’s put everything in one spot. This is a loose timeline introduction for her.
So Camza isn’t… Technically a Zora. She shapeshifts into one though, so??? She counts? I’m gonna count her. She’s a Twili, the second youngest of seven children. Her oldest sister has amazing magic, and so does her oldest brother. All of her family has powerful magic, and hers is no different. Just highly specialized. Her shapeshifting is purely magic. She can change her shape, including her internal organs. This allows her to perfectly mimic the species she’s hiding among. Though if you know Twili markings, you’ll pick her out in an instant. She can change almost everything about her physical appearance… Except for her eyes and her tattoos.
Camza eventually makes her way towards Zora’s Domain. She’s already a regular resident there when Link arrives in BoTW. After dealing with Ruta, Link helps her out by going down to Gerudo Town to pick up a roll of specialized sun-shielding fabric that’ll let her actually… Exist. In the sunlight. That’s right, she’s been living in shadow and darkness for years at this point. She’s used to it, but if she wants to form real alliances, she needs to be in the sunlight.
It’s subtle at this point, but there’s a few hints to her and Sidon having something there. Maybe a political marriage, maybe not. They’re both royals, after all. And having an alliance with the Twilight Realm would bolster any kingdom.
Later on in ToTK, she can be found in an outfit made from the fabric Link brought her. She’s gathering splash fruit and clean water, she’s constantly changing form. There’s also, uh. Yona is an old friend and visiting from another domain, but she’s not Sidon’s betrothed. That’s Camza. The alliance is too good to pass up. (Also selfship).
Anyway, eventually Camza and Sidon are actually married. They’ll have some tads but that’s later. For now and when I write most of the zora may things, they’re either betrothed or just married. For alliances. I promise.
Also for Zora May, I'm gonna be a little loose with the prompts sometimes. I've set up a wheel to randomly combine two prompts and I'll be working on whichever one as I can.
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g0atmama · 1 year
in light of. certain things. in totk.
My BoTW/ToTK S/I is named Camza, she's a twili princess (second youngest not the heir shh) who's very specialized magic lets her shapeshift. Whoops fell in love with the fish prince. Royal Alliance power move via their coming marriage.
They're not married YET as of ToTK but she was around during BoTW and like. Link helped her get a magic thing to let her walk around in more light. She changes which form she's in all the damn time but her one constant is NO SHOES (okay maybe sandals). Also the twili tattoos and certain colors always remain.
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g0atmama · 1 month
Not Zora may (ancient + storm)
154 words, some stuff about Camza and Twili royalty; as written by a zora scholar. Not actually part of Zora may but don't worry I have another one coming
It’s said that the Twili were banished. It’s said that long ago, a tribe of Hylians were banished to the Twilight, evolving over time into the Twili we know them as today. It’s said that they hold magic in highest regard. That the royals are selectively bred. The firstborn always marries another of powerful magic.
Camza is the sixth of the most recent union. Her father- the king- powerful with magic in his own right. With seven children, all of which powerful. If specialized. The queen has described her siblings. One mastery over water. One mastery over electricity. It seems their magic allows them the powers inherited by the sages.
Her oldest sister already has suitors being appraised. Magic must be powerful in the blood of the union of the heiress. This scholar, for one, is glad that the Twili are in alliance with our people. They would be deadly if brought to war.
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g0atmama · 1 month
I'm gonna try to do zora may but like
Maybe not every day??? But it's gonna be with camza. ... she shapeshifts into a zora, she counts
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g0atmama · 11 months
Thinking sbout my shapeshifter s/I. Thinking about her. Thinking about how. If she knows what it looks like, she can shapeshift into it.
Also about how she's for fucking. Legend of Zelda. Zelda shook by the shapeshifting twili. Sidon and Link used to her doing this.
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g0atmama · 1 year
Rotating loz s/i in my head. Camza is just. Such a fun character.
Twili, who can shapeshift. And does often for funsies.
Said ability is from extremely specialized magic. Powerful in that but nothing else.
Second youngest of seven kids. Technically a princess but nowhere near close to getting the throne.
Came to the light realm to learn so her father can create alliances.
Hey that fish is hot. Oh he's a prince? Even better.
The twili/zora kingdoms allied through marriage. And it's not an arranged marriage.
No shoes ever. Except those cute heeled sandals the gerudo have. Sometimes.
Excuse me the queen must wear sunglasses if the day is particularly sunny or she literally can't see a damn thing.
Also like???. When she shapeshifts she actually completely physically changes so in zora form she can breathe in the water, goron form can be in lava, etcetera. She could create a zonai form if she knew what they looked like.
She just. She loves Sidon so much. She's so proud of him and loves him and wants to see him happy. She would kill or die for his laugh.
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g0atmama · 1 year
plot twist yona is actually camza in disguise goofing around
there i fixed it
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g0atmama · 27 days
zora may 9 - waterbending + courtship
207 words. Not written as a journal. One of a few that'll be like that. Sidon meets and discusses with one of Camza's brothers
Camza’s brother arrives as fast as he can. One of the twins, arriving in the domain alongside his sister. At night. The princess leads her brother up to where her betrothed works. She could not sit idle. So instead, she brought her brother.
He works alongside the Zora prince. The two princes, with mastery over water. The Twili prince is draped in the pitch-dark fabric that keeps Camza safe. It lays over him like a cloak. From the corner of his eye, Sidon watches how he moves the water like a dance. It makes this so much easier.
“So,” The voice of the Twili catches the Zora off guard, “You’ve betrothed my sister. It’s customary for the fiance of the royal family to receive the mark of the house.”
The water shifts. Moving into the air like a serpent. A string of water, forming to create a pattern Sidon has seen on Camza’s arms. That odd, cubic spiral, with a sort of… eye. He glances. The Twili Prince is looking back at him. Holding the symbol in the air. Sidon notices… It’s also on his arm. Glowing faintly.
So that’s what that is… A mark of the family.
“When things have settled, I will look into it.”
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g0atmama · 1 month
Zora may 4 - Ancient + storm
Take two, this time set much much after TOTK, featuring two of Camza and Sidon's kids- Zili and Nimne. 164 words
It is hard to keep the heir contained. Even without his magic inherited from his mother, or the powers from his father. Prince Zili and Princess Nimne are always running or swimming off to explore the domain.
Captain Bazz tries to keep someone with them. He tries to ensure they're safe. He has a strange connection to Nimne. It is not a scholar's place to speculate on the relationship, but it has been noticed how similar she looks to the captain. And how her brothers are so much closer to our King Sidon.
The bright side, I suppose, is that Nimne is always excited to tell me about what they explore. She loves to bring me to see their recent discoveries. Today, she and her brother found an abandoned storm shelter. I plan to investigate tomorrow. From what she has already told me, it seems to be a fallen Zonai structure. I will find out for certain when she leads me there tomorrow.
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