#calypso borealis
thebotanicalarcade · 11 months
n136_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Flowers of mountain and plain /. New York :H.W. Wilson Co.,1920.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40792119
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starfish-sonnyangel · 5 months
introducing, for the first time online since i starting thinking abt this in 2020, drumroll please: my personal hc for auri's sisters name is Callisto (Callie) Mei-Huang O'Malley. take a seat, get comfy, put on a good playlist, let me explain. in the books we're given most of her name, 'callie o'malley'. but to me callie feels like too much of a nickname, it feels too informal. knowing that auri also went primarily by a nickname instead of her full name, aurora, makes me think the same went for callie. their parents are both very space-inclined people, and i feel like they'd keep the cosmic-themed names going (aurora borealis, callisto - jupiter's second largest moon and the third largest moon in our solar system, you can see where im going w this). i think callie neverrr used callisto except on paperwork n official stuff, she used callie exclusively to the point where the only people who actually called her by her birth name was her mom when she got in trouble. i think she wouldn't love the name since its so distinct and kinda uncommon but it would have some deep meaning to her parents so she'd never complain abt it to them. for her first name i kinda went between cassiopeia, calypso, celestia, but in the end i think callisto fits the best.
i also kept the middle name pattern going, staying true to my internal linguistics nerd something interesting i noticed is the first part of auri’s middle/chinese name is Jie, and in mandarin chinese the word for eldest sister is jiějie (姐姐). i doubt this is intentional on the author’s part, but going with that trend mèimei (妹妹) means younger sister in mandarin, therefore i present you with Mei-Huang. (Huang (黃) on the other hand i didnt have a deep reason for i just chose it bc it sounded pretty lmao). last thing that i found kinda funny is according to my top sources (aka google.com) the name Jié (杰) means ‘heroic, prominent, outstanding person’ which is pretty fitting for auri lol. also important to note that Jié and Jiě would be pronounced differently, here’s my fav website for audio examples of the pronunciation (https://www.chinese-word.com/voice/00jie.html). anyways please let me know if you have any questions, comments, ideas, critiques, suggestions! i am open to all of the above and anything else yall would like to add. *walks away*
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ppsculptors · 2 years
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Calypso wears aurora borealis so well! 🤩
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system-help-things · 13 days
Hey could you help us? One of my Dalek alters wants to change their name because the name that they currently have was given to them by a bad person. Do you have any space/galaxy/cosmic themed names to give me? All options you post will be given to them for them to decide ^_^
⚞ Oh boy do I have some names for you! (This is just a huge list of space themed names and sense there is so many I disregarded putting the meanings next to each one but they are names of stars, planets, galaxies, and other space related things!)
Blitzar (a neutron star that spins so fast it collapses into a black hole)
Nash (name of a star)
⚞ Apologies if there are any repeats! And sorry I know its a lot....
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sinceileftyoublog · 9 months
jaimie branch Album Review: Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((world war))
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(International Anthem)
Though the late trumpeter and composer jaimie branch's third album Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((world war)) is a final statement, it's even more effective as an eternal one. It begins with keyboards that sound like church organs, an eerily somber sonic manifestation of irrevocability. As Chad Taylor's rolling drums enter, branch gives us one of her trademark trumpet blares, as if to announce, "I'm here." She wasn't one to spend much more time announcing her presence, though--the track segues into an Afro-Latin style jam, clacking percussion and horns in line with Lester St. Louis' nervy bowed cello. ((world war)) from then on spends most of its runtime just the way branch liked it, in a groove, with some breaks along the way to remind us of the urgency of the moment.
The story behind ((world war)) is bound to become lore. It was recorded in April 2022 during branch's artist residency at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha. It was almost completed when she unexpectedly passed away later that year; her sister Kate, family, friends, and International Anthem then finished the album as they envisioned branch would have. It's branch's finest statement, both in terms of sonic virtuosity and cohesive ideality. On tracks like "borealis dancing" and "baba louie", the band stunningly changes rhythm and style halfway through, to shuffling hip-hop and funk on the former and from calypso to drippy jazz dub on the latter. Lead single "take over the world" is a masterclass in controlled chaos. branch repeats the refrains "Gonna take over the world / and give it back to the land" with stutters and trills, shouting koans atop simmering cello, driving drums, and Jason Ajemian's chugging bass. Eventually, branch puts delay pedal on her voice, sounding like something straight out of Kid A, uncanny but comforting and hopeful instead of glacial and isolating.
Perhaps the standout track on ((world war)) is "burning grey", which sees branch deliver more mantras atop the musical propulsion, howling like a wolf while begging us, "don't forget the fight". It's when she repeats "I wish I had the time" that she not only unintentionally breaks our hearts, given the context, but puts the onus on us to continue what she started. Midway through, the song collapses in on itself, almost a show of what happens when you do forget the communal mission of the human condition. branch was always inspiring, but on ((world war)), she galvanizes us into action.
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musicmakesyousmart · 3 years
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Calypso Borealis - Ikot Akpa Ntim
((Cave)) Recordings
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oskervos · 4 years
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✧ Anastasia’s 300 Follower Celebration! ✧
Hello everybody! I’ve just recently reached 300 followers on tumblr and I’ve decided to do a follower event! Thank you so much to everybody who has followed me and liked/reblogged my content and original creations. To celebrate this milestone and as a little something to give back to you all, I’ll be doing blog compliments, various themed blog rates and edits for my mutuals! Please make sure to read the rules and send in your asks!
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(for the edits/moodboards, please send me what you would like the edit to be based on. i can make edits for these fandoms: harry potter, grishaverse, percy jackson, the raven cycle, acotar, the lunar chronicles, the selection and greek and roman mythology)
mutual tagging and blog rate formats below the cut!
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URL: idon’t get it | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | CASSIOPEIA
Icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ORION
Mobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | URSA MINOR
Desktop theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | URSA MAJOR
Posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | AQUILA
Creations (send creations tag if possible!): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | OPHIUCHUS
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | SCORPIUS
Follow: no, sorry! | am now 🙈 | yes! | CORONA BOREALIS
Star Sign: aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo | libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Planet: mercury | venus | earth | mars | jupiter | saturn | uranus | neptune
Constellation: orion | ursa major | ursa minor | cygnus | cassiopeia | aquila | delphinus
Natural Satellite: star | planet | dwarf planet | comet | asteroid | galaxy | meteoroid
Godly Parent: zeus | poseidon | hades | athena | ares | aphrodite | hephaestus | demeter | apollo | hermes | dionysus
Camp: half-blood | jupiter
Creatures: satyr | cyclops | pegasus | harpy | hellhound
The Seven: percy | annabeth | leo | piper | jason | hazel | frank
Minor Character: thalia | nico | reyna | rachel | grover | calypso | silena
Metal: celestial bronze | imperial gold | stygian iron | silver
Weapon: sword | dagger | bow and arrow | spear | hunting knife
House: slytherin | ravenclaw | gryffindor | hufflepuff
School: hogwarts | beauxbatons | durmstrang | ilvermorny
Era: riddle era | marauder era | lightning era | next generation
Blood Status: pureblood | half blood | muggle born | muggle
Magical Creature: thestral | phoenix | hippogriff | dragon | centaur
Profession: auror | cursebreaker | ministry official | professor | wandmaker
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Mutual Tagging: (i’m just tagging a couple of mutuals for my celebration. if you don’t want to be tagged in future events let me know!)
@housecalore, @aslura, @witxhcas, @herecomesthcsun, @darnelcress, @graecian, @zofias, @nazyalensky, @lila-bards, @brekkers, @lucieherodale, @zoyaes, @24hourauthor @honeyddukes​, @hhelnik​, @sylthrein​, @wintersoldiqr​
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mutantsrisingrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations SAMWELL! You’ve been accepted as CALYPSO.
Samwell, your writing never ceases to amaze me! Shae is someone who has many layers and by describing their layers as masks was brilliant. I also loved how Shae’s mother said that they were signs from God - a fitting metaphor for mutants in. And while Shae doesn’t particularly believe in God, the fact that she believes mutants are special brought a softness to her that I absolutely love. I can’t wait to see where you go with them! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
PRONOUNS: he/him
AGE: 20
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: EST HMM i’d say out of a 10, probably a 3? I’ll be around, but sometimes i take six years to reply
In Character Information:
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Transfeminine nonbinary, they/them
Shae is a mystery. They are the awe you get from seeing the Aurora Borealis. They are both the inherent danger and beauty of a supernova. Come too close and you’ll be made into stardust.
They are the exhilaration you feel when a strong gust of wind threatens to knock you off of your feet. They are the allure of sleeping in the sun without applying sunscreen.
Shae has many masks they present in place of their true self. In fact, they have so many masks, that they themselves don’t know who their true self really is at the end of the day.
Shae takes great pride in their mutation. They have not, nor will they ever apologize for existing.
They are incredibly flirtatious and bubbly for the most part; that is their main mask that they like to show.
Shae Knox was born into a small community in the Dominican Republic. Their birth was not an accident. Their mother and father were carefully picked in order to deliver a baby with powers, who mimicked both their parents: weather manipulation. However, the child rearing of Shae Knox was a community effort.
Technically, they were supposed to be a bringer of peace and good weather for crops like their biological parents were. Technically, they were a good sign from the gods meant to signal many more years of happiness for their community.
In reality, they and their mother were sent away when news of an attack on their community was discovered. In hopes of keeping both Shae and their mother’s powers alive, the two of them went into hiding until their mother received news of a hostile takeover from outside settlers.
She made the decision to pursue a life in America, despite having only even known her home in the Dominican Republic. It took time and energy for her to get in and become a citizen, and even longer for her to figure out how to hide their powers from the anti mutant governments, who would hate them based on their powers as well as their immigrant status.
For Shae, as they began to grow, it became clear that their powers were tied to their emotions. The first instance that their mother could remember was how hot it got in December when she stopped Shae from going outside. Shae was only five years old at the time, but it was the first time their mother sat them down and told them how dangerous it was.
“Do you want to be taken from me? Do you want to get hurt?”
Well no, Shae didn’t want either of those things. Not at all. But sometimes they couldn’t help it. Sometimes, the hair on their head rose with their temper, or the temperature would drop dangerously when they were sad. But as they grew, it became easier and easier to suppress the unwanted effects of their power.
When they would go to sleep at night, their mother would comb their hair and plait it back for bed, and talk about where Shae was from, and about their community. “We were signs sent from God,” their mother would murmur. “We brought peace and prosperity to our lands. We were made for more than this. You were made for more than this, Shae.”
Shae wasn’t sure if they believed in God, but they did believe that mutants were something special. Something unique. They sparked their interest in a way few other things could. They would eat up books about the potential origins of powers, as well as politics concerning mutants. They wanted to meet and greet and shake the hand of every mutant they could find in order to share stories.
Shae loved the stories of their home and of the mutants they encountered, but they also found that they began to hate how they had to hide who they were. In another place, they would’ve been free to be themselves as much as they wanted. But here, they had to hide themselves, they had to hide their emotions. Perhaps that was why when their mother finally passed, they made their way to the Jem family. They seemed to understand just exactly how important mutants were.
ANASTASIA AHN: Shae was used to feeling out of touch, just knowing about their past. But Anastasia made them feel like maybe they could find a place within mutants to thrive. It made sense that they would meet Anastasia again in the Jem family, because if there was anyone that Shae really felt like would listen to them rant about mutant powers and politics, it would be her.
EOIN DOUGHERTY: Shae had read about and encountered many different powers. But Eoin was exceptional. His power was so potent, and Shae had so many questions about how he survived being so toxic. But more so than his power, his personality was just as noxious. Shae was good at socializing, but they weren’t going to go into trying to explore Eoin’s power without trying to find out a way to connect outside of powers. Maybe do some snooping? If they could start with a common thread, maybe he’d be willing to let them pick his brain.
Shae excels at distractions because they are as flashy as they come. While not rich, they know how to make work a pretty party dress, no matter the price.
Shae doesn’t know who they are, not really. They think they know, but their sense of self is skewed not only by their job as the distraction, but also because of their identity with their lost community.
Research about Dominican Republic and the indigenous people I based Shae’s background on:
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tinymixtapes · 5 years
♫ Listen: [..(].: - “unnamed_006”
CG—®8’ing outta 5 Styles: not being able to remember, effects of legal medication, playing the victim, watching people on security cameras, the moment you remain quite after hear something in an abandoned house Others: Xth Réflexion, Parashi, Elizabethan Collar, Sleep Fern, Calypso Borealis, Kraken Mare [. . (]. by [. . (]. http://j.mp/2GJLmtq
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writing-all-wrongs · 6 years
Magical, Fairy, Enchanting, And Mermaid Baby Names For Girls:
1. Aerwyna:
Don’t you think this melodic name would have sounded great on an elf in The Lord of the Rings? With roots in Old English, Aerwyna means ‘friend of the sea’.
2. Ailsa:
Ailsa is the name of the stunning islet in the Clyde, which is also nicknamed as ‘Island of Alfisgr’. And it translates to ‘elf victory’. Could it be any more apt for your wee one?
3. Aine:
Aine is an Irish name derived from the proto-Celtic word ‘aidna’ and means ‘radiance’. In Irish mythology, she’s the queen of fairies.
[ Read: Disney Inspired Names For Babies ]
4. Alfreda:
We had absolutely no idea that Alfreda means ‘elf power’. This makes us like it even more.
5. Alice:
Alice is the name of the imaginative and curious protagonist of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in the Wonderland and the Disney movie of the same name. This classic and feminine name means ‘of the nobility’.
6. Alvina:
Alvina is the female variant of Alvin and means ‘elf-friend’.
7. Ariel:
This one needs no introduction. Too bad it does not come along with the red hair. And did you know that Ariel is also the symbolic name for Jerusalem? This name means ‘lion of the God’.
8. Asherah:
A name with a royal ring, Asherah does have Hebrew origins, but it’s also the name of the goddess of fertility and motherhood. This moniker means ‘she who walks in the sea’.
9. Asia:
Asia isn’t just the name of a continent. In the Greek mythology, Asia was Oceanus’ daughter and Prometheus and Atlas’ mother. This name means ‘sunrise’. Sweet, substantial, and motherly!
10. Asteria:
This name from Greek mythology, meaning ‘like a star’ sounds magical to us. What do you think about it? You can also opt for the simple form Astra.
[ Read: Coolest Harry Potter Baby Names ]
11. Aubrey:
This upscale unisex name is shooting up the charts for girls. Its most familiar namesake is Aubrey Plaza, the star of Parks and Recreation. Aubrey means ‘elf ruler’.
12. Aurora:
The sight of magnificent green lights dancing in the sky is no less than a magical phenomenon. Aurora Borealis, better known as the Northern Lights, takes place when the electrons collide with the upper atmosphere. This Latin name means ‘the dawn’.
13. Avery:
The last name first started as a male name, but is now used mostly for the girls, probably because of its similarity to Ivory and Ava. Avery means ‘ruler of elves’.
14. Calypso:
In the Greek mythology, Calypso was the beguiling sea nymph who falls in love with Odysseus. Calypso is also the name of West India music. It means ‘she that conceals’.
15. Celeste:
Stars, planets, and galaxies, for most of us, are full of magic and mystery. Celeste originates in Latin and means ‘heavenly’. What an elegant and regal name!
16. Coralia:
Coralia, meaning ‘like coral’, was the name of a mermaid in a ballet based on Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué’s Undine. We feel it’s a perfect option for parents looking for something rarer than Coral or Coraline.
17. Cyrena:
Cyrena was the water nymph who fought a lion that tried to harm the Sun god Apollo. Apollo, in return built for her a city named Cyrenaica. Cyrena means ‘Mother of Aristaeus’.
18. Daenerys:
This invented name, belonging to the dragon girl from Game of Thrones has gained traction in real life big time.
19. Dariyah:
This is an apt mermaid name for girls. Dariyah is the spelling variation of the Persian name Daria, meaning ‘sea’. It isn’t sweet or girly, but has a brave and bold feel to it.
20. Deema:
This name is inspired by the Nickelodeon series Bubble Guppies, which centers on a group of mermaid preschoolers and their adventures with their teacher, Mr. Grouper. Deema is an Arabic name meaning ‘rain’.
[ Read: Earth Related Baby Names ]
21. Delphine:
Yes, we know that Delphine sounds more like dolphins than mermaids. But aren’t these two creatures magnificent? This elegant and ladylike French name means ‘dolphin’.
22. Doris:
With the revival of Dorothea and Dorothy, Doris also has a chance of making back to the list. It’s the name of an ocean nymph in the Greek mythology and means ‘gift of the ocean’.
23. Elvina:
This moniker sounds something like elven in the truest sense. It means ‘elf-friend’.
24. Fairy:
This is a simple and straightforward option best used as a term of endearment. If you’re a Pokémon lover, you’ll know that Fairy type is one of the kinds of Pokémons.
25. Fay:
Fay is a short and sweet name, derived from the Old English word ‘faie’, which means fairy. Its alternate spelling is Faye.
26. Fiona:
This Scottish name is currently borne by the witch in American Horror Story: Coven. Though the name means ‘fair’, the character Fiona is anything but.
27. Giselle:
Giselle is a naïve and pure-hearted princess of Andalsia from the movie Enchanted. For the typical French feel, pronounce it as ‘Ghee-Zah-Elle’ not ‘Jiz-elle’. It means ‘pledge’.
28. Hermione:
The Harry Potter heroine has a name that stands out, just like the witty and intelligent wizard. In the Greek mythology, Hermione is Kind Menelaus and Helen’s daughter. Her name means ‘messenger’.
29. Isla:
The name Isla is derived from one of the most beautiful islands of Scotland, which is also referred to as The Queen of the Hebrides. A perfect name for a girl who’ll take on the world and will even win it. The correct pronunciation of Isla is ‘Eye-La’.
30. Kaia:
This name just rolls off the tongue. And it doesn’t just sound cute, but has lovely meanings as well. In Hawaiian, Kaia means ‘the sea’ and in Greek, it means ‘pure’. Could there be a better inspiration for a baby girl name?
[ Read: Baby Names Meaning Gift From God ]
31. Kelpie:
In Celtic mythology, Kelpie was the name of the water-horse who transformed herself into a beautiful woman to lure people into traps. This name means ‘heifer’.
32. Lorelei:
This name is taken from the German folktales, where Lorelei was the sensual mermaid of the Rhine River, whose haunting voice led to many shipwrecks. This sophisticated name means ‘alluring’.
33. Maraja:
If you want something rare and mystical for your little girl, Maraja is the one for you. This royal name originates from Esperanto language and means ‘made of the sea’.
34. Marceline:
This enchanting baby name meaning ‘defender of the sea’ also happens to be the name of the lead girl in the animated television show Adventure Time.
35. Marin:
Marin, with its roots in Gaelic and Irish, means ‘star of the sea’. Sounds a lot chicer than Marina.
36. Maurelle:
This French name, meaning ‘elfin’, is also associated with a blue-violet color dye in France.
37. Melia:
This rich and melodic short form of Amelia is also the name of a nymph in Greek mythology. Melia means ‘work’.
38. Melisande:
This mellifluous fairy tale name would make a lovely pick for a 21st-century girl. It means ‘strong in work’.
39. Melody:
Melody is the name of Ariel’s daughter in Disney’s Little Mermaid. After a long hiatus, this Greek name cracked in the top 200 list in the year 2015. Melody means ‘music’.
40. Melusine:
According to a medieval tale, Melusine was the name of one of the three sisters lost on the Isle of Avalon. Melusine, the eldest sister, was forced to spend one day a week as a mermaid. Melusine means ‘dark skinned’.
[ Read: Baby Names That Mean Sun ]
41. Meri:
If you wish for an alternative to the classic and somewhat common name Mary, Meri is the one for you. It’s a beautiful Finnish name, meaning ‘the sea’.
42. Miranda:
This name featured in a British comedy film, in which a lonely fisherman catches a mermaid named Miranda and together they go on a journey to London. Miranda means ‘marvelous’.
43. Molly:
Molly is another adorable character from Bubble Guppies. Molly originated as a nickname, but has been used as a standalone name since the Middle Ages. Molly means ‘bitter’.
44. Muirgen:
This is a perfect magical girl name. According to Irish folklore, Muirgen was a human who was transformed into a mermaid. She was caught from the sea after 300 years, baptized, and turned into a saint. Muirgen means ‘born of the sea’.
45. Naida:
Naida, meaning ‘water nymph’, would make an excellent option for girls born under any of the water signs – Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.
46. Navi:
Navi is the name of the fairy in the video game, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This Hebrew name is the nickname of Gamma Cassiopeia, bestowed on her by astronaut Gus Grissom. Navi means ‘to name’.
47. Nerissa:
Nerissa is an offbeat alternative to Marissa and Nerissa. It featured in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Nerissa means ‘from the sea’.
48. Nixie:
As per the German folklore, Nixie is the name of the mermaid-like sprite dwelling in the sea. You can consider it as an update for Nicki or a substitute to Pixie. Nixie means ‘water nymph’.
49. Ondine:
Ondine is the name of a German water sprite who gets married to a mortal, but leads a disturbed life. Meaning ‘little wave’, this name rose to fame via Audrey Hepburn’s character Ondine on Broadway.
50. Oona:
We quite like this name. It’s short, sweet, and belongs to one of the guppies in the series. The double ‘o’ adds oomph to this name. Oona means ‘lamb’.
[ Read: Baby Names Inspired By Fire ]
51. Parisa:
This Persian name, meaning ‘like a fairy’ sounds much more distinctive than Paris or Parisa. A perfect example how you can turn an ordinary name into extraordinary with just a change in the letter.
52. Pixie:
Pixie is basically a term used for supernatural beings that are portrayed as tiny, human like creatures with pointed hat and ears. This magical baby girl name is on the rise, thanks to the name with the letter ‘x’ in it. Pixie means ‘fairy’.
53. Radella:
Radella is one of the most unusual names we’ve come across. Definitely a fresher alternative to ella ending names. It means ‘elfin advisor’.
54. Sabrina:
Sabrina was the name of the water nymph in Comus by John Milton. Besides, it’s the name of a Celtic River goddess too. The meaning of Sabrina is ‘from Cyprus’.
55. Sen:
Short, sweet, and utterly adorable, in Japanese mythology, Sean is the name of a mythological forest elf. Since it isn’t used much in the Western part of the world, it would make a rare name for your daughter. Sen means ‘lotus flower’.
56. Sereia:
Sereia is Portuguese for mermaid. It’s probably derived from Siren, which is also a name for mermaids.
57. Siofra:
Siofra is soft, frilly, shimmering, and a wonderful alternative to Sophie or Sophia. It’s an Irish Gaelic name, meaning ‘elf’ or ‘sprite’. You need to pronounce this name as ‘Sheef-RA’.
58. Tabitha:
In the 60s series, Bewitched, Tabitha is the name of the half-witch daughter of Samantha. This quirky name reached its peak in the 70s. Tabitha means ‘gazelle’.
59. Tiana:
This moniker gained a huge fan following the release of Princess and the Frog. Tiana means ‘fairy queen’.
60. Titania:
Titania is the name of the Queen of Fairies in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This moniker has a lacy and delicate charm, just like its bearer. Titania means ‘great one’.
[ Read: Love Inspired Baby Names ]
Magical, Fairy, Enchanting And Mermaid Baby Names For Boys:
61. Aelfdene:
Aelfdene, meaning ‘from the Elfin valley’, would sound great in the middle spot. It’s mysterious, magical, and enigmatic.
62. Aladdin:
The Arabian lad from the movie of the same name was a revolution in itself. It was for the first time a thief was made the male protagonist in a Disney fairy tale based film. Aladdin means ‘height of religion’.
63. Alfred:
This name may be at the bottom of the Social Security Administration list, but in Wales and England, Alfred ranks #125. It means ‘elf counsel’.
64. Alvaro:
We love this name for it means ‘army of elf’. And the final ‘o’ increases the attractiveness of this name manifolds.
65. Alvin:
A magical name that’s now tied to the chipmunks, all thanks to the movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks. The name currently sits at the #602 spot. Alvin means ‘friend of elves’.
66. Arion:
In the Greek mythology, Arion is the immortal and super swift horse endowed with the power of speaking. In Hebrew, Arion means ‘melodious’.
67. Aslan:
This grand name is taken from C.S. Lewis magical book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The name means ‘lion’.
68. Basil:
Basil is the sprite from the American musical television show, Johnny and the Sprites. A name with upper-class vibes, Basil means ‘regal’.
69. Bayard:
Bayard was the magical and beautiful horse given to Rinaldo. This French name means ‘auburn haired’.
70. Blade:
This name brings to mind the vampire hunter and Marvel superhero from the movie Blade. Blade means ‘wealthy glory’.
[ Read: Unique Nature Baby Names ]
71. Borak:
Legends are full of magical horses. Al-Borak is the magical horse that took Prophet Muhammad from Earth to the 7th heaven. This name means ‘the lightning’.
72. Caspian:
This place name has been attracting a lot of attention from the cutting edge parents of late. It even inspired Mr. Lewis to pick it for his novel, Chronicles of Narnia Series.
73. Cedric:
Cedric Diggory was the character who competed against Harry Potter in the game of Quidditch. Despite the high appeal of the character, Cedric failed to attract parents. So it would be a good option if you want something uncommon for your son. Cedric means ‘bounty’.
74. Cleon:
Here we’re referring to the Fairy of the Night Cleon from the video game Bust-a-Move 4. It’s used for a female fairy here, but Cleon is essentially a baby boy name, meaning ‘glorious’.
75. Cosmo:
Cosmo is the name of Timmy Turner’s fairy godfather in animated television series, The Fairly Odd Parents. This expansive Greek name, meaning ‘order’ would make a creative pick for your son.
76. Cullen:
Cullen is the surname of the most beloved vampire family of all time, the Cullens from Twilight Saga. This moniker originates in the Irish and means ‘handsome’.
77. Draco:
This name gained a widespread popularity via the blonde-haired, menacing wizard Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. Draco means ‘dragon’.
78. Dylan:
Dylan is the cute and energetic hippie from the BBC television show Magic Roundabout. This Welsh name means ‘son of the sea’.
79. Easton:
Easton originates from the Old English phrase that means ‘island of stones’, but it means ‘magical power’.
80. Edward:
The name has flown to the top of the popularity charts, thanks to the pale, brooding, and sparkling character in the Twilight series. This Norse name means ‘rich guard’.
[ Read: Baby Names That Mean Angel ]
81. Eric:
Eric is the charming prince from The Little Mermaid. This popular Scandinavian name has been rocking the charts in the United States. It means ‘eternal ruler’.
82. Finn:
Finn is the name of the central characters in The Snow Queen, folklore, which is the inspiration behind the movie Frozen. Finn means ‘white or fair’.
83. Flynn:
Flynn is the male lead from the fairy tale remake Tangled. This name means ‘son of the red-haired one’.
84. Gandalf:
Gandalf is an Old Norse name, meaning ‘wand elf’, Besides, it also refers to the Wizard from Tolkien’s masterpiece Lord of the Rings.
85. Gary:
Gary is the chubby overseer fairy in Tinkerbell. This name cracked into the top 10 list in the year 1950, largely because of Gary Cooper. Gary means ‘spearman’.
86. Gil:
Gil is the rambunctious merman of the Nickelodeon series Bubble Guppies. His infectious energy and curiosity inspire viewers to lead an adventurous life. This Hebrew name means ‘happiness’.
87. Hansel:
This name instantly brings to mind the lead of the fairytale, Hansel and Gretel. The plus point is that this name isn’t widely used in any part of the world. Hansel means ‘god is gracious’.
88. Harry:
Harry Potter redefined magic for us. This half-blood wizard played a crucial role in several battles, including destroying the Horcruxes of Voldemort. Harry means ‘estate ruler’.
89. Jack:
Jack, as in Jack in the Green, a colorful figure covered in flowers and greeneries appeared in the folklore, Robin Hood. Jack means ‘god is gracious’.
90. Jareth:
Jareth is the Goblin King from the fantasy movie Labyrinth. This moniker sounds like a combination of Jared and Gareth and means ‘bled of jar’.
[ Read: Baby Names That Mean Angel ]
91. Jiminy:
Parents who aren’t afraid of thinking out of the box can opt for Jiminy, the beloved cricket from the movie Pinocchio. Jiminy, is a variation of James and means ‘supplanter’.
92. Magus:
Magus has the roof of the word magic in it, and that’s what makes it magical. Coincidentally, this name means ‘sorcerer’.
93. Oberon:
Oberon is the English form of the French name Auberon and means ‘elf ruler’. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Oberon was the king of fairies.
94. Peter:
This name references to the beloved Peter Pan, the mischievous young boy capable of flying. This pleasant Greek name means ‘rock’.
95. Phillip:
Phillip is the prince from the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. This spelling variation of Philip ranks 24 places behind the original. Phillips means ‘lover of horses’.
96. Regin:
In the Norse mythology, Regin was a blacksmith, well versed in dark magic. It means ‘a mythical blacksmith’.
97. Terence:
Terence is the Dust-talent Sparrowman from Tinkerbell. This name hails from the Irish neighborhoods of New York and Boston and means ‘smooth’.
[ Read: Moon Names For Babies ]
98. Triton:
Triton is perhaps one of the most famous mermen of all time. Disney lovers would instantly recognize him after Ariel’s father in The Little Mermaid. Triton means ‘son of Poseidon’.
99. Tyrion:
Tyrion is one of the literary names entering the dictionary via George R. R. Martin’s Game of the Thrones. It means ‘one who is from the Land of Eoghan’.
100. Zephyr:
This name is taken from the Greek mythology, where Zephyr is the Greek god of the west wind. This magical boy name was picked by Robby Benson and Sean Parker for their sons. Zephyr means ‘west wind’.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
An Ancient Water Reservoir in Malta Gets a Stunning Immersive Installation
Nestled between Europe and Africa, the Maltese island of Gozo is known for its Mediterranean seascape, rugged landscape, and for being the purported home of Calypso, who wooed Odysseus in Homer's The Odyssey. The island is also home to an ancient, towering Cittadella, a brick fortress that predates the Roman Empire by more than a thousand years. Over the centuries, the island changed hands and enhancements were gradually made to the structure. Yet as sieges by invading armies decreased, repairs on the structure fell off, and eventually, the Cittadella fell into a state of decay. Now, the government of Malta has embarked on an ambitious restoration project, the highlight of which is an immersive audiovisual installation by Sarner International celebrating the storied history of the island.
The Cittadella's visitor center is located in an old water reservoir, a cavernous space whose architecture inspired the interactive installation. "The water reservoir and walled city of Cittadella are of great historical significance to Malta and European history. The visitor center forms a key part of the story. It elevates the significance and importance of the fortified city and places it within the historical context," Ross Magri, technical director for Sarner International tells Creators. "For millennia, the only way to reach Gozo has been to journey across the water, so the visitors make their way through time to the island by boat."
Part of the interactive installation. All images courtesy of Sarner International.
The immersive, time-traveling experience is a little more than eight minutes long and covers a striking swath of history and mythic lore. The journey begins with The Odyssey, then transitions to images of the Phoenicians and Romans, before delving into stories of Medieval knights and 19th century bishops. Information panels elucidate visitors on the island's natural history, as well as the construction and evolution of the Cittadella, making use of interactive touch screens and stunning graphic panels. Sixteen projectors and eight screens create a 360° view of the Mediterranean sea at night. "The surround projection truly makes the visitors feel that they are immersed by water—that they are outside in the green landscape of Gozo," Magri says. "Then, that they are surrounded by the high walls of the Cittadella and threatened by the guns of the Turkish corsairs to the side and behind them."
While captivating, the project was not without its difficulties. The reservoir's support beams hindered the team's ability to find clear projection spaces. Despite these hurdles, Magri thinks choosing to tell the Cittadella's story interactively, rather than through displaying artifacts and information boards, was a vital decision. "It is, itself, within the artifact: the Cittadella," he says. Combining elements of theater, film, and audiovisual technology, this exhibition works to bring the history of Gozo and its fortified city into context for visitors from all walks of life and places in the world. Much in the same way that the Cittadella brick walls are being preserved by conservators, its history is now being protected and disseminated, through careful research, practical design, and precise technology.
To learn more about Gozo and its walled Cittadella, click here.
Finally: A Museum That Brings Virtual Reality to Women's History
Play in the Aurora Borealis at a Room-Sized Interactive Installation
Coming Soon?: Europe's First Digital and Physical Art Museum
from creators http://ift.tt/2p3OtBp via IFTTT
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whenwelived · 11 years
Listen/purchase: Agaw Shasha by Calypso Borealis // Latest tape grab from Calypso himself. A great listen and a wonderful release with a beautiful screened J-card. Thanks Emmanuel.
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oskervos · 4 years
just followed u from halfbloodsnet oops but: ✨ for this blog + ⭐ for @childofathena (my pjo sideblog)! congrats on 300
sorry for the wait and thank you so much spencer!
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Godly Parent: zeus | poseidon | hades | athena | ares | aphrodite | hephaestus | demeter | apollo | hermes | dionysus
Camp: half-blood | jupiter
Creatures: satyr | cyclops | pegasus | harpy | hellhound
The Seven: percy | annabeth | leo | piper | jason | hazel | frank
Minor Character: thalia | nico | reyna | rachel | grover | calypso | silena
Metal: celestial bronze | imperial gold | stygian iron | silver
Weapon: sword | dagger | bow and arrow | spear | hunting knife
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