#c: noelia
dvsconocvdo · 7 months
closed starter for @icexpackxjc
"Fancy seeing you here." Noel joked as she walked around the outskirts of the ice rink. She had fully sought JC out, but there was no fun in admitting that. After the lunar eclipse in October, she had a few questions about shifting, but she felt a bit sheepish for not knowing better. Being a werewolf was still so new, and it was still so hard to control it. (The broken door handles were piling up in her place). Still, she needed to get answers to see if she could calm herself a bit with another full moon approaching later in the month. "Are you busy right now? I don't want to interrupt any of your classes."
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kenxmatsui · 7 months
for: @dvsconocvdo time: so late it could be early
What significance did late nights have to a Vampire anyway? Frequenting bars at odd hours had never been a new concept and with everything still feeling off-kilter, solitude fueled restlessness and distraction became a driving force that caused Ken to leave his house more than usual. Cool night air offered a hint of respite but the itch to keep himself occupied followed hot. Pinching a cigarette between his lips only to take it out shortly after, Ken let out a curse when when fishing for a lighter came up empty. Carelessness never had been acceptable nor was it welcomed now as an already sour mood teetered on the edge of turning foul, a thought went to checking in his car when he caught the sight of somebody nearby. “Hey, you got a light?” The question rang out as he redirected towards them instead but pause in movement followed a huff and a light shake of his head. “You again.” Despite them only bumping into each other ever so often, familiarity was still present and that pulled jest into his tone, “You know, at this point, I wonder if you’re stalking me. Should I be concerned?”
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masonxmahir · 2 months
for: noel ( @dvsconocvdo ) date & location: apr 1st, dance studio
Anyone that knew them knew April Fools was their favourite holiday, and those that didn't know Mason would also soon come to know of this fact. Not that pranks or shenanigans were limited to one day, but when there was a day dedicated for it, who was he to not take advantage of such a thing? So he had. And wonderfully he might add. The hardest part of this really was keeping composure and not letting the cat out of the bag, knowing he'd be hanging out with Noel, and knowing he had a prank for her too was an exercise in self-restraint and to distract themself, instead of blurting out the prank in store, Mason began telling her about all the other ones. "It was soo perfect, Noel! Look..." he said, laughing as they pulled out their phone to show them a car he had surrounded with shopping trolleys. "And for Efe! Oh my god, for Efe, I had my buddy stick a banner that said honk it's my birthday!" Wiping a legit tear out of their eye, he turned to Noel, trying to be serious, "You gotta pinky promise me right now not to tell it was me, okay? Otherwise I won't tell you what I did to Nico."
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letsgethaunted · 24 days
Episode 180.5: Listener Stories #27 Photodump
Welcome to THE IG PHOTO DUMP FOR Episode 180.5: Listener Stories #27! This is the episode where our Haunties (aka listeners) write in with their first-person spooky tales of cryptids, ghosts, curses, and aliens AND where Nat & Aly unbox fan mail sent by listeners just like YOU. This week, we unbox mail from: Katelyn + Sydney, Omar M, Savy, Katrine, Tasha D, Kai + Hayden, Arielle G, and more! Listener stories from this week’s episode include: A levitating uncle, a ghost dragging a box, a haunted porcelain doll, a demon girl holding a teddy bear, haunted EMT stories, a clawed demon with slits for eyes, a UFO Sighting, a cursed VHS tape, a premonition that leads to a house burning down, and more! Some of the listeners whose stories are featured in this episode include: Tarryn G, Noelia C, Christopher A, Sarah SW, Anonymous, William, Amanda R, Lauren S, Billy, Marwin M, Whitley L, and more!
IMAGE 01: WELCOME HAUNTIES! IMAGE 02: Intro gossip - Shohei Ohtani’s translator embroiled in illegal gambling scandal IMAGE 03: Cameron Brink looking like an ethereal cryptid joining the WNBA’s LA Sparx IMAGE 04: Creepy abandoned VHS tape from one of today’s listener stories IMAGE 05: Tune in to Tier 1 & Tier 2 on Patreon to witness the video version of this week’s episode which is PIRATE THEMED
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lesser-known-composers · 10 months
Christopher Simpson (c. 1602/06–1669) - Divisions in E minor ‘for the practice of learners’
Il Caleidoscopio ensemble :
Noelia Reverte Reche - viola da gamba Flora Papadopoulos - arpa doppia Michele Pasotti - lute
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
Know the Mun/Blogger !
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1. Are you named after anyone? Not my first name, but my middle name is after my Mom and my Grandmother! Noelia-- Mine is just Noël ♡
2. When was the last time you cried? Literally 5 hours ago as of writing this, when watching the ending to A Plague Tale: Requiem hsjkddgf But crying isn't a rare occurrence otherwise, anyways.
3. Do you have kids? Nope, just one fuzzy child in the form of a cat pffft~
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really actually... it's rare that I do, now that I think about it. But when I do, then you know I'm annoyed LOL
5. What sports do you play/have you played? I played volleyball a ton growing up, it was my favorite sport. Other than that, the usual stuff was forced on me via gym class when I was in high school. Nothing I particularly enjoyed, aside from swimming and volleyball c':
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? When people overshare upon first meeting, and even in contrast, when people share nothing but invite you to share. It seems to always end up with the person wanting you to themselves and they tend to get easily jealous when others have your attention. Romantic relationships are hard enough, the pressure of being "tied down" to a single friend? No thanks. And if the excuse is "best friends" well... "Best friends" doesn't equal only friend.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? How about... Scary movies with a happy ending ?? Pffft~ but for real, I love me a good horror film. Anything paranormal related or Zombies, I'm absolutely there. I enjoy a good thriller here and there, but I love a good spooky horror movie !!
8. Any special talents? I do art and play a couple of music instruments, but I tend to pick up on any new ones with just sitting down and playing them by myself-- so I guess that's a pretty special talent!
9. Where were you born? New Jersey !!
10. What are your hobbies? Art, Writing, Photography, Gaming, and I want to get back into Biking ♡
11. Do you have any pets? -Gestures to aforementioned fuzzy child- My baby boy, Apple of my eye, Sun in my sky, Pain in my ass-- My cat, Link LMAO
12. How tall are you? I am a very intimidating, entirely respectable, authority demanding height of... 5'4" c':
13. Fave subject in school? Art & Music classes were always my favorites, but I also enjoyed my English classes in High school specifically!
14. Dream job? I used to want to be a comic/manga artist, but then I changed that to being a character designer for video games. Right now though, I just want anything that lets me create. I'm tired of being tired from catering to other people. I want to write stories. Create characters. Share experiences through media. Just let me create.
15. Eye colour? Brown, kinda on the russet side.
Tagged by: @tenebriism (Thank you bby !!) Tagging: @diademreigned , @atimelesslullaby, @rollinggirlrunahika, and anyone else who'd like to do it, just say I tagged ya~
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tatirey · 2 years
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So Fresh and So Clean 
View full pic on Flickr -
DOUX - Alori hairstyle -  Mainstore
Blueberry - Noelia - Set White - Mainstore
Scene and Pose - Focus. White Sands Shower Backdrop - Focus. So Fresh and So Clean / Poses - Exclusive Access
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atletasudando · 1 year
Argentina designó su plantel para el Sudamericano
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Fuente: CADA De acuerdo a las previsiones y luego de finalizados los GPS de Concepción del Uruguay, la comisión Técnica de la Confederación Argentina de Atletismo propuso la integración del equipo para el Campeonato Sudamericano de Mayores, a concretarse en el Estadio de Atletismo del Centro Olímpico de Sao Pablo, los días 28, 29 y 30 de julio. Teniendo en cuenta que los campeonatos sudamericanos se disputan por equipo, se ha seleccionado aquellos atletas que reúnen las condiciones para poder alcanzar puestos puntuables, haciéndose énfasis en la integración de la totalidad de las pruebas de relevos Están previstos periodos de preparación en Europa en algunos casos, de entrenamiento de altura en Cachi y de entrenamiento de los relevos en otros casos. Entre los atletas que ya se encuentran entrenando en Italia figuran Germán Chiaraviglio y los velocistas Franco Florio y Elián Larregina, mientras un grupo de mediofondistas y fondistas –entre ellos Florencia y Mariana Borelli, Fedra Luna, Daiana Ocampo y José Zabala- lo hacen en España. Todos los atletas involucrados en el equipo al sudamericano, además de los atletas de maratón se encuentran afectado sal proceso de clasificación para los Juegos Panamericano de Santiago de Chile. El proceso finaliza el día domingo 17 de septiembre, y se basa en el posicionamiento en el Ranking Panamericano y de acuerdo a los cupos asignados en cada prueba. Esta cita sudamericana además de la importancia en sí mismo, es una oportunidad más para el mejoramiento de la posición en el ranking panamericano. Se recuerda que los campeones de área podrán ser admitidos en el Campeonato Mundial de Budapest, a criterio del Delegado Técnico. Los atletas que se consideran a la fecha y que serán confirmados al 9 de julio, cierre de las inscripciones del sudamericano, son los siguientes: Damas Florencia Lamboglia: 100, 200, 4 x100, 4 x 400 Maria Victoria Woodward: 100, 200, 4 x100, 4 x 400 (s Belen Fritzsche: postas 4 x 100 Sofía Tamara Casetta: postas 4 x 100 Camila Roffo: postas 4 x 400 mixta, 4 x 400, 4 x 100 (s) Noelia Anahí Martínez: postas 4 x 400 mixto, 4 x 400 Andrea Escudero:  800 metros y 4 x 400 Evangelina Thomas: 800 y posta  4×400 (s) Fedra Luna:  1500 y 5000 metros Mariana Borelli: 1.500 metros Florencia Borelli: 5.000 metros Daiana Ocampo: 10.000 metros Marcela Cristina Gónez: 10.000 metros Carolina Lozano: 3.000 metros con obstáculos Clara Baiocchi: 3.000 metros con obstáculos Luciana Gomez Iriondo: salto con garrocha Ailen Armada: lanzamientos de bala y disco Daniela Gomez: lanzamiento de martillo Varones Franco Florio: 100, 4 x 100 Daniel Londero: 100, 4 x 100 Juan Ciampitti: 200, 4 x 100 Bautista Diamante 200, 4 x 100 Elian Larregina 400, 4 x 400 Matias Falchetti 4 x 400, 4 x 400 mixta, 4 x 100 (s) Pedro Emmert 400, 4 x 400 Julian Gaviola: 800, 4 x 400 mixta Leandro París: 800 metros Diego Lacamoire: 1500 José Zabala: 1500, 5000 Federico Bruno: 5000 metros Edgar Felipe Neri Ner Chavez: 10.000 metros Ignacio Erario: 10000 metros Renzo Cremaschi : 110 metros con vallas Bruno De Genaro:  400 metros con vallas y posta 4 x 400 Julián Molina: 3000 m con obstáculos-5000 (s) Carlos Johnson: 3000 m con obstáculos Juan Manuel Cano: marcha 20.000 m Carlos Layoy: salto en  alto Germán Chiaraviglio: salto con garrocha Luciano Ferrari: salto en largo Brian Lopez: salto en largo Maximiliano Díaz: salto triple Juan Ignacio Carballo: lanzamiento de bala Nazareno Sasia: lanzamiento de bala Juan Solito: lanzamiento de  disco Joaquín Gómez: lanzamiento de martillo Damián Gabriel Moretta:  400 c/vallas  y posta 4×400 Read the full article
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Horarios y Participantes para los Grand Prix
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La CADA dio a conocer los horarios y participantes para los Grand Prix “Andrés Calonge” y “Hugo La Nasa” que se disputaran el 9 y 11 de junio en Concepción del Uruguay. Programa Horario ANDRES CALONGE-9-6-23 Ingreso a Cámara Ingreso a Pista Inicio prueba Prueba                10.45                   11.00                    11.30                   LANZ.MARTILLO                MUJ                       FINAL     GPN 11.105                 11.25                   11.40                   110 M. C/Vallas                VAR                      S. Final  GPN 11.05                   11.20                   11.50                   SALTO TRIPLE                    MUJ                      FINAL     GPN                11.25                   11.40                   11.55                   3.000 C/OBSTACULOS    MUJ                      FINAL     GPS                11.45                   12.00                    12.15                      3.000 C/OBSTACULOS        VAR                       FINAL     GPS                       11.25                   11.40                   12.40                   SALTO CON GARROCHA     VAR                      FINAL     GPN                12.30                   12.45                   13.00                   110 M: C/Vallas                VAR                      FINAL     GPN 12.05                   12.20                    12.50                   LANZ.JABALINA                  MUJ/VAR             FINAL     GPN                12.45                   13.00                   13.15                   100 M.LLANOS                  VAR                     S. Final   GPS                 12.25                      12.40                     13.10                            SALTO ALTO                       MUJ                     FINAL      GPN                13.00                   13.15                   13.30                   100 M. llanos                    MUJ                     S. Final  GPS                12.45                   13.00                    13.30                   SALTO TRIPLE                    VAR.                    FINAL     GPS                12.55                   13.10                   13.40                      LANZAMIENTO BALA     VAR                     FINAL     GPS                12.20                   13.35                   13.50                   400 M.LLANOS                    VAR                    FINAL     GPS 13.15                   13.30                    14.00                   LANZ.DISCO                        MUJ                       FINAL     GPS                13.40                    13.55                    14.10                   400 M.LLANOS                  MUJ                     FINAL     GPN                     14.00                   14.15                   14.30                   100 M.LLANOS                  VAR                     FINAL     GPS                14.15                   14.30                   14.45                   100 M.LLANOS                   MUJ                     FINAL     GPS 14.30                   14.45                   15.00                   1.500 M.LLANOS                             VAR                       FINAL     GPS                14.45                   15.00                   15.15                   1.500 M.LLANOS                             MUJ                     FINAL     GPS   Programa Horario   HUGO MARIO LA NASA- 11-6-23 Ingreso a Cámara Ingreso a Pista Inicio prueba Prueba                11.05                   11.20                   11.50                   SALTO LARGO                    VAR                      FINA      GPN                11.30                   11.45                   12.00                   5.000 M.LLANOS              VAR                      FINAL     GPS                12.00                   12.15                   12.30                      5.000 M.LLANOS                            MUJ                        FINAL     GPS                       11.25                   11.40                   12.40                   SALTO CON GARROCHA     MUJ                      FINAL     GPN 12.05                   12.20                   12.50                   LANZ.MARTILLO                 VAR                       FINAL     GPS                11.30                   12.45                   13.00                   200 M.LLANOS                  VAR                     FINAL      GPS                                                                                                        SALTO ALTO                       VAR                     FINAL     GPS                12.15                   13.05                   13.20                   200 M. llanos                    MUJ                     FINAL     GPS                12.45                   13.00                   13.30                   SALTO LARGO                    MUJ                     FINAL     GPS                12.55                   13.10                   13.40                      LANZAMIENTO BALA     MUJ                     FINAL     GPN                12.30                   13.45                   14.00                   400 C/V                                VAR                    FINAL     GPS 13.10                   13.35                    14.05                   LANZ.DISCO                        VAR                     FINAL     GPN                14.30                    14.25                    14.40                   100 C/VALLAS                    MUJ                     FINAL     GPN      14.30                   14.45                   15.00                   800 M.LLANOS                  VAR                       FINAL     GPS                14.45                   15.00                   15.15                   800 M.LLANOS                  MUJ                     FINAL     GPS                15.00                   15.15                    15.30                   4X100 M.LLANOS             VAR                     FINAL       GPS                15.15                   15.30                   15.45                   4X100 M.LLANOS             MUJ                     FINAL       GPS       INSCRIPTOS AL 01-06.2023   100 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 11.45                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 11.52                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 11.64     +0.7       María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 11.67                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 11.68     +0.1       María Victoria Woodward                             COR 11.71                    Martina Coronato                            URU 12.03                    Gimenez Gustale               Macarena            PAR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                 FAM 12.06                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 12.06     0.6         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 12.08     0.8         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM                                    TOTAL 15 12.22     0.7         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 12.47     1.1         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 12.60                    Baez Barrios Ruth Andrea               PAR 12.52                    Iara Milagros Aro                             SL   200 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 23.69                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 23.69                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 23.87     -0.5        María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 24.23     -0.5        María Victoria Woodward                             COR 24.44                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 24.46                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                    �� PAR 24.55     -0.5        Camila Roffo                                     FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                FAM 24.93     0.0         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM 25.41     1.6         Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR                                      TOTAL 18 25.44     1.0         Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM 25.45     1.0         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 25.46     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 25.47     1.3         Camila Molocznik                            FAM 25.53     -0.7        Iara Milagros Aro                             SL 25.59     1.0         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 25.59     1.1         Paulina Knees                                   FAM 25.66                    Contrera Rivas Araceli                     PAR   400 metros llanos mujeres                           GPN 54.84 a                 Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 55.76                    Camila Roffo                                     FAM 55.81                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR 56.21                    Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                     FAM 57.04                    Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM                                     TOTAL 10 57.24                    Paulina Knees                                   FAM 57.66                    María Emilia Batalla                         FAM 57.92                    Celeste María Molina                      BA 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                             ER   100 metros con vallas mujeres                    GPS 13.70     -0.1        Leticia de Lima Gaspar                    BRA 14.02     1.2         Helen Bernard Stilling                      FAM 14.55     -1.7        Valentina Polanco                            SL 14.81     -1.7        Candela Beláustegui                        FAM 14.87     -2.0        Violeta Antonella Aranda                FAM 15.06     -0.6        Miranda Recalde                              FAM                                     TOTAL 10 15.08     -0.6        Camila Luciana Zita                          FAM 15.45     -0.3        Camila Ponsernau                            BA 15.69     1.3         Lucía Aylén Zurdo                            BA 15.77     1.7         Malena Bustamante                        BA   100 metros llanos varones                           GPS 10.14                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 10.31                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 10.35                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 10.43     1.8         Franco Florio                                    FAM 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                   FAM 10.52     0.5         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 10.60                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 10.63                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 10.63                    Adrian NIcolari                                 URU 10.69     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM                                     TOTAL 21 10.76                    Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA 10.76                    Matías Agustín Elizaincin                FAM 10.80                    Facundo Santos                                URU 10.82     0.7         Felipe Harte                                      ARG 10.87                    Tobías Pereyra                                  FAM 10.89                    Alejo Pafundi                                    SF 10.90                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU 10.93                    Francisco Santinelli Ildarraz            BA 11.06     1.5         Matías Agustín Castro                     LRI   200 metros llanos varones                           GPS 20.61                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 20.73                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 21.12     1.1         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.16     1.2         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 21.19                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.26                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 21.36     0.1         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                     FAM 21.46                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 21.47     0.1         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA                                     TOTAL 17 21.73     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 21.78     1.5         Francisco Santinelli                          BA 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                   FAM 21.99     1.0         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM 22.09     -0.2        Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 22.17                    Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 22.58                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU   400 metros llanos varones                           GPS 45.53                    Eliean gaspar Larregina                   BA 45.75                    Padrino Villazana Kelvis                  VEN 45.98                    Mendes Da Silva Douglas                BRA 47.63                    Rodriguez Osorno Jonathan           COL 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.79                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 48.58                    Matías Gónzalez                              URU 48.65                    Julián Pereyra                                   FAM                                     TOTAL    11 48.86                    Marcos Andrés Villagra                   CHU 49.28                    Mateo Durán                                    FAM 49.49                    Oscar Santiago Castro                     FAM   110 metros con vallas varones                    GPN 14.21     -0.3        Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 14.78     -1.7        Julián Berca                                       MZA 15.04     0.3         Santiago Ezequiel Riveira                SL 15.20     -0.1        Joaquín Olmos                                  FAM                                     TOTAL 8 15.74     -0.3        Guillermo Quintero                         MZA 16.02     2.0         Matías Ledesma                               BA 16.06     0.3         Lorenzo Rossetto                                            COR 16.39     1.5         Germán Rivero Fernández                             BA   400 m con vallas varones                                             GPS 49.62                    Sepulveda Alfredo                            CHI 51.18                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro               SL 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                 FAM                                     TOTAL 6 54.66                    Sebastián Daniel Mengeón             ER 56.56                    Andres Mendoza                                            SF S/M                      Guillermo Ruggeri                            MZA   800 m  Mujeres                                              GPS        2:05.47                Calderon Maza Andrea                    ECU 2:08.19                Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 2:09.06                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 2:09.24 a             Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 2:10.09                Evangelina Luján Thomas                CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 2:12.26                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 2:14.21                Nazarena Firpo                                 URU 2:14.31                María Paz Romero                           CTS 2:14.87                Delfina Olivero                                  FAM                                    TOTAL 17 2:16.62                Victoria Olives                                  SF 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                   BA 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                            ER 2:19.54                Delfina Morena Molina                   BA 2:20.09                Camila González                              FAM 1500 m Mujeres                                             GPS 4.20.16                Micaela Levaggi                                BA 4:20.80                Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 4:25.29                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 4:28.24                Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 4:32.14                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 4:37.48                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 4:38.80                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 4:42.64                Noeli Vicintin                                    BA 4:43.01                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA                                        TOTAL 15 4:44.26                Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 4:45.72                Iara Becker                                        FAM 4:47.15                Camila González                               FAM 4:47.29                Brisa Nicole Trecanao                      RN 4:47.60                María Paz Romero                           CTS 4:47.68                Renata Dolhare                                 FAM   3000 m c/obstáculos Mujeres                     GPS 10:13.63                             Carolina Lozano                                SF 10:15.03                             Clara Macarena Baiocchi                 COR 11:23.31                             Shalom Eunice Lescano                   BA 10:39.58                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 11:58.58                             Emilia Gigón                                     SF                                         TOTAL 8 12:16.11                             Juliana Itatí Romero                         CTS 12:18.79                             Greta Victoria Rodríguez                 ER 12:45.22                             Luana Ayelé Britez                           MNS 5000 m Mujeres                                             GPS 15:49.90                             Micaela Levaggi                                BA 15:57.24                             Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 16:06.66                            Carolina Lozano                                 SF 16:47.02                             Florencia Lorena Cuello                   MZA 17:08.78                             Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 17:12.32                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 17:12.69                             Nélida del Carmen Peñaflor            SDE 17:30.70                             Nair Gisele Dianes                            BA 17:35.15                             Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 17:53.60                             Catalina García Paul                         FAM 17:59.56                             Renata Dolhare                                 FAM                                     TOTAL 18 18:06.59                             Constanza Garrido                           BA 18:20. Read the full article
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lgbtiaq · 1 year
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Libro: Más que visibles. Antología de la bisexualidad y otras plurisexualidades.
¿Hay algo más que reivindicar sobre la bisexualidad aparte de la necesidad de más visibilidad? ¡De verdad, qué pesadas somos las personas bisexuales! ¡Pero si ya hasta nos nombran! ¡Como si pudiera haber necesidades más allá de que se reconozca nuestra existencia! Lo cierto es que sí, quedan reivindicaciones y no son pocas. Desde la lucha contra la bifobia y el monosexismo hasta la salud mental, pasando por la violencia de género, las personas demandantes de asilo o la convivencia entre las diferentes plurisexualidades. Estos son algunos de los temas que se tratan en los 29 textos que componen Más que visibles, temas que van mucho más allá de nuestra mera visibilidad.
Jordi Cabrerizo, Dani Beltrán, Patri Freire Loureiro, Carmen García de Merlo, Aurora Fernández Moreno, Ernesto Filardi, Anabel Garrido Ortolá, Marcos Ventura Armas, Mar García Puig, Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz, Joss C. Pérez, Esdras Catari Pichardo, Noelia Mellado Pozas, Jorge Barraza Fernández, Chris G. Represa, Darko Decimavilla, Somos ACEs, Isabel Portero, Arnau Nonell i Rodríguez, Zeynab Peyghambarzadeh, Laura Gómez Fernández, Anna Maria Staiano, Graham Bell Tornado, Carlos Castaño Rodríguez, Patricia Escortell Valls, Ana Cerezuela.
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dvsconocvdo · 7 months
closed starter for Bex @illputabexonyou
"Hey," Noel said with a smile as they walked towards Bex, happy to see the young woman back at work. "How are you doing? We've missed you over here, you know." A pause as Noel started rummaging through their bag for make up and the like. "And you missed something sooo fucking funny. We almost saw a wig flying on stage because someone," Noel looked at their coworker who had their back turn to Noel and Bex, "didn't fucking glue it correctly." I was in a rush! Their coworker retorted back and Noel grinned at Bex. "It would have been magical," They whispered to the other.
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*Último sorteo del Fideicomiso Cesopol 1* Todas las personas y dirigentes que formamos parte de este Fideicomiso estamos muy contentos porque hoy se celebró el último sorteo en el salón del Club Flor de Ceibo. La suerte hizo que una unidad de vivienda ya construida y restituida al fiduciario, la recibiera Baleani, Leandro Fabricio 32.256.490 Dentro de las viviendas por manifestación de interés (licitación) los beneficiarios fueron: Varela, Eduardo Rene 16.634.319 Tomassetti, Renata Belen 32.256.560 Biani, Jorge Daniel 26.054.570 Se realizó el sorteo de 20 viviendas a partir de los cuatro grupos que conforman este fideicomiso desde sus inicios. *Beneficiarios del Grupo D Solos* Titulares Cornelio, Laura Verónica 31.142.871 Acevedo, Marcela Raquel 22.539.201 Gigena, Wilson David 28.973.201 Cittadini, Fernando Ariel 35.669.429 Suplentes Jaime, Estela Romualda 3.886.902 *Beneficiarios del Grupo B Solos con hijos* Titulares Paoli, Verónica Marcela 27.228.797 Castro, Agustina 36.849.290 Sánchez, Sergio Alejandro 22.008.554 Suplentes Tornabeni Nayla 34.357.816 Baldoncini Federico 36.479.265 *Beneficiarios del Grupo C Parejas sin hijos* Titulares Giardelli, Fabián Alejandro 36.479.329 Martina, Analía Lourdes 36.479.232 Dottori, Fabricio y Ruiz, Noelia 26.112.571 Duarte, Carlos Xavier 32.889.437 Oliva, Ramón Mario Alberto 16.781.633 Suplentes Larrechea Calderón, Carina 32.256.521 Curletti Gustavo Federico 31.142.802 Barrionuevo, Fernando Alberto 28.973.263 *Beneficiarios del Grupo A Parejas con hijos* Titulares Gómez, Héctor Hugo 16.090.990 Lozada, Ceferino Alberto 22.415.914 Walgrave, María Rosa 12.776.457 Tomasetti, Marcos Jacinto 24.619.511 Moreschi, Marcelo Ricardo 32.786.037 Sala, Gastón Mario 32.889.320 Castillo, Leandro David 32.889.488 Vélez, Marcelo Ricardo Rogelio 22.764.558 Suplentes Castillo, Maximiliano 34.357.986 *Y este año se sortearon 4 viviendas que no fueron licitadas. Los ganadores fueron:* Chavez, Jacinto Eulalio 17.361.033 Ñañez, German y García, María 35.505.320 Huzuliak, Julio Cesar 25.514.527 Barrionuevo, Deolinda Gabriela 25.236.245 Felicitaciones en nombre del Fideicomiso Cesopol 1 (en Oncativo) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZaXQCpvFF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xididabadem · 2 years
Derrame pleural definicion pdf
  DERRAME PLEURAL DEFINICION PDF >> Leia online bit.do/fSmfG
        Derrame pleural exsudativo Derrame pleural pdf 2020 Tipos de derrame pleural Derrame pleural diagnósticoCausas do derrame pleural Fases do derrame pleural Derrame pleural auscultação Derrame pleural fisiopatologia
  de RR Pereira · Citado por 2 — As crianças devem ser acompanhadas ambulatorialmente até apresentarem radiografia normal. O fator crítico no prognóstico de derrames pleurais parapneumônicos é de C Sousa · 2016 — DEFINIÇÃO. DERRAME PLEURAL. É sempre anormal e indica a presença de uma patologia subjacente! Acumulação anormal de líquido no espaço pleural. Derrame pleural - Aprenda sobre causas, sintomas, diagnóstico e tratamento nos Manuais MSD - Versão Saúde para a Família. A radiografia de tórax evidencia cardiomegalia e derrame pleural bilateral de igual tamanho (pequeno). Definição. O derrame pleural (DP) é o acúmulo anormal de de GA Silva · Citado por 13 — A busca de bactérias e fungos e do bacilo álcool ácido resistente pode ser feita através de pesquisa di- reta e de cultura do líquido pleural. pH: o pH normal INTRODUCCIÓN: Las técnicas de imagen utilizadas habitualmente en el estudio del derrame pleural maligno (DPM), tienen un valor limitado en la definición de de R Milinavicius — A ADA no LP tem valor normal abaixo de 40UI/L e está elevada na tuberculose, linfoma, empiema e pleurite reumatóide. Foram solicitados outros examesDerrame pleural pdf 2020Derrame pleural fisiopatologiaCausas do derrame pleuralDerrame pleural exsudativoFases do derrame pleuralTipos de derrame pleuralAs pessoas também pesquisaramCOMUNICACIONES - SOGAPARsogapar.info › uploads › 2011/12sogapar.info › uploads › 2011/12 O líquido pleural acumula-se quando entra muito ou sai pouco líquido da cavidade pleural. Etiologia do derrame pleural. Os derrames pleurais costumam ser 28 de abr. de 2020 — LDH no líquido pleural mais de dois terços do limite superior normal do soro. Atenção: se um ou mais desses critérios forem preenchidos, o
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letsgethaunted · 26 days
Episode 180.5: Listener Stories #27
Welcome to Episode 180.5: Listener Stories #27! This is the episode where our Haunties (aka listeners) write in with their first-person spooky tales of cryptids, ghosts, curses, and aliens AND where Nat & Aly unbox fan mail sent by listeners just like YOU. This week, we unbox mail from: Katelyn + Sydney, Omar M, Savy, Katrine, Tasha D, Kai + Hayden, Arielle G, and more! Listener stories from this week’s episode include: A levitating uncle, a ghost dragging a box, a haunted porcelain doll, a demon girl holding a teddy bear, haunted EMT stories, a clawed demon with slits for eyes, a UFO Sighting, a cursed VHS tape, a premonition that leads to a house burning down, and more! Some of the listeners whose stories are featured in this episode include: Tarryn G, Noelia C, Christopher A, Sarah SW, Anonymous, William, Amanda R, Lauren S, Billy, Marwin M, Whitley L, and more!
THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below:
Nutrafol: For listeners of Let’s Get Haunted, go to Nutrafol’s website at https://www.nutrafol.com and enter promo code “HAUNTED”. For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners ten dollars off your first month’s subscription and free shipping.
Better Help: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/GETHAUNTED to get on your way to being your best, least haunted self.
MoonCat: Go to https://www.mooncat.com and use code “HAUNTED20” at checkout to get 20% off sitewide before 11:59pm ET May 19, 2024.
Miracle Made: Go to https://TryMiracle.com/HAUNTED and use code “HAUNTED” to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and save over 40% OFF!
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locuradelibrosblog · 2 years
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Gracias @chusavalls ♥️ ・・・ #BlancoInmaculado @noelialorenzopino @plazayjanes_oficial @penguinlibros ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal lleváis el otoño? A mi me encanta esta estación por el colorido, los olores y las tardes de sofá, té y libro. Hoy vengo a deciros que oficialmente ¡ya soy adicta al Lado Oscuro! ¿La culpable? @noelialorenzopino y su #BlancoInmaculado. Acabo de leer la última palabra de esta maravillosa, increíble y adictiva novela. ¡Y tengo que gritarlo al mundo! ¡¡Leedla!! No os la podéis perder. Noelia te sumerge en Irún, un caserío, la familia Fritz (secta o comunidad), unos encapuchados, un asesinato, el incendio… la investigación por un tándem formidable; Lur que a pesar de su enfermedad siempre busca justicia para la víctima, creando un lazo sellado con una promesa, y Maddi, una patrullera, que gracias a su intuición, será el complemento perfecto para Lur. Muchos secretos, machismo, unos personajes que con su pasado marcan su presente, sus acciones, sus creencias, el silencio, la fidelidad, el miedo, la enfermedad, el pecado, el perdón … Es mi primera novela de esta autora y debo decir que no será la última, porque con una pluma sensible te lleva a sentir, oler, vivir en tu propia piel la historia. Te planteas los motivos de la fe ciega, si el amor es suficiente para … si la valía de una persona va en sí es hombre o mujer … la doble moralidad de la sociedad … uf, es taaaaannnn redonda, con tanta fuerza, que sólo podéis leerla para que experimentéis la magia de esta GRAN NOVELA NEGRA. Una vez más, ¡gracias @pepa_locuradelibros y a @noelialorenzopino por esta novela tan sorprendente y por una gran tertulia que vosotr@s podéis ver en el canal de YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/c/LocuradelibrosPepaMuñoz #EncuentrosZoom #LocuraDeLibros #EncuentrosZoomClubDeLecturaLL #ClubDeLectura#ClubDeLecturaLL (en Club de Lectura LL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjN7fmVDnF9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evcrlasting · 3 years
Closed starter for @dvlcepericulum​ | Based on plot
Time had passed. Some days it had felt like time was dragging its feet, like the years were protesting, like life had simply slowed down. Other days they were worse than cars that took the speed limit as a simple suggestion, on those days it had felt like Ella had nothing to show for it. Today, today was a reminder of just how much time had passed. It had been years since she’d come across Bellamy in the flesh, the great thing about social media was the ability to keep track even if you weren’t interacting. It didn’t compare. Not to seeing him, not to hearing his voice and definitely not to hearing his laugh again, it always had made her stomach flip. Maybe that was why those words spilled out. They had been so propelled by emotion and a little nostalgia that she couldn’t stop them. “It’s still you, you know? The person I see by my side, at the end of the day. It’s always been you.”
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