#c: anna
princessdaily · 4 months
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I never knew what I was capable of.
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Location: St Mungo’s Present: Fyodor & Anna ( @anna-wit-locked​ )
With each passing attack, the unease in Fyodor’s house grew. Declan was busier, working overtime some days to deal with the vast influx of patients that came in after each disaster. A lucky few only needed one-time appointments, but most people suffered longer lasting damage. Like Anna.
Fyodor could see the toll it took on her, losing her full range of hearing. She tried to stay positive but there were times she slipped. When Declan mumbled, or there was a loud noise she couldn’t place, her smile tightened. Fyodor had been doing his best to try normalise things. His pronunciation was crisp enough for her to lipread, but his sign language gestures were atrocious. He had hands for hauling cattle, and not for anything nearest intricate.
His fingers twitched as he subtly practised one of the basic phrases Anna had taught him. How… are… you… doing. Doing. Doing. The last word always tripped him up, with its fingering and circles. Do-ing. He was still rubbing circles on his chest, brow furrowed in confusion, when Anna came out of her check-up. He stood up and made his way over to her, eager to get them out of the hospital and doing something mundane. “What did the Healer say?”
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nanasalt · 2 years
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The Southern Seas
     Anna is not the first royal to go missing in the waters around Arendelle, but she is the first to wake up vomiting seawater in a siren’s lair. Prince Hans vanished when she knocked him into the ocean; now she has an answer to that mystery in his scaled fish tail and a hundred new mysteries as a result.     Hans needs a crown to regain his humanity, and with his plans in Arendelle ruined he needs the support of a family who declared him dead a decade ago. A rescued princess could prove his identity, a rescued enemy would prove his good intentions, and his former-fiancée has once again provided the missing piece.      The proposition is simple this time. He can get her to his brother’s coronation, she can help him prove who he is, and they can part ways for good.      But the Southern Isles are not Arendelle, the ocean is not kind, and curses require more than love to break. Hans has one more trip ashore before the curse becomes permanent, and with only a fortnight on land, he and Anna fight to keep the humanity he’s tried so hard to win back.
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newbordeaux · 1 year
ok hiiii talk to me abt anna bc i’m intrigued!!!! just have at it
I made her back when I was 16 (my oldest oc out there) and she went through SO many changes lol (i think she was orignally a vigilante with no superpowers and a shitty costume with useless stripes. and also a mafia princess... hell) but I think she finally clicked properly earlier this year after i watched new new b*tman movie lol... I sort of made my own verse for this because comics are confusing and contradictory.
I made a big fat post about her somewhere in her tag but tldr.. she's a private investigator, born and raised in East End. She basically grew up in an orphanage after her mom was killed and ended up attending Gotham Academy through a scholarship for orphans.. which was also the worst time of her life but well ❤ she figured she had a knack for detective work after one of her (fellow poor) classmates went missing and no one did anything. After college she moves back to her old neighborhood because she genuinely loves this seedy part of town and its people. So now she lives in a gross apartment that hasn't seen a proper cleaning in ages... as messy as she is <3 girls who sleep through the day during work hours
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princxsskida · 11 months
* ˚ ✦
The trees whispered above her as Kida jogged along a trail, following her whim like the breeze, ducking down side paths and popping out onto the main trail at random. A particularly beautiful pond caught her eye and she spent some time gazing into the brilliant blue water.
As she turned, she bumped into someone standing just behind her, letting out a cry of surprise as she stumbled back.
"Don't sneak up on a person like that!" she yelped, pressing a hand to her racing heart.
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closed starter for @warmhugs-and-chocolate
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alifewellworn · 1 year
@taybcby @sheisninetynine : As a “great fight” reward you two , Willow and Ruby all get an afternoon at the Spa at Ponte Vedra on Tuesday.
You worked for it. So get your benefits.
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elloraxkhatri · 2 years
Ellora’s favorite place on the island (aside from her home) was the bookshop. It just filled her with such joy to be around so many books--ones hundreds of years older than her. She loved knowing she’d always have something new to read. So while things were slow that afternoon, She sat in one of the big armchairs by the window, thumbing through an old novel when she heard the bell on the door ring and she immediately perked up, moving to stand and go over to help--and as she walked over she realized she recognized the patron as a woman she helped heal a while back. “Hi there, long time no see.”
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scarlettwriter91 · 8 months
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Wesley and Anna- Chapter 12 of A Heart’s Desire
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xkitcharmont · 11 months
♛・*˚  closed starter ( for @warmhugs-and-chocolate​ )
stepping out of the coffee shop with a steaming, large latte, kit sighed. this was already his second coffee of the day, but he needed it if he was going to undergo another impromptu check-in call with the duke, who was already buzzing in his phone. 
he was in the middle of fixing a pair of airpods into his ears, eager to get this meeting over and done with — when suddenly he spotted the familiar redhead down the path. 
the prince squinted, mouthing the name: “ anna ?! ”
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downthecove · 1 year
@bitemescftly asked: 10 MF for anna and stryker?
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Clearly not caring who was going to catch them, Stryker's actions had been getting more and more bold. He went from eating Anna out while she was speaking on the phone with his daughter to fucking her in the backyard. Anyone in both homes could spot them if they went outside, but he didn't care. "They don't know how much you need this. They'd think I was an old perv corrupting you." A smirk formed on the man's face as his left hand moved up to curl in Anna's hair. He pulled her head back after grabbing a fistful. "How much you beg for this." Stryker continued to thrust his hips into her, throbbing shaft going deeper and deeper until he as balls deep. His right hand moved up, capturing the bud of her nipple in between his fingers while he softly twisted it.
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happyheidi · 2 months
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Anna and Elena Balbusso - The Fairy Flowers, Narcissus, inspired by H. C. Andersen, 2008 x
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princessdaily · 1 year
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♪ The window is open, so's that door I didn't know they did that anymore Who knew we owned 8,000 salad plates? For years, I've roamed these empty halls Why have a ballroom with no balls? Finally they're opening up the gates! ♪
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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[ 18+ / SEM GATILHOS / TIPO 1. ]
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NOME LEGAL: Tsukasa Anna.
PRONOMES: Ela/dela.
NASCIMENTO: 12/10/1998.
CIDADE NATAL: Tóquio, Japão.
POSIÇÃO: Dançarina, vocalista, rapper, visual, center do Glittermoon.
DEBUT: 21 de maio de 2016 (solo), 21 de janeiro de 2018 (grupo).
CONTA: annatsunl
FACECLAIM: Sana (Twice), idol.
       Capa de revista coreana solo;        Capa de revista estrangeira solo;        Embaixador de marca de soju/cerveja coreana por 6 meses;        MC por 6 meses em music show;        Coreografia parcial em um B-SIDE DA COMPANHIA;        Coreografia parcial em um SINGLE DO GRUPO.
TW: menção a violência infantil.
Anna veio ao mundo com a chave do sucesso em suas pequenas mãozinhas. Seu nascimento não foi um grande evento como o da sua irmã, Ai — a primeira princesa dos famosos Tsukasa —, ou do seu irmão mais novo, Kaoru — fruto de uma gravidez secreta, o primeiro e único herdeiro homem da família —, mas ainda assim foi noticiado o suficiente para que as mães e crianças da escolinha que frequentava soubessem quem era Tsukasa Anna. Filha de Tsukasa Sumire, uma das maiores bailarinas do Japão e dona do maior estúdio de balé de Tóquio, e de Tsukasa Takuya, dono de uma das maiores emissoras de TV do país, era impossível que não fosse conhecida ou que tivesse o grande peso das expectativas alheias em suas costas desde os primeiros dias de vida. Esse peso sempre foi grande demais para ela, mas, no começo, ela não reclamou; pelo contrário, fazia o possível e o impossível para atingir todas essas expectativas, especialmente as de sua mãe.
Apesar de não ser tão boa quanto a genitora, sua irmã mais velha era uma bailarina incrível e Anna batalhava para dançar tão bem quanto ela. Viveu no mundo das sapatilhas, colãs e coques desde seus primeiros passos, e foi como se os passos da dança fossem queimados em seu corpo dia após dia. Com poucos anos, dançar para ela era tão natural quanto respirar, era algo que amava e que não podia viver sem, mas ainda assim não era boa o suficiente para agradar a perfeccionista Sumire, que almejava criar a mais perfeita bailarina para divulgar o balé japonês para o mundo. Segundo a mulher, nem ela e nem Ai eram boas para aquilo, por mais que ambas tentassem seu melhor diariamente.
A primeira a desistir foi Ai, mas ela não teve dificuldades. Como primogênita, ela tinha certa liberdade para fazer o que queria. Ai foi recrutada por uma agência de entretenimento e em pouco mais de um ano ela estava debutando e tornando-se extremamente adorada. Sua mãe odiava idols, dizia que elas eram fúteis e que não representavam uma verdadeira arte na dança, e esse pensamento fez com que Ai se afastasse de toda a família. Por muito tempo, Anna só conseguia ver sua irmã através da televisão, e o contato se resumia a mensagens trocadas e ligações.
Com a desistência de Ai, a pressão em cima de Anna se tornou ainda maior. As aulas diárias pareciam-se mais com sessões de tortura para que ela se tornasse mais flexível, mais conectada a música, mais expressiva e mais perfeita. Sumire queria uma princesa, mas Anna apenas queria dançar livremente. Quando falava sobre isso, era com violência que a mãe respondia, comparando a menina com sua irmã mais velha e até mesmo com seu irmão.
E foi seu irmão quem, na verdade, se tornou o maior pesadelo de sua vida. Kaoru surgiu nos braços de seus pais quando Anna ainda não tinha nem quatro anos, o menino que seu pai sonhou em ter, e no começo aquele acontecimento foi incrível para a garotinha. Nos primeiros anos ela foi a irmã mais velha mais feliz do mundo, cuidando e mimando do pequeno Kacchan como se fosse a coisa mais preciosa que poderia existir. Isso até o momento em que o garotinho se mostrou esperto o suficiente para ser melhor que ela em tudo, e foi quando as comparações começaram.
Kaoru era bom em tudo; era lindo, conseguia dançar balé, atuar, modelar, fazer o que bem entendesse e colocasse em sua cabecinha. Enquanto isso, Anna tomava o papel de irmã do meio, sem graça, sem carisma, sem talento o suficiente para atingir o patamar de idol amada de sua irmã mais velha e ator mirim adorado do seu irmão. Isso fez com que um ódio exacerbado crescesse em seu coração.
Foi assim que Anna desistiu do balé, em um momento de puro surto e afronta contra sua mãe. Esbravejou aos quatro ventos que se tornaria uma das idols que ela tanto odiava, que conseguiria tudo que ela dizia ser impossível. Em resposta, a mulher apenas riu e disse que aquele desejo era impossível para Anna, afinal, ela não era boa para nada além de ser bonita.
Até hoje não entende como, já que na época não tinha dito para ninguém além de seus pais sobre o falso desejo de se tornar artista, mas poucos meses depois de suas decisão a garota foi contactada por um homem que dizia estar em busca de novos talentos para brilhar na Coreia do Sul. Foi completamente de repente, mas naquele momento ela sentiu como se a vida estivesse entregando limões em suas mãos. Então ela foi fazer limonada — na Coreia, praticamente fugida, tendo apoio financeiro desse patrocinador estranho, mas que parecia saber de tudo sobre sua vida.
Quando as notícias estouraram que a filha de Takuya e irmã de Ai havia abandonado o país de origem para debutar em outro, Anna foi extremamente criticada. Palavras de ódio não foram poupadas, mesmo que a menina mal tivesse completado 15 anos, mas havia uma paz no interior de japonesa em saber que estava longe da sua mãe e do seu irmão. Era como uma chance de recomeçar em sua vida, então, ela seguiu. Ela já era bem acostumada com comentários de ódio, tendo crescido ouvindo eles quase diariamente.
Seu debut solo, parte do grande projeto de Atom Entertainment, aconteceu em maio de 2016, e foi bem recebido, apesar do outro lado cheio de críticas. Anna debutou com o sonho de tornar uma dançarina conhecida, a melhor da Coreia, se possível, queria mostrar seu talento naquela área… Mas desde o primeiro dia, o que mais chamou atenção das pessoas foi sua beleza. Não foi sua voz, não foi seu desempenho ou carisma, foi sua beleza, exatamente como sua mãe disse — não servia para nada além de ser bonita.
Sua popularidade só cresceu, e a cada lançamento do seu grupo e projeto as pessoas falavam mais sobre Anna. Lentamente seu talento foi tomando algum espaço, mas ainda assim falavam mais sobre como ela era bonita, fofa, doce… Tudo que ela mais odiava em si. Especialmente a personalidade, que não era nada além de uma máscara montada por ela e pela agência para se encaixar com o conceito onde trabalhava.
Para completar de vez tudo que mais odiava no mundo, seu irmão apareceu na Coreia de surpresa, tendo entrado em uma agência, pronto para debutar. De uma hora para a outra, Anna voltou a ser conhecida como a irmã de alguém ao invés de ela mesma, fazendo com que o ódio em seu coração se tornasse ainda maior.
Anos depois, isso tudo ainda a incomoda, mas ela faz uso de tudo como pode. Não perde uma oportunidade de receber atenção, de se mostrar a melhor e a mais popular. Sua fanbase pessoal cresce diariamente, tendo um empurrãozinho aqui e ali de um certo patrocinador que nunca saiu de sua vida. Anna se odeia, mas finge que se ama como ninguém, porque no fim das contas, ninguém a ama de verdade — nem ela mesma.
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finnh · 2 years
When & Where: Sunny Harbor... during the blackout!
🧜‍♀️ @msannadonnelly
                    “Oh shit!” were not the first words Finn expected to hear as he was leaving the beach. He turns at the crowd with twisted brows, seeing a guy excitingly leave Happy Scoops with three ice cream cones, a few others following behind him. It took a minute, but when he realized the power was out, Finn didn’t react too differently. Instead, he continued strolling normally, sure that this whole fiasco would blow over within a few hours. He knew Tranquil Meadows had their own backup generator that should last, so what was there to worry about? Besides, it didn’t seem like people were panicking. Except for the owners at Happy Scoops, of course. Making his way past the shops, Finn brushes shoulders with another. “My bad—” he says automatically, pausing when he realizes it was Anna. Finn smiles, easing at the sight of her. “Hey, didn’t see you there...” he pats her arm, gesturing towards the shops. “Looks like the power went out. I can’t remember the last time we had one of those,” he can’t help but chuckle, unaware of the glowing moon behind him. 
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newbordeaux · 2 years
Hiiii everyone I had this Anna infodump sitting around in my google docs since march and I figured I’d finally, FINALLY finish it :> I also filled out an ask meme (or part of it) for funsies once AND did a floor plan for her apartment-slash-detective bureau mostly for personal reference so this post is gonna be massive. You have been warned.
I’ll do Vera’s at some point too because god knows she needs some background development but for now. girl.
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(I need to mention that the “present” in Annaverse is 2019, so all of this happens before)
—Born 1996 in East End, Gotham City, to April, a nurse, and Steve Hudson, a fireman. In 1998, Steve perished after being stuck inside a burning building, leaving her to be raised by her mother for the next few years.
—In 2004, April was fatally shot during an armed robbery while visiting a store. With no immediate family to raise her, Anna was subsequently put in an orphanage in East End. With so many children to feed and so little chance of adoption, she led a lonely life there, her caretakers often had little time for her (even though they tried) and she didn’t really make that many friends among the other children except one or two. She would often find comfort in books, enjoying classic literature as well as scientific books, and would drown herself in schoolwork.
 —Her good grades eventually paid off, and in 2007 she was chosen for a scholarship for orphaned and poor children, allowing her to attend Gotham Academy. 
As one of few children from East End attending a prestigious private school, she was often looked down upon by her wealthy peers. However, one friend she made was J**** (🙃), who after being adopted attended Gotham Academy as well and was in a few of her classes. He quickly became her closest friend and she would spend more and more time either hanging out somewhere at the pier or at the manor with him (as well as developing a little crush that she never acted on). Life was good for a while… 
—That is until he died in 2011. Anna was distraught and, not really knowing about his uh, other activities, would keep worrying about the suspicious circumstances of it. She really had no way of finding out, since she was missing crucial information and Bruce would rather die than tell her, no matter how annoying she was about it so 🤷‍♀️
—In 2012 a fellow student of hers, Holly Kingston, went missing. The two weren’t friends - Holly, despite coming from a similar background as Anna, was one of her more popular peers and even though she has shown her kindness on occasion, they never really spoke. The GCPD didn’t do much, just another girl from East End going missing, another daily occurrence in Gotham. Still distraught from her own loss, Anna took it upon herself to find out what happened to Holly, if only to bring closure to this disappearance. 
—After some investigating, she eventually found out that one of her friends had lied to the police about the events of the night that Holly was last seen, out of guilt and fear that something might have happened to her. Anna eventually discovered her body among a few others in an abandoned Junkyard at night, where a disturbed serial killer has disposed of his victims’ bodies. Unfortunately for her, the killer was at the site at the same time as she was and after s short struggle during which she was almost killed as well, she was saved just in time… by B*tman 🤡 The killer was put in jail and she enjoyed two days of fame in her school for uncovering a murder mystery. 
—Discovering that she really enjoyed investigating Holly’s disappearance (despite the grim outcome of the case), she decided to become a detective after attending college. Not for the GCPD of course when they didn’t care about the case, but as a private eye… which is just what she does. She rented a little bureau in a seedy building in East End (because rent is so cheap) and opened her own detective agency. 
—She’s got a bit of a tough girl/hard-boiled detective vibe and tends to be very sarcastic but she’s actually really nice once she warms up to someone. She’s kind of messy but smart and has a great sense of humor and would do anything for her loved ones.
—She doesn’t have much to do with Gotham’s crime fighters after her life-changing Batman encounter, nor with its Rogues gallery, but she does have a few contacts within the criminal underworld - mostly former members of the Falcone crime family who are still active otherwise, some of the Penguin’s henchmen (she does frequent the Iceberg Lounge undercover since it’s kind of a hotspot for criminals… information 😏) and uh… she does live in the same district as Catwoman I suppose so while they never really encountered each other, she does see her jumping about the rooftops from time to time at in the middle of the night and is like O_O
—Sorry tails if this looks cringe to the viewer but Post-UTRH (shortly after heh) she does meet J**** again. Only this time as R** H***, while she was checking out a local drug operation as part of a case she was working on. The whole operation went wrong and one of the guys was threatening her at gunpoint. Then HE chimed in and beat the shit out of said drug dealers (and killed some ❤) and Anna was like “what the fuck is wrong with you 😭 Aren’t you that insane guy from the news?” and… she doesn’t know that’s her best friend from high school of course but they keep running into each other so they do develop a bit of a cat and mouse kinda relationship >:)
AND some of the questions from the past/present/future ask meme
Which social class did they belong to growing up? How did it affect them?
Lower class. It did affect a lot of her worldview so to speak, especially after attending a more prestigious high school and experiencing a huge culture shock suddenly interacting with rich people. It did make her more aware of the class divide in Gotham and how little anyone truly cares for people like her. It does in smaller ways too, her speech pattern or little things about her behavior give away where she grew up.
Where did they grow up? What was it like? Were they happy there?
She grew up in East End and it was how you would imagine it - sky-high crime rates, poverty, all sorts of sketchy things happening around them. Still, she lived in a loving, relatively normal home. Sure, she had to grow up a lot earlier than a lot of other children and had to take care of herself because she was often left alone without anyone looking after her as soon as she was around 6 but she didn’t really think about it until she was much older. She never blamed her mom for being away so much, after all she had to provide somehow and some of the kids around her had it worse 🤷‍♀️ So overall yeah, there were issues but she would consider herself mostly happy there in retrospect. 
The orphanage she lived in after? Absolutely not. She made few friends among the other children and mostly kept to herself, not even bonding with her caretakers (mostly out of spite after her mother’s death, you will never be her etc). She kind of drowned herself in books (the ones some of the annoying children wouldn’t steal from her and draw in) and her homework, sometimes just chilling in the library until it closed down or joining random school clubs she had no interest in so she wouldn’t have to go back to a place she wasn’t really that happy in.
Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?
Her early childhood friends were some of the neighbor’s kids who lived in the same apartment complex and she’s no longer in contact with them. They see each other from time to time and chat for a bit but that’s it, they grew up and have nothing in common anymore. 
Her most significant childhood friend was… Jason aha. They had a bunch of classes together, when Anna attended Gotham Academy through the aforementioned scholarship and he did because billionaire Bruce adopted him, duh (I’m assigning this now. I think the Wayne kids all attended normie school in the comics iirc but that’s weird because if i had a ton of money I’d let my kids go to private schools). And well, they became friends because they both came from the same shitty neighborhood among a bunch of rich kids and also had a lot in common, both being kind of overachievers with an interest in classic literature. Kids who make stupid inside jokes about The Great Gatsby… Then he died and after the whole resurrection thing they were no longer in contact of course, she wasn’t aware of any of the superhero stuff he was involved in and she’s probably moved on with her life anyway so there wasn’t really a point in coming back to her life 🤷‍♀️ but more on that later
What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?
Her 1st bedroom was basic… she lived in a shitty apartment with her mom so it wasn’t exactly the prettiest room, mismatched furniture and all, some old and some cheap new ones but it was decent enough. One specific detail was a stuffed bunny that she kept throughout the years and still has in her bedroom as an adult.
Her teenage bedroom in the orphanage wasn’t exactly a place where she had privacy, she had to share with other children. She didn’t have a lot of stuff except her clothes, books and school things. She kept a few personal items but most of her old belongings were lost when was put in the orphanage :(
What part of their past (death, other significant event) do they think affects them the most?
Well, her mom’s and best friend’s deaths respectively. Again, she has no memory of her father so she’s not too caught up on that but her mother’s death was terrible for her! And Jason’s of course, which was particularly bad because she had no idea what really happened. Again, she wasn’t in on the whole superhero thing so she never really found out what happened. It’s sort of the reason she goes and investigates Holly’s disappearance - to get a feeling of closure on something she shouldn’t really care about despite knowing she’ll never truly have it. That and sort of  doing what her mother would have done, playing the hero in a situation where she shouldn’t.
What is their current occupation, if any, and how did they end up there? Do they enjoy it?
Private investigator! She always pictured herself becoming a librarian or something similar growing up, but the whole business with Holly disappearing sort of got her into it? She basically took it upon herself to investigate the circumstances under which she went missing and as gruesome as finding her body was, she did enjoy it (the investigation, not necessarily the body), she was good at it and it gave her a sense of much needed closure, thus she decided to take it up as her profession. She loves it, her favorite part about it is getting to put on elaborate disguises when she’s “undercover” and being able to reinvent herself for a little bit.
Do they have a partner? How did they meet, and what's their relationship like now?
Oh you know 🙄She and J**** went to the same school and had a few classes together and originally being from the same neighborhood (even though they never saw each other there. maybe in passing but not that either would remember) and having similar interests they became friends :-) After he dies and comes back… well, she has no idea he’s alive again of course and I don't think he’d see much sense in telling her now, especially since she had no idea about the whole superhero thing and everything would take quite a bit of explaining and there isn’t really any way of telling what her reaction would be. Of course that need to receive some sort of… I dunno, gesture of love and of being missed and all that from someone who was important to him before he died is there so they “coincidentally” cross paths one time (post-UTRH duh) when she gets into a sticky situation and he has to save her from a bunch of thugs… in-costume of course and Anna’s like wtf you’re that freak from the news 🤨 So obviously she doesn’t know it’s him but they do cross paths a lot so they have a bit of a weird relationship. Kind of cat and mouse, of course with sexual tension (which Anna would deny if someone brought it up, he could be ugly under that helmet yknow 🙄). Something something yearning but her thinking he's still dead and him thinking it's weird and cringe to tell her he isn't… She does find out it’s him eventually though so love wins ❤
What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?
She was a huge literature and history nerd as a child/teenager and she still loves it! She just has so little time to read nowadays and there isn’t really much of a point to it anyway 🤷‍♀️ As an adult she kind of resorts to watching/reading about weird things, often on the internet. She loves those videos about weird conspiracy theories (she doesn't believe in them but they're fun) or strange historical things and researching if that’s true or not afterwards.
What do they always carry with them and why?
Her phone and camera, a little pocket knife for messy situations; a pen, wipes, extra eyeliner and mascara, and band aids. Most of these items come in handy when she’s out and about doing her job (except the mascara and eyeliner, that’s just in case what she’s wearing gets a little too runny and she needs to look nice). Other than that, just standard stuff. Some money and her ID (or the fake one she owns).
What kind of place do they live in?
She’s rented a little place in East End, with the first floor being her detective bureau and her home being above. It’s not too glamorous for obvious reasons and always looks messy - not disgusting (usually)  but there are always random things standing where they don’t belong and evidence & files lying about. She tries to keep them downstairs in her office, every case sorted alphabetically but that’s not her. Sometimes she’ll use her walls as a pinboard :/
I also made a floor plan for it >:) I would also like to say here that I still do have some knowledge on floor plans from before dropping out of uni so I do know how messy this is, i just didnt wanna calculate it properly or anything and just whipped this up in photoshop, it does the job lol. Here you go
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diioonysus · 7 months
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art + hair pieces
#orientatalin by edouard frederic wilhelm richter#cant find this one#this one either its tougher than you think to reverse search them#portrait of josephine de beauharnais by francois gerard#the marquise de seignelay and two of her sons by pierre mignard#infantin isabella clara eugenia at age 13 by alonso sanchez coello#grand duchess alexandra pavlovna romanova of russia but i cant find the artist#marie frederike amalie queen of greece by joseph karl stieler#empress josephine by jean louis viger#queen anna of hungary and bohemia by hans maler#elisabeth of austria by jooris van der straaten#anne wortley by paul van somer#manuela gonzalez velazquez tocando el piano by zacarias gonzalez velazquez#adelingen by heinrich friederich fuger#the unequal marriage by vasili pukirev#idealised portrait of a young women as flora by bartolomeo veneto#a portrait of a noble lady by jan adam kruseman#changing the letter by joseph edward southall#lorelei by james c christensen#the crucifixion by jacob cornelisz van oostsanen#saint dorothy i think this is the title its kinda confusing by i cant find the artist#saint barbara by ambrosius benson#virgin mary by hubert van eyck and jan van eyck#princess maria alexandrovna by ivan makarov#ladies in the blazon room of the winter palace by adolphe ladurner#queen marie therese and her son by charles beaubrun#boyar's wife by konstantin yegorovich#dont know the title but its by barthel bruyn the elder#queen isabella ii of spain by unknown artist#portrait of maria therese charlotte of france by antoine-jean gros
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