#c is for seiros
nm-mattuz · 10 months
C is for Seiros
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years
Church of Seiros and who they main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Rhea: Palutena (duh)
Seteth: m!Wii Fit Trainer (actually played Wii Fit religiously. also got very into Wii Sports Resort, but doesnt want to associate his Mii with violence)
Flayn: Isabelle (thinks she's cute and likes catching opponents in the net. Actually uses her very efficiently, though)
Catherine: Snake (meta. Occasionally is a commentator at EVO)
Shamir: Joker (meta, but Lookin' Cool)
Cyril: Pokémon Trainer (he's got options, baybe!!!! Bring it on! knows exactly how to take full advantage of the i-frames and it's terrifying. Streams and watches every single tournament he can but never competes)
Hanneman: Dr. Mario. Do I need to explain this one?
Manuela: Random and is bad at all of them.
Some brief explanations in the tags - Blue Lions / Golden Deer / Black Eagles / Ashen Wolves
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few3hd · 1 year
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M!Byleth Expedition Dialogue
Being invited on an Expedition, Observing Face, Hair, & Body, and returning to camp
C Support (Maximum)
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cherrypikkins · 9 months
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FE3H OC: Kitt Burgess - Support Conversations and Artwork
From an earlier poll, I wrote support conversations for the top three characters with my FE3H OC, Kitt (they/them). I also did some semi-related artwork. :3
More reading below the cut!
Hapi – Support Level C
Scene: Forest
Kitt: That was a close call. Way too close for my liking. You're not hurt anywhere, are you?
Hapi: I'm fine. Also, I could have handled it on my own without you butting in.
Kitt: I...suppose? Though with a Demonic Beast this huge, I'd rather not take any chances. What happened, by the way?
Hapi: What do you think happened? I was in a bad mood and sighed before I could stop myself. I do that, okay? Sometimes I can't help myself, so spare me your judgment.
Kitt: Right. Okay. That's what I suspected, but I thought I'd ask you first before jumping to any conclusions. No judgment here, I promise.
Kitt: Anyway. Since it doesn't look like you're hurt, I'll just run along and leave you be.
Hapi: Um, hello? Monastery is that way.
Kitt: I... know that? I still have a patrol to finish. But I'll head back once I'm done.
Hapi: Don't you have a report to write up? On what just happened?
Kitt: You want me to report you? That would be giving the Church free ammunition against you. Is that what you want?
Hapi: No, but that's what the Knights of Seiros do, isn't it? Keep an eye on troublesome kids like me and tattle to the Church when stuff like this goes down?
Kitt: Ha. Do I look like one of the Knights to you? That's a little worrisome.
Kitt: I'll just tell Seteth that I took care of a stray Demonic Beast and leave it at that. I'm the only one who knows you were ever here, and I'm happy to keep it that way.
Kitt: Or do you care that much about the rules?
Hapi: Heh. Not if you don't.
Kitt: I thought not.
Kitt: Although, if one of the Knights gets nosy and finds you here, nothing I say will stop them from jumping to their own conclusions. So, better run along now.
Hapi: Wait. Kitty-Cat. I'm sorry I barked at you just now. You probably figured, but I haven't had the best experience with the Knights or the Church.
Hapi: I guess I thought you were just another one of their lackeys.
Kitt: Ha. That's what I get for answering their every beck and call. I'm just trying to put out my best behavior, but Goddess knows they probably have a massive report written up on me somewhere.
Hapi: Huh. So they're keeping an eye on you too, then? They really are the worst. What sort of dirt do they have on you, anyway?
Kitt: I'm not going to tell you.
Hapi: Oh, don't worry. I wasn't expecting you to come out with it. Just thought I'd try my luck.
Hapi: Anyway, thanks for saving my skin. At least I know you'll be somewhere in the neighborhood in case something like this ever happens again. Which, I'm sure it will.
Kitt: Of course. Just come running to me and I'll take care of it.
Felix – Support Level C
Scene: Training Grounds
Felix: Hey, you.
Kitt: Me?
Felix: You skipped out on training today. Again.
Kitt: Huh. So you spotted me. I was hoping to be extra careful that time.
Felix: If you're not here to train, why are you even here? All you do is waste everyone's time, mine included.
Kitt: I was just stopping by to fetch my things. I'll be out of your hair in a second.
Felix: You're looking for your knife, right? I have it here, you know. You left it behind while sneaking off earlier.
Kitt: ...So I did. May I please have it back?
Felix: They say you can dispatch a Demonic Beast with ease, sometimes even a whole nest of them, without anyone helping you. Is that the truth?
Kitt: A whole nest of Demonic Beasts? That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
Felix: That's what I thought at first. But I've seen you fight before. Why does it seem like you're always holding back.
Kitt: Not sure I understand what you're talking about.
Felix: There you go, with that act of yours. It's like you're afraid of something.
Felix: What's wrong? Is it beneath a slayer of beasts to fight against ordinary people? Or are you trying to endear yourself to others by pretending to be weak?
Kitt: If I was trying to endear myself to you, Felix, I would have gone for a different approach.
Felix: I'll say. Your attitude is really getting on my nerves, and you're not doing anyone any favors here. This is a military academy. Not a playground.
Felix: So instead of trying to fool me, and failing miserably, why don't you show me some of that incredible power I've heard people talk about?
Kitt: ...
Kitt: Because you're not ready.
Felix: Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?
Kitt: I'm not certain you want to know.
Kitt: May I have my knife back, Felix?
Felix: Hmph. Take it and go, already. I've wasted enough time with you.
Kitt: Thank you. Maybe one day I'll let you see what fighting a monster is like.
Kitt exits.
Felix: ... And here I thought the Boar was terrifying.
Claude – Support Level C
Scene: Library
Claude: Hey, Kitt! Perfect timing. There's something I've been wanting to ask you. If you don't mind me prying a little, that is.
Kitt: -sigh- Let me guess. This is the part where you bombard me with personal and invasive questions about my life history, correct?
Claude: Well, I wouldn't have put it quite like that...
Kitt: No need to dance around it, Claude, I've seen that look of yours. So do your worst and let's get this over with.
Claude: Cutting right to the chase, are we? Fine by me. Let's start with the basics.
Claude: You were born in a remote village in the southern part of the Oghma mountains, correct? Does that... make you Imperial by birth?
Kitt: Geographically speaking, yes. But there are a handful of remote communities scattered across Fodlan that neither the Empire, the Kingdom, nor the Alliance bother to keep tabs on.
Kitt: Mainly because we aren't important from an economic or militaristic standpoint.
Kitt: My village is - was - one such settlement. We didn't have ties to any of the ruling powers, and we rarely ever dealt with the outside world, unless it was with the Church. With some exceptions.
Claude: Okay. That I can understand, except for one small detail. I'm pretty sure I've asked everyone up and down the monastery. Why does it seem like no one has ever heard of your village?
Kitt: If you're caught up on recent history, you should know that my village doesn't exist anymore. It was wiped out by Demonic Beasts. Things like that happen all the time. Surely you and the others must have heard.
Claude: Well...yeah. But that's what makes the whole thing so bizarre.
Claude: If it was wiped out a few years ago, there has to be a record somewhere. As you say, things like that happen every so often, and it's not exactly secret knowledge when they do.
Claude: But I've searched just about everywhere in this library, and I haven't found anything written in the past decade about a village in the Oghma Mountains that was destroyed by monsters. Let alone one with a sole survivor.
Kitt: I'm not sure I'd call myself a 'sole survivor'. ...I mean, there could have been others, but the Knights never bothered to confirm it.
Claude: Is that so? For a disaster like that, you'd think they'd keep some kind of documentation. ...Unless the documents are missing, somehow. Do you think they were confiscated by the Church for some reason?
Kitt: I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. Books disappear from this library all the time at the behest of the Church.
Claude: But these aren't just books written by some random dissident. These are recent historical records. Without them, it's like your village never existed in the first place! Doesn't that bother you?
Kitt: It's clearly bothering you, though I can't understand why. Exactly how far are you willing to go just to satisfy that curiosity of yours?
Claude: Well for starters, I could ask you the name of your village. It's just a name, but you'd be giving me a lead, at the very least.
Kitt: Perhaps. But that's dangerous knowledge you're chasing after. I'd rather not.
Claude: Hey, hold on a second. You said I was allowed to ask you 'personal and invasive' questions about your life history.
Kitt: True. But I never promised that I would answer them fully, honestly, or at all. The Church prefers that I keep my mouth shut, and ... it's better that I play by their rules.
Kitt: I'm sorry, Claude.
Claude: Right, well. It's not like I've done much to earn your trust. So, I don't blame you for playing it safe, especially when the Church is involved.
Claude: I guess that means you don't know the whole truth of what happened either.
Kitt: No. But I don't let it bother me. Everything about my village ... well, it's all ancient history now.
Kitt: ...Good luck with your research, though. Do let me know if you find out anything new.
Kitt leaves
Claude: Huh? I mean... For sure. I'll keep you updated.
Claude: Ancient history, huh...? Not bad for a lead.
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randomnameless · 9 months
I'm having a really hard time fathoming how some people consider SB to be a righteous/heroic route or a route where we're the good guys. The route where:
You invade two independent nations under the pretence of "saving their citizens from oppression" (though I guess you can't be oppressed anymore if you're dead lol) even though Her Majestic Hypocrisy repeats a bunch of times that she's in for conquest and that she'd obliterate anyone who stands in her way.
The cast keeps victim-blaming the invaded parties for *checks note* defending their countries. 
The death toll is the highest. You have to kill Ingrid, Rodrigue, Gustave and Sylvain. And you can also kill Ashe, Mercedes (btw, if she dies, the cutscene where Dimitri and Dedue grieve changes slightly, which is nice), Annette, Shamir, Ignatz, Raphael and Marianne (how does Margrave Edmund feel about Claude's alliance with the empire knowing his daughter was killed by its army?). 
IIRC, this is the only route where you conscript merchants into the imperial army. No wonder the empire has the biggest army.
Based Rhea who, despite being hunted, still thinks about the safety of the continent first in the final chapter. It's hilarious how characters like Edespot or Clyde harp on about how Rhea is the big bad, and in the few scenes you have with her, she's just kind? Anyway. Rhea based.
In the C support conversation - which happens right after Felix got seriously injured and Sylvain got killed- there's this bit where Dimitri is like "I don't know if I can talk with like everything is normal, so many have died already" and Edespot's response is basically "yeah I don't see it that way. Let's agree to disagree". Also, I believe she wonders if she shouldn't just kill Clyde and Dimitri once they're out. Even though Clyde is her ally at the moment. You bet on the wrong lord, Clyde... 
I probably forgot a few stuff, but... oh well.
To be honest,
The only things I like about Supreme Bullshit are :
Its ending! Supreme Leader and Barney (well, at least they throw a sword?) being sitting ducks while Rhea steals the show, and sacrifices herself in an epic shonen scene to get rid of the real threat, aka showing that unlike someone, she knows how to prioritize, and it ends up in an explosion. It matches the ending of the F-Zero anime (at 0.48!), Rhea/Falcon rushes to deal a blow (a Falcon punch and a Seiros strike I guess?) to their mortal enemy, there is a giant explosion, and both Rhea/Falcon fade away in a blinding light. Too bad the Supreme Bullshit BGM is eons away from "Searching to the Truth" :(
The reveal that Rhea kept the keys to the sekrit passages in the Imperial Palace - or Rhea knows more about Enbarr and its castle than the current Emperor and her aides...
Doro's paralogue being incredibly tone deaf about, uh, soldiers being "too busy" by the Mittelfrank troupe, that they can't basically protect the dancers/performers from bandits, when the paralogue happens in an area that is expressedly supposed to be full of soldiers!
If starts align in a certain way, it's the only route in Nopes where Clout dies!
Leopold! He's like Victarion Greyjoy, only if he was taken seriously. But we, as players, know better! Also he's a living retcon, from having a major cichol crest to gift to his son because he fought well (and not to, say, Big B or even Ferdie) a sacred weapon despite the route being all about muhritocracy!
Supreme Leader plans and plays with the cards she has in her hand - from trying to get good PR to get rid of people (Varley sr) by pitting them against her next target (the CoS)!
An entire game full of new Supreme Replies (tm)!
For shippers around, it has a Cathmir scene where everyone knows Shamir will prioritize Catherine's life over her allegeance! too bad this is a Supreme Leader route, so no, Shamir won't fucking try to kill her for blackmailing her and can even kill Catherine herself later on....
That's not a lot lol, and most of it are breadcrumbs because for the proper plot...
Yeah, it kinds of sucks.
Supreme Bullshit is even more tone deaf with the War and its realities than Tru Piss (and that's a feat!), Ferdie being completely, uh, off the mark about everything (invading lands and rekting people, and then saying those people's fears are only in their heads! Pal, one of the first missions in the SB exclusive chapters is to rout refugees??? + the nonsense about the Kingdom having more crested generals, when data shows the Empire has more crested peeps than the Kingdom!), Caspar being turned in the worst version of himself who dgaf anymore about protecting "innocents" and "justice", and, uh, everything with Monica.
Victim blaming is the norm with Fodlan games, but yeah, it really feels odd that suddenly, in the Zahras chapters, Dimitri's all "okay" when his closest friends either died or were grievly injured and the game proceeds as it does when, come on, why wouldn't Dimitri kill her the second they're out of the Zahras verse??
I really disliked how Supreme Bullshit yeeted Ionius from Adrestia, or how it didn't explore in more depth the Insurrection of the Seven, especially since we side with Leopold'n'Waldemar against Ludwig, who used to be allies! Also, as far as I remember, no one mentions anything about Arundel, why he ran away to the Kingdom with a young Supreme Leader and how he changed when he returned, or something?
If Ludwig is pushed by Supreme Leader, reciting her Dad's words, as the one who led the insurrection and the experiments on her, why the fuck no one else mentions them, as Leopold and Waldemar were on Aegir's side back then? They don't even mention "Arundel" participating, like, Volkhard sides against Ionius and hides his niece, but 3 months later, he returns and offers her as a guinea pig?
As is the norm with the Supreme Leader routes, the "truth" isn't what we're looking for, because we know Supreme Leader pushes a narrative she will follow to reach her goals, but where Tru Piss gave hints here and there about her narrative being, uh, rubish, we have no clues here, and Leopold prefers to flash his loincloth than giving us anything meaningful about that incident.
When you compare them to Matthias and Rodrigue (and Gilbert?) who often mention Lambert "back in the days", it's more and more obvious that... we're not supposed to ask questions in Supreme Bullshit, and just go with the flow.
And it ends with a high five.
I'd say it deviates less from Tru Piss than Golden Shower does from Verdant Winds, but it's an "expected disappointment".
That's why my only higlights are not plot relevant (save for the Captain Falcon - Rhea parallel) - because we know the plot will never deliver something meaningful in a Supreme Leader route.
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reunionatdawn · 3 months
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 3: Claude/Hilda)
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Byleth: (His easy smile is striking… But that smile doesn't reach his eyes…)
Claude is a Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun. Leo traits include being confident, comfortable being the center of attention, drama-adoring, ambitious, loyal, fiercely protective of their nearest and dearest, generous, luxury-loving, sunny, and big-hearted. Like Edelgard, his goal was to usher in the dawn of a new age as supreme leader.
He bears the Crest of Riegan, which is associated with The Moon arcana. The general meaning of The Moon is that everything is not as it seems. It is also the Major Arcana of intuition. It tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be, and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion.
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Claude: When I first saw you wield the Sword of the Creator, I wanted to use your power to my advantage. I wanted to use you to make my dream of a new world come true. But before long, I realized what I really wanted was to see that new world…with you by my side. I still feel that way, you know. I always will. That's why I have to leave.
Claude was taking advantage of female Byleth's romantic interest in him to achieve his dream. He admitted as much himself in his S-Support. That explained why his Goddess Tower scene was all about his political ambitions and lacked any genuine romantic undertones. Supposedly he fell in love with her somewhere along the way. But something felt off to me. He couldn't even attend Byleth's coronation?
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Byleth & Claude After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth sought to rebuild the war-torn towns and villages and to help guide the reformation of the Church of Seiros. After a few months of peace, remnants of the Imperial army joined with those who slither in the dark and marched upon the capital city of Derdriu. The new kingdom lacked the power to repel the invaders, but when defeat seemed imminent, a battle cry rang out from the east. Claude, the newly-crowned King of Almyra, led a mighty army that broke through the rebel forces with ease. This show of solidarity forever altered the course of history, heralding a new age of unity.
If he is paired with Petra, he postpones his return to Almyra for years due to his love. With Lysithea, his love for her compels him to give up the throne entirely. Even when he does return to Byleth like he promised, it's to defeat the remnants of the Imperial army and TWSITD. That earns him the title "King of Unification". But there's nothing in their paired ending to indicate a marital union.
Claude did care about Byleth as more than just a tool. But to me, it felt like the writers were trying to portray that he didn't love her romantically, albeit in a very subtle way. Which I actually found to be a very great idea. He definitely had a reason to marry Byleth for political purposes, considering his dream. And I liked that his reputation as a schemer finally amounted to something in the end after all. Besides, he had more chemistry with Hilda, anyway.
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Hilda: It's just a legend, sure…but I prefer to be cautious about such things. One of the guys was pretty handsome, and he came from a good family… But that doesn't really tell you what a person's like on the inside. I want a life partner who's good-hearted and good-looking.
Claude is a very flirty person in general and has a lot of chemistry with most of the girls he can Support with. But he was particularly flirty with Hilda. Even their C-Support was surprisingly sexual. But their connection gradually developed into more than just physical attraction. The tagline for the game was, "Sweet memories twisted by time's cruel hand". Claude has many sweet memories of his childhood and Hilda is the only one who takes an interest in them.
Because of this, she was the only girl he offered to bring home. Claude is usually a very guarded young man who keeps his secrets close to his chest. He was afraid of his Almyran heritage being exposed because he's been the constant victim of racism. While Hilda made the occasional off-hand racist remark (moreso out of ignorance than malice), Claude still offered to introduce her to his family, showing his trust in her character and her ability to be judge people for who they are on the inside, not their heritage.
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Holst: But what if the next king of Almyra turns out to be a kind and decent man? What if Hilda even likes him? Claude: Uh, if Hilda wants to marry that hypothetical heartthrob, I'm not gonna stop her. Look, what's all this really about? Holst: Apologies. My imagination ran free for a moment. If that is what Hilda wants, then I will not stand in her way either. Claude: Your imagination's definitely still running there. Holst: I'm just as worried about Hilda's future as I am about Leicester's—maybe even more so. Claude: I completely understand, so let me just say this… I believe that both Leicester's and Hilda's futures are as bright as they can be. All I ask is that you trust me.
Claude and Hilda don't need Byelth to choose the Golden Deer house to get married. Golden Wildfire proves that. Holst approves of their relationship. His A-Support with Claude even foreshadowed the Claude/Hilda paired ending. So, it definitely feels like it's the one Claude ship that's most rooted in "canon".
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Hilda: I don't understand why anyone would want to risk their life for someone else. When you die, no matter how you died, it's over. To me, it's more important to enjoy life. We only live once, after all. It's a waste to spend all your time working and being responsible, right?
Hilda was the only character I did not recruit on my AM New Game+. If I had to guess, I'd say she was probably not even gonna be recruitable outside her home route, similar to Dedue and Hubert. I left her behind because I didn't want Claude to be alone. But also because she truly belonged on that bridge in Derdriu defending him. It's the ultimate fulfillment of her character arc, showing how she's changed from a spoiled and lazy girl into a mature woman who will try her best to not let down the people she cares about.
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Hilda and Claude were the only lord and retainer I felt comfortable shipping because their differing social status had practically no effect on how they related to each other. Hilda could see through his fake smile because she was just as manipulative, constantly flirting to get people to do things for her. In CF, she died for Claude because she had fun with him and found him sexy, not because it was her duty as a Crest bearer. Claude expected her to run, but she stood her ground.
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As a lord, Claude was in the middle. He was ambitious like Edelgard but not quite as ruthless. He shared Dimitri's distaste for war, but would compromise those ideals in pursuit of his goals. What I liked about Hilda as a retainer was that she supported him emotionally, but she also challenged him on his decisions when it was necessary. She questioned whether being king was really what he wanted when he was a natural free spirit at heart.
Claude: You and I may not hold any grudges, but if you look to our history, you'll see it was the Kingdom who tossed us to the wolves first. When our people were fighting for independence from the Empire, Faerghus attacked and conquered Leicester for themselves.
Claude certainly had good intentions, but in the end, he was perhaps a bit too motivated by self-interest. In VW, he realized that, which is why he stepped down in favor of Byleth. In GW, there is a chapter called "The End of the Alliance". Claude becomes king of the Federation and allies with Edelgard. He announces his intention to eliminate the church and invade the Kingdom using historical disputes as a justification, however questionable that may be.
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Claude: If you're going to lead Fódlan, then the Alliance lords will follow you. Back in the day, the Alliance split off from the Kingdom. I'm just putting us back together again.
In AM, there is a cutscene called "The End of the Alliance". Claude puts aside all historical animosity and willingly unifies with the Kingdom. Why the change of heart? He admitted he wouldn't do anything unless he had something to gain, but Byleth and Dimitri selflessly came to his rescue. And because of that, he gives his Hero's Relic to Dimitri, something he did not to for Edelgard. Symbolically this gesture is so important because he always thought he needed the power of the relics to realize his dream. But he doesn't.
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Claude & Hilda Trusting the affairs to his comrades with whom he had fought, Claude departed for his homeland. While in Fódlan he was no more than a noble, upon returning to his homeland of Almyra, he was a prince of the realm. Having grown strong and mature, he gained recognition among the royal family and eventually wielded influence in national politics. Several years later, the king of Almyra retired, and Claude succeeded to the throne. Simultaneously, a queen was introduced – none other than Hilda. Leveraging her brother's support, she unexpectedly demonstrated diplomatic prowess, contributing to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Almyra and Fódlan. Furthermore, with two consecutive queens from Fódlan, the values of Almyra began to evolve.
In AM, Claude's fate doesn't change much compared to VW. He still goes back to Almyra, presumably with Hilda if she wasn't recruited. So, I don't even think their VW paired ending would be any different in the AM timeline. And their marital union is what will help Claude achieve his dream. He didn't need Byleth, the Hero's Relics, or to become supreme leader. Marrying Hilda opens Fódlan's Locket. This is the only ending where Hilda gets involved in politics instead of making accessories, but it is better for her character development, and I think she'd be happier that way in the end.
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raxistaicho · 8 months
Fantasy Invader forgets whose paralogue is whose.
I couldn't help but bat out a quick post after I saw a truly incredible argument from Fantasy Invader.
I think there's one big, BIG indicator of how siding with Edelgard goes against Byleth's power. Their paralogue. They can't have their paralogue in the game if they side with Edelgard against Rhea.
He's obviously discussing Eternal Guardian, one of the few paralogues you lose access to by going into Crimson Flower rather than Silver Snow.
Eternal Guardian is not Byleth's paralogue, Fantasy Invader.
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It's Rhea's. You have to gain support with Rhea to get it. You're invited to it indirectly by Rhea. It adds to the mystery of who Rhea is. If Byleth has a paralogue at all, it's Tales of the Red Canyon, which is about Byleth indirectly through Sothis.
And consider that said paralogue is unlocked through having a support level with Rhea, something the player needs to work at completely at their own direction
Yeah, kinda like how you have to build support level with Edelgard and work completely at your own direction to get into Crimson Flower :)
(I didn't even realize Rhea had supports until late White Clouds in my first playthrough, when the support had already locked),
Yeah, Rhea's supports are kinda pointless. Getting anything but C usually involves deluging her in gifts, though it got easier after she was given lost items and the option to have tea with her via DLC. I think it's very hard to get her C support purely though dialogue options. Now I'm interested in giving that a test...
and as a result the player is given a reward for it later on (a shield that has a constant regenerative effect).
Yes, because that's the true value of the Shield of Seiros. Not the small insignificant part where it halves incoming monster damage, which is very handy against the Immaculate One and the Hegemon Husk.
Christ, he's as ignorant on gameplay as he is on lore, incredible.
Side with Edelgard, however, Rhea takes that for herself to fight you.
I tried to steal it one time. You can't. T_T Ditto for the Ochain Shield.
Paralogues are tied to the characters, and Byleth's is one of three Black Eagle ones we lose when siding with the Empire.
How on earth would Eternal Guardian develop Byleth's character? It's not about Byleth!
Caspar's shows he's still pissed at the Death Knight for what he did during White Clouds, highlighting his sense of justice,
No it's not, The Face Beneath is mostly about Mercedes and Emile. Their relationship takes up most of the focus in both the introduction and closing cutscenes, and Caspar's only part is to protect her and criticize him for not being a good brother.
while Ferdinand's has him learn his father, someone he wanted to bring to justice himself, was framed for the actions of Arundel/Thales
Framed specifically for the destruction of Hrym territory. Edelcrits try to be slippery with this one and say Lysithea is saying he was innocent of all the things, but that's not what she says:
Are you aware of how Duke Aegir was ruling the Hrym territory? He imposed harsh taxes upon the people—much harsher than on his own—making their lives very challenging. People fled their homes in droves to the neighboring Ordelia territory. But they were sent back from where they came. The Empire was occupying Ordelia territory as well, as it turned out. Issues were further complicated when Duke Aegir fell from power. Aegir was dismissed from his position, only to be replaced by Lord Arundel.
Also, that's interesting, Duke Aegir was made governor of Hrym territory, which neighbored Ordelia, during the Imperial occupation of Ordelia territory. It's pretty easy to infer then that Aegir might have also been governor over Ordelia as well. Just a thought to nibble on.
Anyways, on to more of Lysithea's talk:
Correct. And [Arundel] imposed even heavier taxes on the people, squeezing them painfully dry. The people were conscripted for duty. Any who opposed were killed on the spot. Lord Arundel did this in the name of Duke Aegir. ... Your father was by no means a great ruler. But it was Lord Arundel who stoked the fury of the people and directed that fury at your father. Duke Aegir is not perfect, but he's not the villain in this.
"This" being the heavy taxes, conscription, and murders.
which also creates the implication for the player that Aegir was simply being blamed for the experiments (coupled with the fact Hubert reveals in Flower Ionius was Arundel's puppet) and not the monster Edelgard made him out to be.
Lysithea's speech implies nothing of the sort aside from the fact that Arundel used and discarded Aegir, like he does everyone.
And that's on top of the game showing the unrest in the Empire over Edelgard starving her people to fight in a war they don't support.
No, the unrest in Hrym was over Arundel's misrule. Amazing, Fantasy Invader's apparently watched that scene, but only took from it the points that he thought helped him.
Not at all a surprise, given who we're talking about.
Byleth's shows that the relationship between Byleth and Rhea is a key part of their character, hence why they're always worried about her in Snow, Wind and Moon. Choosing the options to side with Edelgard, framed by the game as "changing the story," goes against Byleth's story arc.
...Only if you develop said relationship. If they aren't at C support then it's skipped entirely. It's not integral to the game and you admitted yourself it's so missable that you couldn't unlock it yourself! Compare this to Edelgard's C support where you'd have to be trying to miss it.
Phew, it's not often that FI graces us with new theories, but when he does they're often amazing in all the wrong ways.
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hello-i-exist · 1 year
An Analysis on my Favorite Ship of all time. (It's Edelclaude. Duh.)
Let's think a little about this relationship, shall we? But first, we need to establish who the two of them are before we can go deeper into what they could have been.
Let's start with Edelgard. Here's what I think of Edelgard: She's an impossibly determined individual. Think about it- No matter what choice Byleth/Shez makes, nothing can make her leave her ideals behind. It would take nothing more than death to stop her, and I suspect that would hold true even if she lost everything- She would build up her own army, without the support of the empire, seeking like-minded individuals across Fodlan. However, despite how dedicated she seems to waging war, she's still an incredibly caring and even trusting person, which is what leads to her so often disagreeing with Hubert's murder attempts. For example: Despite all the red flags that Shez shows, she continually lets them keep their high-standing rank. This is a decision Hubert majorly disagrees with, yet she repeatedly reaffirms her trust in them, and, fortunately for her, Shez is The Protagonist, and therefore does not betray her. She's also quite the excellent judge of character. She's able to peg Claude for being smarter than he acts pretty quickly. But she is quick to judge if somebody is too dedicated to the Church or the Noblility system. She appreciates hard work, and people who are willing to choose an ideal and stick by it. Edelgard is very sure in her identity, except for how she's an optimist trying to be a pessimist. Now, here's something that I think some people may disagree with- Edelgard is terrible at seeing consequences. That's a pretty wild thing to say, but hear me out- While all her talk of permanently removing the crest system is big, and she does have plans to do it, she doesn't seem to realize that: A. Waging a war won't make her very popular, and will thus make people- Even smart and understanding ones- less likely to listen to her; B. Forcefully imposing her changes won't last very long, as the moment somebody who doesn't agree with them comes into power, they'll just change them to fit their ideals in such a way that they can't be changed back; C. Destroying the Church of Seiros cuts off a massive source of supplies for a massive chunk of the continent, and alienates all of the believers who may have potentially supported her; D. Denouncing the Church of Seiros also counts as denouncing all the good they do, meaning orphanages, refugees, and much more. She actively sabotages her own war and ideals without realizing, and doesn't realize because the full scope of the consequences never cross her mind. Her whole spiel about 'the deaths will be worth it in the end' is a perfect example of that- What if she fails? What happens then?
Now for Claude. Here's what I think of Claude: Paranoid. Incredibly paranoid. But people already know that- It's a pretty obvious fact about him, and one of the first things we learn about him. So, let's go a bit more in-depth. Claude is ambitious. He sees powerful opponents and society's views as obstacles to overcome, but his morals can be offset by seeing people as obstacles as well. Speaking of Morals, Claude isn't as steadfast in his morals than most people think. While he sees killing as something that should only really be done when necessary, that idea is worn down over the course of the war, but only if Byleth isn't present. Do remember, Shez isn't quite the beacon of morality and perfect support that Byleth is. Claude is also a fantastic judge of character- Even better than Edelgard, in my opinion. For example, he sees the potential in Hilda despite her rampant racism, though he does sometimes make assumptions based on preconceptions, like when he assumes Cyril knows his true identity. Claude, unlike Edelgard, is uncomfortable in his identity, and similarly enough, is a pessimist trying to be a realist.
All that to say this: Claude and Edelgard go very well together, encourage each other's positive traits, and help to reduce their negative traits. Edelgard is a trusting individual. Claude is not. She would either allow him- or force him- to open up to more people than he normally would. Claude, meanwhile, would help to keep Edelgard's morals in check. In all of the routes Byleth is not present to keep her in check, Edelgard's morals degrade- But none as much as Azure Moon, where Edelgard's greatest rival, aka Dimitri, claims Byleth for his class. In the long-term, she ends up allowing more Agarthan assistance into her army and the Empire, and doing more morally-dubious things. Essentially, without the help of a steady hand, she'll slowly degrade in morality. Now, before, I mentioned that Claude's morality would degrade similarly- However, that wasn't all of it. In Golden Wildfire, when everyone tells him off for letting Randolph die, he immediately thanks them all for letting him know, and tries to correct his behavior. So long as he has somebody to let him know, he'll try his hardest to keep hold of his morals- And Edelgard is the perfect benchmark. Any time she'd make a morally dubious action, he'd be there to correct her. As for ambitions and ideals- Both of them are surprisingly similar in that regard! Claude is much more focused on the specifics, while on the other hand, Edelgard is a much more wide thinker. He sees the trees, she sees the forest. He helps her see the consequences in every act. Also they understand and help each other heal from their traumas :) I have more to say but this is already long enough, and I think I got most of my point across: Edelclaude is great.
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deathbirby · 10 months
What does Sothis's dragon form look like?
Title speaks for itself. I'm here to speculate what Sothis's dragon form looks like.
These posts come from my Reddit account! I'm reposting them here. However, I'm also editing these posts with newer information. You can consider these to be the "final" versions.
Let's unpack!
Surely you can't be Sirius
In a post on reddit, I talked about how Sothis could be connected to the wolf-beasts that guard the Blue Sea Star. Why?
Sothis is the Greek version of the Egyptian goddess Sopdet, the personification of the star Sirius.
What's so special about Sirius? The Blue Sea Star is likely meant to be the star Sirius. Sothis's special in FEH is called Sirius. Seiros is an alternate name for Sirius. Rhea's theme is called Gazing at Sirius. It could not be more obvious.
There is one small issue with this: Edelgard's note in the advice box. She says that it's been calculated that the light of the Blue Sea Star would take million of years to reach the planet. MILLIONS. Sirius is like 9 light-years away from Earth. Sure, Fodlan could just be on an entirely different planet, but that's boring. Sirius isn't going to be the brightest star in the night sky on just any random planet. Not that it really matters if Fodlan is on a different planet.
So, I did a little bit of digging, and Edelgard doesn't say millions of years in the Japanese version. Instead, she says it takes the light tens of thousands of years to reach the planet. Looks like it's just a translation issue.. Moving on.
What's so special about Sirius? It's known as the dog star. A good boy, if you will. Now here is where it gets interesting. Aelfric says that the Ashen Wolves got their name from the beasts who guard the Blue Sea Star. Rhea named the house herself. This could just be Rhea making up some random bullshit, but I'm gonna take the plunge and say that she's speaking some kind of truth here.
Sothis is Sopdet, the personification of Sirius, the dog star. The Ashen Wolves get their name from the beasts who guard Sirius. Beasts that look like wolves. Dog Star. Sopdet. Sothis. You get it. Sothis is connected to these beasts in some way. She could be one of them, or she created them and then went off on a little adventure.
All of this leads me to believe that Sothis's dragon form has canine features. If you're still not convinced that Sothis is a doggo, then take a look at this:
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They're the same picture
Going back to the OST for a moment. There is a track called Scales of the Goddess. SCALES! Alright alright. We're getting there. Sothis's dragon form also has scales. We've got more of an image here. The Goddess's true form has canine features and scales.
...Would her transforming in her amnesiac state result in a puppy dragon?
Oh my god. We need more information!
Your momma so fat, she created Fodlan just to sit on it.
So, how big is her dragon form? It can be anything ranging from the size of the Immaculate One:
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Exhibit A: Immaculate One concept art
To the size of a meteor:
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Oh man, that star is getting real close
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Exhibit B: Opening cutscene flashes (Seasons of Warfare Collectors Edition)
To the size of the fucking planet:
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Exhibit C: Ashen Wolves banner
So... pick one of three! Option B is the most obvious one. She's called the "Fell Star" by the Agarthans. That could mean that she's evil as in the "Fell Dragon", but it could also mean that Sothis came to Fodlan as a falling star (a fucking meteor).
Still, a planet-sized wolf-dragon sure is an image. It would put Grima to shame and adds a whole 'nother meaning to Sothis saying she cannot reveal her true form in Askr.
But what else do the Agarthans say about Sothis? Well...
DAMN, that's an ugly sonofabitch!
You might have read the book in the Shadow Library called "Romance of the World's Perdition". If you haven't, don't worry. I've got this post that translates it from Japanese: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemThreeHouses/comments/hd82ec/jpen_translation_comparison_of_the_abyss_shadow/
Here is what it says:
In the land of Thinis, where the old god(s) was/were supposed to have lived, at last the one who is not god awakens. The grotesque monstrosity resurrects to sink the world to watery depths.
The book is presumably from an Agarthan's perspective. It says that the False God is a grotesque monstrosity. Are they talking about Sothis's human form? Hell no! Have you SEEN mural Sothis? Anyone who calls her a grotesque monstrosity is in denial. 99% chance they're talking about Sothis's dragon form. Of course, you can't ignore the fact that the Agarthans are EXTREMELY biased.
One more thing to add to this. Remember how Rhea goes absolutely batshit in the ending of Silver Snow for some unknown reason? Yeah. Her dragon form is burning from the inside out and she's covered in vines. It's fucking horrifying and disgusting. But what does the game say?
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"This child of the goddess, revealed in her truest form, possesses power beyond humanity's understanding."
That is Rhea's truest form.
Another piece to the puzzle! Sothis's dragon form has canine features, scales, is most likely the size of a meteor, and is grotesque to (some) onlookers.
What else?
We've all seen the Sword of the Creator. It's made out of Sothis's bones and looks like a spine, but some speculate it's made out of the tail.
It can also extend... I guess that means Sothis can just stretch out parts of her body REALLY far? Huh, no wonder the Agarthans call her an abomination.
There is also the possibility of her being an Eastern Dragon! They do have long noodle-bodies. Personally, I think she's some weird eldritch being, but you can always come up with your own theories!
I can paint with all the colors of your wardrobe
COLORS ("COLOURS" if you prefer it that way)! What about the look?
This is where it becomes 100% speculation. There is no information here. None. She can have natural colors like her children (brown/yellow, white, grey), or look like she fell into a bucket of paint.
Obviously, I'm picking the bucket of paint option. The Immaculate One is white, right? Her Japanese name is "The White One". Is there white in Rhea's design? Yes! She ALWAYS wears white. So, the outfit might give a hint to the dragon's colors? Quick! What is Sothis's color scheme?
Purple/dark blue, black, pink, white, and gold. There is also green, but we're ignoring that because none of the Nabateans have any green in their dragon forms. All the green goes straight into their veins when they transform.
So, Sothis's dragon form has a mix of purple/dark blue, black, pink, white, and gold. I guess that makes sense? Sirius is sometimes called a rainbow star because of how it shines with different colors. All of the colors I just mentioned are colors that have been observed in Sirius.
Guess we cracked the code.
TLDR: Sothis's dragon form is wAIT
I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna find it and...
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Oh dear god
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kyogre-blue · 7 months
Finally past the Eagle Lion Battle, so we're going into the escalation slope toward White Clouds endgame.
Oof, it took me a long while to keep playing... What can I say, I do not care much about the Eagles or Edelgard. Though I will admit, her B support did make me more interested. It was very juicy.
Moving my liveblogging notes here, since otherwise Tumblr was giving me limit errors.
Edelgard B happens after the Lion-Eagle Battle, after she talks about wanting your guidance even after becoming Emperor, and how she's experienced fighting alongside others thanks to you.
Lots of interesting details here. Edelgard was born with a minor crest of Seiros, but "most" of her siblings didn't have any crest at all. They were imprisoned underground, beneath the palace, so now Edelgard sometimes longs for the feeling of the sun and the wind.
She states that the goal of the experiments was to create a "peerless emperor to rule Fodlan" which... is not likely to be what the Agarthans actually wanted and sure isn't what the prime minister and his gang would have have wanted, but it does provide some insight into Edelgard's belief she is destined to be Emperor, to reshape Fodlan, and just in general that she knows exactly what is the correct way forward, regardless of the cost.
The experiments involved "cutting open their very flesh." There were other subjects involved as well, who were "innocents" different from the siblings. Presumably, they didn't have crests at all? Or were they just not nobles? Or...?
Edelgard blames the prime minister and his "gaggle of nobles." They had the empire under their thumb and her father (heroically) tried to stop them but was ultimately powerless. This is not entirely accurate, since the start of the Insurrection was Hrym trying to LEAVE the empire, which is quite different from the implied noble cabal controlling the empire ruinously. Additionally, since Lysithea was experimented on due to Ordelia trying to help Hrym, which wouldn't align with this nobles vs emperor setup... yup, this stuff doesn't add up if you know the lore already, but it does present a certain image if you're going in blind.
Edelgard also has a second crest, a crest of flames. She again shows it via a glowing sigil in her hand, which makes me wonder what the crest analyzer is for.
Edelgard somewhat makes it sound like she has some survivor's guilt about her family and others having their lives traded for her existence (as the peerless emperor) and that she wants to make their deaths have meaning by fulfilling this purpose and then changing the world so this kind of atrocity will never happen again... but this will not align with her later actions. What she does is attack the church, which is notably absent in this entire discussion.
Note also how she continues to use artificial beasts the entire war through, which are created through human experimentation. All of them are people sacrificed in the same way her siblings were, but Edelgard keeps using them anyway.
Next section is Remire, where I'm curious to see what Flame Emperor says specifically. Like, did Edelgard not know they were going to be making artificial beasts out of people? What did she think the Agarthans were going to be doing with Flayn's blood when she "loaned" Jeritza to them? What kind of support was she expecting from them, given that they are absolutely key to giving her the power to conquer the continent?
Other live blogging notes:
Rhea directly says that the Crestless can still use Relics as weapons, so this point is not a secret.
A lot of Knights are away still dealing with the Western Church, which is why we have to go help with Miklan.
Edelgard plays up that Byleth can now take on the most elite forces of the Empire and the Church, including other Relics.
Edelgard C: We randomly hear her having a nightmare. Why are we walking around the second floor where the student rooms are in the middle of the night? AND if the walls and doors are so thin, that's... gonna be real funny, given how many people have nightmares around here. I wonder if Hilda, who is on one side of Edelgard, polite keeps her mouth shut about the moaning and shouting?
Edelgard being fully dressed here is funny.
tbh I will give them this: I do not recall what Claude's C was about. This is probably more memorable.
Edelgard says she had 10 siblings, eight older and two younger. They all became crippled by disease or lost their minds and died. Now they're all dead.
Edelgard says the nightmares are a reminder to never allow such things to happen again. But note that she specifically continues to use monsters made out of humans all through the war. "Never allow sure terrible things to happen again" but only after you've made all the sacrifices you need to change the world.
Edelgard feels the future of the empire, of "everything," depends on her.
As noted, this is gated to getting the Sword of the Creator despite not having any mention of it (or Arundel/Thales) in the support itself. So Edelgard will only open up to you after you demonstrate your potential as a world-changing powerhouse.
Hubert C: He thinks Byleth would be intimidated? By him?? lol
During Month 8 exploration, one of the knights mentioned that after being dispatched to the Western Church, they're now being dispatched to the Eastern Church in Leicester. But why? He doesn't say. I'm trying to remember, is this the month when Judith shows up to drag Claude off for a bit?
Caspar: "You know what your problem is, Edelgard? You always have to make everything about you." L M A O
Ashe was adopted by Lonato when he was 9 years old. He's 16 now. So this was seven years ago. But from what I recall, this would put it before Tragedy of Duscur, and before Christophe was executed. Hum, I hadn't realized that...
iirc, there was less emphasis on "Crests shouldn't dictate anyone's destiny, forsaken by the Goddess who now demands his execution" on VW.
Miklan has two sets of reinforcements come in, which I guess should indicate that he's smarter than he looks.
I need to psyche myself up to say no to Rhea. I don't even want the stupid lance, but I wanna see the dialogue.
Huh. The dialogue wasn't very interesting, since I have Sylvain. He just steps in immediately.
"Crests are to blame for this brutal, irrational world we live in." Hm. In what sense? It sucked for Miklan, but the only other things we've seen are related to Lonato (no Crests) and the Western Church (Relics, maybe, but no Crests).
"Their power is only granted to a select few, whom we elevate and allow to rule the world." Big hm. Brigit and Dagda attacked the Empire and they have no crests. How do we interpret that?
If we remove Crests, people will "have no choice but to rise and fall by their own merits," but hum, this seems a very isolated issue. I don't think Crest-related shenanigans even came up during VW at all. We're blaming the Church on both sides, but for very different things.
Edelgard says her power alone is insufficient, that's why she's borrowing power from the Agarthans. But if she can get Byleth instead... She wants to reach out her hand :( Still, it's very hard to take her seriously, given that there isn't really a solid foundation underneath all this vague talk.
Hubert directly says he doesn't care so much about obeying Edelgard and will just directly take care of things himself lol. Tsk, tsk, a bad retainer.
Dimitri says he searched the entire monastery already on the first week of explore. He's so diligent...
Battle with the Death Knight after Flayn's kidnapping is where the Flame Emperor first appears to the team and introduces herself. Byleth smiles for the first time after rescuing Flayn.
Jeralt mentions that strange groups have been seen around the monastery and elsewhere since the Rite of Rebirth and that knights investigating them turned up dead. These could have been Agarthans, but I don't get the impression that they travel in groups, and it seems unlikely to be Western Church remnants, since those are talked about more directly. So by elimination, it should be Edelgard's forces?
Jeralt is dispatched to the Kingdom during month 10
There's no direct path between the Empire and the monastery. The only way there is via the Alliance, over the Airmid River, and only then into the Empire. Which makes it even more puzzling what Edelgard spends two weeks doing during the invasion. Does Gloucester let her through...? Believable, given what he's like.
Sylvain's paralogue: His father ordered him to come put down the remains of Miklan's band of thieves, who have been causing trouble in Gautier territory. He was specifically told to go alone with no backup. It's interesting because it's always a bit hard to tell what the in-universe power levels are supposed to be like, separate from the game mechanics where you can do the entire game on solo.
His "hopefully things in Faerghus will get better once we get Dimitri on the throne" reads a bit weird when he's changed houses and isn't even with Dimitri anymore.
Ingrid's paralogue... feels really weird because I have literally never seen Dorothea and Ingrid interact. If they were going to lean into the yuri vibes this much, they should have gated it behind a support rank.
Gronder Field is in Caspar's family territory, and they grow a lot of grain there.
Lorenz charges off to take the central fort, with the archery installation, and the rest of the Golden Deer move to support him. Blue Lions stay put until you approach.
Edelgard jokes about the Empire and the Kingdom going to war, but Dimitri is troubled by the idea. Her overall casual tone about all this is... interesting, given that she's in the middle of arranging the outbreak of war and already tried to have the other two house leaders killed.
After the feast, Edelgard starts buttering up to Byleth, about how she enjoys and desires their guidance.
She sees becoming Emperor as her destiny and is certain that she will fulfill it.
The villagers started acting strangely already in this month, immediately after Flayn's kidnapping.
Thinking of it, the next month being called "red wolf moon" with the description that the setting sun colors the coats of the prowling wolves a foreboding red... sure is evocative. I wish the month names and the calendar in general were better integrated.
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nm-mattuz · 10 months
Another C is for Seiros
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fantasyinvader · 5 months
I just want to point this out. You know the scene where Hubert says that Arundel is leading the group that includes Solon and Kronya, how said group experimented on Edelgard, killed her siblings and turned her father into their puppet? At the end of that scene, Hubert tells Byleth and by extension to remember what they talked about. This scene already contradicts Edelgard's C+ support, required to unlock Safflower, where she said the experiments and the aftermath was done by Aegir and the nobility if you select the right option during that support. It's the fourth event of Safflower, named Disquiet. Disquiet meaning a feeling of anxiety or worry.
In the seventh event, The Truth About Relics, Edelgard reveals her version of history and says it was passed down from Emperor to Emperor meaning Edelgard got this intel from her father. Her father who was already established as a puppet of the Arundel's group if you remembered what was discussed in the Disquiet scene. Edelgard's source was controlled by the people who experimented on her and hate the Church, with the intent to purge Fodlan and bring about their own salvation and had insigated Duscur as well according to White Clouds. This version of history spurs Edelgard into action against the Church and to reunify the Empire she believes they broke up.
Then Arundel arrives before the final map, intent on seeing Rhea's death while Edelgard confirms she will continue to work with him until her reign stabilizes. She also agrees to work towards the Empire ruling the world to the best of her abilities. Rather than direct the Imperial army against TWSITD after the war, Edelgard leaves it in the hands of Hubert and Byleth which results in a prolonged secret conflict while the army conducts missions in other countries. Then there's Edelgard's Japanese S support where she says the path you've been on has been one of hadou, while the route's ending says that Edelgard consolidated power while stripping it from others.
Meanwhile, Verdant Wind dives into the history of Arundel's group and ultimate surmises that Edelgard was simply their puppet to kill Rhea and the Children of the Goddess. And looking at the order of events above in Flower, it's hard not to see how.
Edelgard has three Crests, each associated with one of the major arcana. Her natural one is the Crest of Seiros, tying her to the High Priestess and the idea of common sense and spirituality. However, Edelgard herself disregards spirituality and reads more as the reverse arcana representing inner turmoil and secrets. Edelgard going against her instincts and working with TWSITD would also align with the reverse meaning, symbolizing her being manipulated by others.
Her second Crest is the Crest of Flames, representing the World Arcana usually meaning fulfillment, completion and achievement. But Edelgard herself takes credit for the achievements of others, and it's hard to feel fulfilled with Safflower's story because without the player taking down TWSITD themselves it doesn't feel complete. This represents the keywords of the reversed meaning; lack of closure, feeling incomplete, lack of achievement and ultimately emptiness. Edelgard didn't avenge her siblings or father, she helped their killers (according to Hubert) get what they wanted when they did those things.
The last Crest is the Crest of Maurice, representing the Devil Arcana, on Amyr. Independence, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power and/or control…are reversed meanings. The regular reading talks about feeling unfulfilled, powerlessness and being a slave to a decadent lifestyle as it leads you down a path you are unable to stop. You feel empty, like the reversed World as well as the reversed High Priestess's symbolizing Edelgard being manipulated. These connections hint that this is the intended reading. Lust, again with the normal Devil Arcana, is also a meaning tying into the route's Japanese name Safflower, symbolic of attraction.
These all back up Verdant Wind's assessment she was just a pawn in a much bigger game, whereas Azure Moon makes her out to be merely a servant to her ideals. Ideals, concepts and beliefs, that she puts ahead of the people and were informed by her views of history. Nemesis was not an evil king to her and Rhea's beliefs were used to keep mankind under her thumb, so shouldn't she get rid of those beliefs and go back to how things were back when "humanity" ruled the world?
I keep coming back to the Korean players saying they were tricked by Edelgard. But, really guys? Hubert told the players to pay attention and to keep what he said in mind. His words contradicted Edelgard before and after that scene, but people still played. People still continued to support her other than stopping and maybe playing another route. Kinda like Spec Ops the Line, where the only way to win Safflower is to not play it. They still continued to support Edelgard's path of hadou, which she only says she stops if the player decides to S support her.
And then we have the people who didn't pay attention to Hubert and say Edelgard was right.
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ashes-of-ailell · 7 months
Unit Info - Tyler-Rose Carter
The daughter of a blacksmith in Leicester, Tyler is incredibly skilled when it comes to making all sorts of weapons. Growing up reading all sorts of fairytales and watching her dad, Xander, make the weapons of various soldiers around Fodlan, Tyler loves knights and the stories some of them share with her. She hopes to one day become someone people can depend on for both friendship and protection.
Preferred Class: Falcon Knight
Birthday: 9th Great Tree Moon (19 - 24/25)
Strengths: Lance / Flying / Brawl
Weaknesses: Bow / Authority
Budding Talent: Authority
Unique Ability: Weaponsmith's Wisdom - When unit uses a combat art, chance for no durability to be lost.
Status: Weaponsmithing apprentice from Leicester
Personal Profile:
Interests: Weapons / Drawing
Likes: Cool Weapons / Lilies / Knights / Hugs / Peaceful Surroundings
Dislikes: Confrontation / Public Speaking
Personal History:
1161 - Born the child of Xander Carter, a blacksmith in Leicester.
1177 - Finds Max in the forest while on a short trip with her father.
1179 - Decides to travel alongside Lucien and the others to Garreg Mach.
1180 - Enrolls in the Officers Academy at Seteth's suggestion.
Max / Lucien / Lunaris
Dorothea / Linhardt / Petra / Ferdinand
Felix / Sylvain / Ingrid / Dimitri
Ignatz / Hilda
Constance / Hapi
Byleth / Seteth / Manuela
Learnable Skills:
Sword: Wrath Strike - D / Grounder - C / Sunder - A
Lance: Tempest Lance - D / Knightkneeler - C / Monster Piercer - C+ / Swift Strikes - A
Axe: Smash - D / Helm Splitter - C / Focused Strike - C+
Bow: Curved Shot - D / Heavy Draw - C+
Brawl: Fading Blow - D / Rushing Blow - C / One-Two Punch - C+ / Healing Focus - B / Mighty Blow - A
Reason: Thunder / Sagitae
Faith: Heal / Restore / Rescue
Authority: Rally Movement / Battalion Renewal
Usual Class Path:
Commoner -> Soldier -> Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight
Favourite Gifts:
Owl Feather
Armoured Bear Stuffy
Legends of Chivalry
Riding Boots
Ceremonial Sword
Stylish Hair Clip
Disliked Gifts:
Blue Cheese
Exotic Spices
Training Weights
Lost Items:
Notes about Weapon Repair - Neatly written notes about which weapons in the training ground need maintenance.
Handmade Stuffy - A small, handmade yellow cat stuffy with a pink ribbon around its neck. Seems to be very well loved.
Favourite Tea Blends:
Lavender Tea
Seiros Tea
Favourite Meals:
Grilled Herring
Saghert and Cream
Fruit and Herring Tart
Garreg Mach Meat Pie
Fisherman's Bounty
Fish Sandwich
"My knowledge grows by the day" -Tyler, level up good stats (Pre-timeskip)
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cherrypikkins · 7 months
Here is my contribution to today's prompt from @fe-oc-week ! Oct 14 - Supports
with some more Kitt art and lore :3
cw body horror, death
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I will also be linking some old support art soon :3
and once again for more lore, take a look below the cut!
The Burgess Family It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the family of Burgess arrived at Annwen, though in likelihood they appeared some time after the defeat of Nemesis, and well after Gwyn was laid to rest. Though they claimed to be a family of merchants, many suspected that they were refugees from remnant factions of the now dismantled Agarthan empire. Gwyn, the founder of the original city of Annwen, had been known to take in defectors of Agarthan origin. And so, in following the example of their departed hero, the people of Annwen accepted the merchant family into the fold, sheltering them from the Church of Seiros.
They settled in without trouble, bringing with them ancient artifacts stolen from the underground caches of their former civilization. These they offered up to the people of Annwen for safekeeping and communal use. Mostly, they included crafting implements that were used to forge armor, weave garments, and polish stones.
Among the artifacts was a curious knife, ordinary-looking in all appearances yet strangely versatile in various applications of craftsmanship. Villagers would often remark on how it would subtly change in appearance over time, but not in a way that signified normal wear and tear. There were times when it appeared to shift and transform before their very eyes, though many dismissed this as a trick of the light. Others believed that the knife was magical. But whenever the people of Annwen used it for their own purposes, there was never any trouble.
In any case, these artifacts enabled the people of Annwen to thrive independently, away from the Church and the Empire, as well as the Kingdom and the Alliance when they each formed years later. These contributions cemented the Burgess family's place in the village for ages thereafter, even enabling them to take on leadership and guidance roles within the village from time to time. Eventually, enough time passed such that not even their present day descendants could remember their Agarthan ancestry…
The Village at Lake Annwen - Part II Many followers of the Church of Seiros wondered why certain remote settlements were allowed to exist in Fodlan away from the enlightenment of Seiros' teachings. The village of Annwen, which Gwyn held sacred, was one such example before its destruction. In particular, Saint Cichol was known to forbid anyone from interfering with the affairs of the village by order of the Church. Even in recent years, Seteth has remained adamant on this stance. Only a handful of scholars and researchers have been allowed to visit on a provisional basis, on the condition that there was to be no proselytizing.
That was not to say that the people of Annwen did not pay respects to the Goddess - only that Seiros and the Four Saints were less prominent in their worship. Even the hero Gwyn, despite not trusting Seiros and her followers, had been known whisper prayers to the Goddess Sothis. And so, in following the example of their hero, the villagers of Annwen honored the Goddess in a manner wholly unique from the Central, Eastern, and Western Churches. For some reason, the Central Church has decided not to object to this, and allowed the people of Annwen to live peaceful lives of their own choosing. Such was the promise sworn by Saint Cichol to the hero Gwyn.
Perhaps this was one of the factors that led to its destruction, for it left the Church unaware and unable to intervene when mages from a more sinister faction began to make frequent visits, making their ill intentions known only once the people of Annwen were fully accustomed and trusting to their presence. Disguised as humble scholars, they were determined to retrieve the fabled Heart of Annwen for their own dark purposes. In a sudden and coordinated attack, they struck down any who dared stand in their way, burning the village to the ground in the process.
One can only imagine the wrath they would have faced if Gwyn were to witness the crimes inflicted upon their beloved village and its people. Perhaps this was why the survivors who managed to escape the initial attack decided with heavy hearts that the time had finally arrived to enact the Rite of Awakening, even at the cost of their own lives.
Though the Rite of Awakening was meant to revive Gwyn from their endless sleep, it is speculated that something more ancient and terrible was summoned forth instead. But what could have gone wrong? The only evidence is a peculiar knife that was found at the scene of the ritual. At first it was ordinary and innocuous in appearance. But once placed in Kitt's hands, it transformed into weapon resembling a Hero's Relic. As its power awakened, so did the rage and torment of the demonic creature whose bones and blood were used to forge it.
But as the legend goes, both hero and demon are one and the same - thus it can be argued that perhaps in some unrecognizable shape and form, Gwyn did return to life.
... A few months after Kitt was rescued by Seteth and Flayn, a handful of dark mages returned to the scene of Annwen's destruction to pick at the ruins, searching for clues on where a certain Crest Stone may be found. One by one they were hunted down and felled without mercy, while a scant few survivors fled back underground to tell the tale. How ironic that those who fancied themselves superior to gods and beasts alike would now flinch at having to contend with a ghost instead.
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discosonicdude · 7 months
FE OC Week - Day 2 - Relationships
So before I start off today's prompt for @fe-oc-week, I realize that I didn't talk about the Crests and Relic Weapon of House Umbris or Nick's Personal Skill yesterday. I'll put that here now before we get started.
Personal Skill: Sworn Oath. If adjacent to at least C support ally, or if adjutant shares at least a C support with unit, grants +2/-2 to damage dealt/taken.
Crest of Umbris (Crimson Flower only): The reawakened Crest of the Hero Umbris. For those who are sworn to protect their allies. Frequently preserves weapon durability.
Crest of the Traitor (non-Crimson Flower): The Crest of the Traitor who knows nothing but to destroy those they love. Frequently raises might upon weapon attacks.
Relic weapon - Soul Eater.
(Crest of the Traitor version) Combat Art: Chaos Blade Effective against Heavy Armour and Dragons
(Crest of Umbris version) Magic weapon Combat Art: Guardian's Pulse Halves damage until next turn Effective against Dragons
Alright, now that that's done, on to the day's prompt. Now, my artistic skill is practically non-existent and I don't have any other pics I've gotten, so I'm going to talk about others related to House Umbris and people Nick would already know going into Three Houses' events, so I hope this will do. I apologise in advance if I'm bending the rules a bit, but here we go. ^^;
The Hero Umbris, original wielder of Soul Eater, and bearer of the Crest of Umbris. While she was an ally of Nemesis and the Ten Elites, she was a secret devotee of the goddess. Umbris knew that what Nemesis and the others were doing was wrong but she couldn't tell them not to. It was only until the fateful battle between Seiros and Nemesis at the Tailtean Plains where she decided that enough was enough. She turned against her fellow elites and fought alongside Seiros' army. This sudden change caused her Crest to corrupt into the Crest of the Traitor. After Nemesis' death, Umbris went into hiding. She remained on what would become Umbris territory, situated on the border between Adrestia and Faerghus. Hoping that she will eventually forgiven for her misdeeds, she wishes that her descendants will use the power of her Crest to make things right.
Regis von Umbris
The current Count Umbris, and Nick & Matthew's father. A master of magic, he makes use of his powers to help restore the Empire to it's former might. Upon learning of the actions of the Noble families part of the Insurrection of the Seven, while understanding their motives, he remains outraged by the notions and makes the decision to tear away from the Kingdom and devote House Umbris to the Empire.
The Crests of Umbris and the Traitor resonate more clearly in female heirs, similar to Umbris herself. Having lost his female heirs at a young age, and having no Crest himself, Regis begins to worry that his family will never be free of the actions caused by Umbris. That is, until a Crest begins to fluctuate within Nick. Regis' hopes are reignited with his eldest son, and is determined to help Nick awaken his Crest and lead House Umbris to greatness. Because of this, Nick and his father's connection is strenuous at best. Nick believes that his father only cares about his Crest and not much about his own son, and even with his best efforts, Regis not once praised his efforts.
Matthew von Umbris
The second and youngest son of House Umbris, and Nick's younger brother. Gifted in White Magic, in contrast to his brother's focus in Black Magic, the two brothers make a powerful pair. Matthew's a lot more supportive in his brother as a person than his father is, though he does show his cheeky side by joking about Nick's achievements. Nevertheless, he helps House Umbris in his own way, by making use of his own special unit of soldiers, skilled in intelligence gathering, even outdoing House Vestra's spies and able to escape their sight with numerous misdirections.
Matthew would only be able to be recruited on the War Phase of Crimson Flower, but can be recruited during Azure Moon and Verdant Wind should certain pre-requisites come to pass.
Edelgard von Hresvelg
The year before Three Houses events' began, Edelgard meets with Count Umbris to secure their cooperation for what is to come. Regis introduces his two sons to the Imperial Princess, knowing that they would make fine additions to her ranks. Nick is instantly smitten by the princess, and makes his own personal vow to assist her, no matter what happens. Through this meeting, Nick decides that it's time he started taking his efforts to master his magic and swordplay seriously, and to awaken his Crest as soon as he can.
Lorenz Hellman Glocester
During Nick's brief time in the School of Sorcery, he meets the Alliance Noble, though under more trickier circumstances. Lorenz is initially wary of the magic-wielding swordsman, but upon learning who Nick is and his aims, he comes to respect him as a fellow Noble. The two promise to better their magic and become Nobles who will use their magic together to lead the Houses to brighter futures.
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starrook · 7 months
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taken from: my claude and lukas blogs :) which were taken from a jcink pokemon rp’s shipper section
tagging: the person reading this
write about how our muses could connect with each other! ex. what does your muse like to do that other people would be involved in? do they have interests that other people might share?
He is a Knight of Seiros and doesn’t advertise his prince-status, he wants to be treated like a normal person that doesn't need any special treatment.
It might be a surprise to other muses that he is a prince of Brodia and Diamant’s brother. Not sure if it's enough for a full thread but might be fun for a short interaction. I mean Alcryst won't have fun but it's okay.
Consistently tries to push himself to try new things, willing to go out of his comfort zone and do something he’s never done before. In between Engage’s end and arrival in Fódlan, he finished his formal education, but still takes seminars on topics that he's interested in.
The problem is that he doesn’t have much in the way of hobbies. Trying to fish more but it’s not usually something he does by himself. He's the kind of guy that will want to try something new but only if there's a friend by his side.
Loves learning about new places! I think if the school had cultural festivals he’d be all in. 
Write about your muse and their concept of friendship. Ex. how is your muse like with friends? Do they make friends easily or do they find it difficult to connect with others?
Alcryst's biggest barrier to making friends is, unfortunately, himself. He's pretty shy and awkward due to low self-esteem, so it's rare for him to make a good first impression with people. In spite of that, "other people" are specifically listed as one of his likes and he wants to make meaningful connections with everyone.
So here is my bold take: Alcryst is a (shy) extrovert. He's uncomfortable being in the center of attention, he struggles at intense parties... but at the same time he enjoys the company of others, he goes out of his way to meet new people and wants to connect with them. Yes he calls himself a bit of an introvert in his Seadall support but I've decided that he's wrong so there 😂
It takes a while for Alcryst to get comfortable with a new person, but once he is, he's really a different person from how he usually is. He's a lot more relaxed and comfortable, and he's less prone to self-deprecation if he's shooting the shit with his friends. Mainly because Alcryst tends to keep the focus more on others than himself. He's the kind of guy that goes out of his way for the people he cares about, observant of their emotions and desires and always trying to lift their spirits, make them happy. For better or worse, he's a people pleaser and cares about what other people think.
Write about your muse and the conflicts they have with other people. Ex: who are they on bad terms with, what kind of people do they not get along well with, how do they act around people they don’t like
Alcryst is NOT conflict-averse and very much willing to start fights if he believes the other person is in the wrong. See: him about to throw hands with Ivy post Chapter 10, still being hostile in her C support like "you know what you've done", treating Alear and Hortensia as enemies when he believes them to be a threat (to the point of almost shooting the Divine Dragon's head off, whoopsies!). It comes from a place of wanting to protect the people he cares about, the kingdom of Brodia as well as his family. From his Camilla Bond A convo:
Camilla: I feel like we’re quite similar. Like how we’re both kind, but can be cruel on the battlefield… Alcryst: Me? Similar to you?! I’m completely unworthy! Though…we do work well together in battle. Alcryst: Perhaps because we give our all to defend our allies and show no mercy to the enemy.
I think Alcryst starts out as having a black-and-white view of things, like a very Us-vs-Them mentality that he grew up with. Elusians are a threat because they worship the Fell Dragon (bad), and Brodia keeps them in check by conquering their territory and undermining the kingdom (good!). If you're not with us, will that make you a threat in the future? That sort of thing. I imagine he'd still be wary of people who are unable to commit to a cause or switch sides as it pleases them. They would be considered unpredictable, not someone to trust. It's absolutely not something Alcryst is proud of, he gives himself a lot of grief about it and is trying to "be more like Diamant" in that regard.
Write about your muse and their relationship with romance. Ex. are they searching for love or not interested in it in the slightest, what’s their dating history like, how do they act around crushes, how would they treat their partner if they were in a relationship.
As Citrinne puts it, he's not that clever 😂😂😂
Alcryst is kind of oblivious. He doesn't think anyone would like him, so if someone tried to flirt with him he would think that they're either joking or he's misunderstanding the situation. Unfortunately you'd need to drop very loud and obvious hint for him to get it, and even then he'll second-guess himself and wonder if he's reading too much into it. "Diamant, xyz said that I'm hot, that they would date me given the chance, they give me lots of gifts and say that they love every part of me. I'm not sure if this means that they're actually interested in me, help."
His dating history is nonexistent: when your brother is the most eligible bachelor in Brodia you don't tend to get a bunch of marriage proposals your way. Why aim for silver when you can potentially win gold?
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As a prince of Brodia, Alcryst has pretty much accepted that he's likely going to get married for political purposes rather than "true love". However he still has reservations about it, as he does not want some poor girl to end up miserable with him just to make a power move. Whether there is romantic attraction in the marriage or not, Alcryst would still prioritize having a happy and harmonious relationship with his partner. If Diamant ordered him to marry someone he did not choose, Alcryst would do so: duty commands it, and it's expected of him to follow through.
Because of that, Alcryst tries not to act upon his crushes. I like to think that he's the kind of guy that gets all kind of crushes easily, mainly because he wants to get to know them better. He'll just as easily try to talk himself out of them and convince himself that it'll never happen, though. Alcryst is much of the same around his crushes, maybe more nervous (but he's always nervous).
While I was writing this, I ended up asking myself this fun question question: Does Alcryst think he deserves love and romance?
I don’t play him as thinking himself as abominable scum of the earth that deserves nothing, ever, he has some self-respect. Maybe doesn’t see fairy-tale romance as something that would ever happen for him. 
Is he worthy of being loved? Struggling with that. Maybe that’s why he’s not totally opposed to political marriage, he doesn’t think he deserves love so he tries not to yearn for it? Or really place that much focus on finding it. His existence in the Brodian royal family is a mistake so it’s fine if they use him as a political pawn.
Doesn’t need to be in love with them, but doesn’t want to be miserable with them either. He puts his all into what he does, wants to be committed.
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