hopalongfairywren · 2 years
C!Puffy and c!Eret
C!Hannah and c!Tina
C!Foolish and c!Dream
For the duo ask thing here are a few duos :)
Yooo thanks for the ask, sorry I answered late
c!Puffy and c!Eret
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I think the knight/king dynamic is really interesting and should be touched on more in canon. Also, I ship c!eternalduo so Puffy being an inlaw to Eret is a cute headcanon I have. I'm also a sucker for fluffy women so anything involving c!Puffy is immaculate in my book. I also really like how they foil each other. Both are lesser-known members of the amnesia club, both have arcs centered around betrayal, etc. If I could animate I'd animate a c!Puffy and c!Eret animatic set to Nothing Left to Lose where c!Eret talks down c!Puffy from going full murder mode on the Eggpire post banquet. I like to think that's what he actually did, it would explain why despite her outburst she hasn't taken any drastic actions.
c!Hannah and c!Tina
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I ship them. No, but seriously they are so underrated by the fandom it makes me sad how the only thing about their relationship that made a blip on the radar was c!tina consoling c!hannah after loosing her wings. Speaking of which Fairy and demon asthetic?? So cool. Any duo with c!Hannah in it is immaculate by nature but this one takes the cake. Also I love the idea of c!tina showing c!hannah that even after the egg, she's not unworthy of love or tainted by the egg. Also cc!hannah liked a bunch of tinarose fanart
c!Foolish and c!Dream
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Tbh I don't like the latest Foolish lore stream where he allies with c!dream. It feels a little... Eh? I think it would be cool to see how they parallel each other, with c!dream being obsessed with controlling life and death, wanting to be a god, and being incredibly violent and c!foolish being an actual demigod, being a totem of undying and not being an absolute monster. But in most fics it's either "c!foolish golden boy brat who replaced poor dweamy and gets treated better by puffy cuz she's an awful mom!!!!111" or c!foolish just coddling him like in every 5 c!dream cottage core fics that even remember foolish exists.
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