scandiinc · 1 year
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We all remember the series. However, this does not relate. It's a couple, lost in the snow storm, holding each other tightly for safety and calm.
If you have a frozen lake around where you live or are. Time it with snowstorm, and you possible get this scene.
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My sister and mom got me a Series X! I'm over the moon I actually cried a little tbh. I know they could tell lol
Now I just need a ps4 with silent hill pt on it and a ps5 for the new silent hill games cause of course they are exclusives. My list of things I want is starting to get shorter sorta anyways. Now when I think about my receding gum line but I just need a new 360 and another original xbox which I'll try to purchase soon lol
My mac is shitting the bed too but I have Apple care so I'll get another one. Once I get a hdcp bypsser I'll be back to being able to stream everything.
Today started off bad but turned out good :)
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