#but with an androgynous voice
princesilverlining · 6 months
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hughmanbean · 4 months
Old Poetry
To fulfill the ambitions you chase,
Is considered impossible to most.
But perhaps if you present your case,
There may yet still be hope.
All submit before the High Queen,
So perfect in aspects unseen.
She who ensures the proceedings of nature,
And works with the machinations of time.
May show the mercy to cater,
And give a bless'd sign.
Find yourself at the foot of her throne,
Pay all respects, or stand alone.
Listen close as you come near,
To be audience of her most heavenly voice.
Tones so soft to sooth all fear,
Many would kill to get the choice.
To defy her is to defy fate,
Her will too strong, her power too great.
To tip the scales in your favor,
Prince and princess must be found.
Each have the chance to persuade her,
Though be wary the plans they've wound.
Praise the High Queen, praise be!
She accepts only those that are worthy!
Gaze upon a being so divine,
Present throughout all of infinity!
Just remember to keep in mind,
She is more than you'll ever be.
Constantine looks away from the inscription embedded onto the side of the stone. That's the fifth version of it today. Every single one of them are on the outskirts of the city, surrounding it. Bats might have been right. This seems fishy.
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texeoghea · 11 months
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100% the funniest part of transitioning is the fact that now there's a 50/50 shot cis people will recognize that i am trans but not know which way and guess the wrong one. and its too funny to me to ever correct them. follow your heart
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thatonebabybat · 6 months
I think cybergoths and cyberpunks who wear those big decorative gas masks should consider putting voice changers in them. just for funsies.
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soullessseraphim · 1 day
I am spiritually convinced they can fucking slay any kind of fashion event they want and they just... Choose not to-
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I just wanted to put them in that funky bandage thing leeloo (liloo?) wears in the 5th element because like............. Because.
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It's their pajama now /hj.
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radlegowaffle · 28 days
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heaven help her
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mspaint-flower · 4 months
Opinion on ciflower design? She feels too LIDL-uniform-y for a supposed goth girl to me lol
LIDL UNIFORM????? HDJMGHEKJHEGJKGHGEH honestly i'm kinda in the middle ground with ci flower, she's not too bad but not amazing either, i'm kinda sad they took all the goth aspects of her though :( but it's fair since they said it's a ''new generation of flower''
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tiredsoundsofagnes · 4 days
my voice training goals is to be able to sound like the dude from mew
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
i think a lot of my problems in life would be fixed if i had a more androgynous voice
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lesbianuchiha · 8 months
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wangxian baihe *the crowd goes fucking wild*
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figofswords · 2 years
I feel like gender nonconformity is often taken to mean like. presenting as the opposite of whatever your assigned gender is. like as an afab lesbian if I want to be gnc that means I have to dress super masc. but I think for me at least gender nonconformity is more about completely divorcing yourself from any expectations of gender presentation one way or the other. I can dress masc or femme or androgynous, I can wear makeup or not and shave my pits but not my legs, I can be whatever I want to be on any given day without regard for what I’m “supposed” to wear. when I first started really thinking about my relationship with gender there was a period of time where I felt to be valid I had to dress really butch or it didn’t count, and if I wore a skirt that meant I’d been faking it. but I didn’t WANT to dress super butch all the time. I didn’t want to be butch or femme or androgynous or or or or, I wanted to wear what I wanted when I wanted. ultimately I gave up trying to pin down and put a name on my gender identity. I said to hell with it all. my pronouns are what they are and I dress however I dress and I don’t owe it to anyone to define any of that. my gender nonconformity isn’t a nonconformity with femininity specifically; it’s a nonconformity with any sort of gendered rules of presentation. and that was a really freeing thing to figure out. and I think that in online queer communities there’s really this pressure to put a label on everything and to identify as a specific thing and to prove your validity within your identity. non-binary doesn’t have to mean androgynous. gnc doesn’t have to mean butch. and I guess this pride month I’m just really thinking about that, that really all that being queer is about is saying a big fuck it to it all and just…existing, however you want to exist. wear what makes you feel good. be whatever makes you feel good to be. to hell with it all.
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anonmojito · 3 days
He is my favorite activity <3
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kuruna · 1 month
Finally managed to find Sphinx...... 😭 It just took a million years
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codecicle · 8 months
oh shit i get to take a train out to the city tomorrow!! absolute win ^_^
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ambrose-mp4 · 2 months
Since I didn’t get to choose what my voice sounds like…. And yall don’t know what my voice sounds like…
Can we pretend I sound like that really pretty Sphinx lady from Dragon’s Dogma 2?
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sleep-nurse · 1 month
Flower is the gender we all need but can never have
i ALMOST have her gender in the way that i have the most androgynous face and voice but. i will never truly get her gender still and it sucks
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