#but those were the only shows i remebered out of the thousand ones i've watched my brain is that good<3
celestialsapphicc · 2 years
Ten characters, Ten fandoms, Ten tags
@mirrorballsandbooks @ireneaesthetic thanks so much for the tag loves i appreciate it a lot<333
1. simon (young royals)
2. fleabag (fleabag)
3. Fiona Gallagher (shameless)
4. shiv Roy (succussion)
5. will graham (hannibal)
6. Casey (atypical)
7. effy (skins)
8. Nicky (orange is the new black)
9. Annalise (htgawm)
10. mae (feels good)
tagging: @the-colour-in-everything @willehugsimme @cl0udy-mi1k @cinnamoncoffees and if anyone else wants to do it<33 (no pressure ofc)
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bookwyrm35 · 1 year
My first ever glimpse of the amazing world of Lockwood and Co., like many others, was through the show. I don't remeber what I was doing, but when I stumbled upon the trailer it immediately captivated me. It was so odd though that, being as wary of horror as I am, something so explicitly revolving around ghosts would intrigue me. Yet I couldn't shake the thought of it. Finally, I recruited my family, settled in for the scares, and watched. And I will never be the same. That night we only watched four episodes, we all had responsibility the next day, but even then I knew I was in love. All that day I thought of it and I was practically bursting out if my skin in excitement when night once again rolled around and we continued our dive into Lockwood and Co. And then we hit that cliff hanger. Gosh, I love it but I hate it! I wanted to scream and shout and laugh and sing I loved the show so much. I still do, of course I still do. Even after all that's happened.
I devoured the books after that. How could I not when they held the answers, the origins of this show that had so captured my heart. I tore through them one after another, soaking in every masterfully written page of it. I cried when I finished them, for the beauty that they gave my life, for the wonder that they filled it with. These books taught me to live. They told to remember the little things and hold them fast. @jonathanstroud you don't know me, but you saved my life. These books taught me to not fear the dark. Yes, there are horrors and dangers untold lurking just beyond, but these books made me believe I have everything I need to defeat them. They taught me to trust my senses, ground myself when that fear comes creeping in, and to always rely on those I call my friends. I used to rush through the darkened hallways of my house when night fell, desperately avoiding the monsters I was convinced were there, but now? Now I walk. Calm and collected without an ounce of that old fear because I know. I know I don't have to be afraid.
Not of ghosts anyway.
I couldn't wait for the second season to be confirmed. I couldn't wait till it all came alive on screen, couldn't wait to soak it all in again and have it be new and yet still familiar. I waited with bated breath along with the fandom, praying everyday that this would be when we got the good news. But, as you all are so painfully aware, it never came.
It was still early on in the morning when I heard the news. I was just scrolling through Instagram, peaceful as you like, when I came upon Jonathan Stroud's post. I could give a thousand flowy words and a million essays on how the news of the cancelation made me feel but nothing portrays it better than saying that in that moment my heart shattered.
I cried then. Of course I did, how could I not when so many beautiful possibilities had been taken from the world. How could I not mourn for all the bit of stories, all the amazing chacters, every bit of heart and love that is in the later books because Netflix decided it wasn't good enough. It is good enough. I still don't understand how you're too blind to see it.
I've never been a part of anything like this before. Heck, I didn't even have this account until I was desperate for information on what to do with my grief. I've never really put my thoughts out there or tried to be a voice. Not until now. That's how much this show and these books mean to me. Yes, I know at the end of the day it's all fictional, yes I know it's just some books and just a show. And yet...it has become so much more to me. So much more to us.
I don't know if anyone will read this. It's pretty long and might not make a lick of sense to anyone else. But if you do happen to see this, please give this universe a try. You don't have to love it, but please see all the golden truths it has to teach. And if you can, please help us. Help us save the show. Help us save this part of our hearts.
"Do not go gentle into the good night. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light." 
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