#but this time couldn't resist! and hey - more letters so more music :D
heramiart · 6 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag up to that many people. Tagged by @enigmacatinspace Thank you! <3 I didn't see it earlier wtf tumblr- ;;
Hysteria - Muse
Enemy - Imagine Dragons, J.I.D.
Radio GaGa - Queen
Atlas Falls - Shinedown
May It Be - Enya
Incomplete - Backstreet Boys
Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
Teksański - Hey
tagging: ... @rondoel @zeestars @artmek ;u;
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c00kietin · 5 months
Settle down with me, dear friends, and let me tell you the tale of:
THE OWL WHO COULDN'T SLEEP by 7/8 year old me :D
HEADS UP! Fart jokes (I hate them) and I copied some concepts from other medias lol
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And that is the end. :')
Alas, if you couldn't read my handwriting (which is perfectly understandable), I shall type it for you, errors and all:
Once there was a Lovley forest called Leafcottage. There lived cute animals that loved to climb and run aroud. One day, the animals and the birds came together for a great festival. There was a Owl there called Hoot Hoot. He Was at the candfloss stand. He just Can't resist the rainbow flavour. While he was about to sit down, A wasp called Rocko Was flying side to side on his chair. When Hoot Hoot was sitting down, He felt something.
"OOOOOOOCCCCCHHH!" Hoot Hoot shouted. Hoot Hoot jumped up so high he nearly went to space. "What's the raket!?" Glowie said. "Glowie, a million Pardons," Said Hoot Hoot. "But I did'nt toot," Glowie replied in a truthful way. "I don't mean that" Hoot Hoot said. (I forgot, Glowie is a Glow Worm). "What's the Big Bum!" Shouted Rocko. That nearly Made Hoot Hoot Jump.
"That hurt's really badly" cried Hoot-hoot. When they finished the talk, it was soon Midnight. They Saw two glowing eyes. It was Claws the tiger. "You should be in Bed!" she shouted. They stomped away (exept Hoot-Hoot, He flew away). When He saw the Sign "Home Sweet Home", He karate-kicked it. "Silly Rocko, little eejit!" He thought.
Now this time, Since He was So angry, He Did'nt have any Dinner! Hoot-Hoot Stomped up the stiars Moodly. He farted so loud that the Whole town Smelled it too! [I cringed while typing that sentence] "Pooh ee!" Bertha the Bat Said. She flew over and shouted: CAN YOU STOP FARTING! (it is in Big capital letters Because she shouted). Hoot-Hoot did not listen, But stopped.
Talking in picture: "OMG He smells!" "Eww!" "Pee ew!" "That is even smellyier than me!"
"You need to sleep" Bertha said. "But I Just can't, There are Cupcake Wasp's flying around my Head." Oh No!
Talking in picture: "OMG means "Oh my God" cool right?"
"Like that one?" asked Bertha. "Yeah" answerd Hoot-Hoot. So Bertha Called a Yoga teacher, Mr M (Moose) and Music Players. "This Will ease your pain and calm you down" Mr Moose said.
"Ok!" Hoot-Hoot yawned, He farted agian. Claws watched. Oh no!
Talking in picture: "t-shirts can Be any colour. cool right?"
No! Lets go back to the story. "So where are we?" asked Hoot-hoot. "in the garden of William shakeshpere" Mr moose replied. "Hey, I was weeing here!!" A dog said. "forget him." Mr Moose said. The sun rose shine at dawn. Mr Moose had enough. He had a can of Beans. But they Were evil Beans. this is what they siad: Evil Beans: "Mwa Ha Ha!" Cupcake Wasp: "these are scary! Cool right?"
"I quit," A music player said. then everyone Did. Exept Bertha and Claw's. "Wait, you can say sorry!" said Claws. Hoot-Hoot heard every single Word she said. "Do not even think about singing a song!" he laghed. They went to Rocko's home. They knocked quietly. Rocko came out, Holding a cup of tea.
"You disturbed my Episode 159, but yes?" Rocko asked. "Well, I'm sorry that I was angry" Hoot-Hoot replied. "I fixed up your sign" said Roko. "YaY!" Hoot-Hoot said. Soon they were frenids. What about Glowie? He's on Mount Everest.
The End!
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