#but then it dries and—depending on the tea—leaves behind a nice smell :3c
dexalyys · 7 months
Okayuoiwejf QUESTION uhm Hi Kie I love your Plush Star Fever stuff :D!! Uhm, can the plushies consume food (even if they maybe canonically probably don't need to). If so, can they taste it or do they not (due to not having like human taste buds or smth)??
they can consume food, but it doesn’t get processed nor does it really.. Go anywhere ? it’d just get stuck in their stuffing & start rotting after awhile like any other food n’ that’s just Gross 😵‍💫 also a huge pain in the ass to clean out !!! so generally they don’t eat, no ^_^ and yeah they can’t taste it either, so it isn’t worth the trouble (plushies lack half of their old senses; taste + smell are just Gone, and tactile sensation becomes very limited)
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