#but the alpha/omega thing reminds me of some...inappropriate comics
choco-aj · 1 year
i kinda want some videos about how our wolf boys told their mates about...the wolf boy thing.
David: "Okay, I know this might sound crazy but...I'm actually a werewolf. I'm the alpha of the shaw pack..."
Asher: "Babe...this is gonna come as a shock to you but, I'm actually a werewolf."
Babe: "oh no i'm dating a furry 😧😨😭"
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Better This Way (Chapter One)(Spideypool ABO)
Peter loved the way Deadpool smelled.
Not like the way he smelled after a hard night of patrol, or after they each devoured their share of a dozen burritos, or after he returned from one of those missions he never ever talked about.
No, it was something under all that. Something Peter couldn't quite name. But the Alpha had a heavy scent that reminded him of something electric and wild and dangerous. And for whatever reason it was also completely comforting and safe, which of course didn't make any sense at all.
It was like the time Peter had shot a web as high as he could on the Empire State Building, then scrambled towards the top. A thunderstorm had been brewing, and he had balanced on the edge of the spire and watched the lightning snap across the sky, and heard the thunder roll and felt that eerie electricity in the that made his hair stand on end and sent chills down his back. It was not his smartest moment, and looking back he knew he could have been killed in a heartbeat.
But standing there, balanced between feeling so very alive, and what was probably certain death-- Peter had felt completely safe. Completely at home.
And for some inexplicable reason, that was how he felt with Deadpool. That's was the Alpha’s scent--electric and wild and dangerous.
And Peter was… well he was addicted.
So when Deadpool climbed up the fire escape to meet him on the roof, carrying a bag of post patrol mexican food, Peter had to swallow back the urge to lean in, to scoot a little closer to the big Alpha. And wow was Deadpool a big Alpha. All over. Thick thighs and huge arms and a broad chest and so many muscles it made Peter want to just weep and---
“Whatcha thinking about Spidey?” The Merc shoved a burrito at him, effectively startling Peter from his thoughts. “I could hear the gears in your brain turning from the street. Don't hurt yourself now. Pretty thing like you needs to just lay back and let the Alphas do all the thinking.”
Ah yes. There it was.
Deadpool was also a grade-a Asshole.  A complete and total, Alpha swaggering, pheromone pouring, muscle flexing, inappropriate comment flinging, turning everything into a sex joke while filling out that stupid spandex suit until it nearly burst-- asshole.
And dammit if Peter still wasn't half in love with him, giving back just as much teasing as he got, even occasionally pushing for more.
He couldn't really explain it. He just loved it. Wanted it. Wanted the Alpha.
But Deadpool had no interest in anything real and anytime their little moments edged into something serious, he was quick to back off, either delivering a scathing retort or literally, physically backing off to the point of jumping off the roof if he had to.
The Alpha wasn't interested. But that didn't stop Peter from flirting with him anyway.
“Pool, if I let the Alphas do the thinking the world would burn. Let us pretty boys have a little bit of input.” He retorted and turned around to lift his mask to his nose so he could eat. Deadpool turned away as well, and they sat leaning on each others backs and eating as fast as they could.
It was easier, eating back to back. No awkward staring at the glimpses of each others skins, no worrying about letting anything slip about their identities. And of course they both ate like maniacs, because after a night on patrol they were always starving, and no one wanted to see that.
So back-to-back it was.
“You see that hot piece of omega in the last store?” Deadpool said, several minutes later. “All blond hair and blue eyes? Sweet, perfect little thing. Damn.”
“Nope, I didn't notice.” Peter said and took another big bite of food.
“What do you mean, you didn't notice?” Deadpool bumped the back of their heads together. “She looked like a porn star and smelled like a bitch in--”
“Hey!” Peter elbowed him. “Come on now!”
“Right. Sorry.” Deadpool shifted against his back. “Working on that. No talking about omegas like they are a piece of meat around Spidey. Not when I should be talking about you anyway.”
“That's exactly right.” He sniffed, trying to push as much hurt into his voice as possible. “It hurts my feelings when you talk about other people in front of me.”
“Spidey!!” Deadpool cried. “You know you are my entire heart!”
“Maybe chew your food before trying to sweet talk me.” Peter chuckled and Deadpool shook his head--and Peter's head-- adamantly.
“Don't you tell me how to live, Spider-boy. If I want to spit pick up lines at the same time I spit food just let me be. Stop oppressing me! It's practically a crime the way you try to change me. Just accept me for who I am. I mean honestly---”
“Jesus Christ stop talking!” Peter knocked their heads together hard and laughed when Pool yelled. “Just eat so I can go home and sleep.”
“Damn Spidey! Are you already done with your food? Check out the mouth on you boy. Are you good at devouring anything else like that?”
“Wouldn't you like to know.” Peter pulled his mask down and jumped to his feet, trying not to laugh again when the Alpha fell right over onto his back. “Maybe one day if you're really good I'll show you.”
“You know--” Deadpool pulled his own mask down to hide his mouth and neck, but not before Peter caught sight of all the scars that littered his skin. “One of these days I'm gonna take you up on that offer.”
He had seen them before, or at least seen glimpses, and knew that most of Deadpool’s body was covered in them. Peter had never asked what they were from, and the Alpha had never offered the information, but Peter was sure it had something to do with Deadpool’s mutation. It didn't matter though, at least not to Peter, but the other man sure seemed self conscious about them, and tried to keep as covered as possible.
It made Peter a little sad. Sure he was covered all the time too, but at least he could walk down the street as Peter Parker and no one thought anything about him. Deadpool probably couldn't go anywhere without being stared at, and that was---
“One of these days you're going to be serious but I'll have someone else that loves me and won't want you anymore.” Deadpool was still talking. “I mean, either put out or shaddup baby boy.”
“That's not the saying.” Peter snarked quickly, rolling his eyes behind his mask. “I'm sure one day when you move on from your obsession with me, I'll cry. But until then, I'm going home to sleep and do normal day time things and leave your obnoxious ass here.”
“Okay first of all, I knew you were thinking about my ass this entire time. And second--what does a spider do during the day? Feast on the flesh of the ones he captured during the night?”
Peter made a big show of looking around. “Do you see any captured people here? You’re the only one still hanging around.”
“Ah so it's my flesh you want to feast on.” Deadpool stood to his feet and and struck an obnoxious pose, arms flexed. “I can't say I blame you. I knew you wanted me.”
Peter had to swallow the soft sound of want he made. Yeah Deadpool might be all swagger and an absolute asshole, but he was also so much Alpha Peter almost couldn't stand it.
But he didn't say any of that. Instead he faked a loud yawn just so he could hear the comically offended gasp from Deadpool, and sighed. “Most boring thing I've ever seen. See you tonight for patrol.” Peter waved then back flipped off the roof, tossing a web out at the last minute to catch himself, and soaring away through the buildings.
“That whole gymnastics routine totally does it for me, Spidey!” Deadpool yelled at the top of his lungs, and he could hear Spidey laughing as he webbed away.
Another long patrol night, another early dawn sitting against each other on a roof, eating Chinese food this time. It maybe was suspicious that Peter had managed to find “fresh” Chinese food at four in the morning, but neither one was complaining, just stuffing their faces, trying not to think about their night.
“You did good tonight.” Deadpool said after almost half an hour of silence. “With that little girl.”
“She ended up in the hospital.” He flinched when he heard the bitterness in Spideys voice. “As fast as I am-- still couldn't keep her from getting hurt.”
“But you kept her from getting hurt worse.” He emphasized. “That's counts for a whole lot. That mom still gets to hold her baby tonight.”
Deadpool waited for the kid to say something else, but all was silent, just a heavy sigh and the lean body lay a littler heavier against his back. “I'm serious.” he said. “You did good.”
“Thanks Pool.” Spideys voice, which usually sounded like he was laughing, was softer than usual, sounded sad. “I just-- did you hear her crying?”
He swallowed a large bite of noodles, as well all the the emotion clogging his throat. “Well yeah. I was right there. Heard her cry. Felt it too. All the fear and panic and all that coming off her.” the Alpha shifted uncomfortably. “Lucky you’re a Beta, Spidey. Don't have to feel all those fucking pheromones and vibes off everyone.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I--I guess.” Silence for another minute, then-- “Thanks.”
“Just don't want you getting all blubbery on me.” Deadpool snorted. “Nothing worse than a twelve year old crying.”
“I'm not twelve.” There was that spark of amusement. “Do you think I'm a teenager?”
“Well I definitely don't think you’ve hit puberty yet.” He shrugged. “Otherwise your voice wouldn't sound like Shirley Temple after a long day and you wouldn't weigh like eight pounds.”
“Jesus Christ.” A frustrated sigh. “I'm twenty-two Pool.”
“That actually makes me feel better considering how much time I spend staring at your ass. How does that even exist? It's like it defies gravity. Just bouncy and cute, did that come with the spider-shit, or is that just squats? Cuz I gotta say---”
“Oh my god! Shut up!” Spidey laughed then, finally, and Deadpool breathed a soft sigh of relief that he was feeling better.
“Come on baby boy. You know you like me. Just admit it. No one has to know but us. Who can resist this much Alpha?”
“I'm leaving.” Spidey shook his head. “If you’re going to start talking about my ass I am definitely leaving. Too tired for your usual shit.”
“But the sun’s not up yet! I can't even stare longingly as you swing away!” He cried and the kid laughed even harder.
“Go get some sleep, Pool. Patrol again tonight?”
“You know I wouldn't miss it.” He stood when Spidey did and leaned towards him aggressively. “You know, if you were an Omega you wouldn't stand a chance against my charm. You’d be all… purring and swooning and begging me to carry you in my strong Alpha arms.”
Peter thought for a minute, smiling to himself at the thought of purring over the mercenary.
“You know what Pool?” he finally said and stepped into the big Alphas space. “You’re probably right about that.” he leaned even closer, tilting his head to show off the long line of his neck, hearing Deadpool’s breath catch at the borderline submissive action. “If I were an Omega, I would probably be a purring, writhing mess around someone like you.”
The Alpha growled, actually growled a little and made like he was going to grab Peter's waist, but Peter was faster and jumped away.
“But think about this---” he said, tapping his chin. “Are you fairly confident in your Alphaness?”
“Baby boy.” Deadpool reached for him again. “Let me prove it to you. I don't even care if you're a Beta. Come see what an Alpha can do.”
Peter just turned and walked to the edge of the roof, bending over at the waist to touch his toes before pushing himself up onto his fingertips, lifting his legs clear above his head in a straight line before letting them relax naturally, letting them bend and fall open until there was just enough space for an Alpha between them-- if an Alpha was so inclined to be there.
“Oh come on.” Spideys voice was low and soft. “Do you honestly think you could handle an Omega like me?”
He brought his legs back down until his toes touched the roof again, and his ass was on full display for a few seconds, then straightened back up, raising his arms above his head in an exaggerated stretch, moaning softly in satisfaction. “Mmmm. That felt good.”
“God Dammit, Spidey.” Deadpool forced a laugh, trying not to act like he was about three seconds from ruining his pants. “You know I've heard of Betas and Alphas getting together to blow off some steam. Maybe you take that bendy ass of yours and bring it right over---”
“Oh.” Peter glanced down at his watchless wrist and clapped a hand over his mouth. “Oh my god! Woud you--would you look at that? I am about five minutes past my curfew. Later, Pool.” He laughed out loud and leapt off the building, hearing Deadpool curse behind him as he webbed away.
It didn't take Peter long to make it back to his side of town, not even after stopping twice to help people out.
He dropped into the alley adjacent to his building and tossed some street clothes over his costume, tucking his mask into his backpack, then headed inside, foregoing the absolutely unreliable elevator to just run up the five flights of stairs to his top floor apartment.
Tonights patrol had kicked his butt and he was exhausted.  He headed right for the shower after locking and bolting his door, tossing his suit in the general direction of the hamper. Sometime before or after work tomorrow, he needed to replace the scent blocking fibers in his suit because they were wearing out, which wasn't a good thing, and he definitely needed to go grocery shopping because there wasn't any food in the house, which wasn't a good thing either.
Usually those sort of things weren't life or death issues, but as Peter stretched out on his bed, feeling way more tired usual, feeling the buzz of exhaustion around the edge of his mind, he knew he had to get them taken care of as soon as possible.
The entire world, Deadpool included, assumed Spiderman was a Beta. He wasn't big enough to be an Alpha, so a Beta made the most sense. It explained why he didn't pick up on scents as easily as Deadpool did, or why being around Omegas or even Alphas didn't affect him. Spiderman was always levelheaded, never swept away by the pheromones and emotions that the other genders were so susceptible to. It made him a well balanced superhero, not prone to fits of Omega instability, not drawn to violence like so many Alphas.
Which would have been a good thing, if Peter was actually a Beta.
But he wasn't.
The fibers in his suit masked his scent, and the suppressants and blockers and birth control kept most of his biology at bay, but Peter Parker was definitely an Omega. He was definitely affected by each and every scent of all the people he saved, was definitely prone to fits of emotions, was definitely aware of every single pheromone the overly Alpha mercenary put out there.
Even now, after his shower and desperately needing sleep, Peter couldn't get the Alphas scent out of his mind, or the way Deadpool had growled when they had been on the roof tonight.
He shuddered a little, rolling over and running a hand down his chest to his hips, hesitating before moving lower. It didn't seem right to think about the Alpha like this… but this was close as Peter would ever get so maybe it was alright.
Because he wasn't ever going to tell Deadpool he was an Omega.
If he had his way, no one would ever know.
It was just… just better this way.
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