#but still having only chloe be saved by rustica
bluebellswood · 9 months
MahoYaku main story 1 reread
Rambles for myself so I can look back on it. Will probably add as it goes.
i missed out a lot of things looking back and ?? now i read some parts and wonder if i am reading too much into things then i remember who wrote this and what happened in i7 so there’s never too much reading into it with tsm sensei’s works
its been close to 3 years since I last read it and ms2 is coming to an end so like hehe. Plus it hasn’t been voiced yet back then so I am listening to it now. ITS SO GOOD…
“Both the world and I have been torn apart quite terribly”
I am now knowingly nodding when Murr said that. now I’m wondering. since it was a fragment of old Murr why wasn’t there a shard or smth of his soul during first meeting or was it simply part of the summoning magic.
Shino: They haven’t been wiped out. I know someone at the magic headquarters. If anything happened to him, I’d know right away. Eastern merchant: H-how? Shino: Wizards don’t make promises. Because if we break a promise, we lose our magic. But I was tricked by my irresponsible master and made a promise with a fellow apprentice. We promised that we would protect each other.
ch3. Shino... ueuueue like despite how he said, Im sure he would still went ahead and make that promise of keeping Heath save but in a one way direction only...
It kept me going knowing that Shino was worried about Heath despite trying to make it sounded lightly like he’s a spoiled young master, he’s probably crying rn but ur voice is betraying no one Shino
Ever time Arthur appears it makes me wanna head pat him and go what a good kid and start crying or something
Drummond: Not all wizards are benevolent beings who help humans, anyway! Just look at Oz, who controlled the world under his rule of terror — he’s exactly the kind of wizard I’m talking about! Humans have long suffered under the thumb of wicked wizards! Arthur: ............
This part gets more funny bc despite how true that is to Oz, it’s the worst example that could be brought up to Arthur in this context bc Arthur thinks Oz is the nicest person ever. Anything bad about Oz is not real to him. He doesn't believe it despite everyone as early on tells him about terrible things Oz did.. it keeps getting me head in hands
Here comes Cain talking about his eye and Owen. “a wizard with a terrible personality” Owen’s terrible personality is what makes him cute. shut up Cain. Aren't u the one who asked him out to dinner like. 2 years laterdfgj
ch 4
I just love how Shylock has his ways of words, it's probably comes with experience and age with how he knows how to appreciate everything and also bc hes a bartender adkfnds
Like how Bradley's section of the sage manual is "Warning: handle with caution" bc at the end of the day he's relatively a sensible person who had to learn how to survive in the north. but it also goes to see how the previous sage didnt try to understand the wizards on a deeper level. as funny as he was, he wasnt good at his job adjffhb. (1)
Also Owen's part "Talking with him makes you feel like you’re having a mental breakdown." wheeehehfh reading about him also gives me a mental breakdown so I cant say anything much there AhAHAHBHS
I totally missed out the "Oz taking over the world" part the first time round and only connected the dots sometime later.. actually I think it makes sense since no one know about Oz and Arthur's relationship yet at that point so the implication of it is not yet known
They put in a mana stone in the goblet and like afjsnaoj isnt that a dead wizard... and the fact the content in the goblet smells like blood... cryuing
ch 5
Riquet! God… looking back at how brainwashed he was growing up in a cult and how in 2nd anniv it was implied riquet was caged up and he thought that that was him serving the people is so fudging. They’re just using u Riquet…. :(
Listening to Chloe and Rustica duo is way more funny than just reading it. Rustica is so HAHAHAHA helpless, really <3 they’re just so funny I love them
When Figaro showed up. Made me 🥹🥹🦶🦶🦶🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶🤬🤬🤬😠😠😠 he evoked so many emotions it’s unreal. But the Flores brothers 🥹 Mitile wants to defend his nii sama
Mitile: What about you, Dr. Figaro? Is there anything cool about you? Rutile: Hey. Don’t be rude, Mitile.
This part is so funny im gonna cry. Also Yknow how Rutile telling Figaro it's not a good hobby to keep secrets? Yet he doesn't mind if he keeps them, if that what makes him happy bc to Mitile and Rutile.. Figgy was the on who took care of them and so they care about him genuinely.. i need figgy to wake up and see it and accept it adkjfg SECOND ANNIV SCREWED ME UP WHEN SMTH ALONG THESE LINES GET BROUGHT UP. anyway. Lenno!!
Ch6 when Murr said
“Just as I can love the < Great Catastrophe > when it gently illuminates the night sky, but must push it back when it gets too close.”
He had a change of tone where there’s a hint of old murr towards the end when he talks about the moon…. I loved it so much bc no matter what, no matter how his soul shatters, it’s still Murr, the eccentric philosopher who loved the moon as if it’s his everything.
This part makes me wonder so much
Snow: Take a closer look. White: Our shadows are still stuck within the frame.
Our shadows? White still has shadows? Isnt he a ghost? Does it not count if he’s in the frame?
Bradley calling himself Bradley sama is so funny to me bc I can definitely see back then why I wasn’t that interested in him in the first place. If he had continued acting that way, he wouldn’t have shoot up so high my my favourites right now.
+ Akira saying their impression of Bradley initially the older brother with quick temper but guess they were wrong AKDNSKAK NOOOO Akiraaaaa cling onto ur judgement!!! He is!!! He’s just a little hot headed bc it’s only in the introduction phase!!!!
ch 7
Arthur: I’m thinking of setting aside a day of national celebration, and calling it "National Mixer Day". Akira: P-perhaps you should come up with a different name for a national holiday? Arthur: You think so? Akira: Y-Yes.
Help this part Arthur but hes a good kid really!! Anything he comes across, he takes notes of them and see how he could use it to improve the country and how he takes the sage words seriously... how he trust people so much... oz... how did u raise such a good kid.....
As for Akira.... Akira really rolling with everything the previous sage said, not correcting anything, trying to save his image CRYING the previous sage should thank Akira.
ch 8
Shylock: No worries. I'm quite familiar with lunatics.
ok. when shylock says it. its kinda nice. when murr says it. he sounds so akfdsjfbhj do u wan a slappnsd
Snow: We’ll introduce the remaining three. White: Bradley — absent. Snow: Owen — absent. White: Mithra — also absent. That’s all.
I love mhyk's sanbaka
also i love how practically everyone knows Figaro. Northern wizards? Self explanatory. Arthur? Figaro is like an uncle to him. Nero? He's from the North. Faust? Former mentee. Murr and Shylock? Please, the whole snow and white drama.
MMMMM I have a lot of things to say from onwards but I finished reading and wow damn I did forget many stuff
Bradley telling Mitile he might be able to get by in the North is so KUSA knowing he has a Northern wizard blood running through him and if he was trained properly he would definitely be strong af… (also with how later on Brad does mentor Mitile here and there occasionally)
shino and heath little argue and the fact that they didn’t actually recoiled but somehow just fell back to being friends again
BRADNERO FUDGING QUESTION WHERE WERE U ON THE NIGHT I GOT CAUGHT… he genuinely seems worried and if not a little hurt by the fact Nero was not there with him in the moment of distress. I am hurt. for Bradley, Nero was someone he considered his partner, someone who he could trust his hopes on. He was still daydreaming…. (FUGDE Y SECOND ANNI) Bradley being real serious with the way he said it’s not because of Nero he got caught so don’t worry. Nero can’t reply. Because he was indeed the reason Bradley got caught.
Fugding hell Old MurrShy is the thing ever. I love the knives they throw at each other which CUTS because they know each other too well. The Love and Hate Shylock has for Murr for over close to a thousand years. The ruthlessness of both.
Chloe asking Rustica not to take their friendship to the extreme like Murr and Shylock 😭😭
Shino pointing at the hill and Faust talking about the execution hill like he Knows too well… FAUST… failed heroes becom criminals… FAUST…..
Shino back at it again saying he wants to make it big so he can brags about Heath to everyone, so he can proudly say this is my Lord and no one will look down on Heath and he can proudly say Heath is his friend and Heath can have confidence in himself and and to shino, HEATH IS A MAN WORTHY OF EVERYTHING AND HE WILL GRANT HIM THATSHDJNDMDMD
Faust wanting to leave and Figaro said there’s no one else more responsible than Faust and the way it went like “ Faust went: Snow and White. Figaro: Are you joking. Look at how me and Oz turned out “ I know figgy said futago sensei careless, they were his and Oz’s master but yeah. same thing. kusa
Faust blizzard injury being his dream and his desire.. while he was out to stake to be burn… Figaro being there too…. when in actual reality Figaro long ditched them…. he just wants his mentor was with him till the last moment eueududjjfjksksm HE STILLS WANTS HIS MENTOR TO BE WITH HIM
Figaro cursing Faust with plain words of things that are stating the obvious bad outcomes if Faust leaves so it will rings in Faust head if anything bad happens and the regret will curse him THAT THING IS SO GOOD DESPITE HOW TWISTED IT WAS because words hold so much power and Figaro.. even if he’s a coward… he knows how to speak when he wants…. Also cursing the knowledge Figaro might die soon. And not being able to tell anyone or do anything.
chloe actually crying in ch 17 :( i had no idea he cried cried uuuuuu I want to hug him and tell him he’s the nicest person ever, I want to be his friend!! Anyone who doesn’t is their lost!!
Oz’s small smile after he walked away helping Arthur… when he finally got a good look at Arthur’s face and thinks about how much Arthur has grown. And Arthur realising Oz has been avoiding him to protect his place in the castle and his reputation. I AM FOIJG TO CRY GOING TO CRY
Kizu Owen is the cutest thing ever his voice is so cute. I can hear a little bit of Leo in there ajxhjsk anyway he is the cutest. Owen’s Knights complex shines a lot with Kizu Owen. Him wanting to be saved by a knight. Him being trapped all alone in his childhood left with a half torn muddy picture book about Knight. The only thing that gave him hope. Maybe Kizu Owen is Owen’s personality before he became twisted. He does feels like a hopeful child way back…. I want to give him so many cakes
MITHRA THINKING BACK ABOUT TILETTA….. making a promise to Tiletta bc he wants to make her happy at least once before she passes away… and to him, Tiletta’s happiness is worth putting all his magic on the line.
Mithra does complain a lot about Tiletta. Oh this rude women oh wild women but But at the end of the day, she’s still the most important figure in his life, she’s still the one who raised him, taught him magic, taught how to live. He does respect and care about her. The only constant in his life and grounds him for the world. When Mitile told him he feels sorry that Mithra has not yet found anyone precious him his life… all I want to say is… my boy.. it’s your mother…..
the relationship between Tiletta and Mithra going from “this boy handsome, will make him my lover” to “he grown up to be pathetic, so I decided against it”
Arthur displaying his authority as the crown prince to Vincent GOD THE VOICE ACTING WAS GOOD!!!CHILLS ITS ALSO THE SAME WHEN HEATH DID IT TO NICHOLAS (shino: heh) so proud of both of them !!
Oz and futago sensei standing there like 🧍🖼️ at night bc they’re useless. Love them
NERO AND BRADLEY. They’re both so Uncle core u don’t understand 😭😭😭 they still very buddy buddy when it comes to these things it’s so funny. U could tell they used to spend a lot of time in each other’s company by how they act (when Nero slips)
Some wizards are already starting to catch on… no… even Mitile himself starting to caught on how Figaro only teaches him weak spells and the way his spell is hard to say….. I didn’t realise it was that early on…. Holy shit…..
The whole Mitile asking BradNero to save Rutile from Mithra only to be in the way of defeating the actual villain and them arguing and Nova standing there🧍
SANBAKA TOGETHER FINALLLYYYYYY. Bradley calling a Mithra an Idiot. Cant say much. Bradley is the smartest there.
Mithra dumping Nova in a magma reservoir. Closing it without hearing Nova’s grand exit and reveal. Everyone: …. Mithra: wanna eep (ISNT THAT WHY U REALISE UR PROMISE ALMOST TOO LATEKAJDJS)
All Northern wizard recognising Oz’s reverse lightning except Nero 😭😭😭😭
Nero trying to be poetic and Brad went u ass what the fudge u going on about is like the most buddy thing. It’s like seeing ur friend trying to be a romantic staring out the window trying to act as if they’re in an MV and u giving the what the fudge face
so maybe Layers to Shylock eating Murr’s shard instead of feeding it back to Murr. Because he despise Murr and does not want OG Murr to come back? Because he loves Murr that he wants part of Murr to always be with him? Because he wants to taste Murr??????? SHYLOCK????? The longing and yearning yet hating is insane with MurrShy
Re to what I said in (1) I think the previous sage does come to a realisation with what he wrote in the manual but at that point it became too late to get to know them on a deeper level. He still thinks Northern wizards are always difficult to deal with when they can be real simple at times if put in effort talking to them.
Nova no having that many lines is the funniest shit ever
The voice acting for Shino is so damn good I can’t wait to hear 2nd anni voice bc there’s a lot of desperation in the arc. When worried Shino called out the Kizu Heath like it pains him a lot. GOD. He is so worried and he’s doesn’t want to hurt Heath
important stuff I like getting reminded about
>Breaking a promise results in the wizards losing their magic. Because it means betraying your own heart, betraying the you who made that promise. Words hold lots of power after all (common theme which I really like. The importance and the impact of what you say to others)
>Promise is what moves the heart, the resolved in your heart and this your heart is what binds the promise. It’s shows that even if this world is uncertain at least there’s someone you can trust no matter what. An anchor.
>Mana stones hold the respective wizard’s magic powers. Magical technology uses it to fuel
>Murr was the one who founded Magical science technology which cause uproar in the West. Causes Shylock’s hometown to be contaminated and creatures go extinct. ( hunt down magical creature till extinction for the mana stones.?? I’m sure I read this somewhere)
>Owen gains power from human’s emotion. Fear. He can talk to beast what a Disney Princess he is <3333 bc he’s a huntsman bc ignore that
>Figaro feels he’s gonna die soon. Mitile is the prophecy child who will destroy all Southern wizards.
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176gumi · 2 years
I'm glad I got into mahoyaku when I did (ie before main story part 2) because I'm absolutely terrible at not spoiling myself on things so it's rare I get to enjoy the feeling of intrigue upon realising something and knowing it means... something, but not quite what. Like. (Gestures vaguely at Owen Chloe and Rustica) idk what the deal is here and how much of it is literal vs narrative but I am VERY interested in where it's going
#💬#general spoilers in tags ->#when i say 'literal vs narrative' i mean like#theres a lot of things that link chloe and rustica to owens past - specifically him being trapped#and obviously neither were Involved in it due to Not Being Alive at the time but they can still have connections to it#its just a matter of whether those connections exist in-universe or just narratively#(also keep in mind ive not read Every mhyk story bc ive only been here for like two months akdnns)#and the connections are like. chloe and owen are connected bc they were both locked up for a majority of their childhood#the (relevant) difference being that chloe eventually got saved#which is alluded to in 1st anni (the praying + rustica helping chloe through what id say are pretty owen-like thoughts)#and brought up more clearly in pararoid au by having them be trapped in the same place and circumstances#but still having only chloe be saved by rustica#and then theres also like. owens obviously supposed to invoke the idea of sleeping beauty with the briars and being able to temporarily die#bc whats a long sleep if not a temporary death... which is a bit of a leap by itself BUT there IS another step to get there through chloe#because sleeping beauty fell into her sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle#and chloes a tailor with the power to 'induce temporary death'#which links him to owen regardless of the sleeping beauty stuff bc they both have Temporary Death powers#but also again with sleeping beauty - and the thing that made me want to make this post -#i was rereading rusticas affection story and it has the line#'His fingers cover his lips like rose thorns surrounding a castle that has been frozen away in time'#WHICH IS A VERY. SPECIFIC AND WEIRD? WAY OF DESCRIBING THAT?#oh also worth mentioning is that chloes probably based on cinderella. chloe and owen connected through being fairy tale princesses#OH ALSO not important at all but i love the bit in that one event where bradley and mithra are like#'chloe and owen are basically the same person they both have faces and shit'#i bet whoever wrote that thought they were So funny for it. and they are#theres probably stuff im forgetting bc its late and there really is so much to look at and analyse with these three#even if im not able to actually draw conclusions yet#my experience with this has just been that i started realising stuff and then Didnt Stop#anyway. excited for how this all plays out
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