#but omar came in w the p&p refernece
audiodramatist · 2 years
andhera and binx are both deeply awkward people in an unfamiliar setting who put on masks to seem competent and suave and comfortable!! and they have both been learning to let that go, to be comfortable in their "comfortable self", as surena puts it!!! and it's scary and emotional and andhera panics to advisor and binx cries to rue but they're both doing it!
andhera lets his true voice slip into their letter to her!! andhera recognized them by their eyes in the maze and decided they were the one who was worthy! andhera cannot be charmed or magically compelled to love which means whatever they saw in binx in the hedge maze was real, not a spell or a trick!! he touched their hand- touch is the unseelie expression of love, comfort, companionship. they knew him by scent alone- binx's magic comes in tastes, sounds, every sense at once.
binx's mask falls away, not so much a decision they made as a decision they didn't make, when she reached the center of the maze without putting on her glamour. andhera speaks to hob candidly, happily, in their natural voice next episode. they are revealed together.
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