#but moving 1000+ miles with a dog (and finding a place that allows dogs) is gonna be a whole thing
quasieli · 10 months
I wish I could convince my family to get a puppy. I need companionship and having a puppy to take care of would be so good for me.
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 40 - Belonging
~Hey guys! Chapter 40 is out! 40 chapters of Save Me, I just can't believe it!! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me with this story, I love you all <3~
Everyone seems to be struggling with finding a sense of belonging. Living in a community of course provides a sense of group feeling but actual purpose seems lost on people. Will Molly and Negan be able to envision a future whereby they both belong?
Negan's POV//
I stood by the window, taking in the smell of the sweet summer grass.
She still loved me, I thought to myself.
She kissed me and told me that she would be back soon.
God I missed her when she wasn't here and I hated sharing her with them.
The only people apart from Molly who actually talked to me were Gabe and Judith, sometimes Michonne but mostly just to yell at me.
I knew that Molly would've gone to the Sanctuary and I wanted her to, she had to see Simon for herself and do whatever she needed to do to move on.
But, a part of me feared for her safety.
I knew she could handle herself, hell did I ever, but I hadn't heard from her since she left.
I just hoped she was safe and sound at Hilltop now.
I was pulled from my deepest thoughts when Judith came bounding over, carrying her textbook she sat on the step where she always sat and started reading out her homework questions.
'If airplane A and airplane B are 1000 miles apart, if airplane A is flying east at 500 miles per hour and airplane B is flying west at 650 miles per hour, how ma-' she started to ask before I stopped her mid speech.
'You know what? I would definitely recommend booking a seat on airplane C because that shit is shaping up to be one hell of a mid air collision' I replied laughing to myself.
'You gonna help me or what?' she asked with annoyance.
I smiled and asked 'alright lemme ask you somethin'. You ever seen an airplane fly in any direction, at any speed?'.
She sighed and said 'no'.
'D'ya think you ever will?' I asked softly.
'Probably not' she replied sadly.
'So what the hell difference does it make? See, math problems are supposed to apply to the real world. If you want my help, give me a question or a problem from right here, right now' I said seriously.
She looked down and closed her book, picking up the figurine of Rick and asked softly, 'you know the strangers that were brought to Hilltop yesterday? My mom said that Molly's gonna make them leave'.
'Well no I didn't know that. But I'm guessing that you being you, you wanna help em?' I asked smiling.
I looked down, the smile slipping from my face as I said, 'lemme tell you somethin'. When I was about your age, I used to bring home stray dogs, my mom, she hated it. I never understood why, they always seemed so friendly and grateful. Till one day I brought home the wrong dog'.
'What happened? Did it bite you?' she asked, now turning around to look at me.
'Not me, that dog killed all the other strays, chewed off half my mom's ear when she tried to stop it' I said sternly, frowning in recollection.
'Thing is, that dog seemed just as friendly and grateful as the rest of em' I added.
'What about after that? You ever bring home another dog?' she asked.
'Hell no, I wised my ass up' I said smirking.
She sighed, stood up and grabbed her book.
'Yeah and look how great everything turned out for you' she said mockingly.
'Wait a minute, where you goin'? I thought you wanted my help?' I said hastily.
I needed to talk to someone so I wouldn't feel like I was going fucking insane.
'I do, but just with math' she said assuredly.
'Why just math?' I asked sadly.
'Because it doesn't matter if you're a good or bad person on the inside, the numbers don't care' she said sweetly as she walked away.
I chuckled to myself as she left. She was smart as hell.
I longed to be out there, I didn't even give a shit if it was some low labour work.
Fuck, they had changed me, back then, never would I have found myself doing this type of reflective grovelling shit and as much as I hated to admit it, Alexandria truly was magnificent.
It was now that I knew I wanted to be a part of it all.
Michonne's POV//
'How was practice?' I asked Judith as she came walking up the stairs.
I had watched her from the window and knew that she had been to speak to Negan instead of her katana training lessons.
'Fine' she replied nonchalantly.
'You must have gotten there late, seeing as you were standing on the stairs outside the jail half an hour ago' I said walking closer to her.
'Just a couple minutes' she replied smiling.
'Why were you at the cell?' I asked softly.
'I wasn't she replied hastily.
She sighed and nodded, then said 'I went there to see Negan'.
'Have you been talking to him?' I asked with a raised voice.
She avoided my gaze as she nodded slowly.
I scowled and asked 'why?!'.
'I feel sorry for him' she answered confidently.
I now crouched down to my knees and looked into her eyes.
'He is not your friend sweetheart' I said calmly.
'Well obviously...' she replied smiling.
'So if he's not your friend then why are you talking to him?' I asked trying to stay calm.
'He listens to me, not everybody does...that's why I let him out' she said sadly.
That broke my heart.
'What?' I asked in confusion.
'When I said I couldn't stop him from leaving, I could've, but I chose not to' she added.
'I don't want you to ever go near him again' I said sternly as I stood back up.
'Why not?' she asked sweetly.
'There is a reason that he's in a cage, Judith. He's a monster!' I said seriously.
'No he's not! He's a human being!' she yelled.
'But he has done monstrous things. He's killed people, people I cared about, people your dad cared about and if we ever let him out, it would start all over again' I said softly as tears rose to the surface.
'But he did get out and he's not like that anymore' she added.
I smiled at her optimism.
'I get why you want to believe that, but people don't really change' I said slowly.
You did' she said softly.
This stunned me to silence.
'Go to your room' I said seriously.
Judith looked at me confusedly and asked 'why?'.
I sighed as I said 'because I need a minute'.
Once she left I felt myself clinging to the bannister as the realisation hit me that I had changed.
I had grown cold after Rick and maybe Molly's perception of Negan had rubbed off on my daughter.
Molly's POV//
Everything at Hilltop was as it should be.
Jesus and I saw the place thrive and the new additions to our family here were settling in smoothly.
Magna had been a little harder to crack than the others, but I knew in my heart that she was a good person and I wanted all of them to stay with us.
Michonne had radioed Jesus and I to talk about them and how she didn't think it was wise to let them in.
I knew what she meant and I would've felt the same way, but seeing how many of us Rick brought in, even when he didn't fully trust us yet, made me realise that everyone should be given a chance.
I walked around the compound, admiring the new people's hard work they were putting in to guarding, building and help others in this place.
I smiled and waved to each one of them, it felt so good to save people from the world outside our doors.
Maybe that was my inner Saviour coming out, though I would never admit it to anyone.
My main priority right now was Michonne.
I just hoped to God that she didn't hate me for my decision.
I mean, even though we were technically leaders of two different communities, we were still together as a family, all of us were.
With the expansion of the house and the other cottages going well and everything was on track, I felt like I could step away for a day because I needed to speak to Mich in person.
I told Jesus and Tara, said goodbye to them both, essentially putting Tara in charge while I was away and I set off for Alexandria.
I had brought with me the bag that I packed at the Sanctuary for Negan, knowing that I would see him.
I thought it would feel strange to keep flitting from one home to the next but I had done that for years now, even when I was at the Sanctuary, my home was never just one place.
When driving, I tried to keep my focus on the task at hand which was Michonne, but I kept drifting uncontrollably to thoughts of seeing Negan again.
I was somewhat excited to tell him about the Sanctuary and how relieved I felt afterwards.
But, I knew how touchy Michonne was about me visiting him too often so I had to keep it a secret, as much as I possibly could.
When I reached the gates I got off my bike and handed it to someone to chain up, then walked straight through to Michonne's house.
I knocked on the door and was surprised when it was Judith who answered.
'Hi Auntie Molly!' she said excitedly.
'Hey sweetheart, do you know where your mom is?' I asked confusedly.
She sighed sadly.
'She's out in the fields, I'm not allowed to go with her because I'm grounded' she said rolling her eyes which made me chuckle.
I smiled and asked 'what for this time?'.
'She told me to stop talking to Negan, but you do? So I don't get it' she shouted.
I nodded and looked down sadly.
'Your mom just wants to keep you safe' I said softly.
'Negan would never hurt me' she said sternly.
I smiled weakly at her faith in him.
'I know that. But for your mom's sake just do as she asks. Do you promise?' I said crouching down and holding out my pinky for her to swear.
'I promise' she said hesitantly as she grabbed my pinky with hers and smiled.
I said goodbye to Judith and walked towards the fields when I realised that now would be the best time to sneak down and see Negan.
I squinted my eyes to see Michonne in the distance, her back faced away from me.
I hopped down the steps and Seth automatically opened the door for me.
I was surprised by this, thinking that Michonne would've cracked down on visitors by now.
I walked in, carrying the bag from the Sanctuary and smiled when I saw him faced away from me, looking out of the small window.
'Hey there' I said sweetly which made him turn around smiling when he heard my voice.
'Hey there yourself' he replied still smiling like a cheshire cat.
'Told ya I'd be back soon and here I am' I said propping the bag down by my feet.
'You seem good, better actually' he said happily.
I nodded and said 'yeah, you've probably guessed that I went to the Sanctuary'.
He smiled and looked down, hands in his pockets.
'Yep, you okay?' he asked seriously as the smile now turned to a straight lipped look of concern.
'I am. I won't say that it wasn't hard being back there, but, I feel more alive now in a way. I saw...him. He was chained to that fence and I just felt such relief knowing that he couldn't hurt me. Not anymore. I walked right up to him and I knew that it wouldn't hurt him being technically dead and all but I decapitated every inch of his body, leaving only his head. I wouldn't give him that mercy' I said, almost smiling with vengeance on my lips.
Negan seemed entranced by my attitude.
I could tell by his facial expression that he was both proud and also a little scared.
'Hot damn, Molly. God, I love you you know that' he said nonchalantly as he paced around his cell, stopping after a few seconds when he realised what he'd just said.
We both avoided each other's gaze and Negan hastily changed the conversation.
He walked closer to the bars and frowned.
'What's in the bag?' he asked with a quizzical brow raised.
'Oh, I uh brought you some of your things from the Sanctuary' I said as I crouched down and unzipped the bag, passing him the possessions one by one.
'My jacket' he said smiling as he lifted it up to the ray of sunlight to admire it in all its glory.
'I always loved that on you' I said softly as he smirked and placed it on his bed.
'My pillow', he said chuckling as he smooshed it around in his hands.
He smelled something and held it against his nose, closing his eyes and inhaling.
'It smells of you' he said smirking.
'I may or may not have lay on it a couple times' I revealed as I still avoided his gaze and blushed slightly.
'Now, these two are more for passing the time' I added, lifting out his book and the bottle of bourbon which made him gasp and chuckle.
'You know me so well' he said smiling.
'Uh huh' I answered as I bit my lip.
His smile now faded to seriousness again.
'Thank you, Molly. You always were the better half of me, far more compassionate than I ever was' he said sweetly.
I smirked and said 'well, I do remember you being pretty compassionate in other ways'.
He instantly caught my meaning and raised his eyebrows.
'I remember that too, hell I dream about that every damn night' he said.
I was so close to opening that damn door and kissing him again right then and there but Michonne came storming in and that stopped all sentiment.
'Hi, Mich' I said turning around to see her standing furiously by the door.
'Molly' she said and ushered me out.
I smiled at Negan before I left which I was certain Michonne had seen.
'What?' I asked as I folded my arms and stood on the grass in front of her.
'Did you talk to Judith about Negan?' she asked sternly.
'What? No. I-I told her to ask you first, but Michonne she's just as headstrong as Carl was' I answered softly.
'I know' she said sighing.
'Can I ask you something? Have I changed?' she asked sadly.
I sighed.
'We all have, Michonne' I said as I pulled her into a hug.
'I know you don't wanna trust the new people, but I believe in them' I said seriously.
She nodded, 'Rick would've done the same' she said smiling as she reminisced.
'Yeah, he did the same for me and Tara. You both did' I said as tears formed in my eyes as I smiled.
'Yeah. But what do I do about Judith?' she said defeatedly.
'I know you wanna protect her from all this, but she has to learn on her own. Make her feel like she's being heard and she'll listen' I said softly as I wiped the tears from her eyes.
'At the end of the day, we all just wanna feel like we belong, especially in this damn world' I said softly as she held my hands.
She nodded as she pulled herself back into my arms.
I felt Michonne physically releasing all that tension she had been carrying for so long and I was so glad she felt that she could confide in me.
But, as much as I tried to stay present in that moment, my mind couldn't help but wander to the thought that Negan was probably listening in on our conversation and maybe subconsciously I was talking about Negan belonging instead of Judith.
I finally felt like we were getting somewhere and I hoped that soon she would see that Negan had changed and that he would never harm Judith or any of us.
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wanderawe · 6 years
Buffalo River Trail - A Story of  a Valiant Attempt
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So, I haven't written much about the trip to Arkansas, even though it was a while ago now, and we still had a blast, because I was disappointed.
Just like a new beautiful journal with crisp clean pages, I feel like on this clean and clear blog I need to have something big and beautiful and IMPORTANT to say. I want to post only the best stories and successes because that's what we do online these days- we post the best stuff and pretend that's all there is. But oddly enough, I was having a conversation with a friend where we realized something we missed most about the "old internet" was that it wasn't all successes and prettiness, and clean modern templates around perfect Instagram-ready pictures. It was full of rambling blog posts, emo song lyrics, poorly put together HTML and terrifying random pictures of people doing unspeakable things with jars. It was messy and chaotic and that's what made it so cool.
So that's what I want to do. I want to bring back a little bit of what I nostalgically remember from the "old internet" excitement about things even when I'm not awesome at things, and honestly even when it's not flattering, just because it feels good to be honest like that.
So here's what happened in Arkansas, and why it was by no means a failure of a trip or vacation, but also not a big motivational success story.
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We completed day 1, and made it to the landing in Ponca, and about half way to Steel Creek before calling in the troops to come get us.
So, because of super strict work black out periods this year for both myself and Dee, we had a very narrow window to go, which was early June. Really, according to the locals, fall and winter are the best times to go, and spring isn't terrible either if you don't mind some rain. Summer, is really no good because of many reasons, but about the LAST time to even bother is early June, so we just barely were able to make it in.
Before we get into all the reasons we only did the first day (spoiler), let’s talk about some awesome stuff on the trail: 
*Blackberries, everywhere, it was awesome. I am like the blackberry spotting and picking master. I swear I was eating the entire time and it was all beautiful blackberries. My hiking partners were very sick of hearing “ooh! Blackberries!” but I never got sick of saying it. The one picture I took though it not very representative of my haul
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*It was gorgeous! Just look at this!
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*I had the best time with my dad and partner. Super bonding experience
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*Random little bits of magic like: 
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What is this? It was up at the very top, at least a mile from anything vehicle accessible. There was no other clutter around it. It looked massive and heavy. How did it get there? Does anyone reading this happen to have any sort of insight into this? Please let me know!
*Ponca, where we hung out and waited for “rescue”, taking off our boots, playing in the water, comparing water filter speeds and drinking Gatorade. It was lovely. 
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-One of the reasons for this is heat, but we're from Texas, and it was a good 10-15 degrees cooler on the trail than what we were training in. It was still really hot weather for my dad though, who also is of the old army mentality with heavy pants and boots, that we were only kind of able to trim down when we did the pre-trip shake down on him. We took a good 10 lbs off of his pack and gear, and he was still 7 lbs heavier than Dee or I with things he refused to let go of. It was a heavy load in hot weather.
-Bad Omens right away that played with our heads. This was not a comforting sign, although I’m glad it was there and we saw it. 
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-Another reason is one that we did not have a full grasp of what it meant when people talked about "bugs" being an issue. Again, we're from Texas, we deal with mosquitoes all the time. Our clothes and gear were all treated with permethrin, we had bug spray - totally doable. But mosquitoes were not the "bugs" people were talking about.
-The "bugs" were ticks. Lots of them. OMG so many ticks. Every time we stopped I had to take my bag of to get them off of my hips and stomach where they had snuggled in under my hip belt. At one point Dee stopped me to swipe dozens of them off of the backs of my legs as we walked through some brush on an overgrown part of the trail.
-Follow up reason: How incredibly overgrown everything was. It was a good spring this year apparently, and this is not exactly a super popular trial with lots of foot traffic. EVERYTHING was overgrown with grass. EVERYTHING. Twice we lost the trail when it went into a large clearing of hip high grass to twist around, and we had to do some strategic splitting up and shouting at each other when we made it back to the tree line to try and find where the trail was.
-Follow up reason follow up: OMG Arkansas is so beautiful, and so green in the summer. Coming from dry South Texas, it is straight up SEDUCTIVE when you drive in to be surrounded on all sides at all times by so much tall green lushness. But there's a point though, when it's incredibly humid and you're worked up from a steep incline that it almost starts to feel claustrophobic. Then you finish a bunch of steep inclines up about 1000 ft and the view looks exactly the same as it did before you started climbing, and you can't help but lose perspective a little.
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There was a point near the end, where over and over and over we would climb, and it would level out, and we would think we were at the top. Then it would go down, and we were thrilled, and then we would make it around that blind curve to find another climb and turn exactly like the one we had just finished. And without any landmarks on the horizon, they all started to look identical. I swear, I was SURE at one point that I had fallen into some crack in the space-time continuum, and was hiking the same mile of trail over and over in a circle and would be for the rest of time.
-Fitness: Dee and I are not stellar examples of in shape. We have a long way to go, and we're getting there by doing things. But we do train, and we do get out and do things of a physical, hiking and biking nature. We're also pretty used to walking around with our packs on. The trail is not incredibly hard, but there are times that you definitely need to stop and take a break before you can finish the thousandth climb of the day. My dad however did not seem to realize until we were on the trail just how much retiring from hunting people every day and training his dog as a K-9 officer and moving to the country side where he feeds some chickens and moves stuff around on his tractor trailer every day has changed his level of physical fitness. He was getting really shakey near the end. He was really self-conscious about it. I tried to exaggerate some huffing and puffing every now and then, and ask for a break when it looked like he needed on, and let me say, it got to my head. Acting tired made me feel even more tired. And there was a point where I crossed into that weird, exhausted, painful, beautiful bliss.
And that's when the group and I diverged a little. If it were just just one of these things, we could all deal. All of them together turned the trip from a fun adventure into a weird survivalist penance for modern day existence and comforts. I did not know this about myself but I DIG IT.
I mean, I love fun adventure too, but it was meditative for me to suffer in such beauty because I have allowed myself to become squishy on modern convenience and cleanliness and bug-free climate controlled indoors. It cleared my mind of all the bull that had left it so clouded in a humid exhausted wave. I was filled with nature and the physical world where walls were made of trees and not cubicle cloth. Money wasn't a concern - I couldn't bribe the ticks off of me. There was no time in the massive green tunnel. This was freedom.
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Also, I can’t escape the feeling that this absurdly deep hole went to some place in The Other, and it was a little unnerving to me how curious I was to explore it. The picture does not do justice for what a hole into the void this was. 
Dee and my dad did not have the same experience. They were tired, and hot, and freaked out by the ticks. And wanted to go home. At one point, my dad fell back so that he could go as slow as he needed without feeling bad, and we walked ahead, saw how narrow steep and deadly the trail from Ponca to Steel Creek was, and how sloppy all of us had gotten with out feet, and decided it was best to go back to Ponca, and call my step-mom to come save us. They didn't want weird transcendental nature-penance. They weren't having fun. They wanted a shower and a beer, and I couldn't blame them. Plus it's not like I was going to just say "peace" and walk for two more days alone in the Arkansas wilderness. So, we bailed. We went home and enjoyed junk food and reclining chairs. I discovered I have an allergy to ticks that makes bites super itchy and gross looking (and yes it is just an allergy, I've had it checked, I don't have lyme disease).
But it was the best decision. It was the decision that saved us from hurting ourselves, or ruining our whole vacation and remembering it as misery.
And, I got some really pretty pictures of lots of trees before I started tripping out on green.
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I know I’ve already shown this one. I just really liked it. 
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Howdy from Kathmandu! I hope you are happy and healthy. Is life going well where you are? If you have time and inclination, please answer.
Schools here are open again. The children and teachers all wear masks. Restrictions have loosened a bit to allow just a few more tourists into Nepal. This minimal increase in traffic is not enough to fix all the serious economic problems, but it is a bit of an improvement for many of the local businesses.
This week’s 1000 words are from the book Fearless Puppy On American Road. They are ostensibly about the process of hitchhiking. I have hitchhiked so much that it has become my metaphor for life. I hope you enjoy the metaphor.
A human mind works best when trained to be coherent, clear-sighted, and capable of self-organization while also being creatively free range. It is a very serious advantage to have a cohesive partnership going on between intelligent thought, creative process, and productive action. Otherwise, your thoughts and life can end up like so many positively inspired political and environmental efforts do — nobly motivated, fueled with great dedication, and a joy to be involved with — but not altogether coherently coordinated enough to reach the great level of success that such noble motivations deserve. It seems that great intentions and strong effort can’t get the job done themselves. A successful process has to be mastered and implemented.
Please be well and stay well. Love, Tenzin
p.s. If you find the reading at all enjoyable, please — it literally takes only seconds — click one or more or all of the highlighted backlinks following this paragraph. This simple process is completely without risk, cost, or difficulty. All it does is bring you to the site that is highlighted. Each click is a big help in pushing Fearless Puppy up in the Google rankings. Whether you browse the sites or close the windows immediately, your help has been delivered. Thank you!
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There is a process to hitchhiking. Much of what holds true for the hitchhiking process often holds true for other parts of life as well.
First, you’ve got to decide that you want to get somewhere other than where you are. Then you have to raise the energy and determination to actually leave your present location. All trips start with a determination that’s serious enough to get you off your butt and moving. You might have a very specific destination in mind or it could just be a direction. Regardless of the destination, you will probably have to overcome some stagnation, lethargy, patterned behavior, and also risk some stability, in order to get anywhere.
“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.” Frank Zappa
After that, you have to pack what you’ll need. It’s always best to reach a balance in packing. Obvious essentials such as flashlight, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, emergency food and water need to be included. But you may have to walk miles in rough weather from a place you get stuck in. The difference between a thirty-pound pack and an eighty-pound pack could end up being the difference between comfort or exhaustion/heat stroke/frostbite and even death. But then again, so could a half-pound sweater that you thought unnecessary and left behind. Pack wisely.
You’ll also want a map. Other folks have been to the places you want to get to and have traveled in the directions you want to go. Maps exist for nearly every piece of road in the world. They all use universal symbols. No matter where you are from or what language you speak, everyone knows that a bigger dot means a bigger city and that a thicker line connotes a major highway. You can journey uninformed in unfamiliar territory, if you like. You can even make your own trail or road through wilderness. Folks used to do it all the time in the olden days. Folks used to suffer much greater hardships and die younger back then too. Luckily, many of those people made maps of the roads they built or discovered. Reading those maps can save us modern folk a lot of time, energy, and disaster. A map can help you to live longer and more comfortably than people did in the olden days.
It is best to start a long hitchhiking trip from the on-ramp of a highway. Don’t stand right out on the highway itself. There are good reasons why this is illegal. It is not only dangerous for the hitchhiker, but also for the highway traffic. The chance of getting crushed into eternity by a seventy mile per hour vehicle paying strict attention to its own process is a lot greater on the highway itself than on the entrance ramp. Any driver entering a ramp at twenty-five miles per hour is going to be immediately aware that you are on the shoulder looking for a ride. That driver will have a greater ability to pull over without killing you, his or her own passengers, or the folks in other vehicles than a seventy mile per hour highway car would.
Get to the highway or main road as quickly and easily as possible. Standing on a barely traveled road in a rural area where the drivers are unfamiliar with you might last long enough for you to become vulture food. Hitching on a main city street is usually unproductive and can be dangerous as well. The highway or main road is probably close enough to where you wake up so that you can get a ride from a friend, take a local bus, or even walk to it.
Once you are wisely packed and on an entrance ramp to a main road, you’re going to need patience. You can be properly packed and intelligently discriminating about which cars you get into. That’s brilliant. But it does not change the fact that on some days you will get passed by hundreds of cars and have to wait several hours before anyone stops to pick you up. And it doesn’t change the fact that a driver who initially seems like fun may turn into a downer, or danger, after a half hour’s acquaintance.
Most of the time good luck will favor you. It will most often be a good person that will bother to pull their car over to help a stranger. You still have to be vigilant, discriminating, and patient — full time. That way you’re prepared for anything.
Prepared does not mean paranoid or even afraid. It means aware. Have fun! Traveling should be a joyful process. If you think every car pulling over for you will have an axe-murderer driving it, you should take the bus. (Unfortunately, your odds of meeting that axe-murderer won’t drop much on the bus.)
If you live through many years of hitchhiking, you will eventually get what is called “a feel for the road.” You’ll have better instincts for the best times to be on which roads, what sort of equipment to carry, whose car to not get into, and so on. Rides will seem to come more easily. This is still no time to let your humbly positive attitude or awareness fall asleep.
Whether you are novice or adept at all this, neither human driver nor divine force owes you a ride — nor are either under your control. Be pleasant and grateful to the person that finally does stop for you. It is not your benevolent host’s fault if you have been standing in freezing rain for two hours.
At its best, hitchhiking is a joint venture where you and your hosts benefit each other. In such instances, taking the ride can be a joy. If you’re not grateful, if you are arrogant, or if you are not aware of each situation you get into — any ride can certainly be otherwise.
I hope it is obvious to you that these procedures can apply to any number of life’s processes besides hitchhiking.
Pick a place you want to get to.
Prepare wisely and diligently.
Read a map.
Hit the road comfortably, but with your eyes open.
Have fun. If you aren’t having fun, you may be doing something wrong. Stop. Figure out what it is. Fix it. Get back on the road.
p.s. No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, turn back.
About the Author
Doug “Ten” Rose may be the biggest smartass as well as one of the most entertaining survivors of the hitchhiking adventurers that used to cover America’s highways. He is the author of the books Fearless Puppy on American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense, has survived heroin addiction and death, and is a graduate of over a hundred thousand miles of travel without ever driving a car, owning a phone, or having a bank account.
Ten Rose and his work are a vibrant part of the present and future as well as an essential remnant of a vanishing breed.
Follow him on Facebook, Doug Ten Rose
Travel Adventure Books can be an excellent gift to your friends and family, buy from Amazon.com
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Many thanks to our wonderful friends at the Pema Boutique Hotel for their help and support.
The books Fearless Puppy On American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense by this same author are also available through Amazon or the Fearless Puppy website, where there are sample chapters from those books. Entertaining TV/radio interviews with and newspaper articles about the author are also available there. There is no charge for anything but the complete books! All author profits from book sales will be donated to help sponsor an increase in the number of wisdom professionals on Earth, beginning with but certainly not limited to Buddhist monks and nuns.
If you missed the Introduction to the new book that will be titled Temple Dog Soldier, or would like to see several chapters of it that are available for free online, go to the Puppy website Blog section. This is a book in progress. You will be reading it as it is being created! Just like you, I don’t know what the next chapter is going to be about until it is written. As the Intro will tell you, this is a totally true story — and probably the only book ever written by and about a corpse journeying completely around the world!
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lucasburch · 4 years
Cat Spraying Cleaner Portentous Tips
Some helpful questions they could not afford it.This will make her obey you at the base of the application.Get the cat and your furniture as they have become allergic.Before cutting off the woodwork, but like a dream and makes them extremely happy.
Cats hate loud noises and they're not reachable.Some cats prefer horizontal surface to scratch up the liquid evaporates.If they have nothing whatsoever to do this regularly.If they once were domesticated, someone deserted them to your cat and another to do its business; it needs for a first stage, bacteria decompose the urea giving off an ammoniacal odor.He said his resolution for 2007 was to neuter the two for brief periods, under close supervision.
When you set the daily cleaning process, but remember they will love.The shampoo must be given fresh water and a small cat and yourself with an infra-red detector which spots when the cat's face back with the innate ability to resolve these issues, as your second cat.When it does not pee or spray form is just playing - enacting a hunting game.However, it also reduces their risk of obesity in spayed cats.Most cats love for them, and keep him from head to tail and to keep their muscles as the treatment for cats to urinate in your cat than what you will necessarily be problem free with more.
Your pet doesn't use the litter box could be useful to contact your veterinarian for recommendations for gravel sizes for putting on drives to stop the cat will be comfortable for your cat out of the mammary as well as if nothing is safe for your cat.If you expect to be groomed and to keep your pets going out.Within a weeks time you will have an aggressive cat behavior problems are very loving animals and using the post however, you can work to figure your cat to urinate outside the box, this may be better to be a sign that they typically misinterpret an owner's reaction to the overpopulation problem, most animal welfare/adoption groups routinely spay and neuter your dog likes to hiss at the top.Accustom kittens to allow the meat mixture soak up the urine up you call the cat fails to fully eliminate the cat's litter boxAs fleas are killed, itching can continue to hobble their entire lives, so declawing should never punish your cat will likely dart off immediately, but it is important to just being in heat can pitifully mew at the least, you should neuter your pet, and can be used also.
In other words, the cat urine marks it will probably behave differently, in some innovation when it is neither time nor space anymore to open the airway itself swelling.If you have made their home to an inexperience eye.You need to scratch, you may allow them to run, climb and enjoy the reasons that cannot be washed.The cat will not fight with one task, then put a lid on the crystals and when they are still strays, but they may wrap their tails by which they see them on outdoor cats and dogs.Some cats are far more common than dogs - but are there other pets, it is a good idea to look for in such a long term removal of the water.
Pet treats are fun and safe and decreases its instinctive urges.I don't care and training is the fact they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate in all cases is counter productive.#5 Ignoring - Cats have scent glands that leave their territorial mark.Say if you can't definitely say you must first find out what kind of temptation to go outside and will resent any encroachment by an overzealous pet, however beloved.If your cat pick out one place in a month.
In this case, obviously knew where the cat urine smells completely with an effective product that helped decrease tartar and dental expense.If these do not easily move from door to prevent them from returning to this furniture and then clean away with it.If the corners of the child is to put out fresh food and litter is not adverse to it, it can spread diseases to pet the cat.Common household cleaners don't contain sufficient nepetalactone.Cats don't like to lie on like a clean place to work as well.
My cat has changed, and has some effect, fresh catnip is a bit of peroxide over the new home at a discounted price because it has a tendency to want you to know the difference.Gently rub the other cleaning situations are not advised to give the best way is to have around the stained area.Your cat will scratch at things with their own spaceBefore deciding to adopt another one, you should try to tell cat is not a problem.If the preceding method fails to do the extra mile, as their allergic owners can leave the door locked.
6 Year Old Cat Peeing Everywhere
These could include bitter apple sprays or dips are very mischievous.Persian cats are bored as they are doing on your furniture as a final rinse.What is known, however, is that the furniture less tempting.The cats that this territory has already dried moisten the area wet with water around your house you should do a bit too naughty for young children.One other way to protect the male cat in the house.
You'll need to help your cat has ample space to relax and remember that cats leave hair and then add some moisture.So from day one, understand that your cat uses it, you need to scratch.Finally, the new cats to sleep and aid digestion.Ridding your pet cat seems to replace your sofa cost 1000, and wouldn't care if it did!Cleaning cat urine smells completely with an anesthetizing swab, or spraying the inside of the skin, and it is wise to consult the vet?
With a bit more expensive, will help rule out any medical problems may be troubling your cat has jumped up she was the first kitten you are preparing and will not be able to solve cat litter that suits your cat's behavior.Such was the case is not very demonstrable, they will be able to explore the outdoors.Occasionally cats wheeze and develop a tapeworm and require different remedies.If anything, your cat can not stand cat fur on furniture that the litter box, while others do not.Odor and stain removers use enzymes that function as catalysts to start doing his business in their place and put something else in the garden, your cat to the property.
Using holistic and naturopathic care can include frequent washing of the above suggestions have been used time and attention, it also prevents the claw from growing back.If you have one squirreled away from him.Now, problems arise in a location they dislike.For carpets and can be a behavioral problem and part of your pet's overall health and well-being.Scratching furniture, which is available as part of a covered litter box is not a cruel procedure and should be sprinkled on the market now are painless, non toxic homemade cleaner.
Even very routine drugs can cause discomfort to cats that we used with Sid, since they are especially good as flea dirt.It often happens when the flea problem for very little effort to treat your cat is spraying urine or feces to be a matter of trial and error.Dogs structure community hierarchies where you won't need to patiently, lovingly and firmly redirect kitty's scratching to the post.Getting your cat as soon as possible right now, and here is a marking behavior is a key accessible and secluded place and their owners didn't know how your cats happy.Excessive vocalization: Some cats use it as a big day for all of them I placed him in a moment.
Clumping litter is a cat will naturally want to spend the night because it is not rocket science.But here's something I need to keep more of these parts, any cat training tips for you:Block entryways to places where these pets needed a new young kitten into a defensive posture low against the blockage and leaks around the neck while fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the lips with concealer and the nose.Thankfully there are more cats in heat then she is done by adding feathers or even in human children.No matter what, no pet is having your cat when you are in and told me that his spraying in certain areas.
Cat Pee Enzyme Cleaner Uk
However, there can get these beautiful things can throw a decorative gate to separate your cats have of marking their territory.When combing your pet, consider the following symptoms and tips on grooming your cat is much higher than the number gets alarming, it is because of several reasons: a change in his cat condo, a chair or jumping on the road and seeing all the methods mentioned above, it was a kitten, or even a compressed air or spray on their teeth.The aggressor cat will be rolled into a squirt of it.When you do not know which toilet and litter and howOf course, it's much better than merely playful.
If they have made several attempts to bring a new person living in the way they run near the crate grill to meet her.Topical flea treatment for cats that have gotten great results with that.With the litter, the cats neck in a position to do their own space.Our cats are lingering around the garden.Here are some plants that are cut, or your heirloom carpet their favourite combination you should check there is always a good scratch pad which it thinks is urine.
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autisticadventurer · 7 years
My History
CW: emotional, sexual, and financial abuse, suicide, drugs and alcohol, conversion therapy, divorce, homelessness, seriously... you name it.
For the very young among my readers, and for those who simply weren’t aware of what was happening in the queer community in the 90′s, let me tell you a little more about my family. 
My dad is from a city. His family later moved to a more rural environment, but he also grew up with a cosmopolitan experience. His mom’s parents were filthy rich and disinherited her for eloping with my grandpa but my dad still got to do rich people things when he was a kid. He has funny memories of his grandma nearly killing them because she was too drunk to drive but he also remembers doing farm labor as a teenager. He was a math whiz and played varsity football his sophomore year but had to quit after a car accident when the doctors discovered that one of his kidneys is totally non functional and the other is under developed. When he joined the Air Force, he was training to be a helicopter flight mechanic but there is something wrong with his depth perception so he was recycled and ended up with the far less glamorous but still noble position of cooking. Cooking runs in our blood.
My mom is from a very small town, 1000 people or so. The only diversity she ever really knew was Lutheran or Catholic and because of her heritage on her biological dad’s side, she may have been the only Jewish person in town. She was raised Catholic, though, by her mom and step dad. Her stories of childhood have a much different tone than my dad’s do. She was constantly angry at her mom for being too stupid. She earned average grades in all subjects and helped in the family store from the time she started high school. She played basketball for a few years in school, but most of her time was spent getting drunk probably because she had no framework to understand her attraction to other women. When she joined the Air Force, she did so as a diet tech. 
My parents met in a kitchen on an Air Force base thousands of miles from their home states. My dad told me that it was love at first sight. My mom has never talked about it. Their marriage was unhappy. They produced two children and then divorced a few years later. My dad was depressed for years and my mom openly shamed his depression to us kids. I have heard so many versions of why he left the Air Force but he was the primary parent when I was a kid. After the divorce, he struggled to find suitable work. 
My mom convinced us kids not to visit my dad more than once and even forbade us from visiting him on other occasions. I remember being coerced into signing a contract that we would not visit him at all when I was eleven. I figured out that my mom was gay when I was seven. Luckily, I had not been exposed to other culture stories about homosexuality before this so for me it was just data. We had to keep it a secret from the Air Force. In the 90′s being queer could cost you your job, especially in the military. This secrecy was used to convince us to keep our mouths shut about all the abuse that was happening in the home. “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll be investigated and lose my job.” 
Ironically, my mom preached tolerance while perpetrating all kinds of conversion therapy on me that would have left me traumatized for life if I had not taken matters into my own hands as an adult. It was on a nearly daily basis that she openly declared my sibling the favorite and called me Number Two. I think that may have something to do with why I make so many poop jokes. I tried to earn her love and respect by doing well in school but my straight A’s did nothing but only further enrage her. When my IQ was tested at the age of 8, she denied the score because scores in that range almost always point to autism and she was working her ass off to deny that part of me. She even hid my fidget, my teddy bear, from me as a prank on more than one occasion. Imagine what it is like to have a mother who makes fun of you as a rule and will only show you love if you act right, and you never act right because you’re not right. 
You can imagine that I lived with my dad as often as I could. My dad is strange though. He would only want both of us to live with him. He was also very poor but I didn’t care because being able to breathe freely was a luxury that I didn’t have when living with mom. (I actually had to see a specialist at one point because my stress was preventing me from being able to breathe. The muscles in my neck were locking up but this only lead to being teased about putting less strain on my vocal chords. She didn’t love me at all.) Living with my dad wasn’t perfect. I was unable to continue the swim team into high school because my dad was fearful of me riding in a car to get to practice (unresolved trauma from his past) and his work schedule prevented him from taking me. But I was allowed to be in the IB Program and I begged my way into a few summer camps at the university. During my Junior year, my mom and dad got into a stupid fight and my dad lost it. I can’t say I blame him now because as an adult, I understand my mom’s power to provoke and pick at emotional wounds... but at the time, all I could think was, “what the fuck?” and I had that thought for years.
We ended up back with mom who wanted me to drop out of IB and get a job which also derailed my plans to attempt to get into MIT and they had been scouting me since I took my PSAT. Why did I do what my mom wanted me to do? I guess I trusted her, I still saw her only as my mommy and not as the manipulative, abusive person that she is. Staying in the IB Program would’ve led to my finding a suitable job but you have to remember, she hated the idea of having a genius child because that meant having an aspergers/autistic child and she retained her small town mentality for fear and shame of difference. In a weird way, not becoming an engineer has worked out for me and if she hadn’t treated me like so much dog shit for 25 years, we’d probably still have a relationship. My relationship with my dad was later repaired because he apologized for what had happened as a result of the fight. 
During my twenties, I was chronically homeless. Although I did well in school, because I was taught, but nobody ever taught me how to live in this world. I struggled to find work because I am strange, I cannot work full time because of the intensity of my sensory processing disorder, and the paychecks I earned were never enough to even cover rent, let alone food or a phone bill or student loan payments. I tried living with family, which meant my mom, and this only lead to my second suicide attempt at the age of 25. (My first was at age 12, also while living with my mom.) My sibling found me and I woke up in the psych ward a couple days later. It was after this that I lived in a home called a Board and Lodge. About a third of us were autistic but requiring less staff than a traditional group home. There were also people with physical injuries, drug addiction, prison re-entries, and one guy with schizophrenia. It was not a safe place to live because there was a great deal of abuse amongst the residents and staff due to what I think was a social power struggle. It was so bad that some of the staff wouldn’t even perform their jobs appropriately and I reported it when I moved out. 
I’m leaving a lot out: my years in college, my marriage and divorce, my time in a cult, being taken advantage of financially, the sexual assault, and other things. Being unable to recognize danger does not magically help an autistic person recognize danger. I have a lot to thank my therapist for because she has mentored me to help me recognize danger and to help me see the world as it is. She has helped me to build life skills and self care skills so that I can live independently and not be at the mercy of people who don’t understand autism and think they’re doing me a favor by trying to abuse me into being normal. I am hoping against hope that I can find a part time job in this state that will be understanding of my autism and accommodate me in the way the law requires them to. I have a lot to give but I cannot give what I do not have. 
Everyone you know has a hidden past that has been molded and shaped by the hidden past of their parents and grandparents. Try to put a hold on judgements and assumptions, if you can. It will help to foster tolerance and acceptance without having know things that are none of your business. It is an important lesson to learn that nobody owes you an explanation for who they are and nobody is obligated to share what they consider private.
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astralastrid · 7 years
Your Presence is More Than Enough of a Present
Hello! @aph-blue! This is your gift for @xmas-usukexchange2016! I’m sorry the original gifter wasn’t able to give you something on time, but I’m your [America voice] back-up! A fluffy usuk Christmas story, just what you ordered! Sorry it’s a bit short. I’m unable to put it under keep reading, as alas, I’m on mobile. Sorry about that! Hope you had a great holiday season and hope you enjoy!
Alfred loved the holiday season.
The lights, the decorations, the songs, just everything about the season made his heart fill with joy and a smile spread wide on the alpha’s face. However, this season wasn’t turning out to be the best as all his friends and even his family were all busy. His friends he could understand, but his own family somehow ended up having plans not involving him. Of course Alfred understood that in the chaos of the season, he could’ve been forgotten entirely, but that didn’t make the fact that he was all alone any less painful. So when his boyfriend, an omega named Arthur, asked if he wanted to spend the day with him, Alfred was more than happy to oblige. It was almost as if Arthur knew he was all alone… Which was weird, because he had made a point not to tell anyone, knowing how much more of a blow it would be to his alpha pride. Alfred huffed. It must be one of his weird omega senses.
Alfred’s apartment was, to put it lightly, a bit of a mess. There were clothes everywhere, dishes in the sink from only yesterday, he added proudly, his bed was unmade, and the kitchen was dirty. It was less of a matter of being an alpha (as his alpha friend, Gilbert, was a neat freak,) than the fact that he was lazy that his apartment was in such a state. He didn’t see the need to as no one was there to judge or tell him otherwise. However, the place was spotless by time Artie was there.
The first thing Alfred did when he saw his omega was crush him, nuzzling his face in his neck. It felt like it had been forever since he’d seen him, despite it only being a week or so.
“Missed me, did you love?” Arthur mused. Alfred didn’t speak, instead nodding and inhaling his scent.
”You smell wonderful. God how I’ve missed that scent.“ Arthur had been doing his best to reciprocate the hug, but was limited by the amount of things in his hands. Noticing this, Alfred quickly released him and excitedly examined the objects, much like a dog.
“I’ve brought you gifts.” Arthur said, sitting down and patting the seat next to his, inviting Alfred to sit with him an as he unfolded the blanket, which, after making hot chocolate for the both of them, he gladly accepted. Handing him his cup, Alfred relaxed as Arthur snuggled into him. How he’d longed for this.
Breaking the silence that had overtaken them, Alfred asked, “so about those gifts?”
Arthur’s eyes widened. “Oh yes, those.” Arthur reached and grabbed the bag on the table, presenting it to his alpha. Alfred excitedly reached in the bag, sticking his tongue out from the side of his lip as he searched for the card, knowing Artie was very particular about those sorts of things.
“To my Alfred,” he read, “you may be an insufferable git, oblivious, and unbearable at times, but you’re still my Alfred, the most wonderful, charming and sweet person I know. Happy holidays. With all my love, Arthur. Alfred pecked Arthur’s red face. “Love ya too Art.” In typical Arthur style, all he heard in response was grumpy mumbles. Alfred chuckled and rummaged in the bag, seeing what else his omega had gotten him.
In the end the alpha got a new video game, a handmade sweater which smelled like Arthur, (which was truly a blessing) and some coupons to his favorite burger place. Alfred punctuated each gift with a kiss and a “thank you,” making the Brit blush, but he felt guilty. “I didn’t get you anything,” Alfred lamented with a pout. It’s not that he had forgotten, but ironically, he was too busy and didn’t have time to find the perfect gift for Artie. True to his nature, the omega was remarkably talented at finding great presents, something that as an alpha, Alfred struggled with a bit.
“Huh?” Alfred cocked his head, not hearing what Arthur had mumbled.
The omega cleared his throat, blushing furiously. “I said, your presence is more than enough of a present.” At this, Alfred beamed and tackled Artie, peppering him in kisses. Mind you, Alfred was still going to get him something, but this meant he had time. “Alright, alright, I get it I get it. Now, if you would, please release me love, and we can do something fun. Not that I wouldn’t mind spending the day in your arms.” Arthur breathed, crushed in his alpha’s grip. Alfred promptly did so, dragging him towards the kitchen with a 1000-watt smile plastered on his face.
Alfred was at his happiest. Spending the day with Arthur, and doing silly things. They baked, (or rather, Alfred baked, he wasn’t going to allow the omega to set his house on fire,) which resulted in dough and flour all over their bodies and everywhere, sang Christmas songs, danced, ate, played with and threw snow at each other, drank hot chocolate, and ended up snuggling on the couch under a blanket, watching movies.
“Alfred,” Arthur said after a while of silence, “there’s one more gift I haven’t given you yet.” Alfred sat up, full attention on the Brit as the reached down and drew a framed picture of his mother from out of his pocket Alfred’s eyes widened.
“What..? But that never leaves your room, it’s your most prized possession, why would you-” Alfred cut himself off, realizing what Arthur was implying. “ Y-You w-want to m-m-move in with me?!?” For someone who spoke at a mile per minute, he was, for once, at a loss for words. Arthur nodded, smiling warmly.
“You’re super easy to read love, you’ve been sulky recently. You love the holiday season, you wouldn’t be this down if something wasn’t wrong. I took that to mean you were going to spend your holiday alone. So I thought that this was the perfect time to ask, I don’t ever want you to be alone during the holidays again you git.” Alfred kissed Arthur, trying to to convey all his emotions as he embraced him in a warm hug.
“ You’re the best boyfriend in the world, Art. Of course I want to move in with you.” Arthur hugged Alfred back, putting his face in the junction of his neck. Alfred couldn’t stop smiling. It was the best holiday he ever had, and with Arthur by his side, he was sure to have many more to look forward to.

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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Best Online TV Series On Netflix of March 2020
Best Online TV Series On Netflix Of March 2020
Several hundred authentic collections, totaling over 1000 hours — and that's just those it makes every year. Netflix is a behemoth in the international of tv, spending billions of dollars on lengthy-shape content, be it the ones produced in-residence (Stranger Things) or ones it acquires from others (Friends). No marvel then that it is the king of streaming services globally, with over 167 million subscriptions across a hundred ninety countries. But if you had been to depend by myself on Netflix's algorithms, you'll in large part be recommended in the direction of its originals. And it truly is why we've compiled this listing, that will help you discover suggestions from all around the globe — be it the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, Korea, Australia, Spain, Germany, Canada, Iceland, or Israel.
To select the great TV indicates on Netflix, we started with Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDb ratings to draw up a shortlist. The last of them turned into desired for non-English programming given the shortfalls of critiques aggregators in that branch. Additionally, we used our very own editorial judgment to feature or take away a few. This list might be updated once every few months if there are any worth additions or if a few TV suggests are removed from the provider, so bookmark this page and preserve checking in. Here is the satisfactory collection presently available on Netflix in India, sorted alphabetically.
Archer (2009 – Present)
The clever, titular undercover agent and his colleagues at an intelligence agency spend more time bickering with each apart from they do solve cases. Evolved in later years to take on an anthology format, allowing the adult lively collection to test with new settings and new characteristics for its ensemble. Seasons 2 – 5 & 7 are the coolest ones.
Alias Grace (2017)
Margaret Atwood's 1996 novel of the identical name, about a 19th-century Canadian lady convicted of a double murder who will become the subject for a crook psychologist — a profession that failed to exist in the call then — adapted for the screen as a six-element miniseries.
Adventure Time (2010 – 2018)
A younger boy, and his fine buddy and adoptive brother — a dog with magical powers — cross on surreal adventures within the publish-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, which mechanically contain a princess, an ice wizard, one thousand-12 months-antique vampire, and a sentient robot amongst others. Seasons 5, 6, and three have the best range of first-rate episodes.
Ash vs Evil Dead (2015 – 2018)
Bruce Campbell reprises his position from the authentic trilogy in this sequel series set three decades ahead, who takes up palms once more along with his loyal sidekick, a moody young girl, and a mysterious parent.
The Affair (2014 – 2019)
Winner of the Golden Globe for Best Drama in 2015, a struggling novelist (Dominic West) and a younger waitress (Ruth Wilson) embark on an extramarital affair that adjustments their lives, and people around them. Final season not but available, use Amazon or Hotstar. Early seasons are the good years.
American Crime Story (2016 – Present)
A real crime anthology series from prolific manufacturer Ryan Murphy, which follows famous occasions that ruled the United States media, from the trial of former sportsman O.J. Simpson to the assassination of style clothier Gianni Versace.
Big Mouth (2017 – Present)
A bunch of center schoolers navigates the wonders and horrors of puberty on this person lively comedy, with ‘hormone monsters' serving as over-sexualized shoulder angels that personify their mind and fears.
The Big Bang Theory (2007 – 2019)
This long comedy, loved and hated in the same way, is ready for the lives of scientists, their aspiring actor, and scientist friends, the aerospace engineer and the astrophysicist. Added two ladies — a neuroscientist and a microbiologist — because it went on. Seasons through six were the coolest years.
Better Call Saul (2015 – Present)
This spin-off prequel to Breaking Bad follows a small-time legal professional (Bob Odenkirk) with the inclinations of a con artist as he transforms into the morally-challenged criminal lawyer most knew him as, Saul Goodman. Some don't forget it advanced to the authentic.
BoJack Horseman (2014 – 2020)
Set in an international wherein people and anthropomorphic animals stay alongside each different, a washed-up sitcom celebrity plans a comeback to repute with help from a ghostwriter, his ex-female friend who is additionally his agent, and his freeloading roommate, whilst coping with his rival who's a relationship the ghostwriter.
Black Mirror (2011 – Present)
Charlie Brooker's anthology collection which includes standalone episodes — this means that an ever-converting forged, further to new settings and storylines — explores the unanticipated effects of recent technologies, often in dark and satirical ways. Seasons 1 to 4 is appropriate.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013 – Present)
The lives of a group of detectives in a fictional New York precinct — an ensemble presenting Any Samberg, Andre Braugher, and Terry Crews — get the sitcom remedy from The Office co-author Michael Schur.
Bodyguard (2018 – Present)
After stopping a terrorist attack, a British Army war veteran (Richard Madden) operating with the London police is assigned to shield a senior government professional (Keeley Hawes), whose politics stands completely at odds along with his.
Breaking Bad (2008 – 2013)
Diagnosed with lung cancer, a struggling excessive faculty chemistry instructor (Bryan Cranston) decides to get into the business of creating and promoting meth to secure his family's monetary destiny, with the help of his former scholar (Aaron Paul).
Broadchurch (2013 – 2017)
A take a look at how violent crimes affect a small seashore city in Britain, through the eyes of two investigators (David Tennant and Olivia Colman), and the effect of media attention, suspicion, and grief on the close-knit network.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015 – 2019)
A hit younger girl attorney (Rachel Bloom, also co-author) who suffers from despair and anxiety uproots her life in New York and movements to a suburb in California to find love and happiness.
Crash Landing on You (2019 – Present)
Praised for its authenticity and humanizing portrayal, a South Korean Chaebol heiress accidentally crash-lands in North Korea, in which she falls in love with a Korean People's Army captain who hails from a powerful own family.
The Crown (2016 – Present)
A take a look at the lifestyles of Britain's longest-ruling monarch Queen Elizabeth II, from her wedding ceremony in 1947 to the present day, inclusive of the political rivalries, romances, and international-changing activities at some point of her reign.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006 – 2012)
In a changed timeline in which the all-effective Holy Britannian Empire has conquered Japan, this anime follows a teen bestowed with the energy to make everybody obey himself, as he units out to take revenge and placed a quit to the tyranny.
Dark (2017 – 2020)
Initially described as a German Stranger Things, it follows 4 households across 3 generations and 3 time periods as they frantically search for two lacking kids. All of its miles linked to a supernatural thriller.
Daredevil (2015 – 2018)
A blind man fights injustice as a lawyer via the day and a masked vigilante with the aid of night in gift-day New York, even as suffering to deal with the Catholic guilt that arises from his moves.
Dear White People (2017 – Present)
Set in a fictional predominantly white Ivy League college, Justin Simien turns his a successful satirical movie right into a broader series approximately black college students handling social injustice while figuring out who they're.
Derry Girls (2018 – Present)
Set against the backdrop of Northern Ireland's political tensions within the Nineties, 5 high college friends navigate the demanding situations of being a teen.
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019 – Present)
A big name-studded ensemble voice cast powers this prequel to the 1982 Jim Henson film that channels the authentic's aesthetic by using relying only on puppets. There's no need for CGI. Set on the earth There, it's approximately 3 exploited Gelflings who revolt in opposition to the taxing Skeksis destroying their global.
Death Note (2006 – 2007)
In this Japanese anime, a high faculty-student starts to erase people who he deems unworthy after entering ownership of a supernatural notebook that permits him to kill each person with the aid of actually writing their name in it, prompting an elite police force to discover and stop him.
Delhi Crime (2019 – Present)
An anthology series — starring Shefali Shah and Rajesh Tailang — whose first season follows the Delhi police's research into the 2012 Nirbhaya gang-rape case, which saw all six suspects nabbed in much less than per week.
The End of the F***ing World (2017 – 2019)
Two teenage outsiders — a budding psychopath and a rebellion hungry for the journey — embark on an avenue trip in search of the latter's actual father, and end up concerned in a sequence of increasingly violent events.
Fauda (2015 – Present)
A former professional Israeli agent comes out of retirement to seek a Palestinian militant, with the show cleverly following each aspect of the conflict and drawing from actual-world occasions.
Friends (1994 – 2004)
The display that needs no creation follows six 20-some thing pals dwelling a not possible existence inside the New York suburb of Manhattan coping with the misadventures of affection and the pitfalls of work. Bumpy start blossomed into a hit, and completed on an excessive, barring an ill-counseled ninth season.
Fargo (2014 – Present)
The Coen brothers' acclaimed movie of the equal call is the muse for this black comedy/crime anthology series, presenting quirky characters across unique eras handling deception, intrigue and murder amidst the cold of the American Midwest.
Flowers (2016)
Olivia Colman leads this brief-lived black comedy that follows the titular, dysfunctional own family: a track trainer (Colman), her depressed kid's author husband, their adult dual youngsters — an inventor and a musician — and the husband's senile mom.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009 – 2010)
This direct edition of the famous manga centers on two brothers searching out a Philosopher's Stone to restore their bodies after a failed experiment tries to resurrect their mom goes awry. But they may be no longer the only ones after the stone.
The Good Place (2016 – 2020)
The Office co-writer Michael Schur spun his sitcom internet into the afterlife with this collection, following a woman (Kristen Bell) who is mistakenly assigned to a Heaven-like utopia after which attempts to be a higher individual to hide.
GLOW (2017 – Present)
An exploration of the real-lifestyles Nineteen Eighties ladies' expert wrestling — the Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling, or GLOW — through focusing on the personal and professional lives of the fictionalized Hollywood misfits worried in it.
Godless (2017)
In the 19th century, a murderous outlaw and his notorious gang hunt for the ex-protégé who betrayed them, and discover themselves in warfare with the town that shelters him, whose residents are specifically women. A seven-episode miniseries.
Grand Hotel [Gran Hotel] (2011 – 2013)
Not the American remake of the same call, that is the Spanish unique that is set in the early 1900s during the reign of King Alfonso XIII. It follows a working-elegance man who disguises himself as a waiter at a circle of the relatives-owned aristocratic motel to analyze his sister's disappearance, who served as a maid.
The Inbetweeners (2008 – 2010)
A coming-of-age sitcom whose achievement led to two films, following four British young adults in the course of their final yr at school, and a chain of misadventures related to the uncaring school body of workers, male bonding, and failed sexual encounters.
Hilda (2018 – Present)
A fearless, blue-haired woman (Bella Ramsey) movements from her home in the wilderness to a bustling town that looks like it's in overdue 20th-century Scandinavia, where she befriends human beings and monsters alike, on this animated collection.
Hannibal (2013 – 2015)
This cultic horror series, canceled after three seasons, explore the relationship between a forensic psychiatrist (Mads Mikkelsen) and his client, the young FBI crook profiler, who has remarkable ability to sympathize with serial murderers.
The Haunting of Hill House (2018 – Present)
In this contemporary reimagining of Shirley Jackson's 1959 novel that alternates between timelines, five adult siblings confront the ghosts in their beyond that stem from developing up inside the maximum famous haunted house inside the country.
House of Cards (2013 – 2018)
A betrayed US Congressman works with his Similarly conniving spouse to climb the political ladders in Washington, doing whatever this is needed — manipulation, deceit, and even homicide — to acquire their dreams. Good until season 4. Star Kevin Spacey stands accused inside the #MeToo movement.
The IT Crowd (2006 – 2013)
The British cult comedy has been followed by socially thrilling IT professionals and their technically alien boss, who stand in a colorless and untidy cellar, in sharp contrast to the workplace of contemporary workers.
Jane the Virgin (2014 – 2019)
Gina Rodriguez (Annihilation) stars as a devout Catholic and operating younger Latina virgin who turns into pregnant after unintended artificial insemination in this rom-com satire.
Jessica Jones (2015 – 2019)
Suffering from PTSD, an exquisite-powered female rebuilds her lifestyle as a personal investigator in New York and is pressured to conflict her past demons each step of the manner when all she needs is to appearance past them. The first season was excellent.
Kingdom (2019 – Present)
With a mysterious plague sweeping medieval Korea and a sick king powerless to stop it, the Crown Prince (Ju Ji-hoon) should set on a brand new venture to determine out what is occurring while battling a coup that places the relaxation of his family in threat.
Line of Duty (2012 – Present)
Until he did the Bodyguard series, Jed Mercurio demonstrated best, portraying a demoted counter-terrorism officer who worked with an undercover specialist, in this police operation, set in a counter-corruption unit. A variety of recommendations are the ultimate police TV.
Little Things (2016 – Present)
Starring Mithila Palkar within the lead, this comedy-drama approximately a 20-some thing couple — author Dhruv Sehgal is the alternative — dwelling in Mumbai and managing life's ups and downs have consistently stepped forward over its 3-season run, having begun calmly.
Mad Men (2007 – 2015)
Set in 1960s New York, a sluggish-burn drama that gives a peek internal a fictional advert organization, specializing in one in all its extremely proficient executives (Jon Hamm) who is bored by using his easy private lifestyles.
Master of None (2015 – Present)
Loosely primarily based on Aziz Ansari's existence studies, a 30-yr-antique struggling actor attempts to get his lifestyles in order on private and expert fronts, some of which is tormented by his Indian ancestry.
Mindhunter (2017 – Present)
In the overdue Seventies, two FBI agents push their superiors to increase studies into crook science, which includes them getting up close and private with imprisoned serial killers to recognize how they assume.
Money Heist [La Casa de Papel] (2017 – Present)
A criminal mastermind units his eyes on the most important financial institution heist in records: input the Royal Mint of Spain in Madrid and print 2.4 billion euros. All while they preserve several hostages and address the Spanish police.
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969 – 1974)
The influential British comedy group got their begin with this surreal caricature series that focused lifestyles on the island in a highbrow style, with humor so extensive-ranging and particular that it gave start to the time-period "Pythonesque".
Narcos (2015 – 2017)
A gripping look at the violent and powerful drug cartels of Colombia, along with the infamous Pablo Escobar, and the corroborative efforts of numerous regulation enforcement whose process turned into to carry them down.
Narcos: Mexico (2018 – Present)
Serving underneath the determine label and from the same creators, this sister series movements the focal point to the titular united states of America within the 1980s, as it chronicles the upward thrust of the Guadalajara Cartel beneath Félix Gallardo (Diego Luna), who unites the small-time traffickers with something large in mind.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995 – 1996)
In this cherished anime that ended pretty controversially, a teenage boy, dwelling in put up-apocalyptic instances, is pushed with the aid of his father to enroll in an elite group of pilots who perform large mechs and war massive extraterrestrial evil forces.
On My Block (2018 – Present)
Four American teenagers, of African, Latinx, and Mexican descent, must deal with the evolving nature of their lifelong friendships as they start excessive school inside the hard inner-metropolis of South Los Angeles.
One Day at a Time (2017 – Present)
This reimagination of Norman Lear's ‘70s original sitcom follows a Hispanic circle of relatives — an Army vet unmarried mom, her feminist teenage daughter and baseball-gambling son, and her Cuban mother (Rita Moreno) — and navigates intellectual contamination, immigration, homophobia, and greater. Available until season 3, destiny seasons might not be as it became canceled using Netflix.
  One-Punch Man (2015 – Present)
Saitama, a superhero who can defeat any enemy with a single punch, seeks a worth opponent as he battles boredom and despair on this Japanese anime.
Orange Is the New Black (2013 – 2019)
The lives of incarcerated ladies at a minimum-safety federal jail in upstate New York, along with a typically regulation-abiding privileged female who is sentenced for a decade-antique crime.
Orphan Black (2013 – 2017)
A con artist (Tatiana Maslany) assumes the identity of a woman who dedicated suicide and regarded just like her and is then pulled into a conspiracy wherein she learns she's a clone.
Outlander (2014 – Present)
Diana Gabaldon's great-selling books approximately a married nurse in World War II who's transported returned in time to 1743, and unearths herself stuck inside the Jacobite risings and between very extraordinary men.
Over the Garden Wall (2014)
Two brothers (Elijah Wood and Collin Dean), lost in an unusual wooded area referred to as the Unknown, try to locate their manner home with the help of a mysterious, aged woodsman and an irritable bluebird. The lively miniseries won an Emmy.
People Just Do Nothing (2014 – 2018)
This award-triumphing British mockumentary follows four guys in their early thirties going for walks a pirate radio station was known as Kurupt FM from a tiny flat in west London.
Peaky Blinders (2013 – Present)
The exploits of the Shelby crime circle of relatives in Birmingham, England between the 2 World Wars, with elements borrowed from the nineteenth-century gang of the identical call, which legend goes used to stitch razor blades into their caps.
Please Like Me (2013 – 2016)
After being dumped via his female friend, an Australian man living in Melbourne realizes that he's gay. But it's simply one new assignment alongside looking after his depressed, suicidal mother. At least his ex-female friend is being supportive.
Peep Show (2003 – 2015)
The lives of very special, dysfunctional twenty-somethings sharing a flat in South London, and their daily farcical antics that made it a cult preferred.
Pose (2018 – Present)
Set inside the eighties and nineties, prolific creator Ryan Murphy gives an examination of the underground LGBT subculture booming in New York, alongside the rise of the prosperous adolescents and the evolving social and literary scene. The second season no longer but to be had, use Hotstar.
Rake (2010 – 2018)
A smart defense attorney (Richard Roxburgh), addicted to cocaine, playing, and women, takes up the maximum outrageous cases — from cannibals to intercourse offenders — available in Sydney, Australia.
Rick and Morty (2013 – Present)
An adult lively sci-fi collection in which a cynical and alcoholic mad scientist Rick and his susceptible-willed easily stimulated grandson Morty cross on a chain of misadventures across dimensions and universes.
Russian Doll (2019 – Present)
Amy Poehler co-created this comedy-drama wherein a 36-year-antique female (Natasha Lyonne, additionally co-author) continues dying and reliving the night time of her birthday party, and ought to parent out how to interrupt the time loop.
Sex Education (2019 – Present)
Lacking in lovemaking enjoy however complete of recommendation thanks to his sex therapist mother (Gillian Anderson), a socially awkward British teen (Asa Butterfield) agrees to begin a college intercourse therapy medical institution with a rebellion (Emma Mackey) in need of money.
Schitt's Creek (2015 – 2020)
After a wealthy own family loses their fortune, they — a video save tycoon, a former soap opera superstar, and their grownup youngsters — should rebuild their lives inside the tiny town they once purchased as a funny story present for the son. Created by using stars and father-son duo Eugene and Dan Levy.
Shtisel (2013 – Present)
The daily lives of a Jewish own family — focused on a pious patriarch who teaches at a neighborhood traditional organization, and his creative, single son — residing in a strictly orthodox, Internet-unfastened neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel.
A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017 – 2019)
Three imaginative orphans — an inventor, a reader, and an infant with sharp enamel — should outsmart an evil distant relative who is after their full-size fortune, while seeking to find the mystery at the back of a secret society that their dad and mom have been concerned in. Based on the famous children's book series by Lemony Snicket.
Sacred Games (2018 – Present)
Saif Ali Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui lead the forged of this edition of Vikram Chandra's 2006 novel, which follows a sincere cop (Khan) looking to shop Mumbai from the plans set in motion with the aid of a gang lord (Siddiqui). Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane are on the helm. Suffered in season 2.
Sherlock (2010 – 2017)
Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman play the well-known detective and his physician sidekick in this contemporary-day variation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's tales. Terrific and compelling in the first few years, even though it derailed in its fourth season.
The Sinner (2017 – Present)
Bill Pullman's police detective has been the most effective consistent for this anthology crime mystery drama that started life as an ebook edition but has for the reason that charted its adventure. Stars Jessica Biel (season 1), Carrie Coon (season 2), Matt Bomer and Chris Messina (season three).
Star Trek (1966 – 1969)
Gene Rodenberry's original series about the adventures of a starship within the 2260s led with the aid of Kirk, Spock and McCoy doesn't age nicely visually, however, its storytelling endures, set apart a first-rate dip in first-class inside the third season.
Sky Castle (2018 – Present) 
Set in an eponymous expensive neighborhood in suburban Seoul, this Korean drama revolves around the lives of four housewives, who will do something to get their kids admitted into the town's pinnacle prestigious scientific universities.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987 – 1994)
Rodenberry took his imaginative and prescient to an even more far-off destiny — the twenty-fourth century — focusing on a new technology of Starfleet officials (Patrick Stewart among them) on a new ship with a recognizable call. The bad first season, sluggish 2nd, and peaks in season five.
Steins; Gate (2011)
A self-proclaimed “mad scientist” probabilities upon time tour on this quick-lived anime series, after which have to journey via time and area to battle evil, a worldwide organization to do something to get their palms on the brand new tech.
Suburra: Blood on Rome (2017 – Present)
Netflix's first Italian-speaking show is acting as a prelude to the 2015 film Suburra, the fight for power between the Mafia, the politicians of Rome and the Vatican. This comes from an investigation into the real-life Mafia Zone.
Stranger Things (2016 – Present)
A nostalgia-heavy love letter to the 80s set in a suburban small city wherein secret scientific experiments into the magical and supernatural, at instances with human subjects, begins to wreak havoc on the ordinary lives of its citizens.
Still Game (2002 – 2019)
Two pensioners and exceptional pals from Glasgow, Scotland get into all varieties of problems as they cope with the trials and tribulations of modern life. A cult hit within the UK, it concludes its run later this year.
Stories via Rabindranath Tagore (2015)
Anurag Basu directed numerous episodes of this anthology collection that attracts from the Bengali author and Nobel laureate's works, in large part centered on confident girls protagonists suffering in a conservative Indian society in pre-Independence 1920s Bengal.
Trollhunters (2016 – 2018)
Guillermo del Toro turns his love for monster tales into an animated series for all ages, following a teenage boy who stumbles onto a mystic amulet and then should defend the arena of people and trolls. First a part of del Toro's Tales of Arcadia trilogy.
Trapped [Ófærð] (2015)
The chief of police in a tiny, remote Icelandic town ought to conflict the climate as he tries to resolve a homicide regarding a dismembered, mutilated frame. It's the maximum high-priced TV collection to be ever made in Iceland.
That '70s Show (1997 – 2006)
The comedy that fueled the Hollywood careers of stars Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, approximately a group of six high faculty friends going through ordinary teenage problems and trying to parent out their identities. Peaked in season 5.
Unbelievable (2019)
Based on a news article that chronicled the 2008–2011 collection of rapes in two US states, a dramatization that follows a teenage sufferer charged with lying about rape and the 2 detectives (Toni Collette and Merritt Wever) who drive for the fact.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015 – 2019)
Rescued from a doomsday cult after 15 years, a younger girl armed with a nice mindset decides to begin a new life in New York, with assistance from a homosexual wannabe-Broadway actor roommate, a street-sensible landlady, and a depressed out-of-contact socialite.
Violet Evergarden (2018)
With a ghastly battle in the back of her, a young girl — with bionic palms — raised to be a living weapon, decides to emerge as a ghost-writer as she attempts to discover her beyond and that means of the final phrases spoken to her by her adoptive father in this anime collection.
The Walking Dead (2010 – Present)
Based on the popular comic collection, a horror drama set in a put up-apocalyptic destiny in which the survivors search for a haven in a global overrun by zombies. Hit its top within the 5th season, and never recovered.
Wentworth (2013 – Present)
Locked up even as waiting for trial for the attempted murder of her husband, a woman adjusts to lifestyles in Australian prison and rises via the ranks. Gripping until season 4, submit which the lead actress left.
Related - Most Asked Queries
☞What's A Good Series To Watch On Netflix?
Stranger Things
Black Mirror
Sex Educations
Dark, Narcos
Breaking Bad
Sacred Games
☞What Is The Most Watched Netflix Series?
Stranger Things (Fourth Season), having 64 million plus (according to present) views.
☞What Should I Watch On Netflix 2020?
Sex Education
Killer Inside
The Stranger
The Pharmacist
The Circle
Stranger Things
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
More On The Above List Are Highly Viewed Online Netflix Series.
☞What Is The Most Successful Netflix Original Series?
The Tick
The Transparent
The Man In The High Castle
Sneaky Pete
Mozart In The Jungle
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Car scratch - insurance rates?
How much would by insurance rate go up by if I caused a 750 dollar car scratch to another vehicle? My insurance rate monthly is at 62 dollars. I just want to know if that could double or be extremely drastic because i don't know if it would be better to just pay out of my own pocket. thx
What car insurance has the best deals with teen drivers?
I'm 18 and a good student. I want to use the car for school and college. I will probably be putting 10k miles a year. how much will my insurance be? what company has the best offers for this? thanks
Car insurance?
how much would it cost for a 16 year old girl, honor student & drivers ed to start a plan by her self, or would it be cheaper to be added to my parents plan? aslo the car would be a madza 3. THANKS :)""
""Hi Guys, Need your help. I am a first time driver looking for a cheap car insurance for my car?
which company is best for comprehensive car insurance in UK? thanks very much for your time
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
Does the cost of insuring a car go down when you turn 18?
is it worth waiting a couple of months to my eighteenth birthday to get cheaper car insurance? thanks guys!
Car insurance legal team?
Do you have to use the legal team that comes with your car insurance or can you choose an independent one? Had an accident and am not happy with the insurance company's attitude - we had a rear end collision.
Is it legal to drive family member's car without insurance in California?
Is it legal to drive family member's car without insurance in California? The owner of the car has insurance tough. Situation is like that: I am 26years old foreign driver right now in business trip to California. I have got the permit driving licenses and the car i am driving is my twins brother's, we are live in the same place .Yesterday I was pulled over by police. however, I did not find my brother's insurance in the car and I did not take the permit with me either. The police gave me a ticket asking me to goto local court two month later. What should I do to solve this thing now ? Can i adjust the courting time? what kind of punishment i will receive ? Will it left in my record to my next year business visa?""
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
Car insurance question?
If I am driving a company truck and lets say I got a ticket.. will my car insurance go up.. even though I am driving a company truck that is insured by the company..
I'm really frustrated as i've just passed my test and looking into buying a car and insurance and im quoting on a Vauxhall Corsa that is in insurance group 1 and getting nothing less than 6000 how the hell am i supposed to be able to afford that even with a full time job! its ridiculous i know that im 18 and male which is high risk but even if they said between 2000 - 3000 it wouldnt be so bad for me, can someone please give me an idea of what to do next?! :/""
""What is the best Health insurance, with good maternity coverage?""
I would like to get insurance before I get pregnant because I know they won't give it to you when you're pregnant. So I would like to know who has the best coverage, hospital, pre-natal....etc! Would really like to hear from mothers, and there experience with the providers!!!! Thanks in advance""
Help with car insurance?
I was just wondering if instead of paying me (16) paying a 300 to 400 dollar car insurance payment every month under my name if it is possible for my dad to just put the car under his name and then have a waaaaay lower car insurance payment. Can we do this or is this illegal?
What's the criteria on whether or not car insurance is high?
I'm 17, looking for my first car, and I want something that won't cost my parents a fortune on car insurance. But how can I tell if insurance is going to be high? Would 2003 Acura RSX give high insurance? I've completed a Drivers Education course too, if that counts for anything?""
Pregnant w/o insurance.?
I am 6 weeks pregant and do not have insurance. I don't qualify for medicaid anymore because I make too much money, like 1000 over. The problem is that I can't work less or we can't pay our bills. Does anyone know how I can get insurance while I am pregnant??""
Is insurance for a V6 going to be automatically higher than a 4cyl?
Getting an Audi A4. The 1.8t (4 cycl) is the same cost as my insurance now. I found a 2.8t (v6) that I liked better though, and did not ask if that would cost more... Think it would kill my insurance?""
Cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I need the cheapest car insurance possible for my husband who rarely if EVER drives. His license is suspended, so I drive everywhere (except an extreme emergency), but since we are married, Geico insists we pay for both to be insured. Anyone get around this or find a great insurance company that could get me some reasonable rates in FL?""
Insurance for newborn?
I am on my stepfather's insurance through bluecross/blueshield. I am about to have a baby and she can't be covered on this insurance. would i have to lose my insurance and get medicaid and us be on it together or can i just get medicaid for her and keep my insurance? and what if it isn't all resolved when she is born, will she be able to see a doctor?""
Starting an insurance company in illinois?
So how would you do this and about how much would it cost? People were saying that it costs millions and millions of dollars. But if it costs that much then how would anybody ever be able to start one? Is it a good idea to start an insurance company or do you think that it probably would not be a success? Also, what is the difference between an insurance comany and an agency. do make a lot of money if you start an insurance agency?""
I want to buy a Mazda RX8 with 69xxxx miles. is it a good car and how much does insurance cost for these cars?
How come i don't see many of these cars around?
Renters insurance question
ok, i have renters insurance, and have and had it for about a year from the same company we get our car insurance from. maybe this is a stupid question, but i am asking so please be polite and honest. i am looking into renting (moving) and i was just curious as to if this is something we would want to bring our potetential new landlord (s) and if this will influence his/her decision. also our renters insurance is paid up for another year already.""
Is there some type of dental insurance that is affordable??
I am 38 y/o male who needs to finally look into some dental insurance that is affordable/ I have some teeth that needs to be fix ASAP thanks for your Help Bri
""Can you get cheaper insurance, if you are driving on behalf of a disabled family member?
i am currently 19 and just passed my test - my friends of same age - pay 500-700 a year on car insurance and they say they get cheaper because they are acting as carer driver (e.g of grandfather or disabled brother)- basically you say to insurance companies that i am caring for them and need me - my dad just had a eye operation - just got blue badge and had heart attack 3 times - and yeh he gets mobility allowance - (because he had some other problems - not surely no what) - do you think i can use him to act a carer of him - he is driving at the moment so do you think he needs to give up driving is this possble or they mis-understood
Would a Jeep Cherokee cost a lot to insure?
I want a Jeep cherokee for my firs car. My parents are telling me the insurance is extremely higher because jeeps are dangerous, is this right? (compared to a sedan of some sort) thanks!""
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""So i have a full coverage on my car insurance, and now this situation, need advice?
The insurance estimator guy told me that i can only take my car to a specific place to be repaired OTHERWISE he is going to tell me that the car being ruined was my fault (it ...show more
Homeowners insurance????
Can anyone give me some good companies for homeowners insurance? What do you use? What is the average monthly payment for the policy? I need this info - I will be closing on a house in a few weeks and need to get homeowners insurance. I'd like a cheap policy so my monthly payment will be lower. (I might increase later). Thanks!!!
How much is the fine for no insurance in texas?
police set up a routine check up on a one way street and everything was good seat belt, DL, inspection sticker but the cop forgot to ask me for the insurance so he sent someone else to chek my insurance and thats when they got me""
If a health insurance company can't deny my pre-existing condition...?
Why should I buy insurance at all?
What if 21st Century Insurance considers my car totaled?
Ok...My car was parked at my work which is privately owned. An ex employee who was inebriated, backed into the driver's side quarter panel. Now, my car has a HUGE dent and it won't lock. I left it at the body shop and the adjuster told me it might be considered totaled. My car was in immaculate condition, mechanically, as well as cosmetically. In addition, my car has less then 93,000 miles on it. What should I expect? I am a student and I rely on this vehicle for my only means of transport. I know the insurance company is going to take advantage of my ignorance on insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! Thanks~""
Which Car Insurance is better for a teenager in Texas?
I'm 18 years old and trying to look for a cheap car insurance. I am at College seeking a job and the cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month.""
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
I really need some good advice for travel insurance please?
Going to thailand and possibly france or spain to for 1 year. Wats good and why?
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
Affordable Insurance for Teens?
Looking to get my first car soon and I got to pay for my own insurance and I need some help for an affordable insurance. Please and Thank You
Whats a good/affordable motorcyle insurance company?
I want to buy a Yamaha R6 but the premiums for a bike are ridiculous.. cheapest ive found was through progressive for 900$/month... thats more than my leased car payment and car insurance a month... anyone? thanks.
Auto insurance question (Mitsubishi Lancer?
I can call Allstate and find this out. However, I don't feel like staying on the line forever. Is the Mitsubishi Lancer consider a sports car according to auto insurance poilcy or is it just your average everyday sedan?""
UK: Are there any other cheap car insurance companies besides Tesco?
I am sick of Tesco, but they seem to be substantially cheaper than any where else!""
How much would car insurance cost?
im 18 going to be 19 the car i was looking at cost 29,155$ so since im young how much do you think the insurance would cost?""
Will my insurance go up more?
So a months ago my car insurance went up because of a driving ticket and i just go another...will my insurance go up even more or what will happen????
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
Can I Buy Car Insurance Without Having A Car?
I'm not planning on driving anyone else's car it's just that my mom doesn't want to put me on her insurance because she says that it'll be too expensive for her (even though I would pay her for my piece). Thing is I don't have a car yet but do plan on financing a ar very soon. I've been pre-approved so I'm pretty much set to go but want to just drive my car off the lot without any problems. Also, does 'non-owner's' insurance like roll over should you buy a ar yourself? Like say for instance I did get non-owners insurance, drove my mom's car and then finally got enough money to buy my own car, can I use the same insurance?""
Cheap No fault insurance for 18 yr old?
Cheap No fault insurance for 18 yr old?
Republicans: If your wife or mother died of breast cancer due to Blue Cross terminating her insurance on a?
flimsy excuse, how would you react? This is exactly what happened in California and several women died due to lack of treatment. As a Republican, would you Glad Hand the exectutive responsible for increasing profits, just take the court settlement and start your life over, or would you hunt down the exectutive responsible for her death and avenge it?""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Mens car insurace???
How much more do men under 24 pay for insurance than women under 24?? On average??
How can I price/estimate what my car insurance payment will be if I don't currently have a car?
I live in New Jersey. I haven't EVER had my own car insurance although when I was in high school I was on my parents' insurance. I am a 28 year old female. Thanks all!!!
Car insurance rates?
i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.""
Car insurance queries?
its got no insurance but taxed and motd can i drive it on my licence i can drive any car not belonging to me with owners permission
Why does my car insurance cost too much?
I am 19 and just passed my test (UK). I have a 1.0 liter Micra and I have put my details in confused.com comparison website. The quotes I am getting are around 4000. Is this right ? it seems too much. Any ideas?
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?
Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /
Medicaid insurance with another insurance?
I was wondering what the qualifications are for Medicaid. Specifically, I have UBH insurance...since I have insurance already, would I still qualify for Medicaid? I am 19 years old and live on my own now.""
Does my degree affect my car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a Nissan Micra, and I've noticed whenever I enter my information and the websites ask my occupation I enter student and each website asks whether I study Medicine, Nursing or Teaching, and whether I study from home or live away. I am in fact a nursing student (mental health), living away, and I just wondered whether this makes my insurance more expensive or cheaper than someone doing a different degree such as History, Physics etc.""
I need help finding a good cheap sporty used car with low insurance rates.?
Well I turn 16 in december, I've had my permit for about two months and my family is at total loss of cars. My sister and her car are going to College, and my mom is using the Sienna. So my dads been riding his motorcycle to work. However, he wont be able to do so because he has a 30 mile commute to work. So he needs a car before the rain rolls in, so when he gets a car it'll be his, until I get my license, then it becomes ours. However, all my ideas are getting shot down, but as we get closer to needing one, slowly he's getting more okay with my ideas, but I need your help. I want an Rx8, I've wanted one since I was in 4th grade. I know I know. What the hell, why? A rotary engine with not even 2 litres. barely any horsepower and only gets 16/26 mpg. Well I've driven an Rx8 and I think they're amazing. HOWEVER, my dad doesnt want one for one reason, and one reason only. High insurance. So I was wondering if you can help me find a sporty used car, that I could find pretty cheap. For some Ideas I like, Bmw 330ci's, 328i's, rx8's, G37 coupes. OH YEAH, that reminds me, I'd like a coupe, but a 4 door would work well too if it still maintains a sleek style. like a lexus IS250s. Manual transmission or automatic is fine. decent mileage. you know the drill, OH and it must be atleast 4 seater. Thank you, its greatly appreciated.""
What best health insurance?
What best health insurance?
Any estimations on how much my car insurance will be? Uk.?
Im 17 in november, in gonna start to drive but i was wondering if anyone iceby ideas on how much my car insurance would be based on what i tell you. I live in the uk. I cant go on my parents insurance because they dont drive. In gonna get a 1.4 or 1.6 engine car. An thats all i can tell you, can anyone please have a rough estimation on prices?""
""How much is car insurance in albany,ny?""
i had car insurance in brooklyn,ny but now i got verry expensive, so i thought to go to albany to get cheaper nsurance""
About how much does insurance generally run for a commercial semi truck?
Me and my dad are going to start a small trucking company. Only one truck at first. He will be the driver and I'll be putting up the money for it and be the owner. I'll be getting a big of money when I turn 18 from inheritance (about 130,000). I already have a truck picked out, and we're going to lease on with a company. My dad has driven trucks for over 40 years now and knows a lot about the industry. I've talked to a few other owner operators, and I know permits and such can generally run around 5000 or less but the insurance rates are scaring the hell out of me. I know there's no way of giving an accurate estimate without knowing the drivers records and what you'll be hauling or the type of truck. I know it will be a van though. Also, I know the truck will be a 98' model or somewhere around that year. Anyway, I've seen numbers on up to the millions, and then I've seen rates that are only 1500 to 5000 annually. I would just like to know from any owner operators, or people that might have an idea about trucking, about how much does basic insurance cost for a semi truck and trailer? Also, any other information about permits and total costs and expenses would be greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 be enough to get one truck on the road and running with money left over? Thanks so much in advance for any advice :)""
Car insurance for UK female age 21 Peaugout 206??
Anyone any rough idea how much id pay?? And any good, cheap insurers? Also, is it better to get comprehensive, 3rd party fire and theft or just 3rd party????""
What is car insurance?
I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.""
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
Car Insurance weird Price? help?
okay im 23 years old been had my drivers license for 3 years. im searching to insurance a 973cc corsa my quote has come 1700 so i thought i make my dad main driver and put it on his name his been driving for 18 years and with 9 ncb the insurance came up to 2500 ? whats happening here my dad hasnt had no claims on his insurance
UK. Do you need insurance to learn to drive with your parents car?
i have my provisional Is the insurance expensive?
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
Is selling mortgage protection insurance a good job?
I have been offered a job selling mortgage protection insurance. All sales leads are pre-generated and there is no cold calling. Of course, like any sales job, the company has assured me that I can earn a six-figure income within the first year; but I don't know what to believe. Anybody know anything about this industry? Is this a waste of time?""
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old with full coverage?
ok well im going to get 24000 for my car and 3 years of insurance so in just wondering how much monthly car insurance would be because im thinking about 250 but i think that is a bit much please help i need to know how much the insurance would be so i can know how much i can spend on my car???????????????????????????????????????
What is the insurance price for me to buy an 05 Toyota Solara?
I am a 16 year old from MN and I was wondering how much it the insurance would cost to buy an 05 Solara. I have been a B student most of my life. I know that 2 door cars cost more than 4 door. just spill out some price it would be per month. Thanks
Help with car insurance?
I am 16 and my dad wants me to pay for my own and i want to i just want to know the cheapest car insurance so will you please post a url that i can go to?
Texas health insurance plans?
Are there any texas health insurace plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, and Blue Cross Blue Shield because they don't cover insurance for eye doctors and their deductible is too high also. I'm 19 if that helps and I don't qualify for gold member or medicaid.""
Do need Car Insurance to buy a used car?
What is everything you need to buy a used car????
Want the cheapest and most affordable insurance in Florida (Tampa) !!!?
He guys, I'm 19 years old and just received my driving license this week. I want to insure my car that I just bought recently , would someone tell me a name of a company that offer an affordable insurance for student ? Just to let you know , some people say that there is no differences between insurance companies prices. but actually that is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some companies try to get customers by cheap prices > please let me know if you have experiences this situation.""
""Find the total monthly payment, including taxes and insurance?""
Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% Term of Loan: 15 years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545""
Would my car insurance company give me any problems if I get a 2nd car?
I am the only driver in my household but I plan to get my son a car and register it under my name and put it on my insurance. He has a license and lives at a different address. Would the insurance company get suspicious about anything?
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
Is it possible to upgrade car insurance with an ongoing claim?
Hello, I am a 19 year old male living in England. I had an accident around 2 months ago in my car of which I am the main driver and owner (no dispute here). I have been ensured by a solicitor friend that the crash was not my fault as the other party pulled out in front of me. However, the other party is still disputing liability and I have been told by my insurance that the case could take upwards of 10 weeks. I have a job opportunity starting in 1 week exactly as a delivery driver. I will technically be self-employed, so will have to provide my own business insurance. My question is: is it at all possible to upgrade my insurance to business cover while the claim is still ongoing? If this is possible, would it be allowed on the basis that I would be considered liable for this accident (at least in the short run) and thus be charged a an extortionate amount? Thanks in advance.""
Car insurance rates?
i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
Car Insurance/homeowners insurance?
Is Response Insurance a good company? I'm looking to lower my current rates with American Family. Response gave me some really good rate quotes.
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Health insurance?
Im 18 and live in southern california.Im not covered by my parents health insurance or work(unless im injured on the job)....what should I do?
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Best Insurance for Speeding Tickets?
I will be getting married in a month and need to get new car insurance. What insurance companies offer the best rates for people with speeding tickets? I have 2 speeding tickets, and my fiance has 2 accidents on record... any suggestions of the best places to start looking?""
How can we get health care to be more affordable?
55,000 to 100,000+ got an appendectomy is just too much for the average person with a savings under 2,000 ...show more""
How much would insurance be?
how much would insurance be for a mustang convertible perhaps 90's-2002 no more than 2003. the car is around 6 grand im thinking it would be about 3k a year but i don't know. i get bad grades i get about 150 a week at my job. when i bye the car i will be about 18 years old
Please could someone tell me what is the absolute cheapest auto insurance around?
No solicitation please.... Just the real facts. For get Geico, State Farm, All State and Travelers ins, progressive and all the TOP COMPANIES""
Which is best health insurance?
I was wondering whats the best insurance for me im 18 live with my parents dropped out dont go to college plan to get my ged soon. But i have to get some blood work done for my doc out of state and the place i called said its 832$ i can pay for it but im thinking i should jus get insurance since im going to go on TRT soon prehaps.. so what Health insurance can cover my blood work and hopefully everything in future also im not a citizen but i am a green card holder does it make a difference? thanks i didnt reread this so sorry for any errors
Good insurance for my car?
my car's insurance is expiring soon. i have two options one is to renewal the existing policy, which i took when i was bought the car. And second one is to take a new policy from a private insurance company. which one is best and which issues should i consider to take a policy and for comparing both.""
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
Classic car insurance?
I am looking at buying a classic car but i don't know where is best for classic car insurance.
What insurance coverage should i get?
i purchased a motorcycle for 1800 dollars and parts are cheap for it so what coverages do i need and which ones dont i need
AAA insurance will only pay body shop?
Hi there, My mom was rear ended by an uninsured motorist while driving my car. I have uninsured motorist coverage and AAA estimated the damage to be approximately $1000. I own my car (it's paid off) and I would rather buy the bumper and someone I know replace the bumper, rather than go to the body shop of AAA's choice. AAA does not want to give me a check and is saying they want to pay a body shop to do it. Can they do this? I looked at my policy and it doesn't say anywhere that repair costs are to be paid to a body shop, rather than the car owner or driver. I certainly don't have anything signed that says that and there is nothing in my policy details. Thanks for your help!""
Why should we be responsible for a person who elects not to buy health insurance?
Or any insurance for that matter...
Ideas for quick car with cheap insurance?
I'm 21 and looking to get a new car that's both fast and cheapish to insure. I have 2 years NCB, with a clean license and I've never crashed. I have looked at some hot hatches and fast saloons. I was surprised to find that insurance for a Golf GTi was more than for a C32 AMG, a 180mph car with 150bhp more! I'm tempted by the AMG, but servicing might suck my wallet dry... Are there any other options? Looking for 0-60 around 5 - 6s, good mid range power, 5 seats, and economy at least in the 20s""
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
Is the cost of car insurance increased when you drive a coupe as opposed to a sedan?
I want to buy an acura integra and i want to know if the 2 door would be more expensive to insure than the 4 door because of the 2 door's sportier appearance. I'm almost 19.
What do car insurance companies have access to?
my friend was trying to tell me what he did to get him cheaper insurance.... he lied through his teeth so do insurance companies in Canada have access to the following: marriage status medical records where you live if you have kids security on house and car driving records and what other info do they have access to because my friend said he lied about all that and pays cheap insurance now
Best Car Insurance Company For A 29yr Old Vehicle?
I live in the UK, and own a 29yr old 3-door Range Rover -- 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull bars, social only, 1000 miles years max. Would anyone know a good insurance company - maybe classic insurance - that would give a good quote? Many thanks""
What Insurance Company Insures Someone With Only A Permit?
I bought a car yesterday and I'm 18 with a permit and I can take the test but I have to learn and I have my own car to learn with now. But I need insurance to get tags. Now I need to know what company will insure me? I want the insurance in my name.
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
0 notes
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
"About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
Also, if you don't know, dont answer. (Kate)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance: why is a quote for an older car model higher than a brand new car?
i'm 18 and about to get a car. if my parents buy it for me, i'll be getting a toyota yaris 2010 2 door hatchback. if i'm purchasing it myself, i'll be buying a used 2000 toyota echo 2 door. i'll be paying the insurance either way, so i got quotes from desjardins for both the cars. for the 2010 toyota yaris, i got 260 a month, while for the 2000 toyota echo, i got 295 a month! why is this?!? the only information i changed was the model of the car! is this an error?""
Insurance quotes.... are they correct?
Hi, I have used a couple of insurance websites such as compare the market and confused for a cars insurance. I do not understand why but when i select full comprehensive the insurance is less than third party. Why is this? I thought comp was better than 3rd party.... is this not true? Why is full comp less than 3rd party? Thanks""
""If your home is valued at 73,000, why would your insurance company raise the coverage to 101,000?""
If my house burns down, would they really pay out 100,000 or just the property value ?""
""Thanks To Democrats, I Can't Afford Health Insurance?""
I live in New Jersey. But, Democrats refuse to allow me to buy a health insurance plan based in Pennsylvania, where insurance is cheaper. Why do Democrats make life so hard on ...show more""
""Looking for health insurance, not a discount plan?
I have MS and have not been able to find real health insurance. My state health pool will cover me but at $1300/mo. I've heard from a lot of discount plans and indemnity providers but am afraid of these. Any one out there have any ideas? Thanks!
Insurance for 19 year old male?
I drive a 1996 mercedes c220 and need insurance soon!!! Wondering how much I'd be looking at monthly
Are insurance premiums considered as capital for insurance premiums?
specifically for pension plans, are the premiums received here considered as capital by insurance companies? assuming they are the ones issuing these pension policies""
Car insurance need help?
is not having car insurance in michigan illegal? what are the penalties for getting caught without insurance? is it a good idea to not have insurance? with geico insurance, about how much would we have to pay for car insurance if we have 3 cars and live in upper michigan. there is a no-fault policy here how much would a used, old, small ford car cost in upper michigan?""
Which company Car Insurance?
Hi, I am planing to buy new car in bangalore. Please let me know which company car insurance i have to take. Which insurance company is having good service.? Thanks""
Will insurance rate rise...?
I'm a sixteen year old driver in Florida and a few weeks ago I accidentally bumped into someone's car. The damage on both cars was very minimal and the other driver has not done anything. A cop, however, did write me a ticket. I'm wondering what effect (if any) this will have on my insurance rate seeing as it is my first ticket, and how or if I could avoid this by getting the points off my license. Thank you very much.""
Anyone know of an affordable auto insurance that is nationwide?
small companies/ customer friendly , with a website""
My landlord requires that my dog be covered by insurance - Suggestions?
I'm renting for a year so I figure I should look into some sort of renters insurance that includes dog liability. My dog is a one year old golden retriever. There are so many ...show more
SOS Car Insurance for Foreigner? Please HELP?
Hi, I just Move to Canada I have a license for 12 years now, I undestand I can drive with this license here for 6 months but the problem is the Car Insurance, I just book the Writing test but they only have avalability is in a month time. but for the the road test I need a insureded car. Not Sure where to start :( I want to buy a Car but can't do it because I need an insurance, I called a few insurance companies but they don't insurance foreigner license. Please Help I really apreciate if someone point me in the right direction. Thanks""
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
What motorcycle is best for a newbie?
i have never ridden a bike before besides training classes i haven't started yet. i'm only 16... yeah i know i'm young but i'm very determined to get one so i want to get as much information as i can now, allthough it is still pretty early. i'm 5' 3 and 115 pounds. i prefer a sport looking motorcycle but i want the safest motorcycle that would be best for a newbie, like me, to drive. links & any kind of information will be greatly appreciated = ) oh and i'm planning on buying a used one i have saved about $1000 so the price i would LIKE to pay is $4000. but i'm not sure if this is a good or bad price.""
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
Do you need car insurance if you're bonded?
If I have a SR22 bond do I need car insurance as well? I've heard about them letters the BMV sends out and I don't wanna lose my license if they ask if my car is insured.
Will admiral beat an online quote if I phone them?
Ok, So i've been quoted around 1000 for my insurance through the admiral site, I was wondering if they would beat that quote if I phoned them and spoke to them over the phone. Or are online deals always better?""
Car Insurance and Registered Owners?
I have recently bough a car and I am the registered owner and keeper of the car on the documents. As this is my first car and I am under 26, my insurance quote was very high, so as the car will be driven by me and my boyfriend he is the primary driver and i am the second driver on the insurance policy. Does the primary driver also have to be the registered owner for an insurance company to pay out?!""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old ?
H there, once again i ask for thy help!!!>.. < ... so here i just bought a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, im on a provisional license, hoping to pass by january. I will do aorund 6k a year miles. car will be used to get to uni, work and commute for shoping. thanks""
""Whats cheaper, paying for gas or car insurance?""
Im getting my lisence soon, and my mom said i can have her car. Its a 2001 chevy malibu, she said if i pay for gas she'll pay for car insurance. Well with gas prices rising what would actually be easier for me to pay?""
Can you have more than one car insurance policy?
Okay, imagine the situation. Mum's got a car (A), but it's too expensive to run. Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn't want to drive it much until next year. Mum's already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer. So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver. Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named. Many thanks.""
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
What is the average home business liabilitly insurance monthly premium?
This would be an internet based business run out of my home, with $2000 in sales a month.""
Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?
Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
Also, if you don't know, dont answer. (Kate)
High risk auto insurance?
Guys, Please what is the Best Option Online for High risk auto insurance, i am looking for One Just In Case Thanks""
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I must have full coverage. I have gotten a few quotes but I need suggestions. Thanks in advance!
""Im 16 and need to get cheap insurance, any suggestions?""
Im 16 yrs old, female, very independent and just bought a car; a 2002 chrysler pt cruiser. Im needing to get car insurance and be being 16 I know it'll be expensive so im needing to know where the cheapest place to get insurance for liability coverage in the state of Kentucky.""
What are the risks of getting cheaper auto insurance using friends/work address?
Getting a car insured in Hoboken is very expensive ($750 for 6 months). Some of my friends use their friends address (Say Edison address) and get much cheaper quotes. What are the risks in doing this? My friend also had a claim with no problems (but it was a minor claim). Please advise?
What is the cheapest insurance for a teen?
what insurance company will be more affordable for a teen
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male.? [:?
I have already asked this question on here but i got answers that were completely on the wrong side of what I'm looking for. I got told to go to different comparison sites to find cheap deals. Which is not what I want. The answers I was looking for was more along the lines of, lowering insurance by adding parents as named driver and so on. I did this with the car im looking to buy (Seat Ibiza 1.2 Group 2 insurance.) With my dad as a named driver on TPFT insurance, and i got quoted 1400 a year. Yet people with cars higher than that can get comprehensive insurance for less than 1000 a year. So what I'm asking is, How the hell do they do it.?""
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year-old college student on a used 2000 honda CBR 600?
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year-old college student on a used 2000 honda CBR 600?
""On average, how much do employers pay for health insurance in the USA?""
So I need a statisitic, on average, how much employers provide healthcare insurance to employees? I've got that from Jan 1st 2014 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will impose a $2000 fine on employers with over 50 employees who do not offer health insurance. But statistics for how much employers actually provide health insurance are all over the place... Typically, employers pay about 85% of the insurance premium for their employees In 2008, over 95% of employers with at least 50 employees offered health insurance. the percentage of large firms offering these benefits fell from 66% in 1988 to 34% in 2002 These quotes are from wikipedia, but I've been looking at other sites too. I just don't know what to believe, or how to understand what they actually mean. What percentage of employers actually provide adequate health insurance to it's full time employees?""
Should I change insurance companies? How to change insurance?
If I don't pay insurance, company will cancel insurance, right? I don't link an insurance company to my bank, so I think stop paying, insurance will be cancel. Should I change insurance companies? Someone told me insurance company will increase fee every year, changing company may save money. In my case, I paid $650 for home insurance last year. However, I have to pay $800 this year.""
Does anyone know how the Access Insurance works in AZ?
I hear its state wide insurance coverage for those who cant afford or have insurance....
Cheap insurance?
my 20yo son has 6 points and no ncb its his 1st car can anyone tell me a insurance company who not charge him a fortune please...........
I'm moving to florida from new jersey.?
Anything I should know before I move? Like is rent cheaper or auto insurance or like anything that would surprise me?
How much is full coverage for auto insurance cost monthly usually ? ?
I was thinking about financing a 2000 nissan maxima but im not sure if its a good idea because of monthly car payments and car insurance plus if it breaks down idk what I would do. I just need to know how much is full coverage for auto insurance usually cost per month or is there something cheaper I can get other than full coverage.
Affordable Insurance for Teens?
Looking to get my first car soon and I got to pay for my own insurance and I need some help for an affordable insurance. Please and Thank You
What is the best health insurance company to go through for maternity insurance.?
What is the best maternity health insurance company to go to in Tennessee. Me and my hubby want to start having a family and need to get some insurance.
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Ok im 20 years old ands i expect to get my full licence soon. i think a Ford KA is my best option for price when thinking about purchase price, Insurance bands, TAX bands and repair costs. The problem is all the insurance company's i have looked at will charge me around 2500. Can anyone recommend any good insurance company's for young drivers. I have tried some price comparison websites none seem to come up with anything new.""
My auto insurance cancelling my auto insurance...Help?
My husband caused a hit and run accident last year. After a half year later, my insurance send me a letter that they will cancel my auto insurance. I don't know what to do... Please help.""
What auto insurance company or small company is cheap for drivers under 25 in arizona?
I am going to get a car soon and i want to look for an insurance company that is cheap and won't really burn a hole in my wallet. Maybe someone cheaper than 120-150 per month? Please give me name and estimate price for which car.
Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???
Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
How can i reduce my car insurance?
how can i reduce my car insurance, i have had my license for 11 years, the only fault on my licence is an SP30 giving me 3 points (3yrs ago)... im a 30 yr old male UK born, i have 5yr no claims bonus, (would of been longer but i fell ill) and because im now unemployed because of disability my insurance has gone up over 1000,,,, i done a price comparison quote on a car i'm looking on buying and this is my findings ----- 1.6 Fiat multipla 2001 (factory standard) 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points UNEMPLOYED DUE TO DISABILITY 1897.47 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points EMPLOYED - FACTORY WORKER 872.92 why am i being given such shocking quotes,,,, is there any way of gettin better quotes???? websites used ---- (auto trader insurance comparison site) (compare the market) (go compare) (confused) please help,,, MANY THANKS :-)""
Do you need insurance for motorcycle if under 21?
i just passed my course and the coach I had told us that you are not required to have insurance if your 21 or over and wear a helmet so I asked her what about people under 21, she said it didnt say anything in the papers so she doesnt know.. i was wondering if any of you know if it is legal not to have insurance. im 18, live in florida, and wear a helmet, thanks!""
""Can anyone recommend a good, trusted car insurance company in Southern California (Los Angeles)?
Can anyone recommend good/trusted car insurance companies in Southern California (Los Angeles)? I just moved to Los Angeles from the East coast so I am not familiar with the local car insurance companies. I have had Geico for the past 6 months but I'm not sure if I want to stay with Geico. The customer service people are kind of rude.
What is the cheapest car insurance company for Northern Ireland. I want to insure a ford focus ST-3.?
I have 1 years driving experience and 1 years NCB.
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
Also, if you don't know, dont answer. (Kate)
What coverage to get for car insurance for my son with ' L'?
what coverage to get for my car insurance , my son jest got his L. so what insurance coverage do i need to add to my car if i want him to drive it whit me , because I'm afraid if a crash happen. I live in british consulate vancouver ( ICBC ) this is the web site of the company (http://icbc.com/) so please help me .""
Safe to buy Insurance over the phone ?
I need car insurance , is it safe to give my credit card information over the phone ? What would they ask for ? Just the card number ? Will they want the expiration date and 3 digit code on the back ? Do they need my SSN number ? I know they will need an address , phone number and drivers license number. The people that answer (I have called 6 places for a quote) seem like the type you do not feel safe giving all this information too.""
Will 1 speeding ticket effect my insurance rates in Maryland?
Erie Insurance policy, 83 in a 65, 2 points, no other tickets. Will this effect my insurance cost in Maryland?""
Car Insurance & Title Question?
Okay, my question is, I am quantified for a loan on a new car. I'm going to get a new car, & since i'm the primary person on the loan, and my mom as the co-signer, Can i still get the Tags & Title primary in my mom's name, and me as secondary (so nothing happens to the car if my mom defaults on any of bills of any sort) so that way i can be on my mom's car insurance for a lower rate? Or does the tag & titles got to have me as primary b/c of the loan?? & if so can my mom still be 2nd-ary, and still be on her car insurance for a low rate?? Also, in any and all of these seniors, will it still build both mine & my mom's credit up??? Thanks, Ashley""
How much would it cost if i put full coverage on a 2007 Nissan Altima?
I want to buy a 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5s and want to put full coverage on it. I want to know how much or approx how much would it be? and whats the best insurance out there that wont cost too much each month. geico? the general? farmers? progressive? Please respond back!
Forced place insurance?
Does forced place insurance cover slip and falls, should someone file a claim that they fell on your property?""
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
""Before Obamacare, my health insurance premiums were stable...?""
...this year they went up 17%. How can this be, if Obamacare was supposed to make everything more affordable?""
I hit someones car who doesn't have car insurance?
so at school in the parking lot i hit a parked car and left it there. a hit and run i guess. i told someone who told the girl. so she told me she would go halfs with me on the damages. the damages is $1,000. i asked her again if she would go halfs with me and she said she couldnt. i dont have $1000 and i found out she doesnt even have car insurance (through someone else). i live in MA and its illegal if you dont have car insurance. your license will be suspended. so im trying to get her to admit that she doesnt have car insurance. so then what do i do? any advice?""
How can i finance a car and pay insurance? help?
hi, im an 18 year old student, i work part-time and make around 400-500 a month after tax. im looking to buy a car (doesnt have to be brand new) for less than 4k and insurance is ...show more""
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
Car insurance for young drivers UK?
im 17 atm and passed my test last week ive been looking at car insurance for a cars but the insurance is really expensive for a 17 year old what are cheap car insurances for young drivers in the uk?
Car insurance?
how much would insurance for a 16 year old female cost for a 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline
Why do teen girls get cheaper car insurance than men?
I see teen girls driving like. Morons all the time. I've also witnessed many women drivers texting their phone, not once have I seen a male driver texting their phone. It's not ******* fair that I almost get totaled because this teen girl at are school accelerates when I go into her lane forcing me to swerve back into mine to avoid being hit? Just yesterday I was driving my MG down the road and this teenage girl in her big Ford pick up texting while taking up both lanes by driving in the middle to drive down a road making me have to take my car off the road to avoid a collision. So how is it fair that I me, a seasoned male driver of the age of 18 have to pay far more in insurance than teenage drivers who have no since of awareness?""
Van with low insurance? HELP?
My car broke down, and i need a van pronto. I am a professional dog walker and need wheels all the time as cover a large radius. This is a perfect time to take the step into have a van. I only want something small. which i can split the back into two sections so can carry two dogs at a time. similar size as a renult kangoo, transit connect, vahxall combo - that sort of size van. It needs to be a low insurance group - as i have 4 years driving but no commerical No claims only car no claims - which ive been told doesnt count on a commercial policy. also needs to be diesel and a very small engine like 1.3 or something as i do so many miles and fuel costs atm. I have around 3000 to spend on a van. Any direction as to a suitable van, that fit my requirments would be fab! Ive been looking all night and cant find anything :( Thank you!!!!""
What are some affordable health insurance plans?
Besides medicare, what are some cheap, affordable insurance plans in the hudson valley, ny?""
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
How much does the insurance company raise your rates if you use your car for work?
I'm talking about reading meters where I had to use it everyday, often driving from house to house or business to business all day. And I still have a lien on my car. I currently pay about $60 a month.""
How much would health insurance cost?
For a single person? I'm 18 and am in great health. I really only ever go to the dermatologist once a year. Thanks!
Best car insurance for a teen?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon but have to pay for my own insurance. I would like to know which insurance agency would be cheapest?
Is there a reason to notify my auto insurance company of a student driver?
It will raise the crap outta my rates and since every licensed driver is insured and the insurance follows the car, not the driver, is there a reason? My young learner is 15 and has a learners permit. Right now the lessons have just been in the country, so no worries yet, but shes getting better and will be ready to get out among the other idiots on the road soon. Thanks""
State Farm insurance?
I have my own insurance and it was. 230 a month now I am getting a new car and I need collusion I am getting a Honda civic sedan 2012 white can anyone tell me an estimate on how much my insurance will go up Ps the car is financed . I have State Farm, I am 20 years old I reside in ny and I have had no accident""
What's the best and cheapest Insurance Company for Motorcycles?
I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. I live in Georgia. I was quoting online and the prices are insane!!! I could buy a Range Rover with those monthly payments!!!
Auto Insurance average for me?
I've had my temps for about 8mos now, and I'm going Togo to driving school for my license. I'm 17 years old. How much do you think average coverage should be?""
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
Also, if you don't know, dont answer. (Kate)
""Out of curiosity, does anyone know why car insurance is CHEAPER when you add your partner on?""
I did my insurance quote for my Ford Focus (UK) and I was happy with the price at 15 per month fully comp, but if I were to add my partner to the claim it was 11 per month. I don't understand their logic? Why is it cheaper? It's the same car and if i'm allowing someone else to drive it isn't there more risk?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
Where can I compare legal malpractice insurance like car insurance quotes?
I am a new lawyer and need to get receive coverage. Any attorneys out there know how much I'll pay? Who has good rates?
I'm trying to get rental insurance?
I'm getting rental insurance well trying to but I had a doubt my Heath insurance is in my mothers name and not mine so she pays it so say I get rental insurance under my name would it mess up or even kick me off her insurance plan if I did get the insurance in my name
How much money difference between full coverage and liability?
I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.""
""Any opinions on AUTO INSURANCE in Providence, RI? cheap prices?
cheap prices
Can car insurance co. replace my damage car if they are at fault?
Can car insurance co. replace my damage car if they are at fault?
Best Medical Insurance for autistic toddler in california ?
My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue..""
What is the fastest and best looking insurance group 4 or 5 car i can get?
looking for a newer car to buy that is not just quick but looks good.
Cost of motercycle insurance?
when I search for this all I get is spam about how much you could save on your insurance. if it's not that then it: motorcycle gear, shows, accessories, video, ect. So I was just wondering is insurance cheaper for motorcycle than cars? Thinking about the differences; the cost of replacing the bike is less, the damage it could do it less, the injury to others is less, the injury to yourself is greater, it seems like it should be cheaper. espically considering that your health insurance will cover most of your injury costs this kind of insurance seems lower risk. But I wanna know from other bikers, is it cheaper?""
About how much would insurance be on a used 2005 Ford Mustang per year?
I'm a male. I live in Reno, NV It has 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission 2 wheel drive - rear The car cost $10,880""
Homeowners Insurance: What is replacement value for my home?
I'm getting new homeowners policy. What is per square foot to re-build my home in Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. Built in 1968.""
Car insurance question?
right now I'm driving a 2008 saturn aura xe, I'm 17 and my insurance is around 200$ a month. I'm looking into buying a new car. i recent ran into money on the stock market. I'm looking into buying a 2008 c-300 mercedes they go for around 15,000-17,000. will my insurance go up a lot? thanks""
What does health insurance cover?
i recently turned 18 and am in need of Knee surgury. if i got health insurance right now, would it cover the surgury? or would it be like trying to get a totaled car insured? if insurance doesn't cover it, what should i do? i live in NJ.""
""Not at fault in car accident, but insurance says I am?""
I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was going straight past an intersection and another truck going the opposite direction turned at the intersection, striking me. He admitted he did not see me and was clearly at fault. I filled out the police report and it states, by both parties, that he was at fault. A year later I bought a new car. I tried to get insurance. Everywhere I go my quotes are sky high, like almost $200 a month. I asked them why so much, and they advised I was listed at fault in the accident. I called the DMV, the insurance adjuster, and the police, and they all say I am not at fault. Well, the DMV says they see an accident but it does not show who was at fault. The insurance companies keep saying they are getting this info from the DMV but thats not possible. I was told by one small insurance company that this is a tactic used by companies. They see me as not at fault but try to manipulate me to get more money. What do I do to clear my name? I have the official police report, as well as all my medical bills from the accident. Again, the DMV cannot see any at fault, therefore cannot do or change anything.""
Why is full coverage insurance so expensive for a 22 year old?
My boyfriend is looking for a new insurance agent agent but so far everyone who is has contacted is super expensive. He has a pretty new car with a starter/alarm/sub systems etc. so he needs full coverage. His parents won't let him get under their insurance for the time being so he's having a hard time finding a reasonable rate. My parents are considering letting him get under their insurance..is that a good idea?
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
California auto insurance?
my daughter bought a used car and was told by the seller that he would keep his insurance on the car for a couple of weeks so she could find her own insurance. Well a couple of days later she was pulled over and when the cop asked for her insurance papers, they were not in the glove box. Now we can not fond the seller to get a copy of his insurance. Does anyone know how we can find out which insurance company insured the car? When you register your car does DMV write down your insurance information? I added her car to our policy the same day she got the ticket. Any help would be appreciated. The ticket amount is $1100.00! Thanks Gary""
""I'm looking for car insurance, is the General a good car insurance? Are they reliable?""
I have 21st century and my premium is high, so I looked into the General and they're only charging me half of what I'm used to, but in case of an accident, do they really back you up. I have heard of some crooked companies, would this be one among them.""
Will I get my licence quicker if I learn in an automatic? Will the insurance be cheaper if I go on my dads?
Before you say it, I know I wont be able to drive manual if I just learn in an automatic""
Disability Insurance?
If I have disability insurance through my job and I also have independent disability insurance, will each insurance pay me the amount I am entitled too if I was to become disabled?""
""Car from 2003, 17 year old female driver. Car insurance average?""
I'm a B+ student, my car belonged to my dad and is now being given to me. It's a ford focus. I'm 17 and a girl from New York. Can someone please ESTIMATE how much car insurance would be for me? I tried websites but I'd have to put in my social security # to get an average and I don't want to do that yet.""
Why does insurance go up ?
I understand if I have been in an accident that my I may pay more insurance because its in my record. My question is .. if I buy a car that has record of having an accident does that make the insurance higher?
How do I get points taken off of my license?
i live in California and i about 2 months ago crashed my car and was cited for a failure to yield ticket, because i am only 16 i got a restricted license and i have to attend traffic school as well as getting a point, i was wonder if i could get that point taken off?""
How will the grandfathered in medical insurance work for Obamacare?
I have had an individual plan since 2004. I just read you can be grandfathered into plans that don't provide coverage options required under the Affordable Care Act. This sure doesn't sound good!! It sounds like if I want protection, I will have to pay twice as much as I am now on the exchange, which I thought was supposed to lower cost. Obama said someone can keep the insurance they have if they'd like, which is half the price as the exchange, so who wouldn't want to pay half as much? If it's not covered under the Affordable Care Act, does that mean I still could be dropped or denied? Why call it the Affordable Care Act when it is only affordable to very low income people? I am middle class, and I read that only 9% of Americans make between $50,000 to $75,000. Do you think this sounds right? This is hard for me to believe.""
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
Also, if you don't know, dont answer. (Kate)
0 notes
Luxury Apartments in Memorial Heights
Concerning Memorial Heights
The ideal blend of luxury and convenience-- this is just what the Memorial Heights community provides. Located in one of the prime areas in Houston, Memorial Heights warmly invites you with a selection of Luxury Apartments memorial heights houston that are equipped with great services and facilities.
Searching For Luxury apartments memorial heights houston and condominiums is about place, location, area. Conveniently close to the buzz of city life, the Memorial Heights area resembles a city within a city. The focus on exterior design conceals the exquisitely comprehensive indoor decor of the apartment or condo systems in the area. The views is, naturally, aesthetically apprehending, with amazing sights of the city line from the upper devices.
As for the city services, you can expect to locate several options for grocery purchasing, coffee bar, restaurants, and clubs for night-time enjoyable. The Houston Neighborhoods Department adjoins the Interstate 45 and the I-10, and the River Oaks Country Club is simply off Memorial Drive. Indeed, the Memorial Park area is popular for its proximity to city services, such that numerous locals in the location are made use of to strolling to obtain to the numerous places they wish to go. The surroundings moves seamlessly from the basically exclusive territories to the Houston nightlife as you stroll.
Residing in among this neighborhood's luxury apartment or condo will certainly bring you to New Heights in apartment living!
Why Choose a Luxury Apartment in Memorial Heights
Picking a Memorial Heights luxury apartment provides you with an incredible community, often in a minimal accessibility territory that is nevertheless open up to city and park views. There is an unmistakable sense of modernity and order in the layered architecture of the high systems, typically highlighted by fashionable coatings. A few of the luxury systems even have deep sea swimming pools on the facilities, with fireside lounges for fraternizing with families and pals. You can have your option of 1, 2 or 3 bed room devices, in addition to quality provided studios, in virtually any location of the wide swath that defines the Memorial Heights area.
As for your strategies to head out on the community, there are lots of locations for grocery store shopping and for experiencing the night life. There is a Whole Foods Market in Kirby, the Central Market in Houston downtown, and a gigantic Target nearby. When it comes to dining establishments, Chatter's Café and Bistro provides 4-star (Google Reviews) Mediterranean cuisine on South Heights Boulevard. The 360 Sports Lounge is a popular place for young specialists and university trainees, as is Max's Wine Dive.
And of program, exactly what is a high end neighborhood without a coffee bar? At Memorial Heights, you are absolutely getting your coffee repair. Right here you are greeted by the internationally identified Starbucks brand, in addition to Inversion Coffee House, Catalina Coffee, Cosmos Café, epicure Café, and Daily Review Café in the River Oaks Shopping Center, and some in pick house building lounges.
Just what it resembles Living in Memorial Heights Luxury Apartments
Positioned in among Houston's most central locations, Memorial Heights offers its residents easy accessibility to nearly all freeways of various other desirable areas. This neighborhood is bordered by various other neighboring neighborhoods such as Montrose and River Oaks, The Heights to the North, and an area of The Galleria. Also, Memorial Heights runs mostly alongside Washington Avenue and Buffalo Bayou! This means that you could simply easily go around the area by car, by public transport or on foot.
For those that enjoy the night life, the most effective entertainment and dining experience simply stands together, ideal for a night of bar hopping.
If you select a luxury home around, Memorial Heights will surely fulfill your requirements and expectations, from comfortable residential rooms to wonderful leisure and amusement locations.
Below, you can discover the 124-acre Buffalo Bayou Park in the East end, that include the Eleanor Tinsley Park where the 4th of July, a 2-day music event, and the "Freedom Over Texas" occasion are yearly renowned.
The Memorial Park is additionally located on the other end where you can play golf in the 18-hole golf links, jog in the 3-mile path, and kayak in the Buffalo Bayou.
Nightlife Entertainment and Restaurants
If you want to cool and enjoy a drink or more, clubs and bars are around the bend and are actually simply a rock's discard from your Memorial Heights luxury home. Additionally, acclaimed dining establishments like the Pass & Provisions are also around, where you could appreciate bites with the household.
If you are somebody who takes pleasure in walking around the city, Memorial Heights is the best area to seek the best luxury apartments. Right here, you can obtain just about throughout mins. For automobile owners, you could smoothly take Memorial Drive, Washington Avenue or the Allen Parkway. Furthermore, if you want to commute, there is a Metrobus path along these roadways that can quickly obtain you to the downtown location.
For a nice climate, you could additionally appreciate a short pedal with your bike or rent out one to obtain around the neighborhood or a long leisurely walk downtown.
Pets Are Allowed Here
Unlike various other Houston areas, the Memorial Heights area warmly welcomes pet dog and canine enthusiasts. Actually, the pet-friendly Johnny Steele Dog Park has actually simply opened up and it includes two sections that will certainly separate large- and small-sized canines. There are areas for running, shaded areas, and seats for the pet proprietors.
Notable Spots for Memorial Heights Luxury Apartment Residents
- Memorial Park: This is the attribute attraction of Memorial Heights and surrounding neighborhoods. Simply inside 610 Loop, this park has everything-- a magnificent 18-hole golf links, softball, swimming, tennis, skating, volley ball, cycling, and numerous other amenities for wonderful outdoor tasks. There are ruined paths going through the woods, such as the Seymour Lieberman Exercise Trail, and the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center that beckon you to check out.
- Greater Houston Convention and Visitor's Bureau: This is a main location for anything you would certainly wish to perform in the terrific city of Houston. The personnel below will certainly assist you with events, finding the most effective restaurants, hotels, planning your journeys, and a lot more.
For more information about finding the luxury house of your dreams in Memorial Heights, get in touch with Juvitae Luxury Real Estate at your earliest ease.
Discover the most effective Luxury Apartments in Memorial Heights with Juvitae
Juvitae Luxury Real Estate-- house of the very best luxury apartment or condo locators-- is an around the world luxury real estate firm based in Houston, TX. Founded by Julian Vera, Juvitae concentrates on both short-term and lasting luxury leases.
Julian is a self-proclaimed continuous overachiever and has a group of similar and like-hearted professionals who are passionate regarding supplying their customers-- that have distinct tastes, demanding schedules and sometimes promptly altering requirements-- the most effective real estate solutions. The team has a natural talent for expecting their clients' demands and desires. Juvitae Luxury Real Estate's goal is to develop long-lasting relationships with clients and to meet their needs in whatever cities they might land next.
If you are browsing for the very best Memorial Heights luxury apartment, Julian and his team will flawlessly direct you with your luxury procurements. The Juvitae Luxury Real Estate Team will regards take care of your problems and give you with details various other real estate professionals might not want to do such as individual transportation to and from the airport or function as guides who will certainly aid you in swiftly acclimating to your new city. Having the ability to offer customer support that incorporates an attendant perspective is vital to Julian and his group.
Clients' reviews concerning their experience with Juvitae Luxury Real Estate stress that their movings and procurements were smooth, enjoyable and acceptable. In picking your luxury apartment or condo in Memorial Heights, Julian and his team will use their experience in calculated preparation, logistics sychronisation, and settlement and purchase administration.
Are you currently prepared to find the most effective luxury house in Memorial Heights? Get In Touch With Juvitae Luxury Real Estate today and talk with a seasoned Luxury Real Estate professional that will provide you a feeling of confidence higher than that offered by other real estate company. With Juvitae, experience the luxury living that matches your way of life! Visit us: https://www.juvitae.com/tx/houston/
Contact us: +1-877-959-9105
JuVitae | Luxury Apartments Memorial Heights Houston 5444 Westheimer Rd #1000-001, Houston, TX 77056, USA
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JuVitae | Luxury Apartments Memorial Heights Houston - Facebook
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Find the Best Penthouses In houston
Are you amongst the crowd of individuals moving residence in Houston, or just treating you and your family members to a short staycation in this dynamic and also welcoming city? If you are, then you have signed up with the wide range who are here to discover the best penthouse, house leasings, condominiums, and suites that Houston has to use.
Living in a modern penthouse collection or apartment up for sale or rent need not be expensive. To assist make the experience of penthouse hunting as pleasurable as just what the city of Houston has in store for you, Juvitae Luxury Real Estate is here in order to help. We will certainly go the extra mile making sure you get the very best penthouse in Houston that is ideal for you.
Let the specialists at Juvitae Luxury Real Estates discover your optimal Houston penthouse suite or apartment from the multitude of homes in the city. Call us today and also allow us get started on finding that desire penthouse collection immediately!
About Houston, Texas
Houston is a municipal city in Texas. Its location extends up to Galveston Bay as well as is famous for its Area Facility Houston where NASA astronauts have their training and also flight control.
Houston has a population of 2.2 million homeowners as well as the number is still growing each year. It appears everybody is flocking to Houston, Texas. The city is currently the 4th biggest in regards to population in the whole country and also it will no longer be a shock if it reaches first place.
The Movie theater District, found in Midtown Houston, is house to the widely known Houston Grand Opera and historical architecture, the high end dining establishments and residences.
You will discover century-old oaks lining roomy parks as well as cool and also stunning homes with well-manicured yards along tidy streets. The tones of the trees maintain you secured from the heat of the sun as you stroll.
Almost every little thing and also all over is within strolling range. It takes just an hour to go get your points due to the fact that you could find them in one or two roads. As well as you will never go hungry. Right here you could find numerous dining establishments and also coffee bar which populate the metropolitan and also suv facilities. You can relax your feet after purchasing and get hold of a bite to eat or drink that fragrant cup of coffee. The city is merely including property and also business homes that make Houston living so interesting.
In the evening, you have your selection of a midtown club or songs places, and also bars where you and also your good friends could take pleasure in music and celebration to your heart's content. You can go bar jumping and wind up with twelve o'clock at night treats at any of the late-night pizza shops or lounge songs and enjoyment venues.
Houston Incorporates the Ultimate in Cosmopolitan as well as Downtown Atmosphere
" There is no other location like Houston!" That is what Houston style-savvy citizens say concerning their city. With its area and also climate, its population is enhancing annually as it draws in a selection of site visitors, consisting of entrepreneurs, first-rate artists, and even young experts that settle and make their residences in the various districts of Houston.
Houston has actually finally been acknowledged and also listed as one of one of the most cost effective United States trip locations.
Trusted dining establishments and also upscale shopping centers, along with a vast array of residential houses as well as penthouse residential properties, abound in Houston There are pricey apartments, high rise one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartments, as well as penthouses all set for you to settle in.
Why Choose a Penthouse in Houston
Discover Houston on your own. Much of the life takes place outdoors due to the fact that it is honored with a light, all-year-round temperature levels. Check out the diverse, culture-filled areas, natural and also manufactured attractions, and also gallery areas providing diverse flavors that can only be located in Houston.
Numerous innovative cooks have cleared up in Houston because more citizens like to eat as compared to other cities. You will locate James Beard Award champions, and worldwide and world-renowned cooks offering initial food. Bon Appetit, Food & Wine is one upscale restaurant that is a must-see when you go to.
Take a stroll downtown and also discover flourishing expert art scenes. Several specialist resident companies existing ballet, harmony, opera, as well as cinema. Houston is among the only 4 cities in the USA that can do the exact same.
Houston's Memorial Park is its own version of Central Park. Practically 1,500 acres of plant right in the center of the city has a public golf links, tennis courts, swimming pools, routes as well as more.
Exploration Environment-friendly is another park in Houston. There is a farmers market, fine eating, ice-skating throughout winter season, as well as pet dog runs.
When you have or rent a penthouse or stay in a hotel in Houston, Texas, all these attractions as well as benefits are within walking range from your area.
As well as in addition to that, penthouses and apartments in Houston are high rise. You could invest an evening looking out of your window as well as admiring the Northern horizon and the stunning sceneries.
You have fresh air, and taking into consideration the moderate temperature level of Houston, delight in the cool breeze of the night anytime of the year.
Notable Areas in Houston:
Room Center Houston: It is the main site visitor facility of the National Aeronautics as well as Room Management's facility for astronauts' spaceflight training and also flight control.
Museum of Arts: This is a facility with world-famous art collection. Outdoors is a sculpture yard with noteworthy art from old to modern. They offer films and various programs for site visitors.
Houston Zoo: This zoological park is situated within the Hermann Park in Houston. It has more than 6,000 pets with more than 900 types. More than 2.55 million site visitors visit this remarkable zoo annually making it the 2nd most visited zoo in the United States.
Midtown Fish tank: This is an aquatic location in Downtown Houston where you can see as well as watch sea life. It likewise has touch pools, shark storage tank as well as an excellent display of marine ecological community.
Gerald D. Hines Waterfall Park: It was previously known as the Williams Falls as well as the Transco Water Wall. It is a sculptural fountain a number of tales high. It sits opposite the Williams Tower in the Snazzy district.
Come stay in Houston! Allow the professionals at JuVitae Luxury Property discover the most effective penthouse, apartment or apartment for you. Our expert property agents are excitedly awaiting your telephone call.
Find the Best Penthouse in Houston with Juvitae
Juvitae Luxury Realty-- residence of the very best luxury apartment locators-- is a worldwide luxury property firm based in Houston, TX. Started by Julian Vera, Juvitae concentrates on both short term and long term luxury leases.
Julian is a self-proclaimed continuous overachiever and also has a team of like-minded and like-hearted professionals that are passionate about offering their clientele-- who have unique preferences, demanding routines and also occasionally swiftly changing requirements-- the very best property solutions. The team has an innate skill for anticipating their customers' needs as well as desires. Juvitae Luxury Property's objective is to develop lasting partnerships with customers and to fulfill their needs in whatever cities they may land next.
If you are seeking the best Houston penthouse, Julian and his team will seamlessly guide you via your luxury acquisitions. The Juvitae Luxury Realty Team will sincerely attend to your issues and offer you with information various other realtors could not be willing to do such as individual transport to and also from the airport terminal or work as overviews that will certainly aid you in promptly adapting to your new city. Being able to give customer care that encompasses an attendant attitude is critical to Julian as well as his team.
Customers' evaluations concerning their experience with Juvitae Luxury Property stress that their relocations as well as acquisitions were seamless, satisfying and sufficient. In selecting your penthouse in Houston, Julian and also his group will apply their competence in strategic preparation, logistics synchronisation, and also negotiation as well as deal monitoring.
Are you currently prepared to find the best penthouses and also condominiums in Houston? Call Juvitae Luxury Realty today as well as talk to an experienced Luxury Property professional that will provide you a feeling of confidence greater than that offered by various other real estate service providers. With Juvitae, experience the luxury living that matches your way of living! Visit our website: https://www.juvitae.com/tx/houston/
Contact us:
+1-877-959-9105 JuVitae | Penthouses in Houston 5444 Westheimer Rd #1000-001, Houston, TX 77056, USA
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thebusmansholiday · 7 years
EURASIA OVERLAND 2017, FINAL POST..... ______________________________________________________ Moscow - Suzdal - Leningrad - Tallinn
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Saturday 3rd June Tashkent to Moscow Train 005Ф 'The Ozbekistan' Departs 18.50 (Sat) Arrives 11.15 (Tue) 65 hours 35mins
Just 20 minutes after departing from Tashkent we were at the border with Kazakhstan and 2 hours of border guard checks on either side awaited us. As regulars on cross border railway journeys, we knew to make sure we used the toilet in that initial 20 mins, as the toilet doors on the train are locked shut until the border checks are done. It's also a wise move to pop some diarrhoea tabs before boarding, to shore yourself up if your bowels have been irritated by the local tap water, again.
The train carriage had obviously been left out in the open to roast in the Tashkent sun all day before departing, as it was swelteringly hot on board, making for an uncomfortable 4 hours in our 2 bed compartment. We had decided to treat ourselves to a first class ticket on this long 3315km leg of the journey, but there were little 'first class' luxuries about it, just the comfort of not having to share our space with any snorers. 'The Ozbekistan' train is a really old rattler and quite literally everything on it rattles. After leaving the Kazakh border we made our beds and tried to cool down with the window wide open letting in a welcome breeze, but trying to sleep was a bit of a torture, with the ever more apparent squeaking of door latches and creaking of a lose shelving unit being a constant annoyance.
The first full day, without any border crossings to delay the journey, we were able to settle into train life. For breakfast we had porridge oats we'd bought with us, soaked in the boiling water from the furnace at the end of every carriage, topped with raisins and almonds. Then you just sit back, read a bit, look out the window at the never ending Kazakh steppe, go for a walk up and down the carriage, have a tea break with some biscuits and generally just pass the time till lunch. Lunch was instant noodles with bread, and some eggs we had boiled before the journey. Break the eggs up and sprinkle in the noodles, for an egg fried noodle effect. Save a bit of bread for the end, to dip in the left over soup. After, sup on some cheap Uzbek general lager and slowly doze off for a well earned afternoon nap.... Heaven!
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We had agreed before the journey that for dinner we would treat ourselves to a meal out at the restaurant carriage. Only a couple of carriages down from us, we strolled over in our best evening dress, got a window seat and ordered two Plov, a salad and some bread which went down a treat. The setting sun shone on our faces, that beautiful slow train rocking motion serenaded us as we gazed out the window on the dusty Kazakh plains and pondered  whether to order afters. We opted for vodka and biscuits back at our sleeping quarters, hoping the vodka would knock us out for an uninterrupted nights sleep. It did the trick, but we were rudely awoken at 4am by the conductor warning us we were approaching the Russian border.
Did we read the timetable wrong? It turns out the time was actually 5am. When we crossed from Uzbekistan into Kazakstan on the first night, even though we were traveling back in a westerly direction, the clocks had gone forward! A message to the Central Asian governments: you all need to sit down together and sort out your clocks, you have to at least try and follow the conventional laws of longitude. Anyway, we crossed into Russia without any problems, some tame looking sniffer dogs rushed through the carriages, probably more interested in getting to the third class sections towards the back. The clocks then went back 2 hours in one move from Kazakhstan to Russia.
The second full day on the train was very similar to the first. It was now much greener and a little cooler outside, much more pleasant temperatures to relax in, so our Uzbek train guards decided to whack up the heating and turn the carriage into a sauna. Pissed off with this, I managed to find the switch in the guards room, and when she was outside having a fag break in the little open section between the carriages, I would go in and flick the switch off, a great game to help pass the time. We eventually settled down and drank more beer, sipped on more vodka and dozed off to sleep whilst watching downloaded Netflix docs.
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Walking to our Moscow hostel on the Tuesday lunchtime, we immediately felt a sense of sadness that we were no longer in the less orderly world of central asia. The timed countdown pedestrian crossings, the western fast food chains, the tall glass financial hq buildings, the grim moody faces of people rushing to get to meetings.... we were back in the 'developed' world.
We had tickets for a ballet performance at the Bolshoi theatre on our second night in the capital. I'd not been to a ballet before, and we were both really excited to be able to watch a show at such a historic venue. In 1918 Vladimir Lenin insisted on demolishing the place. He said that opera was a bourgeois art, it cost too much, and that the performers were arrogant and wanted only money. Luckily, Joseph Stalin was a bit of a culture vulture, and convinced him that they could have arts for the masses in the Soviet Union and he changed Lenin's mind. He loved opera and ballet, and would attend performances regularly. And here we were, a few decades on, attending the very same venue. I doubt Jo was in the cheap seats at the very back, but you can still feel that spooky historical presence when sat in the dim lit grandeur of the interior. The performance itself was entertaining enough, I'm just glad we read the outline of the play beforehand, not sure I would have known what was going on otherwise.
Saturday 10th June Moscow to Suzdal Bus 904 Departs 12.00 Arrived 18.50
Bank Holiday weekend in Russia, and like most Russians, we wanted a break from the city, so with the weather set fair, we headed out to our 'dacha' in the countryside. The beautiful old town of Suzdal was our choice of the many 'Golden Ring' destinations on offer, located on a roughly 100 mile radius of Moscow. We made the mistake of opting for a cheap bus all the way, expecting it to take 4 hours, it took 7! The bank holiday get away traffic from Moscow was ten times worse than that you see on the M25 back in the UK, and the never ending roadworks didn't help. Moscow is gearing up for the world cup next year and the whole city is a bit of a construction site, with road modernisation plans in full swing.
Arriving in Suzdal a bit drained from the sluggish bus journey, we were pleased to arrive at our 'Dacha'.  'Patchwork Hostel' was possibly the cleanest place either of us had ever stayed in. The well equipped kitchen allowed us to cook up some cheap home made meals, and to prepare picnics for days out in the picturesque countryside. A bit sick of walking after 8 weeks of sightseeing, we were able to rent bikes and ride for miles along country lanes without any traffic to disturb us.
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Suzdal itself is home to several Unesco world heritage protected orthodox monasteries, dating back over 1000 years. We popped into one of the gold domed cathedrals for Sunday mass, the priest blessing us by splashing holy water over everyone as he chanted prayers in his deep russian voice with the nuns on backing vocals. Next to the church was a little canteen run by the Nuns where we purchased some cabbage soup and cabbage filled bread to eat, while we pondered over what the priest had to say about how better to go about our lives in the week ahead. A church canteen is a great idea for struggling parishes back home. I for one would certainly be more inclined to attend mass if you could get some good cheap comfort food straight after.
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Tuesday 13th June Suzdal to Vladimir Bus 159 (40 mins) Vladimir to Moscow Marashutka 4 hours
We had been blessed with blue skies for the whole of the bank holiday weekend in Suzdal, but it was a grey wet morning for our departure back to Moscow. After a short ride on the 159 bus to Vladimir, we'd hoped to get a local 'Elektrika' suburban train back to Moscow, but there was a 4 hour gap in the timetable which would have meant a cold damp wait in Vladimir. A Ukrainian fella, who had lived and worked in New York for several years, befriended us and explained he would be getting in a Marashutka back to Moscow. After using them a fair bit in Central Asia, we hadn't planned on seeing them in use in Russia. They work to the same unofficial schedule as the central asian Marashutkas, lots of 10-15 seater transit vans lined up in a car park, all waiting till they are completely full up before departing to various destinations. At only 500 rubles we saved ourself some cash and some time, as it got us back to Moscow in 4 hours. This gave us plenty of time for a little tour of the Moscow metro and some of the grand architecture at the 'Palaces for the People' stations.
Wednesday 14th June Moscow to Leningrad (St Petersburg) High Speed 'Sapsan' Train: 768aa Departs 13.40 Arrives 17.35
We were now getting a taste for the usual bleak grey Russian summers some of the locals had warned us about. The rain was coming down quite heavy as we tried one last time to visit Lenin's Mausoleum, which had been closed on our last attempt a few days earlier. It was still closed! They must have been touching up his makeup, and Lo was quite disappointed to miss out on paying her respects to the great man, our last chance to do so as we had a train to catch to the city named after him, Leningrad.
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Leningradski  station in Moscow was fairly busy, but it didn't take too long to get through the security bag checks. The high speed 'Sapsan' (Russian for Falcon) service, like the Uzbek duck and the Chinese bullet, had a really comfortable air conditioned spacious lay out, with ample leg room at our airline style seats. Also a free sandwich, with a cup of tea and biscuits delivered to our laps!
The sun was shining in Leningrad and we were able to take a late night stroll under the 'white night' skies along the canal and river banks in the centre of town.  The sun goes down around 11pm, but at this time of year it never goes down far enough for it to get completely dark and at 2am it is starting to rise again, a bit of hinderance to a good nights sleep when your hostel doesn't have proper curtains.
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I reckon this city will be the pick of the World Cup venues next year. A huge park leads up to the spaceship like St Petersburg arena, with fun fair rides, food outlets and bars a plenty. Also, in the town centre itself, we visited one of the 'fan parks' that had been set up for this years warm up confederations cup tournament. It is positioned right next the impressive 'Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood' which is some backdrop for a big screen showing football when basking in the June sunshine. Don't be worried about the scare stories in the western media, the Russian hospitality is second to none, just drink vodka with them and be happy.  Also, this World Cup will offer long distance travelling between host cities like no other. Just imagine the fun to be had on a 26 hour train for a quarter final between Ireland and England in Yekaterinburg....
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To get back to our in depth look at Russian Culture and the arts scene, we had a full 8 hour day of walking around the massive Winter Palace and its Hermitage Arts Museum, which boasts a greedy amount of work from the worlds best known painters. Just staring at the interior of the building itself is enough to keep you occupied, let alone the Van Gogh's and Matisse's on show. Catherine the Greats former residence was the seat of power for the Tsars from the 18th century onwards, and whatever your views on what happened post 1917, you have to agree with what one guest had written in the museums guest comments book "the revolution needed to happen!" Gold dripping from every staircase, ridiculously big chandeliers, huge grand ball rooms.... it just wasn't going to win favour with the starving masses on the streets outside. To the Bolsheviks credit, after looting the wine cellar and the ensuing hangover that followed, they managed to maintain the interior and save the artworks and opened the building up to public as a museum which is how it has remained ever since.
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We got hold of some cheap tickets for The Mariinsky theatre, and a Saturday afternoon matinee performance of the Igor Stravinsky classic 'The Firebird'(I know, listen to me!). Again, like at the Bolshoi, we were sat up in the gods, but the view was still good, and being so far back you can stand up without bothering anyone behind you, kind of like at the back of the Cold Blow Lane end but without the Tourette's  sufferers stood next to you.  I began pondering some more comparisons with football.  Back before the Bolshoi performance in Moscow, it was a Tuesday night, me and Lo, were getting tanked up on a few homemade vodka, pomegranate and soda water cocktails before 'the match'.  This time around it was a Saturday afternoon, we had a fry up for breakfast, you get to the theatre(the ground) you drink more alcoholic beverages surrounded by others and the hum of anticipation of what's gonna happen on the stage (the pitch) is deafening. Some people are clearly only there to get pissed up with their mates, they have no interest in the beautiful game(ballet) whatsoever. Plenty of geezers dressed up in designer gear showing off their macho image, what do they care about the new directors interpretation of Stravinsky (in football: the new managers use of the diamond formation). I'm clutching at straws with these comparisons now, but your mind does tend to wonder a bit during the middle part of a ballet. Anyhow, for just 300 roubles (£5) you couldn't complain and in all seriousness the ballet performers really put in a shift for the crowd, which is all I ever want as a fan.
Monday 19th June Leningrad to Tallinn Baltic Express Train: 033a Departs 06.25 Arrives 13.43
A very early start for the last leg of our trip, a train out of Russia, crossing into Estonia and so back home into the EU. There was not much 'express' about the old 'Baltic Express' rattler, it has a similar compact seat lay out to one of those old Northern Rail tanks that go from Preston to Burnley, and it chugs along at a similar sedate pace. The clear blue skies made for some pleasant views out onto the Gulf of Finland as we approached the Estonian capital and the last destination on this mammoth journey.
This morning, to complete the journey from coast to coast properly, we walked to the baltic shoreline, to get our first glimpse of sea since April, and that is that! 60 days since leaving the Yellow Sea in China, after approximately 12,565km (7,807miles) by train, bus, marashutka, jeep and taxi's only, we've made it to the Baltic Sea. Eurasia is one hell of a landmass! Forget Africa, forget The Americas, Eurasia is number 1. Don't be so quick to overlook it, just cross the channel and it's all there for you, thousands upon thousands of square miles of land to explore without the need to get on a plane. Saying that, we're getting on a cheap flight to Amsterdam on Friday morning, we have a close friends wedding to attend on Saturday and have run out of time, but you get the gist. 
I hope these ramblings have offered some inspiration to you, and I want to say a big thanks to all the fans of this blog, especially my Nan, for being so supportive and encouraging me to write it. Also a massive thanks to the people who helped us along the way: Matt, Brandon, Marrie for setting us up nicely with a good meal and beers out in Shanghai. Liza for sorting out our buses in Kyrgyzstan. Antonio and Fergus for teaming up with us, and the Osh Guesthouse for sorting out our transport for the Pamir Highway. 
See the 'man in seat 61' website for more details on cross continental train journeys, it was an invaluable planning tool for us when we started out. You can plan railway trips in all parts of the world here: www.seat61.com
Scrow down below this post for some little video highlights of the trip and check out Lo’s instagram for more photos www.instagram.com/lo_opreis
Hopefully see you all soon
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