#but like. executive dysfunction and deeply overwhelmed rather than depression.
essektheylyss · 2 years
pov: you're a bored vollstrucker trying to pull a power play over on your ex's new boyfriend and get reverse uno'ed
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Healing Crystals: Series A
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Metaphysical Properties:
In general, agate is a fairly low vibrational stone. This isn’t to say that it’s not powerful, just that the energies aren’t overwhelming or particularly intense. The stone is affiliated with stress relief as well as offering a sense of stability and grounding in a gentle yet strong way. Agate in general is also very good for achieving self-acceptance, inner peace, healing, and transformation. Every agate holds these abilities, the specific kinds simply offer additional properties. 
Specific Types Listed Below
1. Apricot or Peach (a variety of Botswana Agate)
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Metaphysical Properties: The energy of this stone is gentle and nurturing, and it is a type of agate that very gently boosts the holder’s creativity and is good for jump-starting a transformation within the holder.
2. Black
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Metaphysical Properties: All black stones, including black agate, are grounding and protecting stones. This type of agate is sufficient in aiding those in bereavement by offering a gentle peaceful energy, as well as providing the holder with the strength to move forward in their lives. This stone is also known to provide a peaceful energy to stressful households, helping to keep tensions down.
3. Blue Banded
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Metaphysical Properties: This stone is known for its soothing and nurturing energy that brings calmness and peace of mind to the holder. It Is associated with the throat energy point due to its blue color and encourages communication and tranquility. It is known to alleviate anger and promote inner peace.
4. Blue Lace
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Metaphysical Properties: This type of agate boosts the holder’s ability to communicate, particularly communicate information, thoughts, and feelings that are delivered to the holder from their higher self. Blue lace agate is a very calming and relaxing stone and helps to soothe the holder, making the stone very good for those who suffer from anxiety or panic disorders. 5. Botswana
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Metaphysical Properties: Like many other forms of agate, Botswana agate is comforting and protective and offers a gentle soothing energy. This energy is most beneficial to those who are lonely, who are particularly sensitive and hurt easily, or those who are grieving. This stone’s energy assists in centering the holder during meditation. It is also a fortifier, supporting love and helps the holder to search for solutions rather than focusing on problems.
6. Crab Fire
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Metaphysical Properties: This form of agate eliminates intense or overwhelming feelings and provides the holder with peace in the body, mind, and soul. The stone offers a healing energy to the lower back, the reproductive system, and the body’s energy points.
7. Crazy Lace
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Metaphysical Properties: This stone is not for protection, but rather for promoting and encouraging happiness and joy within the holder. The patterns also promote a sharper mind and provide a pleasing feeling for the viewer. This stone enhances mental functions such as concentration, perception, and analytical abilities. The energy flows in a circular motion, lifting the holder’s attitude and increasing self-esteem, as well as aiding those with depression.
8. Dendritic
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Metaphysical Properties: This kind of agate is known to bring the holder’s life a sense of fullness and abundance, and as such is known as a stone of plenitude. It is also known to help the holder overcome anger through healing and assists them to feel and offer love more easily, giving them freedom from any bitterness or negativity that they may be holding on to.
9. Fire
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Metaphysical Properties: This stone is good for grounding and protection and it offers the holder a sense of calmness. This stone reflects negativity back at those who send it to the holder and is known for increasing libido and the holder’s energy and life force.
10. Goat’s Eye
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Metaphysical Properties: This stone assists the holder in decision making as well as allowing them to accept themselves as they are. It also is known to calm the holder’s inner self and mind which can subsequently allow the person to think more clearly.
11. Green
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Metaphysical Properties: This stone’s powers come from the combination of agate’s abilities as well as the properties most often associated with the color green. Green is a healing color and is associated with the heart’s energy center, aiding in the growth and expression of compassion, love, empathy, healing, and tenderness.
12. Iris
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Metaphysical Properties: This is a stone of execution. It grants the holder the willpower and energy to see a project or idea through to the end and encourages motivation within the holder. It is known to combat “laziness” and mental blockages, and would be a great stone for people who experience executive dysfunction to carry with them. 13. Laguna
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Metaphysical Properties: This is a very well-rounded stone, calming mental and emotional chaos. The stone promotes emotional togetherness and calms and stabilizes volatile and unpredictable personalities. Those who can sense its energy have also experienced mental focus in their lives.
14. Moss
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Metaphysical Properties: This type of agate is referred to as the “stable soldier” due to its incredible grounding effects and amazing healing capabilities. It is able to reconnect us to the Earth and is strongly tied with this element, and it also heals us on physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental levels, making it an incredible resource for all.
15. Purple
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Metaphysical Properties: This type of agate combines the properties of agate with the properties associated with the color purple. This color is associated with the crown and the third eye energy centers, increasing psychic and mental abilities, promoting mental clarity, and enhancing creativity and spiritual awareness. 16. Tree
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Metaphysical Properties: Similar to Moss Agate, Tree Agate also allows us to reconnect strongly with the Earth. This type of agate has gentle, clear, and powerful vibrations that resonate with the holder through all energy points. It is a soothing stone that promotes inner calm and gives us the resilience to move forward with determination and inner strength. 17. Turritella
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Metaphysical Properties: This stone is deeply connected to the Earth through our roots, making this the perfect stone for ancestral and past life work. The stone is known as a “survival stone”, holding within it an incredible sense of resiliency and power, as well as strength and protection. This stone offers immense wisdom and ancient healing that helps the holder unearth their own power that lies dormant within them.
18. Yellow
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Metaphysical Properties: This vibrant stone is said to revitalize our energy and offer the holder an abundant and prosperous life. It strengthens the holder’s courage, confidence, and resolve and is said to bestow good overall health and physical soundness. 
Zodiac: Gemini 
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