#but jill didnt really have much of an impact at all outside of her short arc
akimojo · 9 months
No but you are absolutely right about how Lunafreya and Jill (haven't played FFXVI yet but still) are supposed to be narratively important but?? Don't really do much on screen? Or anything? They're just kinda there and it's sad because their potential is astronomical! And we know that FF is capable of making fully rounded female characters because just look at the previous games. Kinda sad to see that undermining the females in favor of the males is becoming a trend now.
RIGHT the fact that we KNOW square has made female characters with amazing character arcs before makes it so much more disappointing when they just?? willingly choose not to??? its bizarre
at least nowadays they have the courtesy to come up with some flimsy excuse as for why a female character has to be benched so i guess theres that lmao
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