#but it's okay because they're all three huddled together and they're still sort of giggling about getting to be kids again anyway
jankwritten · 2 years
I know it's not plausible nor does it make sense with canon, but I just WANT there to be more fics of PJO characters experiencing snow for the first time. Like maybe Jason and Percy are out on a quest and it starts snowing overnight and Jason doesn't know WHAT is going on because he can feel it in the way he can feel the rain, but it's different too, it makes him feel chillier, makes him want to lay down and stare up and up at it.
Or maybe it's Will, who lived in Texas his whole life and then at camp, never seeing snow because he's always back home in Texas by the time Chiron lets some snow in for the campers to mess around in. One day it's too dangerous to let any campers go home at their normal time, and after speaking with his mom Will decides he wants to stay with his friends in New York all year (he's probably just graduated from school so he's taking a gap year or something, and he wants to hang out with Nico and Piper and all his other friends) and Chiron announces one night near the very end of November that there is a forecast for snow the next day, and that the borders will be adjusted to let it in. Will is so excited he barely gets to sleep because he's never SEEN snow before. He wakes his cabin up early enough that they're all grumpy about it (there's only like 2 other Apollo kids there with him but still) but they all go out and throw snowballs at each other and Will isn't dressed right, his hands are so cold they hurt but he's having the TIME OF HIS LIFE.
Nico who has only ever had bad memories of the snow - he first met Percy in the snow which led to him losing Bianca, the snow nearly killed him when he was on the run all alone, so forth and so forth - wakes up to snow in Camp Half-Blood and he's instantly not in the mood. He doesn't have gloves or a hat or a scarf or anything, so he just tries to layer on his thickest shirt and sweater and trudges to the dining pavilion, ignoring all of the kids around him screaming and laughing and having fun. He's miserable about it, and is going to just spend the day in his cabin with the doors and windows locked shut. What he doesn't anticipate is Jason and Will running up to his cabin and, first, throwing snowballs at his windows like assholes, until he stomps over and yanks open the door to yell at them. Then he doesn't expect them handing him orange and purple gloves, hat, a sweater, and even socks, which apparently they had both been saving just for him. They don't let him make excuses, they just drag him out the second he's dressed. At first he's snappish and a dick about it, even though now he's not even cold with all his bundled up layers, but then as the day goes and Will stuffs a snowball DIRECTLY into Jason's face and Connor Stoll starts selling Styrofoam cups of hot chocolate, two for a drachma, and Annabeth makes snow angels with a group of the younger kids who couldn't go home this year, he, ironically, starts to melt a little bit. Will definitely doesn't expect the snowball he gets to the face, from Nico's glove.
Piper who's from the beach, from Malibu, who's seen snow, but not really the kind you can play in, just the thinnest little dusting that makes things a little prettier. She hated snow because of it, because it always felt fucking contrived, like it was just there to make the place more appealing to tourists, so when she hears that Chiron is going to let snow into CHB she just rolls her eyes and throws her hands up and wonders what's even the fucking point of it, why even bother making everything pretty here when there aren't even tourists to impress?? But then she gets up the next day and she's only got one sibling staying year round so they sort of silently agree to spend the day together, and there's fun breakfast being served at the dining pavilion and Chiron has let everybody get out of their classes for the day so they can mess around in the snow. There are already kids out ice skating on the lake even though Percy keeps telling them it's not totally safe yet. Camp, for once, is full of kids running around and screaming because they're having fun, and something clicks for her and she goes oh. Okay, maybe I do get it. She hangs out with her sibling all day, and Leo and Jason when she can catch up with them, but her favorite thing is catching those little snowflakes on the fuzzy parts of her gloves and watching them dissolve, examining each little individual structure until it disappears.
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