#but in that other ask I just brushed over my main F/Os and stuff
toaster-selfships · 2 months
hi again kane ! ive seen a lot of different humanized designs of cars characters and i wanted to ask how u urself imagine them either thru ur own art or if theres a particular piece of fanart that uve seen that matches ur mental image of them rly well? :o i hope uve been having a good weekend! (@dmclr)
HIYA!!! There are certainly a lot of different humanized designs for them, it's very interesting!! I hope you've been having a good weekend too! And thank you very much for such an ask! Believe it or not, I love babbling over my humanized designs for them, after all thats, well, thats them to me!! My loves!!
Funny you ask though, I actually already answered an ask just like this one!(Shocking, I know /geniune) HERE!
Truthfully, now that I think about it, I should probably add that into my pinned post, haha! Though, my gallery and pinterest are riddled with humanization drawings that are just nail on the head for me, and I might lean towards using other people's art(with credit, as i did in the other ask) when showing my humanizations for them(with exceptions to the ones that don't have any to how i see them and i have to draw myself((not that i mind teehee))) just because I don't know how well my art reflects that, and especially with the art I did in that other ask was very rushed doodle art so it's off and messy looking.
I'm not sure if you know how to search tumblr blogs(should be a little magnifying glass in the top right corner near where you click on the ask box and stuff) and if you look up the tag "Kaneart"(idk if you have to capitalize the 'K' or not) you should be able to see all the art I've posted so far! And I have a lot more completed art works there that are fully fleshed out and colored, that might help a bit.
But! If you have any particular one you're curious about/I didn't mention in that other post/wanna make me explode/etc. 100% feel free to ask me about any of that stuff cause I SHALL ANSWER!! Can't promise it'll be in two sentences or less though😅
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