#but in my mind james is rly het lol
padfootastic · 2 years
Uhhh 13 for Sirius, 2, and 7?
hello anon! thanks for the ask 💜
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
ahh see, this is hard bc i’m flexible in that i can read most ships either way. (plus i can’t really differentiate between romantic and platonic lmao) but i guess if i had to choose, maybe ron/harry? 🤔 james/remus too is hard for me, ngl. i see them as really good friends, but i can’t see james being in love with him.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
i’m gonna refrain from beating the dead horse here and say indy!harry fics. i used to love the ffn variety, badass! op! harry fics so much but it’s become really hard to read them now. also drarry oh my god. i was really into it at one point, but the way so many of them characterise harry bugs me sm. the draco/slytherin superiority and writing harry as some sort of idiot just doesn’t do it for me. it’s one thing to expect draco apologism in darkfic, but in postwar? eighth year? making him out to be some sort of victim? nah.
13. Unpopular opinion about (Sirius)
sirius black is not a drama queen. the shrieking shack scene aside, he was always remarkably self-composed and relied on forced politeness and clipped, short sentences in situations where he’s not comfortable.
but, that was lukewarm- the truly unpopular opinion i have is i don’t think he was entirely in the wrong for how he treated kreacher. i know the entire system is problematic af but kreacher was horrendously insulting guests in his house, directly to their face, deliberately provoking them. (makes me wonder, though, if house elves are bound to follow every order, why sirius didn’t just tell him to quit it with the slurs 🤔). i also imagine that kreacher took a great amount of vindictive pleasure whenever sirius was punished during his childhood and sirius has that association in mind. of course, i know that still doesn’t paint sirius in a great light bc of the power imbalance but compared to everything he could do, verbally cruelty doesn’t rank that high in my list of issues.
From this salty ask game!
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