#but im fat and i smoke weed sometimes so what do i know about health or god
eating "healthy"
Sup so a lot of you youngings dont know what health truly is. Let me explain. Health is doing things that your body or mind is benefitted by. That's what it is. Here are some things that are commonly thought of as healthy but are actually unhealthy: - Fasting. No honey, that's starving yourself (unless for God or something but even then there's usually advice to be careful about it, as I understand it during Ramadan you don't fast if it's unsafe for you, which is a really important caveat, well done Islam! but I'm not muslim so pls dont take my word as fact) Eating is incredibly important and you shouldn't make yourself ill starving and causing yourself to lack nutrients for "health" - Cutting stuff out cold turkey. Unless it's like a super serious addiction, you should be able to ween yourself off of things, this is much healthier and less of a shock to the system.
-Smoking weed (cmon I know my branding haha), look I'll admit that some tests and personal anecdotes are concluding that CBD can be helpful in pain relief and sleep. However, smoking a mind altering substance may not be incredibly healthy due to the smoking part. Mind altering can also mess with people's mental healths sometimes and cause you to have panic attacks or similar, but that's not everyone's experience. Wow how nuanced damn I'm growing up...Weed bad! dont do it! hate everyone that does it! yknow i just dont have the energy to have that kinda hate anymore like i just got so much love now it's actually so weird. It does have side effects and it's tiring defending that it can be bad but I think the general opinion is beginning to realise people just wanna get high and I'm realising I'm salty cause I'm an alcoholic. I'm sober but like damn I wish I could have fun. Anyway that brings me to: - Red wine. "Red wine is good for your cholesterol". Anyone saying that does not know what a cholesterol is. It's when too much of a fatty substance is in your blood. Alcohol has so many risks and especially wine which hits you slower and tastes like juice (this is from a guy who downed bottles of wine in 5 minutes...it's so easy and so dangerous) , alternatives are: nuts and oily fish mainly. Have some fruit and veg. So all health is a lie? Not exactly, you can be healthy but like here's some things on the flip side. Things people think are unhealthy but are healthy.
Laziness. Be Lazy Sometimes. 99.9% of the time, people want a lazy day to have a day of rest. They're overworking themselves. Doing a thing every day is great and admirable but if your brain is dying then it isn't worth that one leg day. You can skip leg day today. <3
Fat. So much fat food. Here's the deal, some fat food is good for you. There's literally a thing called good fats. Unsaturated fats are the good ones: nuts and fish. Also a little bit of "bad" fat is good because fat itself gives you vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D and vitamin E. A helps your vision and defend against illness. D helps your bones, your mood and your immunity. (love vitamin D, take the supplements if you live in the UK they change your life mate) and Vitamin E helps healthy skin and eyes. Trust me, you'd rather have a lower risk of skin cancer than a little bit of a belly.
Sugar. Having a little bit of desert or pudding is not going to kill you. What people mean is they don't want you to eat nothing but sugar and get tooth decay.
Gaining weight. OH YEAH IM COMING FOR THIS ONE. So for the record, I'm a very low stakes body builder now. I have gained about 10kg of muscle in the past year (my god that's an unbelievable amount) and the way people in the scene treat their bodies is insane. People assume we're all healthy but it's horrible to put your body through the bulking and cutting like your kidneys can't keep up with the protein and your stomach is confused trying to digest it all and your poor intestines too. Just cause someone looks super muscly doesn't mean they are. Gaining weight isn't always bad, sometimes people desperately need to. Also if you've previously not been eating enough then your stomach will think you're overeating when you're eating normally. This eventually passes as your body adjusts but gaining weight at this point means you're eating enough and your brain will be fully prepared to function. This is something I see particularly common with people recovering from EDs. They get scared to see they're gaining weight and think they're eating too much but it's really just their body needing to adjust to the correct amount. Also you need to eat to get nutrients, important ones especially.
If this is useful pls let me know. If it's not useful...fuck you
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Name:  Stephanie.
Country: USA.
Age:  31.
Gender(s): Female
Height:  ~5′4
weight:  70-something lbs.
eye color: Brown.
skin color:  White.
Heritage: I’ve been really wanting to do one of those ancestry dna or 23 and me tests to find out exactly what I am. Relationship status:  Single.
Are you physically healthy?  No.
Are you mentally healthy? Nope
Job?:  No job.
school:  I graduated college back in 2015.
Animal:  Dogs and giraffes.
Flower:  I don’t really have one.
Movie:  I have many favorites.
TV show: I have many favorites.
Music:  I like variety.
Band:  One of them will always be Linkin Park.
Video Game: Mario Bros games and Animal Crossing: New Horizon
Gaming Console: Nintendo Switch.
Name:  Alexander. ;)
Person:  My family.
Love life:
1: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
2: Do you love them? 
3: Are you still in love with an ex? No.
4: How many people have you dated?  Two.
5: Do you think you’ll get married?  No.
6: Have you ever been emotionally/physically abused in a relationship?  No.
7: Have you ever hurt your partner by accident without knowing it? I’m single, but no I don’t think I have in the past. But if I didn’t know it then I wouldn’t know?
8: Whats important to you in a relationship?  Communication, trust, understanding, patience.
9: Do you have to see them everyday? ( or hear from them)? I’m singleeee. 
10: Do you think you can love someone within 2 weeks? I personally don’t think so.
Friendship and Family:
1: How many friends do you have?  Zero.
2: What type of friend are you?  Not a good one anymore.
3: Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? Yeah. My former best friend and I were friends for almost 15 years.
4: Do you have one best friend, more or none?  One, my mom. 
5: Have you ever had a friend just stop being your friend and you never knew why?  Yes.
6: Do you get along with family?  Yes.
7: Do you have a family member you hate?  No.
8: Does your family accept who you are?  Yes.
9: Are you an only child or have siblings?  I have 2 brothers. 
10: Do you have parents that still live together? Yes.
1:What grade are you in? I’m not.
2: Are you in Middle, High, or college? ( or neither)?  Neither, like I said I graduated college back in 2015.
3: Whats your favorite class?  English was always my favorite. In college I enjoyed most of my psych classes.
4: Do you have a fav school year?  Elementary school years.
5: Are you a good student?  I was, yeah.
6: Do you think homework is good or bad?  I wouldn’t say it’s good or bad. I mean, I get seeing if you’re understanding then material and whatnot and applying it. I guess it depends on the amount assigned and what type of assignment it is. 
7: Have you ever had a teacher who was really funny but had poor teaching skills?  Yes.
8: Is your GPA high or low?  It was high.
9: Do you like to particpate in conversations in the class room or are you the listener?  I was definitely a listener. I haaaaated classes that made class discussion apart of your grade.
10: Do you take part in extra school events? (eg. Plays, sports, leadership,clubs)? I was in clubs in high school and the psych club in college, even serving as a board member.
1: Do you need to lose or gain weight?  I definitely need to put on some weight.
2: Have you ever had the swine flu? (H1n1)  No. I remember being scared about getting it and that whole thing wasn’t even on the level of covid. 
3: Do you like to go to the doctors?  Nooo. I’ve had more than my share of doctor appointments of all different kinds all throughout my life. They still make me anxious and stressed out, they’re definitely not something I find enjoyable.
4: Have you ever puked in school or at work?  I remember getting sick once in kindergarten and having to rush outside to the trash can.
5: Have you ever been extremely sick where you couldnt even leave your bed? Yes, I’ve experienced that several times.
6: Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? I hate actually doing it, but afterwards I usually do feel better. There are times where it gets to the point where I wish I would just do it already and get it over with cause I know it’d help me feel better. That’s when I’m really not feeling well.
7: Have you ever coughed up blood?  No.
8: Should you be eating healthier ? Yes.
9: Do you lie to your doctor?  I downplay some things or not share certain things, admittedly. :X
10: Have you ever taken too much advils?  No. That would make me sick.
Mental Health:
1: Do you have a mental illness?  Yes.
2: Do you take anti-depressants? No.
3: Are you mentally stable?  Uhhh.
4: Have you ever been misdiagnosed? Yes.
5: Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? Maybe.
6: Is self diagnosing good or bad? I don’t see an issue with researching yourself and thinking you may have something, but it’s important to take that information to a doctor. However, sadly I know that not everyone is able to do that. And I also have a problem with doing that myself, which I think can cause unnecessary stress. I also think people tend to throw around labels and say they have something when they don’t. Gah, it’s a slippery slope.
7: Should we give more money to mental health research?  Yes, absolutely.
8: Do you think everyone has a chance to over come their mental disorders?  I think many can learn to better manage some of them, but I feel like they’re always going to be there. 
9: Would you ever not date someone if they had a severe disorder? ( Schizophrenia,BPD, mood disorders)? I don’t know and I’m probably horrible for saying that. I have my mental disorders and I know it can be a lot for people to be around and handle. I just... I don’t know if I’d be able to be there for them in a way they might need ya know? I lack the experience. I can’t say no for certain. I think it would just really depend on the situation and if I learned more about it. 
10: Does mental illness run in your family? Yes.
1: Virgin?  Yes.
2: what age did you lose it? 3: Did you take sex ed? 6th grade, middle school, and a health and psych class my freshman year in high school.
4: Does size matter?
5: Whats your favorite poistions?
6: Does virginity exist? I believe so. I know some feel it’s not a real thing or a social construct, but to me it’s a thing. It’s someone who hasn’t had sex. When you have sex, you’re said to have lost your virginity and to me that just means in the very literal sense that you’re not a virgin anymore. I’m not referring to it as something deeper. Although, it can be for some people. And while I don’t think it’s like losing some part of yourself or something life altering, I personally feel like I would feel a change in some way. I also want to add that it’s something I want “lose” or share with someone special. I don’t know, man. I’m sure I’m not explaining it well. It’s just a personal thing.
7: Do you think sex is overated?  I wouldn’t know.
8: Is making love and fucking different? One just sounds more romantic and slow and passionate and the other sounds rough lol 9: Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies?  Yeah.
10: If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? If it’s not consensual or your choice then you can choose not to count it is how I see it. Like yes, technically they’ve had sex, but something so horrific and traumatic doesn’t count. Losing their virginity should be done their way, with someone they want to share that with. In the situation they were raped, they’re allowed to take their power and control back and count it when they do so with someone they want to do, consensually. 
Check the box:
1.My hair color is: [x] Brown [] Black [] Blonde [x]Red [] Funky colors [] Auburn [] more than one color <<< It’s a mix of my natural color and red because I haven’t dyed it since February.
2.Eye color: []Blue []Grey [x]Brown []Light brown []dark brown []green []amber [] I have two different colors of eyes
3.I am a : []Male [x] Female []Trans Male [] Trans Female []Gender Fluid [] I dont have a gender []Non Binary [] other
4: I am: []Fit [] Average [x]Skinny []Fat
5: I love my : [x]Hair []Eyes []Smile []Teeth []Skin []everything about myself []None of these.  <<< Italicized because I only like my hair when it’s been dyed and my roots aren’t showing haha... unlike now.
6: I hate my: [x]Hair []eyes [xx]smile [x]teeth [x]skin [x] everything about myself [] I dont hate anything about myself
7: My feet are: [x]Small []Wide []Narrow []long []large [x]Ugly []Pretty
8: I have a hard time: []Finding something to wear [x]Making Friends [x] making food [x]staying focused
9: I am: []Employed [x]Not employed []retired []I can’t work []Self employed []Looking for a job
10: I love: []the moon []the sun [x]the stars []our galaxy []planets
Bold what is true:
I am Funny
I am a girl
I have no hair
I have curly hair
^ I hate it
I have straight hair
I have a dog
I have a cat
I have both
I love to get drunk
I don’t drink
I love to smoke weed but i hate smoking cigarettes
I love both
I rather have one best friend than 20 friends who i am not close with
My dad died
My mom died
My parents are both dead
My parents are alive
I like to touch my bruises
I have funny teeth
I love Mcdonalds fries
Sometimes when Im alone I sing as loud as I can
even if i cant sing
I believe in God
I believe in the butterfly affect
I hate video games
I wish I was taller
I can’t understand math
I am very good at writing an essay
I never had sex before
I love Mac N Cheese
I love Disney Movies
I prefer Dreamswork over Walt Disney
I am going to College
I finished college
I wish I went to college
I hate my job
I am the boss at my job
I have a feelings for a friend but i cant tell them because it would ruin our friendship
^ I have feelings and i told them
I wish soda was healthy
I sleep with the window opened
This survey was too long
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skiasurveys · 4 years
Name: skia
Country: Canada
Age: 23
Gender(s): female
Height: 5’1
weight: 145
eye color: brown
skin color: white
Heritage: French, Swedish and Ukrainian
Relationship status: taken
Are you physically healthy? Yes and no
Are you mentally healthy? Nope
Job?: none atm
school: Rdc
Animal: wolf
Flower: don’t have one
Movie: the lion king
TV show: this is us
Music: classic rock
Band: queen
Video Game: animal crossing
Gaming Console: ps4 or switch
Name: don’t have one
Person: jennifer
Love life:
1: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah
2: Do you love them? Of course
3: Are you still in love with an ex?no
4: How many people have you dated? Like 4
5: Do you think you’ll get married? I’m not sure
6: Have you ever been emotionally/physically abused in a relationship? -
7: Have you ever hurt your partner by accident without knowing it? Yeah I always apologize after
8: Whats important to you in a relationship? Communication and loyality
9: Do you have to see them everyday? ( or hear from them) before we lived together , yes but since we live together now he doesn’t need to text me every day cus we see each other daily but if he’s gone away then yeah lol
10: Do you think you can love someone within 2 weeks? I mean maybe but also no..
Friendship and Family:
1: How many friends do you have? Like 5
2: What type of friend are you? I’m not sure. The one who makes jokes
3: Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? Yeah I think the longest js 13 years
4: Do you have one best friend, more or none? I have 2
5: Have you ever had a friend just stop being your friend and you never knew why? Yeah
6: Do you get along with family? Yes
7: Do you have a family member you hate? A few lol
8: Does your family accept who you are? Yeah
9: Are you an only child or have siblings? Sister
10: Do you have parents that still live together? My dad died so
1:What grade are you in? Not in school
2: Are you in Middle, High, or college? ( or neither)? College technically
3: Whats your favorite class? Art
4: Do you have a fav school year? Prob grade 12 was the best lol
5: Are you a good student? I was
6: Do you think homework is good or bad? I think it’s stupid. I think kids should only do homework if they don’t finish in class. But it’s not fair to them.
7: Have you ever had a teacher who was really funny but had poor teaching skills? Yeah
8: Is your GPA high or low? Middle
9: Do you like to particpate in conversations in the class room or are you the listener? I rather listen
10: Do you take part in extra school events? (eg. Plays, sports, leadership,clubs) nah
1: Do you need to lose or gain weight? Lose
2: Have you ever had the swine flu? (H1n1) yeah lmaoo
3: Do you like to go to the doctors? No I get anxious
4: Have you ever puked in school or at work? Nope I don’t think so
5: Have you ever been extremely sick where you couldnt even leave your bed? Yeah a few times I think I had covid lol
6: Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? I hate it but it always makes me feel better after
7: Have you ever coughed up blood? No
8: Should you be eating healthier ? Yeah
9: Do you lie to your doctor? No
10: Have you ever taken too much advils? Yup
Mental Health:
1: Do you have a mental illness? I have A few
2: Do you take anti-depressants yes
3: Are you mentally stable? No lmao
4: Have you ever been misdiagnosed? No
5: Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? Maybe
6: Is self diagnosing good or bad? Bad but I get why ppl do it bc they don’t have access
7: Should we give more money to mental health research? Yes!!
8: Do you think everyone has a chance to over come their mental disorders? Some maybe like anxiety possibly but most are jsut cus your brain is fucked
9: Would you ever not date someone if they had a severe disorder? ( Schizophrenia,BPD, mood disorders) Nope. Only wouldn’t date someone who had a mental health condition if it affected me very negatively
10: Does mental illness run in your family? Yeah
1: Virgin? No
2: what age did you lose it? 19
3: Did you take sex ed? Yeah from 4-12 grade
4: Does size matter? Sometimes....
5: Whats your favorite poistions? I like doggy or cowgirl
6: Does virginity exist? I mean I guess
7: Do you think sex is overated? Ehh no i
8: Is making love and fucking different? Yeah one is romantic other can be just for pleasure and to cum
9: Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? Yes
10: If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? I mean technically yeah but I also think no I think virginity should be a consent thing
Check the box:
1.My hair color is: [x] Brown [] Black [] Blonde []Red [] Funky colors [] Auburn [] more than one color
2.Eye color: []Blue []Grey [x]Brown []Light brown []dark brown []green []amber [] I have two different colors of eyes
3.I am a : []Male [x] Female []Trans Male [] Trans Female []Gender Fluid [] I dont have a gender []Non Binary [] other
4: I am: []Fit [x] Average []Skinny []Fat
5: I love my : []Hair [x]Eyes []Smile []Teeth []Skin []everything about myself []None of these
6: I hate my: [x]Hair []eyes []smile [x]teeth []skin [] everything about myself [] I dont hate anything about myself
7: My feet are: [x]Small []Wide []Narrow []long []large []Ugly [x]Pretty
8: I have a hard time: [x]Finding something to wear []Making Friends [] making food []staying focused
9: I am: []Employed [x]Not employed []retired []I can’t work []Self employed [x]Looking for a job
10: I love: [x]the moon [c]the sun [x]the stars [x]our galaxy [x]planets
Bold what is true:
I am Funny
I am a girl
I have no hair
I have curly hair
^ I hate it
I have straight hair
I have a dog
I have a cat
I have both
I love to get drunk
I don’t drink
I love to smoke weed but i hate smoking cigarettes
I love both
I rather have one best friend than 20 friends who i am not close with
My dad died
My mom died
My parents are both dead
My parents are alive
I like to touch my bruises
I have funny teeth
I love Mcdonalds fries
Sometimes when Im alone I sing as loud as I can
even if i cant sing
I believe in God
I believe in the butterfly affect
I hate video games
I wish I was taller
I can’t understand math
I am very good at writing an essay
I never had sex before
I love Mac N Cheese
I love Disney Movies
I prefer Dreamswork over Walt Disney
I am going to College
I finished college
I wish I went to college
I hate my job
I am the boss at my job
I have a feelings for a friend but i cant tell them because it would ruin our friendship
^ I have feelings and i told them
I wish soda was healthy
I sleep with the window opened
This survey was too long
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askemilydeanyo · 5 years
I don't get turned on anymore. I haven't in a few months. I am 21 female, I do smoke alot of pot which I heard doesn't help. I can't figure out why Im like this? Is it possible my past relations made me this way? My last significant other was like this they were not really into sex and they didn't make me feel very wanted in that aspect.
Hi! Thanks for your question. There are certainly a handful of things that could be causing this.
To start, yes, smoking pot doesn’t always help. Like any one (or combination of) drug(s) affects people differently, marijuana is no exception. For the bulk majority of my pot-smoking career I would experience intense euphoria after smoking and my sex drive would spike drastically. I loved having sex with myself and with partners and was so fully engaged and intertwined in the experience that I considered this to be some of the most sensual sex I ever had in my life. After going some time without smoking and then picking it back up again, I found that smoking caused my sex drive to dramatically decrease. I was no longer sexually interested in my partner while high, less interested in my partner while sober, and found that when I was high I became incredibly self conscious. It was an extreme contrast from the experiences I had in the past, which left me feeling pretty jolted for a while. Crazy how things change, huh.
On the topic of pot, I am curious if there are any other drugs that you are taking. SSRI’s have been proven to drastically effect sex drive, as well as medicine for epilepsy, ADHD, blood pressure, anti-psychotics, pain management, AND birth control. 
So the first thing I want you to consider is if you are taking any of those drugs, and how often. If you are, I would suggest contacting your doctor, setting up an appointment, and addressing your concerns. Most health professionals acknowledge that libido is a vital part of our lives, and will make accommodations accordingly. If they don’t, you might need a new doctor. *
Another thing to consider is what birth control you are or are not on. If you are taking hormonal birth control, like oral contraceptives or a hormonal IUD, they can and often do effect your sex drive by lowering your testosterone levels. If you are on a hormonal birth control, go to your doctor or gynecologist and have a discussion about potential other options. I know that the copper IUD and condoms are two solid options! It’s all about finding what works for you.
* If you are in Louisville, Kentucky, message me again and I can connect you with my lady doctors. They are seriously a dream team and are some of the most helpful and understanding women I have ever encountered in my life.
Something I also seriously consider would be doing a full blood scan. These can typically be done through your primary doctor or gynecologist office. For perspective: I was on one birth control for 7 years that I felt worked just fine with my body. Suddenly, my prescription changed to a generic brand and my body reacted terribly. I became depressed, my skin, body changed, and sex drive changed (negatively) amongst many other things. It was so bad that I actually thought I had developed bi-polar disorder. When I mentioned this to my doctor she suggested that we look at my blood levels. These tests revealed a huge spike in my estrogen that was caused by my ‘new’ birth control. Needless to say, after switching methods I successfully confirmed that I am indeed not bi-polar, and realized the huge role that synthetic hormones have on my body.
Doing a blood-screen will also give you good insight into your overall health, which plays a massive role in your sex drive - which leads me to my next point, being your diet and activity level. Do you have a balanced diet? How often are you exercising? What are your hobbies? I could go on and on, but what I’m getting at is how generally healthy are you? If you find that you spend a lot of time sedentary, or eating high-fat, high-sugar, high-carb food, this could play a huge role in the decline in your libido. 
To address your last concern, totally, it is definitely possible that your past relationships have affected the way you view sexuality. When humans spend large amounts of time with people it’s easy to become accustomed to their ways. We start to use the same lingo, share the same beliefs, shop at the same places - the list goes on. If you are in a romantic relationship with someone who didn’t openly or frequently express their sexual desires to you, it makes sense that this is what you became accustomed to. However, that being said, it should not have a substantial overall effect on your sex drive as a whole. What about solo sex?
Are you masturbating? If so how frequently or infrequently? Do you ever look at other people and become sexually aroused? Do you have sexual fantasies? Did you used to have a more vibrant sexual past and it just recently became dull within the past few months, or did you feel a gradual decline for a while? There are a lot of things to consider, and it is important to assess whether you are not feeling turned on towards others or turned on in general. How much sexual attention are you giving to your own body?
Additionally, there are plenty of life factors that come into play. You mentioned that you smoke weed. You mentioned that your last relationship wasn’t exceptionally sexual. Have you recently started a new job? Are you overwhelmed with school? Did you recently move? Are you having a tough time in a friendship? Are you happy with the way you look? Are you living in a new environment? Sometimes these things take the forefront of our attention and sex becomes less important. This is just part of the ebb and flow of life. Sure, in a dream world we are all balancing school and work and a social life and our sexuality equally and proficiently, but that just can’t always be the case, so the less important things take the back seat. Consider what other external factors might be occurring here and you will probably gain a bit of insight.
So here is your homework in a nutshell: Figure out if any potential medicine you are taking is effecting you. Consider testing your blood levels. Incorporate more activity into your daily life as well as nutrient-dense meals. Make sure you are sleeping enough. Make sure you are practicing self love so that you feel sexually attractive to yourself, as well as potential partners. Explore fantasies that you have perhaps left in the background of your brain and see if these elicit exciting sexual feelings. Watch some porn if you watch porn. Read some books on sex if you like to read. Talk to friends, see if they have been in a similar funk. Google some stuff. Read some forums. Consider seeing a sex therapist if these feelings don’t subside. Try to set aside time to masturbate, even if you aren’t necessarily in the mood. Try to reconnect with your body in a way that you might have in the past. But most importantly, delve into all the facets in your life and see if there is any one thing you can pinpoint, and if you find it, tweak it. You know what’s going on inside of you better than anyone else.
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to have a high sex drive for the time being. Some people just don’t - and if you don’t now, that’s not to say you won’t for long. Like I said, it ebbs and flows. I am a self-identified sex freak and there are times where I go weeks, even months without having sex. It always comes back. Tap into yourself and find what works for your body, your mentality, and your emotional-mental-sexual self. You’ll find the answer there.
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