#but i wanted to go loooookkkk im trying this out tooooo and its good actually!!!
bunnidid-reviews · 2 years
Possible OSDDID accessible app review?
Antar Chat!
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I have only used it for a day, but I’ve found it to be very helpful in getting through the day
What type of app it is: an app for having a chat with parts of yourself, as if on an instant messenger
Compatibility: iphone, ipad, mac, ipod touch, iOS 13.0 or later
Size: 20.3 MB
Internet required: none, works just as well offline
Does it share my data?: no
Lockable: yes, by facial recognition. This can be switched off
Light and dark mode are compatible with the phone’s settings itself, rather than the actual app settings
Personal thoughts:
Personal difficulty using(0 being the most easy, 10 being impossible): 1-2
How easy to add your parts: 2 (it can be buggy with the choosing colors)
How easy to switch between parts: 0-1
Personal avoidance level: 2-3(its so easy to use, its confronting af to see parts just talking like that >>;)
Some examples of how I’ve used it so far:
I’ve sorted out different sessions to be used as groupings for parts to safely talk. ‘The Cottage’ is the main chat for all parts to engage in. The ‘playroom’ is for little ones + supporting protector parts. Bunnies and Flowers are for sunsystems, ect.
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A chat example from today:
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As you can see, the different colors on the bottom can be easily named and switched between. Its as easy as choosing a color for the text to be posted as, really.
Initial thoughts: its so easy and shameless to use. The app was clearly made for IFS in mind, and as such comes pre-loaded with a bunch of emotions as personas. (Like talking directly to your shame, hatred, love, ect ect)
Its extremely basic so I consider it versatile, especially for people who might have less defined parts or maybe find it confronting to even address their parts by name.
Theres none of the complicated fuss you get with discord bots(if you have to type and program something in, i consider it inaccessible to me). Theres no data sharing or complicated interface like Simply Plural(i hate that app). Antar is literally like, what color you like right now? Thats your chat bubble now
-extremely simple
-non-confronting because anyone with parts of self can use it, dissociated or not.
-you can have several chatrooms
-the interface is simple and non-distracting or hard to find your way around
-doesnt need internet!
- theres a cute little vent room!! The bg is animated and it really looks like your words are swept away in the wind. Looks like this:
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- The creator seems to list more features than it has? Or lists them on a way that it looks that way
- Setting ‘personas’ can be a little finicky. I had the worst time trying to get the right colors to set = =; I haven’t tried using images
- theres not really any in-app settings to change
-it can be very easy to accidentally delete sessions/chat rooms so be careful!
-i havent found a way to delete the default personas(all the emotions and whatnot)
-just generally a bit buggy? I hope the person works on it more.
Would I recommend this app to someone with OSDDID? Yes! Super easy if you’re looking for a digital way to have internal meetings and discussions. You could probably easily show it to a therapist too, now that I think about it.
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