#but i honestly think the motorcycle thing helped me ace the interview
inefable-enigma · 1 year
GUYS I just landed a full-time job (???? like a job i literally applied for just for the funsies, like in my heart i was sooo sure they wouldn't accept me....i guess my 9 to 5 era has officially started, excited and scared at the same time <3333
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synnefo-nefeli · 3 years
Ughhh so I’ve been debating posting this because: a) I don’t want to be *that* fan b) I don’t want to impose on how ppl interact/interpret fandom c) at the end of the day it’s just fiction so it doesn’t matter
But it’s eating at me and uhhhhhhgghhh I have to say something. Please don’t come for me, this is not me calling anyone out- you are all valid, this is me being an old lady yelling at cloud. Ignore me, ignore me if you don’t agree with me and seriously go on with your lives.
So to start out, I have friends in the video game industry in licensing and merchandising for a few AAA studios-specifically in the creation of the guidebooks/official art books/lore compendiums etc.
These books are created off of information from the game’s artists, writers and narrative producers.
And the general rule of thumb is: unless noted otherwise- character traits such as height, weight, etc. do not account for clothing, accessories,hairstyles, etc.
If a character has augmentations which may effect a stat and it’s vital to the character or story at large-it’s listed.
A good example of this is Peridot from SU. There are character sheets that list her height in relation to her environment with and without her leg extenders. We have two stats for her height.
This for the most part, is pretty standard across the board in the video game/animation industry because they want people(artists and designers in particular) to understand a character’s scale in relation to their environment. Help cosplayers understand how an outfit/character’s form works (not that they *need* to 100% accurately represent a character to cosplay as that character), and because they know their fellow nerds live and breath to know this information.
Soooo this is my long winded explanation to say that Apollo is most likely not 5ft tall and running around with two almost half-foot spikes on his hairline.
I feel if this was the case, AA is silly enough to state that fact. And yes, while this is the world in which Daryan can have a 3ft pompadour, the main attorneys’ designs are less gonzo compared to the clients and witnesses. So it’s unlikely based on what I’ve been told by my friends, that Apollo’s design, which is meant to have appeal while being distinct to AA’s style, would have his hairstyle effect his official stats. The horns are an element to Apollo’s overall design- the Art of Ace Attorney says they’re symbols of him as a “young sprout” in the legal world.
They’re visual elements on the same level as his red suit. You wouldn’t assume Apollo’s listed weight includes him wearing clothes (maybe if he was wearing armor, but then his weight with and without armor would prolly be listed)- so when a stat is listed, that character most likely is that stat regardless of how they styled their hair that day.
And if we follow the logic of what people are sharing about Apollo’s height then we have to ask ourselves things like- “is Trucy really her official stated height or is that including the top hat? Maybe she’s 5 inches shorter” “Is Klavier really 6ft? He is wearing motorcycle boots so that could be giving him some height so maybe he’s actually 5ft 8in”.
And if you believe that, fine. You do you. It doesn’t matter, I stg, I may delete this once I’m done writing this. But I just wanted to share what I know from “the inside”.
And considering that the Japanese studios go into more depth on character details due to fandom, cosplay, virtual idols,doujin/fanworks being a huge industries in parts of Asia- if Apollo was actually 5ft with two 5in horns in his head- that is a detail that would have been noted allllll the way back in the AA4 guide, and there would have been even more meta jokes -official and unofficial- about him being a smol fierce loud lawyer man.
Sooo yes, he’s still a small birb when compared to Phoenix, Miles, Klavier, and Simon, but he’s more than likely not *that* short.
And honestly, if you love 5ft Apollo, I love and support you and wish you nothing but the best in your pursuits of fandom happiness.
I think the idea of 5ft Apollo, who has to climb Klavier like a tree, is cute. But also I’ve had in my brain for the last 13 years that Apollo is 165cm/5ft 5in-ish (okay he’s like 5ft 4.961 inches, I’m rounding up- I’m not his doctor) so it’s what I’m defaulting to when I write.
I guess if anyone wants to ask the artists/creators the next time there is a con or an interview, if Apollo’s spikes are included in his height-please do. I would love to know XD. And if I’m wrong please let me know, but rn I’m going off of the Art of Ace Attorney and the Dual Destinies art book.
But yeah, just needed to write my feelings out- I’m sorry I stg I never do this; please carry on with your lives and leave me to scream at my cloud.
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