#but i hate even more how Level-5 fucked up the whole targent concept.
flwrcrxwnlyon · 15 days
I swear to god, I hate how contradictory is level-5 about Targent in Azran Legacy.
The majority of pgs said that before Leon Bronev, Targent had actually good intentions.
which is not true since we know that they literally kidnapped Hersh and Des biological parents, and god knows how many other archaeologists (we know that when this happened, they were a relatively small group, but I don't think that Leon and Rachel were the only ones kidnapped in this period of time.)
We know that Leon worsened it for sure, but Targent itself was rotten from the beginning.
It's basically a crime organisation.
Also, I hate how, in the extras, the agents were like, "Oh yea, we can turn back to the old targent morals and not using Leon's methods anymore"
Fuck no??? You still kidnapped families
Honestly, I don't hate the fact that Targent still exists. IT'S REALISTIC.
But how level-5 just treated it as if the bad in Targent was all Leon's fault is just terrible.
Edit: I'm theorising that they changed a few things during the game development since this topic is a pretty delicate and complex one, so they just said "yea the problem is bronev" and not the entire system.
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