#but i fought with my swipe too much to just not post it sorry folks
zutaraverse · 7 years
Chapter 1 Part 1: A Pair Of Shoes and Mango Skins
“Me and Katara are going to travel the world and rebuild the air nation!!” cried an excited Aang.
The group of friends were sitting in the gardens of the fire palace discussing the future. A year had passed since defeating Fire Lord Ozai and they had travelled together to start the new alliances; they opened negotiations with the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes, educating the new ambassadors to carry on their work. They had started talk of reparations, of long term relinquishment of the more recent colonies (the first ones had been Fire Nation for so long that they chose to remain that way), and had helped rebuild parts of various cities.
They had convinced Uncle Iroh to take up the role of Fire Lord, and he had promised that when things settled he would leave the position for Zuko. The last thing the nation needed was somebody as inexperienced as the Prince in all fire nation matters. Zuko would stay, observe, help, and slowly the responsibility and power would shift to him - when he was ready. Iroh still wanted his tea shop and was determined to break the family tradition and not ‘die as Fire Lord’.
“I… I don’t think we are Aang…” started a hesitant Katara. She chewed on her bottom lip and her bright blue eyes looked away from the young avatar. “I know you want to rebuild the air nation but I … thats not what I want to do.”
There was a moment of silence as Aang processed this.
“But Katara!! You know how important it is for balance in the world! You know we have to do this!” Aang looked put out and he was whining like a child. Then again, he was only thirteen.
“No, Aang, you need to do this. I don’t. I have my own life to live.” There was another complete silence where the young avatar blinked several times in confusion. “Alone Aang. Not you and me. You on your own, and me on mine…” she added quietly, her whole face turning red and desperately trying to stop herself shaking. Somehow letting down her friend was one of the hardest things she had had to do. Because thats exactly how she saw him; a friend. More of a son than anything else. Sure, they had kissed a few times but that did not mean that they were together. And if anything, those kisses were motivated by a happy confusion on her part. Besides, he was still so young! And she was now fifteen knowing far more about the world than most people, including Aang - she couldn’t spend her life waiting for him to grow up holding on to the hope that she might eventually fall madly in love with him. Because that is what she wanted; when she eventually finds somebody she wanted it to be like fire, she wanted to fall madly in love - they type old folks sing about. She knew she was not ready for that right now, and neither was he.
“But… I love you.” He said, a deadness in his tone. The others had realised something significant was going on and they stood slightly to the side, ready to intervene.
“I know Aang. I’m sorry.” Katara hung her head, hoping to Yue that it was enough for him to understand.
“NO! YOU DON’T KNOW! I saved the world Katara! I saved it for you! And this is how you repay me?! That’s not fair!!” he shouted, making the whole group jump. Katara started to cry.
“Right Twinkletoes! That’s enough!” said Toph in her stern voice. Stepping between them.
“Move Toph, this has nothing to do with you!” growled Aang, trying to look past her to Katara
“Actually yes it fucking does. You can’t go around spreading bullshit like that - and whats worse, you can’t actually be serious about thinking that shit!” she growled back. She was still as small as she had been a year ago, but had grown more fierce than ever.
“Toph! Don’t swear!” Aang said, shocked by the language she was using and actually focusing on her and not Katara. Toph smirked; step one accomplished.
“Why not Twinkletoes? Does that offend you? I’ll let you in on a secret; I’m not a little girl anymore - I can use whatever language I like.” She stood, arms folded across her chest waiting for his next move.
“Toph you don’t understand, this is between me and her! And I’m sorry but you are going to have to get out of the way…” He went to swipe at her with his glider but she preempted it; with a flick of her toe a rock jumped up from the ground and knocked the glider out of his hands. With a stamp of her foot he was covered to the head in stone, unable to move his arms or legs. He had no choice but to listen.
“Right you are going to listen now, and you are going to listen hard. Tell me, Aang, you saved the world - you seem to think that thats a reason for Katara to fall in love with you. But we also live in the world - surely we should all be head over fucking heels for you by that logic. Let me tell you sweet cheeks, that is not the case. Secondly, Don’t you ever fucking say you saved the world. You couldn’t have done it without us - especially without Katara who babied you when you had nobody. She is the greatest water bender there ever was and she taught you and cooked and cleaned and organised and picked you up when you were down - She mothered you Aang! Where is the romance in that! Why would she commit to being with a kid who she sees as her own son? Thirdly, you can’t earn people’s love like that - they either are in love with you or they aren’t. Fucking deal with it, that shit hurts. And lastly Katara has spent the best part of the last two years doing what you needed to do. She isn’t Air Nation - she is her own person and quite frankly its insulting to her that you just assume she will drop everything that makes her Katara so she can follow you around on your missions being nothing more than ‘The Avatar’s Girlfriend’.” Toph finished, glaring at Aang who was now in tears. She whipped around to face Katara.
“And you! You fucking pressured Master Pakku to teach you, you travelled the world, you beat Zuko at the North Pole, you brought both Aang and Zuko back from death and you are incapable of standing your ground? What is the world coming to!!” Toph threw her hands up in the air, exasperated. Katara sobbed louder but threw herself onto Toph in a tight hug as a thank you.
In the meantime, Aang was pleading with Sokka, Suki and Zuko to make her see sense.
“Sorry man,” muttered Sokka, coming closer to the avatar, “I’d prefer she be with you rather than on her own but she deserves her own life… she’s spent it so far looking after me and then us… thats not really fair.”
“Aang, try to understand,” added Suki gently, “We are not the kind of people who are easily pushed over - we need to find our own path, we are all strong… and from what I understand, thats part of the reason you love her in the first place - how can you deny her freedom?”
“Zuko! You think this too?” pleaded Aang, as if Zuko held the answer he needed.
“You can’t earn love. Believe me, I tried to earn my father’s my whole life. Besides, Katara deserves her freedom, she’s fought her whole life for it. Remember that Mai turned out to prefer Ty Lee to me - it hurts but it also passes.” Zuko didn’t move from where he was standing, arms crossed over his chest and leaning back against a pillar that surrounded the garden. He was trying to lighten the atmosphere and to calm himself down - he had suddenly realised how much more he respected Katara for standing up for herself. Staying with Aang was the easy option, the one they all thought she would take. But she was stronger than merely doing what people wanted her to do. She was, after all, one of them. It was the one trait that brought them together. Toph didn’t want to be cooped up in her home treated like a dirty secret, Sokka didn’t want to stay in a village without helping out in the war, Suki didn’t want to be helpless and powerless in her island’s struggle, and he… he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps and destroy the world.  They had all fought for their freedom, they all knew how important it was.
Aang dropped his head so his forehead rested on the rim of the stone prison. Toph released him. He slowly bent to pick up his glider and looked at his friends, avoiding Katara completely.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye then.” He nodded to himself and leaped up into the air, opening his glider and losing himself in the clouds.
The group stood, stunned at his immediate disappearance into the skies.
Night fell and Aang still had not returned. It dawned on them that maybe he meant it, that he really had gone off to start his missions immediately. Appa was gone when they checked in the stables that had been especially built for him.
Toph declared that Aang was a ’twat who didn’t even say thank you’. Sokka and Suki were unnaturally sombre and Katara would silently brush away quiet tears. Zuko was the only one who was holding it together. He tried to explain to the others that it would take Aang some time to grow up, that he was still only thirteen - he was, after all, thirteen when he was banished. Plus, Aang was the avatar! He could take care of himself.
They all knew he was making sense but still they felt slightly betrayed at his extreme reaction. They all went to bed with heavy hearts.
Continued in Chapter 1 Part 2, posted soon!
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