#but i dont wanna give my twitter another wave of hope in thinking im actually making a whole series out of this so ☠️
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clifford5sosx · 4 years
5SOS Chat
Who:  The 5SOS Boys
What: Being themselves
Where:  A Hotel in LA
When: Aug 3, 2020
Rating:  Let’s give it a PG-13 for language and sex references
@famelukehemmings, @calumshoodstf, @latenightdemons
Ashton: Knock knock.
Calum: no ash
Ashton: I regret writing a song about you right now.
Luke: What did I just walk into
Ashton: Knock knock.
Luke: No Ashton
Ashton: I didn't write a song about you
Luke: Okay and?
Ashton: ???? Well I couldn't say I regretted writing one so I went with that.
Calum: you wrote a song for me??
Calum: it was best years, wasn’t it? you guys, you shouldn’t have
Luke: Shut up Calum
Ashton: Calum, please picture my eye roll.
Calum: ew don’t make me do that
Ashton: Mikey is about to be my favorite.
Luke: HEY
Calum: mikey is mine ash
Calum: malum all the way
Ashton: 🙄 fair.
Ashton: Shut up, Like. You've always been my favorite.
Ashton: Luke too.
Calum: Is like luke’s evil twin brother?
Ashton: Oh god.
Ashton: I don't need two of them.
Luke: I'll give you two of me out of fucking spite now
Luke: Trying to trade my ass in for Mikey
Calum: All mikey does is play video games, he’s the least problematic of us all
Ashton: I wasn't trading the ass, I was reading the whole human.
Luke: Fine! I'll trade you in for another Drummer
Ashton: You act like I could trade you actually.
Luke: It wouldn't stop you from trying
Ashton: .......
Luke: Yeah that's what I thought
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Did you just roll your eyes at me?
Ashton: I did. Gonna do something about it?
Luke: You are so lucky I love you
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Slowly that love is turning to hatred
Ashton: Is it?
Luke: Yes it is
Ashton: I don't even know what love is.
Luke: Well that’s a depressing thought
Calum: could you guys not
Ashton: Not what?
Ashton: Sometimes thoughts are depressing.
Luke: I'm aware of how depressing thoughts can be.
Ashton: I was also joking. I love my drums.
Luke: Your drums don't count they're inatimate
Ashton: Just break my heart, why don't you?
Luke: I would never break your heart!
Ashton: 🤔
Calum: yes he would
Luke: I would not!
Calum: I know, I know.
Mikey: Boys, what are you doing?  And who is breaking who?
Luke: No one is breaking anyone!
Mikey: What?  I was looking forward to some action.  Damn.
Luke: Well you've come to the wrong place
Mikey: What about Ashton's heart?
Luke: He said I was breaking his heart because he loves his drums and I told him that his drum don't count because they're inatimate
Ashton: He's breaking my heart.
Mikey: For him, that counts.
Calum: Ladies please
Mikey: I don't think he's had a real relationship since.... shit
Ashton: It's BROKEN.
Luke: I'm just gonna shut up now
Ashton: ..........I've had more fuck buddies then actual partners, yes. You're correct.
Luke: I don't want to hear about all your fuck buddies
Calum: I’m almost to the hotel, put on your happy face because I know you fuckers have missed me.
Mikey: I hope you aren't talking about drumsticks
Luke: I'll get right on that Calum
Mikey: Any word on our housing situation.  Do we get a beach house or what?
Ashton: Ew Michael.
Ashton: Why not, Luke?
Ashton: What's a happy face.
Luke: I'm working on it, I have to talk to Harry about it but I'm sure the offer is still on the table
Calum: Yes, let’s get a fucking beach house!
Calum: Please, I wanna play bass shirtless in the sunset while the waves are crashing
Ashton: A beach house.
Mikey: For us, it better be.  I'm gonna sit out on the beach at sunset and get shitfaced.
Calum: Yes. This will be fun ash
Ashton: I'm terrified
Luke: Listen I felt pressuered into doing this! The house was supposed to be mine not for all of us
Luke: But I love you all so why not
Ashton: I just kind of nod my head and agree.
Luke: Well if it brings us all together again I'm okay with it
Mikey: Plus there is Ashton's heart
Ashton: What about my heart.
Ashton: Awww Luke misses us.
Luke: What about his heart?
Luke: Shut up, Ashton
Ashton: Make me.
Luke: I'll pass
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Why are you always rolling your eyes at me?
Mikey: I'm not
Mikey: I'm just saying
Luke: I think I should second guess actually living with the three of you
Ashton: My heart????? What about my heart?
Ashton: .........because rolling my eyes is fun.
Luke: I don't know! It was Mikey! I don't even think he knows what he was talking about
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: I'm teaching myself tiktok dances.
Luke: Half the time I don't even know what he's talking about
Luke: NO
Luke: NO NO NO! You will not fall victim to that!
Ashton: ....But I look good.
Luke: I-
Luke: No comment
Mikey: His arms are big.
Mikey: Again - just saying.
Mikey: I'm also a great roommate
Mikey: Cal is too, and what will he do without us
Luke: I've noticed how big his arms are
Ashton: There's one that's like "come and fuck my life up" and then you push the camera down. And I'm kind of amused by it.
Ashton: Mikey has a point.
Mikey: Mikey - who, what?
Ashton: I said you had a pooooint.
Luke: See he doesn't even know what he talks about
Mikey: Yeah, that's what I thought.  Just checking.
Luke: You had a point Mikey
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: Also it's nice to know "I look good" gets a no comment
Luke: I said no comment
Luke: Thats kinda a comment
Mikey: I said your arms were big and Luke agreed
Luke: No one wants my comment trust me on this
Mikey: I'm not sure I want to guess at that comment
Luke: No Mikey you don't
Ashton: I'm curious.
Luke: No Ashton, you're not
Ashton: 👀
Luke: You're not, Irwin
Ashton: 👀
Luke: Stop giving me those eyes!
Ashton: 👀👀
Luke: Ashton Fletcher Irwin!
Ashton: Yes?
Luke: Stop it
Ashton: But.
Luke: but what? there's no buts
Ashton: I have a butt.
Luke: Yes yes you do
Ashton: ......
Luke: Okay time to change the subject
Ashton: I'm learning a lot.
Mikey: Do you guys want to share a room?
Ashton: What.
Mikey: Also, what about Luke?  He's really tall, knows how to dress.
Ashton: He's basically a bean stalk with a good fashion sense.
Luke: Shut the fuck up, Clifford
Luke: Well gee thanks
Ashton: Was a compliment.
Luke: Calling me a bean stalk is not a compliment
Mikey: He's filled out a bit.  Five years ago he was a beanstalk.
Mikey: I'm just helping.
Ashton: Helping...?
Luke: Mikey, Mikey darling just stop
Mikey: I'm helping.  Come on, Ash, it's your turn.
Ashton: You've gotta tell me what you're helping with.
Ashton: Because what am I taking a turn on?!
Mikey: Okay what about him turns you on?
Ashton: I just choked.
Mikey: Why?  I'm helping.  That's Doctor Clifford to you.
Ashton: And I'm highly amused.
Luke: Helping with what?
Luke: I swear to god I am going to hurt you
Mikey: Ashton, you did not answer my question.
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: I love seeing him sweat. This is amusimg
Luke: Mikey! Stop it!
Luke: Oh my god I'm trading this whole damn band in
Calum: Hey! What did I do!
Calum: I walk back in this chat and I see you’re trading us in?
Luke: Okay I'll keep Cal
Luke: But you two are gone
Ashton: Because Mikey's helping
Calum: Thank you 😍
Luke: Embarassing me?
Ashton: And I have no idea what he's helping with
Calum: In other news
Mikey: Luke, his answer is everything, he just doesn't want to say.
Ashton: Calum.
Luke: Mikey stop it OMG
Calum: I might be a bit late getting to the hotel, I have a stop to make
Ashton: Are you getting laid.
Luke: I dont need to know about anyone getting laid
Ashton: Also how am I embarrassing you?!
Calum: Wow ash, you read me like a book
Calum: It’ll literally be like five minutes
Ashton:.......Man. I hope it doesn't take five minutes.
Luke: Not you, Ash! Mikey
Calum: Mate
Luke: la la la la I can't hear any of this
Ashton: I love fucking with all of you. It's fun.
Mikey: Sure you can.  He's behind you staring at you all night.
Luke: jackass
Calum: It’s been a hot minute, so I gotta do what I gotta do.
Calum: Text you all soon
Calum: 😍
Mikey: Cal, you sound like you gotta piss, not fuck
Calum: Jesus mate, what do you want me to say??
Calum: I’m about to go to pound town on a girl I hardly know??
Calum: Luke is going to literally die of embarrassment
Mikey: I know what you meant, but never say it'll just take a minute
Mikey: Unless it will just take a minute
Mikey: and that is a little sad.
Calum: No, idk. I don’t know her.
Ashton: I'm crying.
Calum: Literally tinder over here is nuts
Calum: Aussie girls are hard to get but American girls??
Mikey: Sex first then you can get to know her.
Mikey: See, Mikey solves everything
Ashton: ....this is the first thing you've solved all night.
Calum: Oh what the fuck
Calum: She dipped
Mikey: I'm working on the rest.  I think you and Luke should share a room
Luke: No Michael
Ashton: Why?
Luke: Did Calum get stood up?
Calum: I did... what the fuck man
Luke: Lets focus on that, K Mikey?
Luke: Focus on Cal
Calum: No, it’s fine. Damnit.
Calum: Okay, alright, I’m heading to the hotel now.
Ashton: Michael, answer me and then we focus on Cal.
Mikey: Wait, what?
Luke: Fuck
Calum: Let’s all just regroup. I’m hugging all of you as soon as I see you all.
Mikey: How?  Were you supposed to meet her?
Calum: Yes.
Calum: And she backed out.
Calum: I’m not mad
Ashton: She's a dumb shit.
Mikey: Oh shit, what was she doing instead?
Calum: Right? I’m a stud. How could anyone resist these curls?
Calum: Or
Mikey: curls?
Luke: Dude maybe she got nervous
Ashton: You're adorable.
Luke: And where tf do you have curls?!
Calum: Yeah, idk where curls came from
Calum: I used to have curls
Ashton: 🤣
Calum: Should I bring them back?
Luke: I have curls
Luke: NO
Ashton: Yes you should.
Luke: Thats my thing now
Calum: Remember that poll I did on Twitter
Calum: And I said no curls
Calum: Well
Calum: Now I’m gonna put a new one up
Ashton: 🤣
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