#but i dont care enough about sims yet to bother fixing it
levinbolts · 3 months
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sliceofajayke · 11 months
the bet
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lee heeseung, the most popular guy at decelis academy, had mediocre grades, good looks and of course he was the flirtious fuckboy jock.
y/n nishimura, well known in the school,not perfect grades(apart from english) but still good and best friends with maddison, one of heeseung’s ex-girlfriends— the longest relationship he’s had, being almost a whole month.
warning: swearing?? i dont think anything too nsfw will be in this as theyre in the last year of high school but the spin off might
likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated<3
“whos this?” jake chuckled, walking towards heeseung, who had his arm around yet another girl “hi, i’m jessica” she smirked,
“and apparently has a thing for my best friend” heeseung said. not like he cared anyway, she was just another fling for this weekend,
she rolled her eyes then walked away “another one hee? man you can’t stick to one girl for a month” heeseung raised a brow and smirked “there was that one girl uh… maddison i think?” jake nodded along
“actually hee, you and maddison only lasted for half a month” jay said as he and jake did a boy-ish handshake. “i bet you can’t stay in a real relationship for a full month, no hooking up or texting or anything that would be considered unloyal behind her back..” jake nudge jay, who joined in “yeah, and 20 bucks -“
“for each date, 30 for a kisses,”
“And a full 50 for sleeping with them”
heeseung rolled his eyes, but nodded “alright, i’ll take that action, i can get any girl”
“right, any girl, so we choose who”
“and we choose her,” jay pointed. “yes! i think her name is... y/n” jake smirked smugly, raising his brows . heeseung nodded then looked at the crowd she rolled with. everyone in the group were easy targets, hell he got the queen bee of the group to date him, he snickered
“too easy man, i could do it for 2”
“alright,do it for 2 months”
“double the pay first” jake and jay looked at each other then nodded “alright, double or nothing and you can’t tell her about it, now go on,show us”
“hey, stacy you got the homework from last night?” maddison asked as she fixed her makeup in her mirror “yeah, not number eight thou-“
“holy shit heeseung’s coming this way” she interrupted
“hello ladies” heeseung said, doing his signature smirk “what do you want lee?” yunjin questioned, annoyance laced through her words
“i just came over to ask one of you something” he looked all of them in the eyes, most of them swooned, despite hating him for breaking maddisons heart in half a month.
“y/n” he said, finally his eyes landed on her “wanna go out for dinner? tonight?”
y/n smiled sweetly and again, heeseung smirked
“no thanks, i’m busy tonight sorry” she glanced at her friends and nodded goodbye to heeseung as she walked away.
“hey y/f/n y/m/n,” maddison smirked, taking a seat next to her best friend, of course the other girls followed “whats up madds?”
“jessi had the idea to maybe...yanno play with heeseungs heart a little bit.”
“i think someone rejecting him messes with his heart and his ego enough” y/n replied with an eye roll “no,no you have to get with him”
“madds i—“
“i’ll pay you 50 bucks” y/n sighed “i’m not going to date him just to break his heart like that, besides if i were to get with him, i wouldn’t do it for money, maybe i want to date him” maddison smiled “i knew you liked him! mister neighbour boy”
again, y/n rolled her eyes “i liked him a long time ago maddison, that crush for him is gone. Boom.” She talked with her hands, as if making an explosion. “gone, that's why you dated him, remember?” she laughed then nodded, standing up “i gotta get to first period, but if you want the 50, you know where to find me?” she winked leaving the room to go to her own class.
“psst nishimura” a voice called from behind “what do you want sim?” she whispered back,not bothering to turn her body to face him
“you got some nerve, hurting heeseung like that in front of your friends”
jake knew that heeseung, at one point did in fact have a crush on y/n.. to be fair they were 10 at the time and he lowkey shipped them, that's why he chose y/n
this time, she turned to look at him “what the hell are you on about?”
“we encouraged him to finally ask you out and you turned him down saying you were ‘busy’ ” rolling her eyes, she turned back around to continue her work “i don’t know what you think you’re doing but it's not going to work on me, i know him. he's my neighbour and hes, just… beside i actually am busy tonight, i got work”
“right, you’re not going to sit at home and binge watch that 70’s show again?”
“you guys still peek through my window?” She groaned “well you leave the curtains wide open so..”
“creeps” she mumbled, closing her notebook and leaving class.
“hee,” jake called,walking over to his friends “turns out, she actually is busy tonight,apparently she's got a new job” the group of boys- excluding Jay turned towards Jake
“what are you talking about?”
jay chuckled “heeseung took the challenge to stick to one girl for 2 months, 40 bucks for dates,60 for kisses and 100 for sleeping with her”
all the boys smirked “doubt you can do it heeseung, you've got a reputation, who is the girl anyways?”
“y/n nishimura” jungwon’s jaw dropped “hey, are you really sure that's a good idea?. i mean her little brother is really protective.. he’s also on the team and really looks up to you” but it seemed his voice wasn’t heard as the boys began to murmur
“oh shit your hot neighbour?”
“If she's got work..i guess i’ll just pick her up then” Heeseung smirked.
“you don’t know where she works yet”
“our moms are still friends, they’ve probably talked about it”
“hello?” y/n answered her phone “hey, so remember your childhood boyfriend?”
she groaned and rolled her eyes “what about heeseung mum?” Her mother chuckled on the other line “well he offered to pick you up after your shift—“
“woah,hey i thought dad was picking me up”
“well heeseung offered and your father and i decided to go on a last minute date”
y/n sighed “alright..whatever, okay, i gotta go. i’ll..call you if he doesn’t show up or something..” groaning, she put her phone away into her locker then placed it on her hat, ready for her shift of handing out popcorn and drink.
when her shift was finally over, she took all her things and stepped out “nishimura” he called, as the windows rolled down “hey lee, i think i’ll just..walk” he scoffed “no way, your parents will kill me if i let you do that, and it's about to rain”
“it's not about to—“ and suddenly, just like heeseung said, it began to rain. “alright but i’m sitting in the back—“
“hey noona!” the window to the back door rolled down,revealing riki and 2 of his other teammates “hey boys” she smiled,sweetly to them
“looks like you’re going to have to ride shotgun” heeseung smiled innocently, then got out to cover y/n with his jacket to refrain getting more wet while leading her to the car. “thanks i guess..” she mumbled before heeseung shut the door for her “hey y/n, guess what i got on the essay!” one of the boys called “you passed it didn’t you” he nodded “so much more than passed y/n! I got a 95 on it! you're so like..magic, i don't even know how it happened”
y/n chuckled “well a magician never tells” riki looked between his friends, y/n and heeseung “hey heeseung hyung,yanno how y/n helps us all in english” the older boy nodded, keeping his eyes on the road “what about it?”
“and remember the fact that you’re failing english? and coach said that if you don’t get your grades up, you don’t get to play in the next game” heeseung stepped on the break “shit! sorry red light i didn’t see..” heeseung turned to look at the boys to make sure they were all okay, then he looked at y/n
“you okay?” she nodded,slightly shaken up, but she was okay. “good… uh what were you saying riki?” he cleared his throat “i was saying, that maybe if you’d ask, y/n could help you out in english, she like a goddess in schoolwork, especially in english ”
y/n’s brows shot up “a goddess? who are you and what did you do to my little brother” The two boys next to him chuckled “not just in english..” sunoo said, causing riki to smack his arm
“well yeah, you’re uh..really good at it..” the other two nodded “you helped the three of us really, we got the highest grades of our respective classes!” Y/n smiled and raised her hand to get high fives from all of them “that’s wonderful!” the one to the left—jungwon spoke up
“so now that you work at the theatre, do you get discounts?” y/n nodded “i can, yeah, why you got a date?” he chuckled lightly “well maybe..” she gasped then turned towards the boys “no way, who is she? Is it that girl you sit next to in your math class?” he just smiled then looked at his friend “y/n, how bout you…. treat the highest score to a movie?” she eyed the three boys then nodded before turning back to the front
“i’m gonna need some proof that, that's really your score” suddenly, three papers were handed to her from behind “ohh sunoo, jungwon you both were really close.. but looks like i’m taking my own brother for a free movie” she turned back around to hand the boys back their papers, to see riki with a giant grin on his face “you alright riki?” he nodded vigorously “cool,just let me know when you’ve got no homework and we’ll see whatever you want. thanks for the ride heeseung” y/n said, before flashing the younger boys a smile and heeseung a wave then getting out of the car.
“so you like the neighbour girl aka my sister huh?” heeseung turned to the boys that were still in his car “yeah well.. so do those two!” he defended himself, heeseung snickered while driving onto his driveway “at least riki gets alone time with her..” sunoo mumbled, earning a smack from said brother and an eye roll from heeseung “okay, that’s enough, come on, two j’s are waiting inside”
once out, the boys ran to the door and were greeted by jake and jay “hey—“
“wait..i finally get to spend some time with my sister… and we aren’t just studying.. ha! thats awesome” It finally had fully registered in riki’s mind that y/n was going to treat him without studying,he was estetic.
jay raised a brow “she tutors them in english and he got the highest grade so she's taking him out for a movie” heeseung replied, taking a seat between the two
“right… maybe you can get her to tutor you too,get a good grade then boom the bet starts” jake whispered, heeseung rolled his eyes “don’t think that’ll work but if all else fails.. which it won’t, i’ll get back to that”
“Hey riki, where you off to?” heeseung asked, shutting the door to his house
“y/n’s taking me out to see a movie!” he smiled happily, “oh thats today?” he nodded “she even double checked that i had no homework..”
“y/n?..” riki walked over to see why her car door was wide open and the hood was up “hey Riki...i’m sorry, i don’t think i can drive us, my stupid car..”
lucky for them, heeseung was watching from his front lawn. he smirked to himself, as he saw an opportunity to get to know y/n again, and more importantly, get the bet over with.
“i couldn’t help but see how you two are still here and not at the movies..” heeseung smirked walking over to them, riki frowned “yeah, but it's okay, we can uh..still hang out right? We can just watch some movies on the couch” she nodded “yeah, of course we can..sorry we can’t watch into the spider verse” heeseung perked up “hey, i haven’t seen it yet, maybe the 3 of us could go”
riki kept looking between y/n and heeseung. he figured since y/n was his sister and heeseung was a good hyung to him, he’ll set y/n up with heeseung
“i’m okay with that if you are'' he grinned “sure”
at the movies, riki and y/n convince heeseung to buy them popcorn and snacks, “i call the inner seat, y/n you sit in the middle!” she raised an eyebrow, “uh..riki what are you trying to do?”
he shrugged “nothing, come on, sit down” heeseung nudged her “what you afraid we’ll talk throughout the whole movie like we did when we were kids” she shook her head
“oh please, i have self control now, not like i’d want to talk to you anyway” as she said that, she smiled “you used to say that all the time” heeseung chuckled “yeah well, the first parts true-”
“y/n? heeseung?” a voice interrupted their conversation “hey maddison..” maddison sent y/n a smirk “what are you two doing here?”
“they are definitely not on a date!” riki said from behind a bag of popcorn
“so, you’re on a date then?” both heeseung and y/n glared at riki, who blushed and smiled innocently “right well, come find me when this date that's not a date is over ‘kay? ‘kay'' she then continued her walk up to sit with her younger brother. “so..”
“lets just watch the previews yeah?” y/n glanced behind her and saw maddison mouth “50 bucks” she shook her head and forced herself to look back to the front as the lights began to dim.
“hey, i can walk or get a ride from maddie from here,-”
“NO!..uh i mean no, c’mon y/n please come home with us, we can wait while you talk to your friend.” riki pleaded, y/n bit her lip (heeseung thought it was adorable) “yeah, we’ll get starbucks before we go home” she giggled
shit she’s really adorable heeseung thought to himself
“how could i pass up free starbucks..or free anything to be fair?. I’ll be right back”
y/n found maddison, who was looking through her purse “so theres this party”
“no party, i have a lot of writing to do”
“fine then, here’s your fi--”
“maddie, i told you, i’m not going to date him for money, plus this wasn’t even a date, it was supposed to be just me and riki as a ‘good job for actually listening to me and you aced your essay’ and brother sister bonding, heeseung only came along because he drove us” maddison raised a brow “so you let him tag along to the movie?” she shrugged “he paid for popcorn and snacks,” glancing back towards the boys, who were both watching her
“i gotta go, heeseung’s my ride” madison smirked “you mean you’re going to ride heeseung”
“fuck off maddie” y/n laughed before walking back to them
“ready?” and they were off “why starbucks? it's night” riki said as they stood in line." you're so right riki, we’ll get you some water, whilst we get…” y/n turned towards heeseung “fraps?”
“fraps.” riki pouted then perked up “i’ll go find a seat. hyung, you convince her to get me at least hot chocolate?” the starbucks they were at was basically empty, but they decided to let him go,
as he left, heeseung smiled, he’s caught on to what riki was doing. “So, how are you gonna convince me to get him at least hot chocolate?” she looked up at Heeseung “well obviously i’m gonna use my mouth” y/n turned his body towards him, bewildered
“to speak and use words…” he glanced at her with a smirk “get your head out of the gutter sweetheart” she rolled his eyes as they walked up to the counter “hey heeseung” the girl smiled “hey, uh... morgan..” he studied her name tag
“you were supposed to call me like a week ago..” he gulped and glanced over to y/n, who shrugged next to him “right, sorry about that.. an i uh..order?” morgan nodded disappointingly “right, we’ll i’ll have two grande caramel frappes and a tall peppermint hot chocolate” as morgan told them their total, both y/n and Heeseung pulled out their cards “i got it--”
“you paid for the movie”
“yeah because i got a discount, you already paid for our snacks”
“you put snacks in your mouth, drinks goes through the mouth too, i win the argument and i pay”
“you drove us here”
“i don’t see the logic in that darling” heeseung bit his lip, trying to conceal a smile
“look, i don’t care who pays, you just need to pay for them” morgan interrupted “right, sorry,” heeseung stepped up and paid for them “thanks” y/n blushed and morgan rolled her eyes “no offence y/n, but he’s not even gonna stick to you for a full week”
if looks could kill, morgan would be dead, in fact, y/n was thinking of ways to kill her with words. she couldn’t help it. the little girl inside her was fuming, despite knowing heeseung’s reputation and constantly hating him for it ,the urge to fight anyone who ever insulted her childhood best friend was tempting
“y/n, c’mon, our drinks are done” heeseung took her hand leading her away, he knew that look in her eyes. she had the same one whenever someone used to bully him in their younger years, jake said that heeseung had the same look when it comes to y/n, even now when someone said something mildly bad about her. “right, sorry”
“nice! How’d you do it hyung? sunoo hyung and jungwon hyung can’t. our parents aren’t that easy either” riki grinned as heeseung handed him his hot chocolate “i used my mouth”
riki cringed and gagged “gross! keep that kind of talk away from me!.. anyway how’re your classes doing right now? i was serious when i said my sisters the best at english, like an english goddess ”
y/n blushed. she isn’t used to her brother flaunting her talents so much “I’m not the best riki. nor am i a goddess.”
“hey, didn’t you get like a 95% in our english class last year, that's higher than..what is his name? the guy who always aces everything?(HAHAHAH GUYS THIS WAS ACTUALLY ME and the dude is my friend so i bring it up whenever i can to annoy him:) )” the blush on y/ns cheeks grew “uh..yeah, but”
heeseung smiled at her “see goddess” the two boys said at the same time
“hey, speaking of, when we picked you up the other day, uh.. my parents heard i was failing english again and i..i was wondering if you could tutor me too?..” she nodded “sure, anything for an old friend” and former crush “cool, then its a date uh! stud...study date” riki almost spit out his hot chocolate from laughing, but covered it up with a cough when heeseung glared at him
“i know what you meant heeseung.”
“sorry to interrupt, but we’re closing” a woman smiled at the group. “oh! yeah, sorry” the trio stood up, picking up their drinks and leaving. “what ‘ya doing the rest of the night?” heeseung asked letting go of the door after y/n went out “well tomorrow is saturday so probably writing my book all night”
“still writing peter parker fanfiction?” she was quiet for awhile
“yes, but that's not the book i’m talking about” heeseung smiled, that's how they had become close when they were younger, the love of spider-man “okay, well now you’re going to a party with me after we drop off riki”
“no buts, maddie usually pulls you out to parties but i haven’t seen you at one in awhile, plus i know you have writer's block” she shook her head “no i don’t”
“alright then, what's happening in the scene you’re writing?”
“my main character is talking with her parents who are vampire hunters, and her soulmate parents who are vampires..”(spoiler for the next series)
“then?” heeseung stopped at a red light then looked at y/n with a raised brow “then they...dammit, how the hell do you know i have writer’s block?” he shrugged then drove “i can still read you i guess, you gotta go to this party with me, promise, right when you think of something,i’ll drive us back home. deal?” she sighed
“you should go to the party y/n, before you start tutoring heeseung, or you’ll be stuck with him for far too long and have no fun at all” riki smiled from the back “screw it, fine, i’ll go...but its not for the reason you said..” y/n chuckled pointing to riki. “alright, out riki-”
“can i at least go change first? i look..not the best for a party”
“you're so right noona. you should change.” riki said, sticking his head between the driver and passenger seats. “geez riki, thanks”
once y/n left the car, riki’s focus went to heeseung
“i don’t care that you are older than me or that you’re the captain. if you hurt her, i’m kicking your ass.. but if you promise not to, you have my full permission to date my sister.”
heeseung was shocked, but he understood. riki has always been protective of his sister, even when he was a toddler. “i can’t even think of hurting her riki.. i promise i won’t hurt her” the younger boy nodded, opening his door to get out. “by the way, i would’ve found my way into that party but i’m deciding to let you two have some alone time.”
y/n decided to change into a simple black and white tee and some black baggy jeans,
“oh you changed too” heeseung was leaning on the hood of his car and smiled when he saw her.
“look at that unplanned matching outfits, perfect couple-- uh..couple of friends” y/n shook her head with a small laugh “yep, couple of friends”
“heeseung!” jake called as soon as they entered the house “oh! y/n hey, sorry i didn’t know you were coming so..i didn’t bring you a drink too..” she smiled and shook her head “its fine, i’m uh..i’ll go find Mads”
“find me when you wanna go, yeah?” he reminded her before she walked off.
“alright so, you want your payments now or later when you complete it?” heeseung smirked “pay up now jake”
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taglist; @jaylaxies @ajayke-reads @en-myworld
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