#but i do like silly little side quests theyre so fun sldkfj
the-darkgod · 5 months
bg3 is one of the few games ive played where it seems like stuff just .. sort of happens to me. like i went to go tell this guy he was going to get murdered and he was like "idc about that go kill my rats" so i went and killed a bunch of rats, and then the mind flayer who lives in my head asked me to go retrieve some of his stuff in his hide out nearby so i went to get that and then got ambushed by a bunch of folks bc i wanna kill their god, and then after i listened to the mind flayer's stories about his life i tried to go back up to the surface only to be approached by this evil shapeshifter who made me agree to her pact lest she kill my friend, and then i ran into some guy who was holding a funeral for his sister who i think he turned into a grease monster, and only then did i finally get to made it to the surface only to be greeted by a huge explosion in a nearby building
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