#but i adore cartoons. i only worry he’ll grow out of them and we’ll have less to connect over
kaizokuseb · 2 years
i asked my nephew to watch craig of the creek with me (because he’s been talking about it nonstop and i’m a good uncle lol), and it’s so cute! kelsey reminds me of me when i was little, and i love mortimer so much. we’re on like episode 3 and i already love this
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realitachifacts · 5 years
🍫 - a box of chocolates
i’m not sure if i did this right or not but i had an idea so Here We Go. thanks for sending an ask!!! i might’ve messed up the timeline but it’s whatever. also omfg it’s so long for a drabble whoops.
He doesn’t remember the day when he was a year old.
He doesn’t remember the day when he was two years old.
He doesn’t remember the day when he was three years old, or maybe he does, but there’s this sort of unconsciousness memory repression he has, regarding events involving the majority of his family members.
He remembers one thing from the day when he was four years old. His mother walks over, she sits down next to him on wooden steps outside the house and she meets his eyes and there’s this summer bright smile all over her face and she asks Itachi how he’d feel about having a younger sibling. He returns that smile, teeth white like the unblemished moon and says that would make him very happy. His mother hands him a small box of chocolates, the outside pink as soft flower down and there’s a cartoon animal, looks almost like a ferret, on the side. He’s replayed the memory a few times in his head, and he can never remember the time of day, the weather. It’s different each time, midday, hot breath of breeze and flinching young leaves, midnight, an ink sky with stars indented in it as if it’s been fashioned with millions of tiny diamonds.
When he’s five, the day is far more memorable. Itachi is going to be joining the academy soon, there’s pulsing in his heart over that, excitement, he’s been working on the fireball jutsu and shurikenjutsu outside of class, has mastered the former even to the point of his father’s satisfaction. His body was glowing warmer and brighter than those licks of red and orange and red and yellow and red tongues of flame hot inches above the lake’s surface. Anyways, he sits outside, Sasuke there in his arms, and their mother’s gotten Itachi a box of chocolates, same as last time, namesake cartoon of an animal right there, curled up into the pink of the box. He’s been told Sasuke isn’t allowed to have any of the chocolates yet, and Itachi, he can’t wait until he’s old enough to share. Itachi loves sweets, the way they melt so soft against his tongue. He wonders if Sasuke will feel the same. There’s a half moon like a sideways smile thousands and thousands of miles up in the air.
When he’s six, just months from seven, things again are crystal bright in his mind. A few weeks left before Academy finals, which Itachi has no worry over, none at all, and he’s sitting outside on the porch again, Sasuke there too, few months from two, sitting in his older brother’s lap. Itachi is eating chocolates, same brand as before, same gift from his mother, and Sasuke reaches for one. “Oh? You want one of these?” Itachi says, small grin, closed lips on his face, sweet expression, and Sasuke nods, reaches out further. Itachi gives him one, and Sasuke chews it for just a bit, before spitting it out, all disgusted, lip curled high at the edge, and Itachi sighs.
“Ew.” Sasuke whines, and Itachi lets out a light breath of amusement.
“Sorry about that, Sasuke.”
When he’s seven, it’s another memorable day. He’s nearly mastered the sharingan, the third black comma mark edging the iris is finally there, and something Itachi realizes that he likes is genjutsu, mind manipulation and alteration and shifting of reality. He’s getting better and better at it. Sasuke sits to the left of him, again on those wooden steps, damp and rotting inside from the recent rainfalls. And it’s even become a joking tradition to give Itachi the chocolates, brand name a play on his own, word for weasel. Sasuke watches him eat in silence, seems to have learned his lesson from last time, swings his legs back in forth in loose scissor motions. Itachi looks over at him.
Sasuke’s head whips up and he looks at Itachi like he always does, like his older brother has given him the world. “How do I make my eyes red?”
Sasuke’s seen him training, probably, Itachi thinks. “It’s called the sharingan. You’ll probably be able to do it when you’re older.” Tries to keep it simplistic, terms for a two and a half year old.
“Sha…rin…gan.” Sasuke seems to feel out the word on his tongue. It’s quiet again for a few moments and crickets sing in the dusky light, brightness dying down as the sun edges into sleep. Sasuke points to Itachi’s chocolate box. “Can I have one?”
Itachi smiles softly and hands one over to Sasuke, who chews it, looks all disgusted, but at least has the decency not to spit it out this time. He swallows with a grimace. “Ew.”
Itachi smiles almost guiltily. “Sorry about that, Sasuke. Try not to eat any more in the future.”
Sasuke just pouts at that.
Year eight is uneventful, year nine even more so.
When he’s ten, Itachi is in the middle of the Chunin exams, and deep down in his heart he nearly pleads for Sasuke to be the focus of their parents’ love and adoration, to have a day of his own. He’s a few hours into the Forest of Death, trees stretch long necks of trunks up to reach for the heavens, knotted branches grasp into thin air. Drops of light bleed down between the few areas where the sun can slip through wood and leaves. Itachi reaches into his small pack of tools for a kunai knife, there’s a fish in his other hand, ready to be gutted, and Itachi feels an. Object. Of some sort, in the ninja pouch. He pulls it out.
Pink box of chocolates, “Good Luck!” sprawled across the top in Sasuke’s rough and messy handwriting. Itachi smiles. He’ll pass the exam. He won’t let Sasuke down ever.
He’s a Chunin at eleven, in ANBU at twelve, or maybe earlier than that, these are all all memories he wants nothing more than ever to forget.
When he’s thirteen, it’s the worst. He stands in the Hokage’s office because he is supposed to be on a mission right now, the sky is milky pale with dawn and caterpillar bloated white clouds, and Itachi is talking to the Hokage, oh so very annoyed and scared and anxious, a barely teenager just restraining shaking at the edges of his skin.
“My clan won’t relent. The likelihood is that we’ll have to continue with our last resort plan soon.” Itachi keeps his voice placating. “Lord Hokage. Don’t send me on the mission. I would like just one last holiday with my parents… One last holiday with my brother.” Sasuke, pure and clean of all this black sin and corruption, one last holiday for Itachi’s favorite person in the whole wide world. And the third Hokage looks Itachi Uchiha up and down with those wise old owl eyes, assessing everything about him, every one of Itachi’s movements, fidgets gnarled and wrinkled fingers down the neck of his pipe. Makes a ‘hmmm’ sound. 
“Very well.”
His voice is so, so raspy, Itachi thinks.
That night, Itachi sits with his brother on the porch, and Sasuke goes on to talk about his day at school and all of the kids in his class and this one boy who particularly annoys him, and Itachi drowns himself in every word because his aching heart knows that he may never hear them, Sasuke sounding excited, happy to see him. Eventually, their mother tells them to go inside, and Itachi walks up to his room, and there’s this pink box of chocolates with a cartoon ferret on the side nestled there in his sheets, and Sasuke’s handwriting is across the top, quickly scrawled note of “I love you forever, Itachi!”.
Life is cruel, Itachi thinks.
He eats one of the chocolates, unable to stomach the rest.
When he’s fourteen, he spends his first Valentine’s day in the Akatsuki. They don’t celebrate Valentine’s day, not really, and he’s recently been assigned a new partner, ocean mist blue-gray skin and shark gills, tall man named Kisame, who Itachi respects, he’s a strong fighter at the very least. The two have a sort of mutual understanding, they leave each other alone, communicate only when necessary, not because they don’t like each other, just because Itachi truly just wants to be isolated from most everyone. He’s reclusive. They both know this. And that’s why Itachi is surprised when Kisame sits next to him, out in the rain speckled grass outside the inn, looking up at the white spider eyes of stars in the darkness and forcing his face, his body into not displaying emotions. 
“Eh? Somethin’ on your mind?” Kisame asks, and Itachi is silent. Doesn’t even look over.
Neither of them speak for a long, long time.
Kisame gets up. “Look, I’m not one for drinking myself, but you’re down right now, so c’mon, I’ll pay.”
Itachi keeps his eyes on the stars. “I wouldn’t be able to, even if I desired it. I’m fourteen.”
“Yer HOW OLD now?!” Kisame gapes. “Heheh, fourteen? Damn, I thought you were twenty or somethin’. You sure look it, and ya act that way. I guess the world is full of surprises, huh?” He waves his hand as he walks back to the inn. “G’night.”
“Kisame.” Itachi turns, oh so slightly, looks straight at Kisame.
“Hm?” Kisame turns to meet his gaze with his shark eyes, black and pale.
“Thank you.”
That night, Itachi looks deep, deep into his tools pack. He finds a small pink box, writing on the top, at the bottom. He eats a single chocolate from it, and none of them have gone stale, even a little bit.
He reads the writing at the top again and again and again before he goes to sleep that night. 
It’s starting to get harder to. 
The words are a bit blurry.
When he’s fifteen, nothing all that important happens. He and Kisame are in some small village in the Land of Fire, their organization’s numbers are growing, and Itachi is glad, at least, he has a partner he can tolerate, one he’s even grown to consider a close friend.
His only friend.
Really, it’s… not as if there’s a large pool to choose from. But Itachi isn’t very social, as it is, isn’t fond of making or maintaining friends in the dangerous world he lives in now, wearing a black cloak with red clouds. There’s no important mission that day and so Kisame takes Itachi to a small tea shop, one of his favorite things, there’s mainly silence, Kisame shares a few words to a nearly empty room, Itachi nods at a few of them, responds to even fewer. It doesn’t bother his partner, though. They’ve come to accept this as their friendship.
They camp under a full moon that night and Itachi eats another chocolate, again miraculously not stale. He reads the words on the box until his head hurts.
His heart hurts, too.
He knows Sasuke doesn’t mean them anymore.
But that’s for the better.
Years sixteen and seventeen are uneventful. Itachi eats a chocolate each time.
When he’s eighteen, things begin to get worse. He’d seen his brother again, for the first time in years, and he looks colder, Itachi thinks, he looks broken, and he charged at Itachi with lightning in his hand and fire in his eyes and sharingan irises the color of the petals of lover’s roses and Itachi grabbed his arm, and forced Sasuke to relive his pain again and again and again and he told him how he lacked hate, a motivator, if anything, and he wants his brother to get stronger, but he’s beginning to wonder, really, if he’s doing this the right way, because Sasuke has become someone made of cracking glass.
“He looks like you, ya know.” Kisame said, at the time, and Itachi agrees, silently. They’re brothers, after all. But Kisame says little about it after that. As far as he knows, as far as everyone knows, Itachi could care less about Sasuke, if he lives or dies. It’s not an appropriate topic to broach, even with his best friend.
The day itself is boring. 
He spends most of it on the road, walking under trees alive with birds.
Itachi eats another chocolate that night.
It takes significantly more effort than he’s used to to make out each word written on the pink box, with the ferret on it.
When he’s nineteen, things are the worst they’ve been in a long time.
Itachi is at the side of the road, his whole body is aching and rush after rush of hot blood leaves his mouth with each cough, his whole body shivers, wracked with trembling and spasms. Eventually, he leans back against a tree, breathing heavy, and Kisame sits next to him, watching oh so very carefully.
“It’s gettin’ worse.” There’s concern, actually, in his voice.
“I’m aware.” It’s not dismissive, it’s sad, lonely, like a lost ghost. It’s hard to come to terms with these things, after all. “I’ve been taking medications and trying to care for my body otherwise, but there’s little more I can do than that.”
They try to start down the trail again but it’s clear that it really isn’t a good day for Itachi, not at all, so they camp in the woods that night, and Kisame catches some fish for them, and Itachi starts a fire with a Fire Style jutsu, and Itachi doesn’t want it but he takes it anyways, thanks Kisame for the effort he’s put in. 
Itachi keeps track of the days. He eats another chocolate.
He can only read two of the five words his brother has written, now. But maybe if Sasuke’s handwriting was better at the time, that would be different.
When he’s twenty, he eats the last chocolate in the box. Only one of the words Sasuke wrote is distinguishable to fading, dying eyes.
Now he’s twenty one, and he’s grocery shopping, of all things, with Kisame, they’re walking down the aisles and Itachi cannot believe even a little bit that nobody has approached them yet, that there haven’t been any strange looks. Still. They reach what is probably the candy aisle, Itachi thinks, and his eyes drift down it all bored before they stop on something.
Familiar, almost.
It’s pink, and there’s a shape on the side, white and brown, amorphous, indistinguishable. He tries to read the brand name, the lettering, any of the words.
He can’t.
They’re all faded blurs in his eyes.
Itachi picks up the box, motions to Kisame, who walks over. “What is the brand name?”
Kisame tells him. It’s… exactly what Itachi expected.
“You like sweet stuff. We should get it for you, it’s even got a ferret on the box. A weasel, just for you, heheh.”
Itachi thinks. He’s silent for a while.
He puts the box back on the shelf.
“I’ll be alright.”
That night, Itachi is back at the inn, and the moon in the sky is full and bloodied red, crimson dripping over it like a fresh severed corpse, like a heart pumping fast from love. He pulls the box, empty, from the bottom of his bag. It smells like chocolate, faintly. Itachi walks outside, walks for a long, long time before he’s nowhere, at least to him. He sits on the ground, under a pine tree that’s likely older than the oldest building in the whole entire land. Itachi’s chest jolts in pain and then he’s coughing out warm blood, digging his fingers into fabric, clenching to alleviate the suffering somehow, he has one hand over his mouth but even then drops slip between fingers and when he pulls it back his hand is stained liquid garnet. Itachi cleans his hands and mouth with some water from a small canteen. He’s started carrying one for this purpose.
Itachi uses his ninja tools to carve a small fire pit into the dusty soil. 
He looks at the area on the box where black meets pink, and he can’t even read a single letter anymore, but he knows what all of them say, he’s read Sasuke’s note over and over and over again, he knows the words by heart. Itachi places the box in the pit, nestled into loose earth. He is dying, and he knows he is dying, and he wants to and will soon be dead, and he knows how he wants it to happen. The Sasuke who gave him chocolates is not the one he will meet in a few weeks, or at most, few months. It’s best to cleanse these memories from his mind. Give them the funerals they deserve. 
He uses fireball jutsu to set the box aflame, it’s careful and controlled, and within minutes there’s nothing left but puffs of silky gray ash and charcoal.
Itachi looks up at the sky.
The reflection of a blood moon dances across the crow talon darkness of his irises, sharingan dormant.
I love you forever, Itachi!
“I love you forever too, Sasuke.” Itachi whispers, and there’s nobody to hear him except the night sky and the moon and the trees and the millions and millions of stars all around them. 
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sonicasura · 6 years
Heir of Ink Ch 2
Chapter 2: To Kidnap a Hyuuga
A month had passed since Hariken had sent that package to Hinata. Over that time, he was busy training with his new form and powers under the tutelage of Bendy. Apparently being reborn as an Inkuhato had a lot of advantages not just the familiars or creating toons and Inkbourne. His body was a living storage for ink. He can consume and hold as much of it as he liked and look completely normal! He could also form weapons with it by manipulating the ink into any shape, form, density and sharpness at will. As long as he had ink, he could create endless amount of items and weapons with ease.
He could also transform his body into pure ink and move around easily slipping through doors, grates to hiding in paper or anything that absorbed ink. He could also manipulate outside sources of ink whether in its purest form or already used for writing so he can copy and sabotage documents to spying enemy bases when they least suspect it. He also realized what Bendy meant about not always bailing him out of trouble. Since half of Bendy’s soul existed within Hariken, he can create a Pseudo-Bendy to help him in battle and can link himself to the demon’s mind but the Pseudo-Bendy was only going to be as strong as he was or how much ink he pumped into it.
He no longer had chakra points in his body since he wasn’t human anymore so his body can absorb chakra but he had a small intake though due to his old body’s chakra reserves however he could still perform jutsu but he needed to boost his reserves if he wanted to do high level jutsu not involving ink. Since he was made out of ink, he was immune to poison so that was one less thing to worry about in battle and his form could change depending on how much ink he was using to change it. So far, he only had his Monster form mastered along with his Toon form and Stealth form.
He wasn’t close to the level where he could manage Nightmare for longer than 3 minutes and he always blacked out when attempting Infernal but he made a lot of progress on not just the transformation but also his Ink Jutsus as well. He was able to modify the Shadow Clone just to create his Ink Clone Jutsu and was working on an Ink affinity Rasengan. He also happened to create some toons to help with the village’s reconstruction alongside 3 toons that Bendy had made. A wolf toon named Boris, an angel toon named Alice and a demon toon named Mina were assisted by Hariken’s toons Tora the Tiger, Kitsune the Fox and Niwatori the Rooster.
He taught Izuku some basic commands before sending him out hunting. This time he had Izuku hunting bandits also. Bendy told him that if Izuku ate human like beings mainly corrupt ones then he would evolved into a better form faster not just hunting rabbit and deer. He told the young Inkbourne to return after a month had passed so he could spend a week with a more evolved Izuku on teamwork. It was about time his partner should return. Hariken was currently meditating in one of the rooms of an estate that they had recently repaired when the door slammed open courtesy of Niwatori. Niwatori was a toon anthropomorphic rooster with an white ink made feathers, feather like hands, black tail feathers, black crown and wore a black butler like outfit with red highlights. Hariken was still new to Ink so he could only give his toons a certain amount of color for now.
Niwatori was known to be quick in going into action when something happened, he was also a good messenger and quick-footed strategist. “Master Hariken! It’s Izuku! He’s returned and he grew much more than we’ve predicted. So much more.” Niwatori had explained as he closed the door almost as if he was keeping something from getting in as the window to the room had turned black. “Niwatori, I think you should get over here before you get flattened like a pancake! I don’t think Izuku wants to stay outside!” Hariken shouted as the rooster toon ran over to the other side of the room with Hariken.
The two watch the door come apart as a big flood of ink washed into the room which was around a good 25 X 25 in size due to the expansion seals while also serving as the living room. The ink had washed in before beginning to conjoin and reform itself into a more suitable form. “Holy crap!” Hariken cried out as the ink blob took shape of Izuku. He had to be at least 50 ft in size right now! The newly grown Izuku was more bulky and built with appearance cross between a beast and a demon.
His eyes were no longer cartoonish or cute but had narrowed and become beast like, his arms were longer than his stubby legs and his fists were huge with spiked knuckles and massive clawed fingers, his hooves had now turned into sharp claw like talons that looked to be used for grabbing things, he had grown a long mane that wrapped around his neck going all the way down his back while cover his shoulder blades to the top part of his chest were his abs had begun, his four horns had grew longer arching down his head before going back up to a point with an extra pair forming a V on the top of his head, two row of spike like blades went down his back to his tail which ended like a mace and his face was now white and morphed slightly into a muzzle holding lots of sharp teeth. He also had a pair of black wings growing on his back too!
Next thing Hariken knew, he was grabbed by a massive hand then lifted to Izuku’s face. “Hey Izuku… You’ve sure gotten big! Don’t eat me!” Hariken spoke nervously before getting licked by a massive black tongue and nuzzled by a purring 50 ft Inkbourne. Bendy had arrived through the back door and merely whistled at the big Inkbourne. “Damn! He must had eaten an entire Bandit Camp if he got this big! I’m glad I added some Expansion Seals into this house or you would have been suffocated! He sure did a good job hunting to come back like this.”  Bendy stated as Hariken shot a little glare at the demon.
“Yeah but he’s too big! If we go to Konohana with him like this, then they’ll call out every ninja like it’s the Nine Tailed Fox attack all over again! I still remember you telling me that I could store my Inkbournes inside of me since they're made out of ink but he’ll still grab a lot of attention!” Hariken explained as Izuku had finally put him down after he drenched Hariken in ink drool. “Maybe you should give him the shrink command. He’s clearly evolved enough to shrink into a smaller and more manageable form.” Niwatori stated as Hariken had hit himself muttering stupid.
“Izuku! Shrink!” Hariken claimed as Izuku nodded as his form melted into pieces before reforming into a much smaller state. He now stood around 3 ft in height and looked very much slimmed down and less beast like than his new form being a good resemblance to Bendy yet Hariken at the same time as he resembled a miniature cute cartoon Bendy with Hariken’s hair and similar clothing. “I swear if any girl sees him, they scream KAWAII and hug him to death! He looks like an adorable mini-you Bendy!” Hariken stated as Izuku held onto his hand like a lost child.
“I can easily see that. He does have our essence in him so it’s natural to take a toon form like yours truly but that’s not what I came here to tell you about. Plans changed. Kumo has moved their meeting date to be in 5 days due to issues involving Konohana Nin and a shared mission objective. We now have less time to prepare.” Bendy explained as Hariken’s eyes widened. “Damn idiots! Is our plan scrapped to hell or can we salvage it?” Hariken asked conflicted by this new info.
“Nope. I wanted you to go through teamwork exercises with Izuku but that’s been shot to hell so we’re going to take a bit of different approach. You and Izuku will do an advanced art known as Soul Exchange. You will share bits of your soul between each other so Izuku should become linked to your mind but he will witness a lot of your memories. I usually don’t have an Inkuhato do this unless they are ready but since you are skilled in my arts I can do it for you without much of an issue. It just depends on how Izuku can handle your worst memories blow to blow.” Bendy explained as Hariken thought about it.
He was putting Izuku in danger and he didn’t like it one bit but Hinata would be in danger as well if he didn’t succeed. Either way he was screwed. He looked at Izuku who somehow understanding the predicament nodded as if accepting the use of the advanced jutsu. “We’ll do it.” Hariken stated as Bendy nodded before walking towards them placing his clawed hands on their heads. “This is going to sting.” Bendy answered as sharp pain went through their heads while they felt and experienced each other’s memories.
It was intense as their forms slightly melted a bit but then retained their composure. Hariken experienced every one of Izuku’s kills while Izuku experienced every painful memory Hariken had as Naruto. Then as fast as it started, it had finished. Hariken’s iris had gained an animalistic feel to it while Izuku’s turned a shade of royal blue. Next thing the former blonde felt was a bone crushing hug from a demonic copy of himself which turned out to be Izuku. “I won’t let them take you brother!” Izuku shouted with a combination of Hariken’s and Bendy’s voice.
“They won’t take me Izuku! Will you please let go? You are kinda breaking my spine here.” Hariken squeaked as Izuku let go allowing Hariken to fix his broken spine. “I dub you two brothers now. As funny as it is, we’ve got stuff to do. I’ve sent Tora to set up a Warp Point near the village via Warp Cartoon. I’ve also set a warp point here since once we get Hinata, the whole Leaf Village will be on high alert so make it to the Warp Cartoon and warp back here. Don’t use it just to go to the village first or they’ll suspect something is coming and this Warp Cartoon has only one use in it. After all, we don’t want the Leaf getting any funny ideas with our techniques and jutsu.” Bendy explained as he straightened his bowtie.
“Do you have your disguise ready, Master Hariken?” Niwatori asked as he knew Hariken couldn’t go as he was looking now for it would raise suspicion later. “Yeah. Watch this.” Hariken spoke as his figure melted becoming unrecognizable until he reformed into an older looking man with black hair wearing a cloak with white clouds and an eboshi hat. “Nice. Very close to the Akatsuki look so you’ll be playing them as well. I’ll even paint red on those clouds to complete the look. Hehehehehe! I’m going to love all the panic you’ll cause!” Bendy replied giddy with all the mischief that was going to be caused as a massive grin was etched on Hariken’s face.
This was going to be good. 5 days later… Hariken had arrived to the Hidden Leaf Village in his disguise while Izuku had taken the form of a black and white cat that was close to his location just to be sure if things were going to be shot to hell but also to alert Hinata’s Inkbourne to make sure it’s at her side and ready to fight when needed. The mission objective was simple. To find and escape with Hinata with the results being distility between Kumo, the Hyuga and the Leaf and Hinata being safe from any breeding plans plus there’s a good chance of a better Raikage being appointed with this sort of mishap kicking the old one to the curb.
Hariken was so lost in thought he almost didn’t notice his target walking into the village. The Raikage’s ambassador who was also his brother. Raikage’s had a habit of their brothers being high up in the food chain when appointed whether as an ambassador to a Jinchuriki. They also tended to be strong physically and tend to hit hard unless your body is made out of liquid or in this case ink. Hariken sent the signal to Izuku who went off in a mad dash to the compound.
Izuku’s Perspective-Inkbourne Search Begins!
Brother Hariken gave me the signal! I dashed towards Hyuga Compound with fast speed! Have to get there before kidnapper does! Warn Hinata’s Inkbourne to be at the ready! Can’t let brother Hariken down. Spots Hariken’s former tormentors, Uzumaki Namikaze family at the Ichiraku Ramen. They seem to be enjoying ramen! Me going to change that. Runs on counter and knock food on them! Little girls scream as noodles cover their head! Minato shocked and Kushina makes mad face! Outta there before ignorant redhead gives chase.
Made it to Hyuga Compound! Guards just changed shift. Seem not to care about animals coming that aren’t rats or roaches. Passes guard who think me as pet cat. Sees kids are getting ready for dinner with ambassador. Found Hinata’s window. Combine and turn body to ink and slip through. No sign of Inkbourne. Where’s Inkbourne? Drip drop drip. Ink dripping to floor… Above! Look up to see Inkbourne emerging from drawing state on wall. What Hinata been feeding Inkbourne? Inkbourne has to be 14 ft in size. Definitely looks female almost like Hinata in looks.
“Your scent is of my kind… Are you of Hariken’s?” Inkbourne seems happy and a bit strange. Sense traces of Soul Exchange. Ask about Soul Exchange. “Yes we have. Dear Hinata shared part of her soul with me. She is a sweet girl. Her daddy doesn’t want to be mean to her but elders force her. I don’t like the elders. Want to get Hinata away from here. Branch members wish her to be free! Elders plan to place Caged Bird Seal on her tonight! Don’t want Hinata to be hurt. Ochako won’t let them!” Inkbourne or Ochako seems protective of Hinata. I tell about plan.
“That will work. Ochako agrees to help. Been learning about clan techniques and helping Hinata. Their stance not for Hinata! Hinata’s stance is like ink! Flows gentle but deadly! Needs everflowing strokes. Hinata be here soon. Attach myself to Hinata like tattoo. Hinata will be safe. Tell Hariken to free Hinata! Let her be free as birds in sky!” Agrees and ask why so big. “Assassin snuck in to hurt Branch Members. Hinata was there and was about to be attacked. Ate Assassin. Rest from treats Hinata and kind Branch Members gives Ochako! Good luck!” Return to Hariken.
Mission complete! Returning to Hariken!
Hariken was currently standing by a fence to notice Izuku had made it back. Hariken reached towards and touched the Inkbourne’s head seeing the new memories he had acquired and smiled. “Thank you Hariken. Now let’s prepare for our time to strike.” Hariken stated. An hour later… the streets seemed empty as a shadow figure carrying something ran past. It was the Kumo Ambassador carrying a sack on his back big enough to hide a child in it. There was no doubt that Hinata was locked inside of it. “These Leaf Shinobi are so damn cocky! This mission will be a breeze and Kumo will have the Byakugan!” The ambassador snickered to himself not noticing something oozing from the bottom of the bag. “Hehehehehe!!!” A feminine laugh echoed as the man paused in confusion and fright.
Then he felt the bag getting heavier before something from inside the bag grabbed the man. It was a black arm with razor sharp claws connected to something in the bag. The man watched in terror as the bag began to grow in size before ripping apart revealing a demon instead of a child. The demon was humanoid and female in appearance and figure with grayish lavender eyes, deer like horns, dark lavender hair, blades on her arms, curvaceous figure, ribbon like protrusions on her thighs, a long tail with moon shaped blade at the end, long sharp claws and there was a white ribbon wrapped around her neck. It was Ochako.
“Sorry but you aren’t going anywhere… Got plans for you after you try to steal what is mine! Now be a good human… and hold still!” Ochako laughed as the next thing the man saw was black while Hariken and Izuku had appeared on the scene. “Ochako? Do you got Hinata?”  Hariken asked as the Inbourne nodded and her chest split open revealing Hinata as Ochako shrank and merged into the girl’s skin forming a tattoo on Hinata’s body. “I’m glad to see you again Hinata. It’s been awhile.” Hariken spoke as he lifted his hat up some showing his face to Hinata.
“Naruto-kun… I’m just glad to see you are okay. I missed you so much and I thought I’d never see you again after you disappeared 3 months ago. I asked everyone who was close to you to help look for you. Then I got your letter and you gave me Ochako. I’m happy to see you alive and well.” Hinata answered as Hariken smiled. “Thanks Hinata-chan. When I was still in my cocoon, I always thought of you and the others. You guys helped me survive my old life and the pain that came with it. Just know that I’m back and I’ll keep my promise to protect you.” Hariken spoke as Hinata smiled and hugged the former blonde.
“Even if you changed, you are still the sweet kind Naruto I knew.” Hinata answered. “Are you ready to depart Hinata? We won’t be coming back here for a very long time. There is much to be done and I don’t want to do it without you by my side. You deserve to be free not caged with a death switch on your forehead.” Hariken explained. Hinata looked back at the village she called home for 6 years before looking back at Hariken.
“I’m ready Hariken-kun. I won’t come back until I’m stronger. Plus I want to stay by your side always.” Hinata answered as Hariken smiled. “Then let us depart. A new life awaits us all.” Hariken spoke as the 4 left the village and not to be seen for years to come.
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