#but i actually wish we got more dr hustan and rosie bc i feel like they would have a lot of deep discussions
rosiesriiveters · 22 days
i do think the doctor at the flak house was great. he read rosie inside out. he tried a straight forward approach at first, pointing out that he went through something unbelievably traumatic, only to be met with a brick wall. he lets it go, and waits until rosie comes to him - which comes when they meet during that night, when neither of them can sleep, and we get to see rosie finally make himself even a little bit vulnerable. he comes into the conversation, guns blazing, assured that he needs to get the hell out of the flak house before he looses that rhythm... only for the doctor to reframe it so that its not just about what rosie needs, but also what rosie's crew needs too. and it's this conversation that propells rosie to reach out to his crew and take care of them, listening to thier stories and accept that he must stay.
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