#but honestly such a funny design choice by Aoyama
bluevelvetea · 7 months
My silly thoughts on chapter 1119
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*confused Nakamori noises*
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fictionstuff · 3 years
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Plot: When abandoned kittens and his good conscience force second year Sorata Kanda to move into Suimei High School’s infamous Sakura Hall, the satellite dorm and its eccentric, misfit residents turn his life upside down. The decidedly average Sorata finds it difficult to fit in with the bizarre collection of dorm residents like Misaki, an energetic animator; Jin, a playwright playboy; Ryuunosuke, a reclusive programmer; and Chihiro, the dorm manager, art teacher, and party girl. Sorata's friend Nanami, a second year student and aspiring voice actress, pushes him to find new owners for the many cats so that he can quickly move back into the regular dorms. However, his desire to escape Sakura Hall wavers when the pet-like and infantile second year Mashiro Shiina, a world-class artistic savant looking to become a mangaka, transfers in during the spring trimester and quickly latches onto him. Supported by each other's quirks, Sorata and Mashiro come out of their shells and trigger change in the lives of those around them. Based on the light novel series of the same name, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo explores the fine threads connecting talent, hard work, romance, and friendship with its ensemble cast. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Episodes: 24
Main Characters:
Kanda Sorata Shiina Mashiro
Points: 6.5/10
Always takes a bit to convince me to watch a series, if it isn't high on my priority list but my friend nonetheless made me watch it and while it certainly isn't my new favourite anime; Sakurasou still has a whole lot of good things to offer as a slightly dramatic romcom slice of life anime. It's that kind of feel good anime that you can just keep watching without pondering too much about it. Sakurasou features an interesting cast of characters and focuses on their bonds, their friendship, the conflicts and make ups. Until the end of the show, that was perhaps the focus of the show, besides the ever imminent search for identity and what it is these characters want to do in this world. It's a question I often asked myself when I was still in school, so in this regard I could sympathise with most of the characters. The whole story revolves around a misfit of characters living in one dorm and the interesting part is, every character is equally important to the story with perhaps a bit of a stronger focus on Mashiro and Sorata.
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While these characters are all called misfits, it's just that they're perhaps a tad different from the norm, but nothing else was exactly something that. That was why I was thrown of the loop and found it question worthy to throw characters who apparently need help all into one barely supervised dorm, but never question anime choices, I know. Putting that aside, these characters each get their arcs and development. We always get a generous amount of screen time for each character and slowly delve into the psyche of each resident. I did enjoy seeing them grow and grow up as persons, it's always quite annoyed me that the humour in this show is utterly useless and not even halfway funny. In fact, the romance part of the show is just as disturbing for the overall theme and atmosphere of the show. It would've done fine without trying to forge romantic bonds, as in force them. The chemistry just didn't vibe with me, honestly, I just didn't feel it.
I am sure the great payoff at the end would have been rewarding enough or maybe more rewarding instead of putting too much focus on the romantic involvements of the characters. I was slightly alright with the sub couple of Jin and Misaki (although it felt rushed and kind of out of place for how easy it suddenly was), but the main couple just didn't sit right with me. Especially since they added a rival just to literally throw the character into a ride of emotions without any sort of resolve other than to give up? Yes, I am talking about Aoyama and yeah, I may have been rooting for her, but I feel literally bad for her having been just a device to bring the main couple closer to one another, it was quite disturbing.
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Breaking apart from that we have many dramatic and well executed scenes, which are either heartwarming or wrecking you. The characters are nicely set into motion and with sweet not entirely designs, but they overall just match with the light mood of the story.  It's bubbly and bright and vibes well with the friendship/teamwork theme, which should have been the only focus of the show, besides their search for their identity, dreams and goals. These were the emotions that even made me cry at the end of the show, the graduation day. This episode was the true highlight of the complete series. Hence I don't understand the need to add another episode which puts all the effort of the graduation day down. The 24th episode felt like a bad joke and disturbed the beautiful ending that episode 23 delivered, hence I had to detract a few points again. Despite that it was a good solid slice of life anime with a wonderful emotional payoff that made me want to forget about episode 24.
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Animation/Design – 6.5
Story/Characters – 6.5
Enjoyment – 7.0
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Trucking right along, guys! We’ll be done before you know it! 
51: If you were given a chance to make a request to Horikoshi, what would it be? I would request a full blown Todoroki centric arc. Like, Deku can fuck off for 100 chapters for all I care, I want to know this family’s history from front to back. What kind of environment was Endeavor raised in? Does that explain why he has such an obsessive goal of being number 1 or is it literally just a rivalry with All Might? Speaking of, did they go to school together? Tell me more. Was it an arranged marriage or did he meet his wife in a normal situation and fall in love with her? How was their relationship before the kids? Whats the deal with Dabi? Please just give me the Todoroki backstory in its entirety so I can die in peace.
52: Sing you to sleep? Jiro, no questions asked. I can’t wait for the anime to get to the culture festival so we can hear her angelic voice in action.
53: Cuddle with? Fat Gum! He looks super comfy! 
54: Too pure/innocent character? Probably Nejire tbh. Her curious naivety is cute but I worry for what the life of a pro hero would do to someone with that kind of personality.
55: Deserve better? Endeavor deserves better than to be judged armchair psychiatrists whose PHd was printed off from the same website where you can become an ordained minister. 
56: Wish to have a no tragic background? Dabi, probably. It remains to be seen what exactly the canon explanation is but I have a feeling its not gonna’ be pretty even if he’s not a Todoroki. 
57: Most likely to be a gentleman? My instincts tell me that Fat Gum is probably quite the gentleman in an almost backwoods kind of way. That is to say, he’s a hot blooded country bumpkin samurai with a heart of gold. Now, I’m basing that bit of characterization on the fan-translated manga which gave him some interesting verbal tics that seemed to imply he doesn’t speak the same way the kids from the big city do SO I’m quite interested to hear how he talks in the anime when we get to it in 2019.
58: Fave old/middle-aged character (30+)? I’m not saying Endeavor is old but he is approaching silver fox territory and I’m more than okay with that.
59: Fav Opening song? Odd Future, hands down. Gonna’ listen to it right now, thanks. 
60: Fave ending theme? The fantasy setting one. 
61: Fave voice actor? I’ve really gotta’ give Bakugou’s seiyuu credit for his performance. Not only all that growling and screaming, no doubt straining his vocal chords every week no matter how much training he’s had, but also for really selling that line when he was abducted by the villains.
62: Fave Character song? *sweats nervously* I ... I haven’t listened to any of the character songs ... Do they actually exist? 
63: Fave OST? Uh, what? 
64: Fave battle(s)? Without spoiling too much, I’ll just say that Deku vs. Bakugou round 2 is gonna’ be a great episode and I’m really looking forward to the hero vs. villain fight we’re ramping up to in the current episode. 
65: Most shocking plot twist/unexpected scene? Me subscribing to the Dabi-is-a-Todoroki theme. Ummm, not to get too spoilery but I think almost everything at the end of the Yakuza arc was pretty unexpected based on all that had happened up until that point.
66: Selfie with? I would love nothing more than to take a selfie with Bakugou’s grumpy ass. I know that might sound a little weird but I’m actually being completely serious. 
67: Study in a library with? I would like to make some lewd, sex-in-the-library related joke but knowing who I am as a person, I probably legitimately need the help so I’d probably be best off with Momo or Shoto.
68: Most underrated character? Probably Tokoyami. I’m damn close to stanning him and I demand more content of his edgy bird boy immediately.
69: Most overrated character? Present Mic. He’s really not all that and I don’t get this fascination with him.
70: If you desire to see one’s ending? Who would it be? I’m not entirely sure what this is asking but if you mean who do I want to see die, it’d be either Mineta or Aoyama.
71: Change Character design? I wouldn’t change any design because Horikoshi worked hard on these characters and it would be downright foolish of me to think that I knew better than him.
72: Looks like a cinnamon roll, but it is a cinnamon roll? Nejire tbh.
73: Cinnamon roll but would actually kill you? Toga.
74: Looks like would actually kill you, but it is a cinnamon roll? Bakugou.
75: Looks like would actually kill you, and would actually kill you. Endeavor lol
76: Over sexualized character? In canon or by the fandom? Because overall, I’d say that Horikoshi doesn’t sexualize his girls very often but as per usual the fandom goes hog wild on everything and there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that to fictional characters.
77: Cook with? I bet Fat Gum knows how to cook and he could show me some pointers. It’d be fun to cook with Tamaki too, so he could show off his quirk at every turn. 
78: Funniest character? Honestly there is no character that sounds out to me as being particularly funny but my sense of humor is also severely warped so take that with a grain of salt. 
79: Best hardening quirk: Tetsutetsu/Kirishima? I’m gonna’ side with Kirishima on this one.
80: Whose penis would be painful to be fucked? (LOL) Am I answering questions written by a 12 year old? Just asking. So, I headcanon that Endeavor is pretty well endowed and the haters will have to literally tear that fat cock out of my cold, unresponsive hands.I also think Fat Gum is packing because the kanji in his name mean ‘thick’ and ‘full’ which, yeah, if you’re an unimaginative prude that just means they’re talking about his fat body but to me, an intellectual, all I’m seeing is dick. Incidentally, I think All Might is pretty big too (essentially all of the bara’s)  
81: Best Goth character? Tokoyami is the closest we’ve got.
82: Shop with? Endeavor because he has plenty of money to spend on me and he seems like the type who wouldn’t even spare the cheap shit a second glance which is a sentiment I appreciate as a boujee bitch. 
83: Fave OVA? There were only two so this isn’t even much of a choice, but I liked the zombie one.
84: Would you let Momo spoil you with her quirk? I would let literally anyone spoil me because I’m an attention starved materialist. 
85: Villain that you’d wish to be a hero? Eh, probably Gentle. Maybe if he’d been able to become a hero we could’ve avoided that shoehorned appearance of his in the middle of the culture festival. 
86: Needs to calm down? Honestly probably Inasa. He’s gonna’ be so damn loud in the anime ... but I can’t wait to see him anyway! 
And with that my friends, we have reached the end! Apparently we just weren’t able to come up with a few more questions to round us out at an even 100 which I’m quite thankful for which means that I can finally go to bed! orz Thanks for sticking around with me through these trying times, your patience is much appreciated! 
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