#but he gets the canned wet food on top because of other gi issues
greyias · 9 months
Purina apparently discontinued and then reformulated the only canned food I've found so far that Griffin's extraordinarily sensitive tummy can tolerate, adding one of his potential worst allergens to nearly the top of the formulation list. I have sent a Karen-like e-mail to Purina, and am now having to have five million tabs open on different pet food websites to put the ingredient lists of everything under a microscope to try and find something remotely close.
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OC asks - YuGiOh & Assassins Creed
--- YU-GI-OH
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1. What is your OC’s favorite color?
She loves green! It’s a calming colour that highlight her eyes and gives her a more alluring look.
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
Not sure if it counts, as she doesn’t collect physical things, but she loves to take pictures of everything that makes her happy and look at them from time to time.
3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
Black jeans, with a regular green top, a black vest-like trench coat and knee length black boots, so pretty basic.
5. What is your OC’s first memory?
Uhhhh......Like, as a child?  I suppose it’d be when her mother smiled at her and gave her the family heirloom, the Millennium Medallion.
6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
She loves all animals, but at first, she loved Wolves the most, since she thought it would suit her loner personality. Her least favourite animal were, ironically, foxes, because her father blamed every mistake on her and her ironic name.  That is, until she meets Seto and Mokie, and becomes friends with Yugi’s group, who taught her that instead of listening to the bad stuff, she should make her own name meaning, and since then, she wore her name and spirit animal proudly.
7. What element would your OC be?
Well, if we go by elements meaning, I think either Earth, because she is a nurturing and healing person who helps others without realising. Either that, or water, because she is calm and relaxes people, but she can also become an outright tsunami.
8. What is your OC’s theme song?
I think “Too Late” by Dead by Sunrise, since it shows how desperate she was to find an escape from the darkness she succumbed to once her mother and younger sister were killed in a car accident and she was left under the strict hand of her father who had inhumane expectations of her and wanted only perfection and for her to follow the path he dictates.
9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
I never thought of that, to be fair? For voiceclaims no, but I imagine her to have a pretty versatile voice, feminine and casual most of the time, but can go low enough to either sound alluring or have a hint of poison darkness.
As for face claims, while creating my Game of Thrones OC, I stumbled upon this picture and she’s been my “faceclaim” if I can’t do a drawing of her, or if the fandom doesn’t have anime/cartoon characters, but real people.
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10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
For a long time, I’m pretty sure it would be Envy, because she’s see happy people with no family issues, and envies them so much, having dark thoughts about them.
11. What are your OC’s hobbies?
Games of all kinds, travelling, staying in the nature, relaxing outside.
12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
She’s incredibly patient with everyone and everything, in most situation, but can’t handle bad behaviour and dumb questions, especially if repeated, and especially if she’s tired, concentrating or the repetition of the conditions is a much too high number.
13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
Kitsune is a human girl, but I haven’t thought of her sexuality or romantic orientation before, since she’s only ever attracted to Seto.
14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
She loves any kind of home-made food, but can’t stand some sea-food dishes.
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Do foxes count?  If not, dogs and snakes would be her first options.
16. What does your OC smell like?
Okay, so, there’s this perfume and shower gel that I love so much and they smell SO good, like chocolate...So yes, that exactly.
17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
She’s a student, so she has no actual job, but her dream job revolves around technology - Either a programmer or a game developer, both options, later, allowing her to work together with Seto.
18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
She’s afraid of being manipulated and controlled again, insects and loneliness. Her biggest weakness is her kindness and the fact that she has a hard time denying anyone’s requests, so she can very often be walked all over, if someone doesn’t interfere. Her strengths are her perseverance and ambition that keep her going on and not giving up.
19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
She loves rock, trap and indie songs mostly, and has a hard time choosing only one song, but one of them would be Scorpions - “Still Loving You”.
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
Honestly, the Yu-Gi-Oh world is pretty similar to ours, so I don’t think it would be a huge problem to adapt, and would try to make friends and pursue her dreams.
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Apart from her family issues with her mother and younger sister dying and her father being a controlling jerk? She gets pretty restless when she feels something is wrong, and would go in an overly-protective mode and often get herself in trouble.
Her pet peeves are when people chew too loud, being too loud in general, people looking at her phone and people who aren’t punctual or go back on their promises.
22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
“The Nerd” trope. Straight As, loner, shy, but that’s mostly because of her father and how he’d punish her if she didn’t do perfect, and would move her to other schools/cities each year, depending on where his business would lead him.
23. What is a random fact about your OC?
Her hair has more personality than she has. No matter how much she tries, she can’t get it nice and neat, so she stopped caring and leaves it as untameable as it wants it to be.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
She’s a realist that can often slide down to pessimism or fatalism, as she doesn’t actually have any experience in the real world and is afraid of failing  and ruining everything around her.
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fan-character? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
Honestly? She’s based on me and how I really am or I’d want to be, in a way. I love how I look with red hair, and I love foxes and their various portrayals and meanings, so I used them to create Kitsune, but instead of giving her black eyes, like I have, I gave her green eyes, like emeralds, to give her that touch of mysterious seductive aura around her.
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?
The most important person ALIVE in her life is Seto, because he was the one to take her away from her father and show her they are more than their bad parenting and tragic backstory. (Basically, after some exam results were showed, and she didn’t get the marks he expected, her father went to the principal’s office and realising the girl was using her mother’s old Duel Monsters, proceeding on lighting it on fire, making the girl freak out and put the slightly aflame deck in the principal’s aquarium, before having an outright breakdown, only for Seto to get mad and sass out the father, who was supposed to be a future business partner. When she left the school, she saw Seto and went to thank him, but he only asked if she wanted to babysit Mokuba for a short period of time when he’ll be in another country with business, and from then on, they bond.) On the other hand, the least important person, who still impacts her life, is her father, for the reasons stated before.
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
Does it count as your usual sob story? Because until she was 13, her childhood was the dream childhood, but when her mother died, it all went down the drain.
28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
She tends to wet and bite her bottom lip a lot, she always walks out with earphones and music at max volume to avoid anxiety, walks fast when alone, focuses on her phone to combat the same anxiety and awkwardness, and when impatient or focused, she plays with a strand of her hair, drums her fingers on the table (she likes it when she hears the tapping of her nails), or bounces her leg.
29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
Game over. Respawn time : 3...2...1...
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
She can’t stand children, they annoy her very much and especially doesn’t want to go through the whole childbirth mess, or have her child hate her. As for marriage...She is afraid of marriages, of rather said, of the possible heartbreak of a divorce, but she wouldn’t actually mind having a dream/fairy tale like small wedding, to make everything beautiful and ethereal.
31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Her most traumatic experience is hearing that her mother and sister got in a car accident, and while her mother was killed on the spot, her sister died in the hospital, in front of her, not long after giving her her favourite Duel Monsters card : Madolche Cruffsant , just because it was hella cute.
Her favourite memory is either her mother teaching her Duel Monsters, or her reading her Disney Princess stories.
32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
Her mother and sister back to life.
33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
She’d only kill in self-defense or to save someone else, otherwise, the farthest she’d go, is a hell of a beating.
34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
In a group of friends, she’s the moral and emotional support of the group, as well as the one to attempt to stop others from doing impulsive and reckless decisions.
In a game, she’d be the healer, priest, shaman or white mage.
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Her imagination goes through the roof, as she always day-dreams about literally everything and anything and reads a lot. Yeah, she does worry a lot and lives in the past, but she’s trying to work on it.
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
She needs affections, validation and comfort. (Give her a hug pls) She’s used without it, so she wouldn’t do anything physically/aggressively to obtain it, but it’s eating her alive when she’s overthinking and doubting herself. Other than that, she knows she can obtain everything she wants by herself and just a bit of work.
37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
I don’t think she does anything special that she does and others don’t... But she likes to carry Mokuba on her shoulders.
38. What would your character do with a million dollars?
Would make sure she doesn’t have to depend on anyone’s money, since she can’t stand being a burden to anyone, and would use the rest to make even more money, so one day, when she’ has a proper and constant living, she could help create animal shelters and donate to different charities.
39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
Bubbly soda, water, chocolate and food in the fridge. A fluffy carpet on the floor and nothing else. Her laptop, a bottle of water and a bag of snacks. Fruit remains, empty snacks bags and other random useless things.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
She’s going on a calm walk on the shore, barefeet, with Seto, feet in water and letting the breeze mess up her hair even more. Kitsune’s wearing a soft coloured flowery patterned  dress that’s above the knee, it’s flowy and somehow transparent with an underskirt, and the sleeves are long and loose, all the paired with a pair of sneakers that she can easily take off, knowing she’s going to the beach.
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
It takes a LOT to make her to visibly show her anger, but she’s going to become extremely verbally aggressive, insulting, sarcastic, barely able to keep herself from getting physical.
42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?
Nope, she’s clean.
43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
“If I wanted to kill myself, I’d climb your ego and jump down to your IQ, that’s lower than your shoe size. In fact, it’s non-existent, much like my respect for you. Get the hell out of my sight, can’t you see nobody wants you here? You’re going to be missed like the leprosy.”
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?
If it’s not actually an insult or a rude remark, she’ll listen and see what she can do with the advice, more more often than not, she still does whatever she thinks it’s right.
45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
She never tried pineapple pizza, so she’s not sure how she’d react, but it’s just 1 slice, so it won’t kill her. She’s not a huge pineapple fan though.
46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themselves. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? She takes a needle and gently pokes her hand, and if it’s actually true, she’s gonna keep that doll a secret for safe-keeping, so nobody will ever be able to use it.
47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
She’s not THE best artist in the world, but she draws cute things like flowers from time to time to relax. As well as that, she draws flowery borders on her notebook pages.
48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
I already talked too much about her father, but her mother was a sweet and kind soul, and incredibly ambitious and playful and competitive, which is why she won countless gaming competitions. Her mother’s angelic soul and kindness was the way she wanted to grow to be, and whenever she gets angry, she gets reminded of her father and hates herself for doing something he does that she hates so much.
49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
She loves sweets, but she doesn’t feel the need to eat too many, especially at the same time, so she doesn’t get sugar rushes, nor does she get hyper.
50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
She would cry a lot and would try anything in her power to alter her fate, but if it isn’t possible, she’ll try to spend as much quality time with Seto, Mokie and Yugi’s gang as possible.
I haven’t gotten around to actually drawing anything for AC unfortunately, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get around to do it ^^”
1. What is your OC’s favorite color?
She loves Green and Blue, but the longer she stays in Masyaf, the more she misses the beautiful shade range of purple and lavender.
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
In her time, she didn’t collect anything, but when she traveled back in time to Masyaf’s 1191 timeline, she started picking different flowers, pressing them in an empty tome that Malik gifted to her, and together with him, she would draw the flower on the other page, and write information about the plant in cause, with the help of her beloved Malik, both in her language and in his.
3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
As to quote a line from the Secret Crusade novel...
“Stupid Altair. Arrogant Altair. He was in trouble.”
4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
During her time, in the Japanese Brotherhood, as she is the Master Assassin of the Stealth branch, she wears mostly black, light clothes that allow her to sneak around, spy, snipe and blend in.
In Masyaf time, she had to wear the usual male Assassin outfit that literally engulfs her, which is really annoying as she can’t play to her strengths, so she has to fight quite a lot to get some practical adjustments to the outfit, and ones that won’t attract civilian nor templar unwanted attention.
5. What is your OC’s first memory?
Her elder brother singing this song to her : LULLABY
6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
She loves foxes so much. She knows she looks like one, and she uses everything to her advantage, and since she doesn’t actually remember her real name, she chose “Kitsune” as her assassin name.
Also, keep spiders away from her, or she’ll feel her soul leave her body in a split second.
7. What element would your OC be?
Fire. Without a speck of doubt. She’s a little, smug firecracker.
8. What is your OC’s theme song?
I think “Demons” by Starset works pretty well, as whilst she’s a strong person, she still has moments of weakness and needs someone by her side, before she loses control of herself and become someone she’d hate.
9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
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Same person as before. I don’t know who she is, but she’s my muse.
10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
I believe Pride is going to give her a looot of trouble.
11. What are your OC’s hobbies?
She loves ice skating, singing, dancing in the moonlight and chilling on the grassy ground, watching the clouds pass by.
12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
This little firecracker is somewhere in the middle ground, because yes, she is definitely patient in a lot of circumstances, but Gods, when she gets angry or impatient, you can literally see fire around her.
13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
Kitsune is a human girl who never thought of love, as she was married to her work as an assassin, but when she arrives in Masyaf, she falls in love with Malik Al’Sayf.
14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
Cherries! She loves fruits in general, but she LOVES to seductively eats strawberries or tie cherry steam knots! On the other hand, she won’t eat anything that looks weird or not aesthetic.
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Give this girl a horse, she loves feeling the feeling of wind in her face as she feels the horse speeding up! It’s like she’s on a motorbike again, but a bit different!
16. What does your OC smell like?
Vanilla and Roses <3
17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
Kitsune is the Master Assassin of the Japanese Brotherhood’s Stealth Branch, so it’s needless to say that she gets her pay from this.
18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
She fears getting close to anyone, only to have them dying on her again, just like her parents and older brother. Her weaknesses are her physical strength, her fear of the unknown and the fear of failure. She is small, fast and agile, has an amazing sight and always does her job at perfection, thanks to her ruthlessness, and can easily seduce and manipulate people with words and a simple bat of her long lashes.
19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
Give her the loudest rock music and the best trap and dubstep remixes, she loves the energy she gets from those kids of songs.
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
She is from our world...Sort of, so she won’t have too much of a problem living her life at leisure.
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
She has a hard time straying from the rules or showing mercy because she’s been brought up by the Brotherhood since she was 7. Her parents died at such a young age (as they too were assassins) that she doesn’t remember them, and the man who took care of her, as per her parents’ death wish, died when she had to assist him on her first mission, at 12 years old, which was a chaos and he died saving her so she could make sure the mission was a success.
Her pet peeves are people getting too close to her when talking, breathing too loudly, children misbehaving and slow internet.
22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
She didn’t actually go to a regular school, but was trained and taught by the brotherhood, where she was an incredibly perfectionist and diligent student.
23. What is a random fact about your OC?
She absolutely L O V E S to playfully flirt with people she likes, which makes Malik the one to endure all her flirting.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
She doesn’t care if she dies or not, as long as she’s happy. She’s an assassin, she’s been fearless for as long as she can remember.
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fan-character? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
I love Malik, I want someone to flirt a lot with him, I flirt a lot with my friends, and hell, Kitsune, as I said, she basically myself with green eyes and maybe better make up skills. 
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them that still has an impact and why?
The most important person in her life that is alive is Malik now, as her “Elder brother” died, and she never got personally close to anyone in the brotherhood, only professionally.
There’s nobody who really influences her negatively, apart from her own self and her perfectionism/over-thinking or the brotherhood creed.
You could say that, half-jokingly, her least favourite person is Altair because he’s a jerk who caused Malik to lose his arm and Kadar to die, but she forgives him when she sees true redemption in him.
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
It was a pretty basic childhood, her elder brother taking care of her while studying and training for the brotherhood, and for her, that was normality so nothing was weird.
28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
She bites her lip very hard, until the point she draws blood, she cracks her knuckles a lot and she has a sort of internet addiction that went down the drain when she went back in time and realised her Brotherhood wouldn’t/couldn’t bring her back in her times.
29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
I went down in the flames of success, so better throw my ashes in the Haunted Mansion from Disneyland Paris, or I’m gonna haunt everyone.
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
She’s an assassin, so she sees no reason to marry, or worse, have children, which she can’t stand. However, that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t want to to wear a pretty dress, have a nice hairstyle and make up and dance in the moonlight, alone, with Malik. It’s the closest she would get to a normal, domestic family.
31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Her brother dying in front of her, and him yelling for her to finish the mission and return to the Brotherhood, otherwise they’d kill her is a scene that still haunts her every nightmare.
On the other hand, her favourite memory is her brother singing to her that Lullaby, something which she took up and would sometimes sing to Malik, or would sneak out at night and sing while dancing by herself, trying to find a bit of freedom and sense of self.
32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
Her brother back...And maybe some fucking WiFi and electricity...And a bathtub...With bath bombs...And scented candles...
33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
She’s an assassin who struggles with showing mercy, need I say more?
34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
She’s the one who flirts and jokes a lot, I guess you could say she’s the popular girl stereotype?
In an RPG, she’d be the assassin, rogue or even warlock or necromancer, without a doubt.
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
She doesn’t have too much time to day-dream, but now that she’s stuck in the past, she has more free time to do nothing but imagine random scenarios that would never happen.
Kitsune doesn’t live in the past or future, she lives in the moment...In a way that is borderline robotic and as if she tries to forget the fact that she’s human at all.
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
She wants to find a life that won’t bind her to the Brotherhood in a way that she’d have to sacrifice everything for it. She wants a normal life that still has some of the assassin thrill, but not the risks...Keep the adrenaline though, she hates getting bored.
She doesn’t know yet what or how to achieve this utopia, but perhaps the fact that she’s in the past, with a Brotherhood that she’s not officially part of, might prove enough for her.
37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
Does anyone flirt in Assassins Creed 1? Because if they don’t, Kitsune does A LOT.
38. What would your character do with a million dollars?
She’d take Malik with her and travel the world, exploring every inch of it, away from everybody she knows, and going to all theme and amusement parks.
39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
Her laptop, phone and tablet on the nightstand, along with a water bottle and food. She has notebooks and ink and feathers on the ground next to her bed, since she’s usually too lazy to go to the table. There’s...No fridge in Masyaf, unfortunatelly...No more chocolate or ice cream... Lots of sketches and messed up scrolls in the trash.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
She’s so used to wearing either assassin or sexy clothes, that she chooses to wear something so simple and casual, like a pair of sneakers and a simple sundress, taking Malik on a walk at night, as during the day she wouldn’t really be able to dress as revealing, in public.
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
She tries to calm herself, but when she can’t help herself, she’d either go physically or verbally violent and harsh, depending on the gravity of the situation.
It doesn’t take long to piss her off, but it takes a LOT to actually get her to lose her temper.
42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?
She has a scar on the left side of her face, going from the forehead, to her eye and down to the middle of her cheek, because of the accident in Solomon’s Temple when she sneaked to get the artifact.
43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
“Tell me… Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted? Why Don’t You Slip Into Something More Comfortable. Like A Coma? Wait, don’t worry, I can help with that. Whatever permission you thought you had to speak to me, I hereby remove. Honestly, did I ask you anything? No? Good, because nobody asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood.”
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?
Can’t take it, especially if it’s not sugar coated or said in a gentle way, so she could understand it’s not an insult or an attack, but a suggestion.
She’d do whatever she wants regardless.
45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
Pick up the pineapple slices, throw them at Altair’s face, then eat the pizza slice with no problem.
46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themselves. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?
Would keep it safer than her own heart and would try to track down whoever did the doll, in order to kill them. She doesn’t need potential killers on her case.
47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
She’s not too bad, but she likes drawings plants, animals and landscapes, which is why she likes to draw every plant she collects. On the other hand, she can’t doodle when absent-minded, she only taps the front of the pen on the table or paper.
48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
She didn’t really know them, as they died when she was too young, so they didn’t exactly affect her in any way. They weren’t bad people, despite being assassins, but as far as she heard around the Brotherhood, they were diligent, intelligent and reliable, so she was proud to be their daughter.
49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
She doesn’t get sugar rushes, nor does she eat too many sweets at once, but if she’s in a playful mood, she can get a bit more energetic than usual.
50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
She’d try to see if it can be avoided, but if not, not a big deal for her. She’d just do the weirdest things possible and spend quality time with Malik and Altair, maybe even trying to make the Masyaf Brotherhood a better place, teaching them new healing methods and whatever...If she was in a good mood, at least.
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centralparkpawsblog · 4 years
Royal Canin vs. Blue Buffalo
Yesterday I picked up another bag of prescription dog food from my vet office.
Sophie and Calvin have severe food allergies and require a hypoallergenic prescription diet.
We are currently paying $3.63 per pound of food, which gets pretty expensive for three dogs.
To make things easier, I’ve always just fed all the dogs the same food, but recently I’ve considered changing Ginger’s kibble since she doesn’t require a special diet.
I’m not considering putting her on “cheap” food but instead trying a food that is high quality yet less expensive.
I’ve not made the transition yet, as I am still in the research phase. I want to keep Ginger on a food that contains grains until more information is discovered regarding the grain-free diet’s impact on heart disease.
Ginger is 7-years old, reasonably active, and maintains a healthy weight. She had surgery on her femur when she was nine months old. So, early arthritis is almost guaranteed.
The food I am looking for should include Omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin, as well as being rich in healthy lean proteins to promote healthy muscles.
Can either Blue Buffalo or Royal Canin provide the food my dog needs?
Blue Buffalo’s Company History
Blue Buffalo was inspired by a dog named, you guessed it, Blue.
Blue was Bill Bishop’s beloved Airedale.
Mr. Bishop’s interest in dog food was prompted after Blue had been diagnosed with cancer.
Though Blue Buffalo grew into a large pet food company, it remained a family-owned business until 2018 when General Mills purchased the company.
Blue Buffalo’s 3 Best Sellers:
Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula
Blue Buffalo Wilderness High Protein
Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Small Breed
Interested in learning more about Blue Buffalo? Check out our other comparisons against Purina Pro Plan, Nutro, Fromm, Taste of the Wild, and Merrick as well as our review of their brand in general. 
Royal Canin’s Company History
Royal Canin was established in France in 1968 by a veterinarian Jean Cathary.
During Cathary’s career, he came to believe that food greatly impacted an animal’s health.
The first recipe created by Cathary was called “yellow soup[1]“, which was a canine formula.
Over the years, Royal Canin was purchased multiple times, continuing to grow and becoming a global brand.
As Royal Canin expanded, so did the variety of foods they offered.
In 2002 they joined the MARS team and still remain a part of that company.
Royal Canin’s 3 Best Sellers:
Royal Canin Health Nutrition Small Adult Dry Dog Food
Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Mini Puppy Dry Dog Food
Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Medium Adult Dry Dog Food
Interested in learning more about the Royal Canin brand? Check out our other comparison against Acana as well as our review of their Urinary SO dry dog food. 
Both brands have recalled some of their dog food products, for various reasons.
Royal Canin Recalls
In the last 12 years, Royal Canin had 2 recalls in 2007, both about melamine contamination.
Since 2007, Royal Canin has not had any other recalls.
Click the plus symbol for a complete list of Royal Canin’s recalls.
Royal Canin Recall List
May 2007
There were eight Sensible Choice dry dog foods and six Kasco dry dog foods impacted in this recall. The recall was initiated due to melamine being found in the food, “…from tainted Chinese rice protein concentrate provided to the company by domestic ingredient supplier Cereal Byproducts, headquartered in Illinois[2]”.
Sensible Choice Foods impacted in the recall:
Chicken and Rice Adult (Dry Dog Food)
Chicken and Rice Reduced (Dry Dog Food)
Lamb and Rice Reduced (Dry Dog Food)
Chicken and Rice Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
Chicken and Rice Large Breed Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
NATURAL BLEND Adult (Dry Dog Food)
NATURAL BLEND Senior (Dry Dog Food)
NATURAL BLEND Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
KASCO Foods impacted in the recall:
Chunks (Dry Dog Food)
Hi Energy (Dry Dog Food)
Maintenance (Dry Dog Food)
Mealettes (Dry Dog Food)
Mini Chunks (Dry Dog Food)
Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
April 2007
There were seven dog foods related to this recall, two of which were prescription foods[3].
The recall was due to melamine found in the rice protein they use in the foods.
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Dry Dog Food:
Canine Early Cardiac EC 2
Canine Skin Support SS21
Sensible Choice Dry Dog Food:
Chicken Meal & Rice Formula Senior
Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Puppy
Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Adult
Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Senior
Rice & Catfish Meal Formula Adult
  Blue Buffalo Recalls
Blue Buffalo has had seven recalls in the last 12 years.
Click the plus symbol for a complete list of Blue Buffalo’s recalls.
Blue Buffalo Recall List
March 2017
Only one wet food was included in this recall, which was due to high levels of beef thyroid hormones in the food[4].
Blue Wilderness Rocky Mountain Recipe Red Meat Dinner Wet Food
February 2017
Only a single variety of canned dog food was involved in this recall. The recall was initiated due to possible aluminum contamination[5].
Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipe Healthy Weight, Chicken Dinner with Garden Vegetables, 12.5 ounce can
February 2017
This recall was based on a packaging error[6].
The foil tops of these foods had quality issues.
There were 13 Blue Devine Delights in the 3.5 oz cup and 4 Blue Wilderness Trail Trays affected.
Blue Divine Delights impacted in the recall:
Filet Mignon Flavor in Gravy
New York Strip Flavor in Gravy
Prime Rib Flavor in Gravy
Rotisserie Chicken Flavor in Gravy
Filet Mignon Flavor
Porterhouse Flavor
Grilled Chicken Flavor
Top Sirloin Flavor
Angus Beef Flavor
Roasted Turkey Flavor
Bacon, Egg, and Cheese
Sausage, Egg and Cheese Flavor
Steak and Egg Flavor
Blue Wilderness Trail Trays impacted in the recall:
Duck Grill
Beef Grill
Chicken Grill
Turkey Grill
May 2016
Blue Buffalo voluntarily recalled one of their Life Protection formulas due to high moisture and possible mold content[7].
Life Protection Formula Impacted:
30 lb Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Fish & Sweet Potato
November 2015
Only one lot of one dog chew variety was impacted in this recall, which was due to possible salmonella contamination[8].
Cub Size Wilderness Wild Chews Bones
October 2010
Three dog food varieties were part of this recall, which was due to a possible excess of Vitamin D[9].
Dry Dog Foods impacted in the recall:
5 lb, 11 lb, 24 lb Blue Wilderness Chicken Flavor dry dog food
11 lb, 24 lb Blue Basics Limited Ingredient Formula Salmon and Potato Recipe dry dog food
30lb Blue Life Protection Formula Natural Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Large Breed Adult dog food
April 2007
This recall is the same one that impacted Royal Canin, due to melamine contamination[10].
All of Blue Buffalo’s Canned Dog Foods, as well as the Blue Dog Treats, were recalled.
  What’s Important When Choosing a Dog Food?
Specific to your Dog
Health – GI issues such as chronic pancreatitis or irritable bowel disease, Heart or Kidney Disease, Allergies, and so on
Energy Level
Specific to the Dog Food
Dog food company’s reputation
Where the ingredients are sourced
Where the food is manufactured
Comparison of Blue Buffalo vs Royal Canin
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo wins because the company offers multiple protein options.
Additionally, Blue Buffalo’s recipes contain superfood ingredients like kelp, blueberries, and turmeric.
Many of Blue Buffalo recipes have also been enhanced with probiotics to improve digestive health.
Royal Canin is a chicken and grain focused food.
Though it lacks in protein variety, it does contain essential ingredients such as beet pulp, fish oil, and glucosamine.
  Winner: Royal Canin   
Royal Canin has both retail and veterinary food lines.
As for the retail options, there is a specific recipe for:
Specific breeds
Special needs like weight management, digestive sensitivities, and stress support
Each category contains several options. There are over 80 retail varieties.
Blue Buffalo also has a wide variety of food lines, including a veterinary line:
BLUE Life Protection Formula
BLUE Freedom
BLUE Basics
BLUE Wilderness
BLUE Carnivora
BLUE Natural Veterinary Food
But Blue Buffalo lacks breed-specific varieties and some other options Royal Canin covers.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo (Almost a Tie)   
It was close, but Blue Buffalo came out on top, despite averaging $2.21/pound.
Though the per pound price is slightly higher, the superfoods added to the recipes put this one on top.
Royal Canin is a well-priced food averaging $2.09/ pound.
Royal Canin is high-quality food, but there is a lack of superfoods on the ingredient list.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Both foods are equal when it comes to online shopping.
However, Blue Buffalo can be found at all large pet stores, pet boutique shops, large hardware stores, and grocery markets.
Royal Canin can be seen in most pet stores, both large and boutique, but it is not a brand found in non-pet retail stores.
Shop Blue Buffalo at Amazon
Shop Blue Buffalo at Chewy
Shop Royal Canin at Amazon
Shop Royal Canin at   Chewy
  Winner: Royal Canin   
This was another close competition, but Royal Canin was the winner.
No one snubbed Blue Buffalo, but when given the option between the two, my dogs chose Royal Canin.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo is the clear winner.
Blue Buffalo is involved in four community programs.
Pet Cancer Awareness[11]
Sierra Delta Service Dogs for Heroes[12]
Canine Cancer Genome Project[13]
Shelter Stars/Home 4 the Holidays[14]
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo is the overall winner; it is well priced and available at far more retailers than Royal Canin.
Although Royal Canin won the variety category, Blue Buffalo still has more options than many other dog food lines.
However, there are few other situations I felt it is worth mentioning that one food would be more optimal than the other:
Breed Specific Winner: Royal Canin
Giant Breed Winner: Royal Canin
Non-Prescription Hypo-Allergenic Food Winner: Blue Buffalo
Final Thoughts
Both foods have their strengths and are commonly well received.
However, the number of recalls associated with Blue Buffalo gives me pause.
There haven’t been any recalls in the last two years, but they do carry more recalls than several other companies. This is not to say they are a bad company, but it is noteworthy.
Royal Canin is a brand carried by most veterinary clinics, which makes me more comfortable with this brand.
However, the lack of a variety of proteins and the overall ingredient list makes me wonder if it is the best choice.
Rarely is protein the first ingredient on the list, which is reflected in a lower protein percentage.
At this point, neither of the foods is precisely what I am looking for, so it appears I will need to continue my search.
The post Royal Canin vs. Blue Buffalo appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/royal-canin-vs-blue-buffalo/
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danielstastypetfood · 6 years
Veterinarian’s Guide on Buying and Using Dog Food for Sensitive Stomachs
Many dogs suffer from tummy troubles from time to time. If your pet is among these, he may benefit from a “sensitive stomach” formulation. These types of foods are usually made with limited ingredients that are proven to help with digestive upset. Dog food for sensitive stomachs need to be chosen carefully, as they aren’t all created equally.
There’s a number of sensitive stomach dog food formulas, but not every one of them will fit every case and pet. Moreover, a diet change in itself could be a part of the diagnostic process as well. Many times, a sensitive stomach diet is helpful in managing your dog’s particular condition. It’s important that you discuss all of these options with a vet before picking a specific dog food brand or making any changes yourself.
In my practice, I often see pet owners who come after attempting to fix the problem of dog food allergy or sensitive stomach themselves, only to later see more complications. Remember that making dietary changes on your own could lead to worse digestive upset or a nutritional deficiencies in your dog. Your veterinarian will do a full examination of your dog to assist you in choosing a dog food for sensitive stomachs that will meet all of his dietary needs.
ALSO READ: 9 Tips on How to Feed Dogs With Sensitive Stomachs
Dog Food for Sensitive Stomachs the vet’s guide for pet owners
When Is Dog Food for Sensitive Stomachs Needed?
Sensitive stomach in dogs can be a quick-to-fix GI issue, or it can become a huge problem that may or may not stay with your dog for the rest of his life. Every pet owner will have to understand at least the basics of how to deal with sensitive stomach in dogs (Merck Vet Manual is a good resource). If your pooch experiences some or all of these symptoms, be sure to have a check-up with your veterinarian before switching diets:
excessive gas
anal gland issues
occasional vomiting
occasional loose stool
poor appetite
Likewise, dogs with a history of pancreatitis may benefit from dog food for sensitive stomachs. These symptoms may be warning signs of a more serious digestive problem. Your veterinarian may recommend a basic or even more advanced diagnostic work-up before making a diet change.
Some cases are most commonly treated using dog food for sensitive stomachs. Conditions that commonly will require a sensitive stomach dog food include:
bacterial overgrowth
antibiotic-responsive diarrhea
digestive enzyme deficiency
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Your dog’s diagnosis can help determine which way to go in choosing a sensitive stomach dog food. Dogs with very mild symptoms may benefit from trying an over-the-counter diet first. Many can be managed this way successfully. However, if digestive problems worsen or a working or presumptive diagnosis is reached, a prescription dog food diet should be strongly considered.
How to Switch to a Sensitive Stomach Diet
Changing diets should always be done slowly, especially for dogs with a sensitive stomach. Start by mixing about 10% of the new food with 90% old food. Feed this mixture for 2 days, then over the course of 10 days, gradually increase the amount of new food being fed. At day 5, a 50:50 mixture is typical and day 10 is 100% new food.
If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian for guidance.
If your dog has developed a sensitive stomach soon after switching foods, talk to your veterinarian before switching back or to something else. Tummy troubles from a diet change typically are “self-limiting” and only last for a few days. If problems continue for more than a week, a more serious issue may be at hand.
RECOMMENDED: 7 Best Canned Dog Foods for Dogs with Sensitive Stomach
Picking Dog Food for Sensitive Stomachs
Home-cooked dog food for sensitive stomachs is sometimes the best option, especially if a food intolerance or allergy is suspected. Proteins are the most common culprit in cases of food intolerance or allergy, so a ‘novel’ protein source, such as bison, venison or kangaroo can be included in a home-cooked diet.
With homemade dog food, you know with certainty what exactly is going into your dog’s food. You can find a lot of homemade dog food recipes online, or get them from your veterinarian or canine nutritionist. Editor-in-Chief Samantha has published a few good homemade dog food recipes for sensitive stomachs:
Homemade Dog Food for Sensitive Stomach
Pumpkin Dog Biscuits for Sensitive Stomachs
Limited Ingredient Peanut Butter and Banana Dog Treats
While this feeding approach is best for certain cases of sensitive stomach, home-cooking is not as simple as it seems. Because of potential dangers of homemade dog food cooking, this needs to be done very carefully and under the guidance of a veterinary nutritionist, complete with a balanced recipe and follow all the instructions to the letter.
Devising a new diet for your Fido can be very complicated. After you consult with a vet or canine nutritionist, and if you still decide to go the home-cooking route, make sure to read up on this and find as much helpful advice as possible to make well-balanced meals. Several excellent resources on homemade dog food for sensitive stomach (and other conditions) are available online and through veterinary nutrition services, such as:
Balance It – Online Pet Food Balancing Calculator
University of California-Davis Veterinary Nutrition Service
Dr. Susan Wynn – holistic veterinarian and veterinary nutritionist
Many trusted dog food companies make over-the-counter sensitive stomach dog foods if you don’t have the time to make your own. Often, this is where concerned pet parents start when their dog starts to show signs of a sensitive stomach. These diets can certainly help and are often more affordable than prescription alternatives. 
MORE TIPS: 10 Ways to Prevent and Treat Stomach Upset in Dogs
What to Look for in Sensitive Stomach Foods?
When you’re finally on the lookout for dog food for sensitive stomachs, your veterinarian or a canine nutritionist will be your best resource. They will advise you on which food will meet your dog’s unique nutritional needs, because every pet’s case will be different and require a set of specific nutrients (both to include and to avoid).
Some of the features a dog expert is likely to recommend when picking sensitive stomach dog food include:
Moderate levels of easily digestible carbohydrates are best for energy and weight maintenance.
High-quality proteins such as chicken, egg or fish.
The best carbs for sensitive stomachs are rice, brown rice, brewer’s rice, whole-grain oats, and pearled barley.
High fiber levels (soluble and insoluble) help the gut maintain its best function. Good sources of fiber in dog food include: dried beet pulp, whole grains, flaxseeds.
These are special types of carbohydrates that help to support healthy gut microflora.
High levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA. These can have a mild anti-inflammatory benefit and support many body systems.
What to Avoid in Sensitive Stomach Foods?
Avoid high-protein and high-fat dog foods if your dog has a sensitive stomach. Also, avoid raw diets, as dogs with sensitive stomachs may have compromised immune and digestive systems. Harmful bacteria found in raw meats, such as E. coli and Salmonella, can cause serious infection.
If your dog is suffering with gastrointestinal issues, you should also avoid Paleo, Low Carb and Grain Free diets. These can worsen diarrhea and vomiting in certain dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Finally, even some dog food for sensitive stomachs recipes will not be a good fit for your pet depending on his individual situation and tummy problem causes. This is why it’s important to see a veterinarian and do some testing before deciding on the dietary approach and picking the next dog food formulation.
MORE: What to Feed a Dog With An Upset Stomach
Top Sensitive Stomach Dry Formulas
There’s a number of what could be considered best dog food for sensitive stomach recipes available online (both dry kibble and wet food). In most case, none of those will be far superior than others, but some formulas are better than others for a specific case or your individual dog. Also, some companies invest a lot more into research and science of finding most appropriate ingredients, and those are usually vet recommended brands.
Some puppies begin to show signs of a sensitive stomach early in life. It is possible to support both their gut health and their growth with a properly formulated diet. Properly formulated puppy foods that also support a sensitive stomach is hard to find.
A good one to try is Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Dry Food. Royal Canin has been a leader in canine nutrition for over 40 years. Their foods are trusted by veterinarians and puppy parents alike.
This dog food for sensitive stomachs will give you the peace of mind that your pup is receiving balanced nutrition for growth, omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA for brain development and proper digestive support to help prevent tummy troubles.
Adult and Senior
More options are available over-the-counter for adult dogs than puppies. Many of these are very similar to one another in formulation and ingredients list. The choice may come down to availability, cost and how well your dog likes the taste. Most of these can also be used as senior dog food for sensitive stomachs after discussing with a vet.
Examples include:
Hill’s Science Diet Sensitive Stomach & Skin Chicken and Barley
Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach Salmon and Rice
Nature’s Recipe Chicken, Rice and Barley Stew
The Veterinarian’s Go-To
I’ve mentioned that some brands are more preferred by veterinarians because these companies spend a lot more money and time to hire scientists and nutritionist to formulate accurate, science-based dog food for sensitive stomachs formulas. Here are two of the go-tos that myself and my colleagues will often recommend.
Hill’s Prescription Diet i/d Digestive Care has been a “gold standard” sensitive stomach food for decades. Its formula has changed a bit in the last few years and more variety has been added to its line, including tasty “stew” canned options.
Hill’s i/d is a low-fat “intestinal” diet that contains easily digested proteins and carbohydrates, as well as a balance of vitamins and minerals suitable for adult and senior dogs. It is sometimes called the “balanced chicken and rice diet” for dogs – bland, low-fat homemade chicken and rice is often well-tolerated by dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Many of these dogs do well on homemade chicken and rice, but this type of diet is not recommended, as it is incredibly nutritionally deficient and should not be fed long-term. Hill’s takes ‘chicken and rice’ to the next level by making it convenient, affordable, and nutritionally balanced for safe short or long-term feeding.
If your veterinarian prefers Royal Canin Gastrointestinal or if Hill’s i/d isn’t available, this is an excellent alternative dog food for sensitive stomachs. Royal Canin also has a ‘high energy’ option, which is best for dogs in poor body condition or those that are very active. If your dog is at risk for or suffers from chronic pancreatitis, Royal Canin’s ‘low fat’ gastrointestinal diet is an excellent choice. Deborah Shores, DVM also wrote a list of most common vet recommended dog foods if you’d like to explore other alternatives of what your veterinarian is likely to recommend.
Food Intolerances and Allergy
Sometimes, a sensitive stomach is caused by an actual food allergy or intolerance. Diagnosis can be made through ‘diet trials’ and specialized testing. These cases need to be handled carefully and veterinarians often recommend a hypoallergenic diet.
Hypoallergenic diets are formulated with the protein structure so small that the immune system can’t detect it. If the immune system cannot detect it – a reaction (and the fallout of symptoms) is much less likely.
Several hypoallergenic diets are available, including:
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Hydrolyzed Protein PS Adult Dry Formula – Main ingredients are hydrolyzed soy protein, potato, coconut oil, potato protein and fish oil.
Hill’s Science Prescription Diet z/d – Main ingredients are hydrolyzed chicken liver, corn starch and soybean oil.
Purina HA Hydrolyzed Dry Formula – Main ingredients include hydrolyzed soy protein, canola oil and vegetable starch.
The Doggy-Bag: Take-Home Message
Dogs with sensitive stomachs can often benefit from specialized dog food. In some cases, other recipes such as limited ingredient formulas, foods for dogs with allergies, or specially designed dog foods for GI problems can also work, but you’ll need to have your pooch tested to rule out certain health problems and find specific causes.
It is always important to talk to your veterinarian before making a switch to a new diet. Certain nuances or specifics about your dog’s condition can make a difference when selecting an appropriate food. Finding the right food for a dog with digestive issues can take some time but luckily there are many options out there to try.
READ NEXT: Dietary Guidelines for Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs
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juliadgaddis · 7 years
Normal, Then Not.
 When they first moved in with us, nothing seemed out of the ordinary with Annabel, Rosalita, and Chip. They came to us with a touch of diarrhea -- but that's completely typical for kittens transitioning from liquids to solids. Things are always a little rocky during this stage of kittenhood. Every time I entered their room, they raced to the cage door, climbed the bars, and screamed their baby cries. "HOORAY! IT'S YOU! We've been waiting for YOU!" they sang until I opened the door, plucked them off, and put them in my arms.  It was always a warm welcome with this crew -- they were very good at making you feel loved. Each meal they were served a plate of "kitten gruel" -- a mix of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement) and wet food. They would eat a little on their own but didn't take in enough by themselves to fill their bellies, so they required a little hand-feeding by syringe to top things off.  They weren't gaining weight, but they weren't losing weight, which was good. Their activity level was great -- they scampered and chased each other like kittens of that age should. They played with furry mice and mylar balls. They discovered the joy of scratching cardboard.  They made biscuits on their fuzzy blankets and each other.  They were a little wobbly at times, but I don't think that was due to weakness, rather, the absence of tails. For those first few days, everything felt completely fine.  There were no worries -- we were just enjoying getting to know these three delights. But come Monday, things started to shift. Their diarrhea got much worse. Their interest in food became noticeably less -- they would investigate what was served, but only took a bite or two, if that. I began feeding them all of their meals by syringe, but what was going in, just raced through their bodies and none of the calories seemed to be sticking.  I made an appointment with the Foster Department for the next morning and gave everyone a round of Sub-Q fluids that night. Annabel provided a fresh fecal sample on the blanket in the carrier once we arrived at the shelter Tuesday morning, which tested negative for parasites. We returned with probiotics, more fluids, a nutritional supplement, and a prescription food for GI issues. We continued with the hand-feeding and fluids, but come Wednesday, everyone was dropping weight, losing energy, feeling frail, and sleeping much more than normal, so we made another appointment and returned to the shelter early Thursday. We came home with a new prescription food, a broad-spectrum dewormer, antibiotics, and instructions to continue with all of the supportive care we've been giving them. So, we did all of that and worried and waited and hoped for things to get better, but they didn't. Annabel started slipping severely that afternoon. Her breathing was labored, her tiny 8-oz body was limp, so we raced to the shelter before Doc left for the day.  There was nothing to be done to save her, so we said our goodbyes. Because of the symptoms, their age, and the rapid rate of her decline, it was suspected that Panleukopenia might have been the cause of her death, so she was tested for the virus, and an hour later I got a call confirming that she did have it. Of course, we had been through all of this once before with Wylla's brother, so we knew what our course of action was: clean like crazy and hope the others don't have the virus too. We put Chip and Rosalita into a carrier while we bleached their cage, removed their linens, toys, dishes, and litter box and replaced them with fresh ones.  Once everything was clean, we returned them to their cage, then bleached the floor of the room and all surrounding surfaces. We fed them, gave them their meds and fluids, then called it a night, though technically, I think it was already morning. Come Friday, Lita was much weaker, and it was clear by the speed of her decline that the virus had its grip on her.  That afternoon we took her to the shelter and said goodbye. Chip actually seemed to have a little more energy on Friday, and things were looking up for him. With Panleuk, there usually are no ups and downs, just downs and downs, so any sign that things were going up could mean that he didn't have the virus, so I was feeling a little hopeful for him. I watched him closely. Mostly he slept and would wake up on occasion to toddle over to the litter box, return to bed, then sit, blink a few times, then nap again.  He ate his lunch under protest and with clenched jaws, but I did manage to get some food in.  But as the day progressed he became weaker, struggled more,  and my hope faded. Around 5:00 PM, I wrapped my favorite kitten blanket around him -- a pale yellow flannel from my own childhood with a print of white, bright-eyed kittens with bows covering it.   We had a little conversation and I let him know how special he was, how much he was loved, and how grateful I was to have met him and his sisters. When I was done talking, he let out the few dry sounds that sounded like weak "I'm hungry" cries, so I unwrapped him, set him down, and ran to get a can of kitten food.  I offered him a plate of gravy and he ate it on his own --- something I hadn't seen since Monday.  When he was through he walked, though a little wobbly, to the cage door,  over the edge, up my arm, and onto my shoulder.  In his weakened state, I could hardly believe he could manage such a feat. I called to Craig, and together we marveled at this recent rally. I spent the evening cuddling Chip, then fed him again, gave him fluids, warmed his bed, changed the linens in his cage, scooped the box, and tucked him in at 1:00 AM. We went to bed feeling hope-filled and had a peaceful night's sleep --- the best sleep I had all week. I got up at 6:00 AM, opened the door to the kitten room and called his name, fully expecting to hear a bright kitten rustling, then racing to the cage door. Nothing. Silence. I walked over to the cage, pulled back the sheet I had wrapping the sides, and saw that dear little Chip had left us. His cage was undisturbed -- not a grain of litter moved in the box, no signs he got up in the night. Everything was as tidy as it was when I put him to bed.  I think he just went to sleep then drifted away peacefully. As crushing as it was to find him gone, I am so grateful he gave me that last night.  My last memories of him on Earth are good ones. Here's a video I took during his little "rally" at the end.  The photo above was taken right after I put him to bed on his last night.
We've spent the last week doing some very deep cleaning. The kitten room has been scoured, and we bagged up and took a load of contaminated kittten gear to the dump.  Though the kittens were in quarantine, traces of the virus could have been tracked out, so all floors have been scrubbed and bleached in our house. We're not worried about the girls'  -- they are fully vaccinated and healthy.  Panleuk gets the vulnerable ones, like our Waddells, who were no longer receiving antibodies from mom's milk and too tiny for their first round of vaccines. All of this has been a lot to process. It happened very fast -- we lost three kittens in less than 36 hours.  It had been a hard week leading up to that too, so I was feeling pretty raw, stressed, and sleep-deprived --- which isn't the best state to start wading through something like this. Craig has been amazingly understanding and sweet. The girls, though I don't think they understand what happened, know something is askew and have been extra-loving and are always close by. I'm still sorting through a lot of stuff in my head and figuring out what's to come, so I'm not holding myself to any blogging or social media schedule right now.  My plan, for now, is to just post when I feel like sharing. I know this blog is normally a bright spot and escape for you. I'm sorry, especially during these really hard times that our country is going through,  that I can't offer that place for you right now. I appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.  I also appreciate your love, support,  sweet notes, many comments, and kind words. I know this is your loss too and we all have some grieving to do.  We'll get through this. XOXO Laurie
from The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee http://www.theittybittykittycommittee.com/2017/09/normal-then-not.html
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Nutro vs Blue Buffalo
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/518aeeVAqtL.jpg The other day I received a panicked call from a friend, Sarah, who just got her first dog.
Her panic was over the abundance of choices of kibble at the pet store, which as a dog parent I totally get.
Her new dog is a medium-sized mix breed. The shelter guessed the dog to be about six years old.
Because she wasn’t sure about the breed or the personality of the dog, I suggested she start with a non-specialty formula, meaning not grain-free or for a specific activity level.
The gal working at the store suggested Nutro and Blue Buffalo.
Unfortunately, these were brands I wasn’t familiar with, so I had to hop online and do some research.
On the surface, both companies looked pretty similar, offering a price-friendly well-balanced food.
I wanted to delve a bit deeper into each company and learn more about their histories and overall product lines.
I was able to find some pretty interesting information about the two companies, though the nicest surprise was the numerous recipe varieties each company offers.
Curious how Blue Buffalo stacks up against other brands? Check out this brand’s comparison with Merrick and Taste of the Wild!
Nutro Company History
Nutro was started by Herben Serois in September of 1931, in Santa Monica, California[1].
Nutro originally sold dog, cat, and fox food to the pet food industry.
In 1942, Mr. Serois passed away at the age of 63.
There is some confusion as to when Mr. Saleen purchased Nutro, but recent evidence shows he purchased Nutro in 1947, not 1926[2].
Nutro was a family operated company until 1975, at which point it was sold for the 3rd time.
There is no documentation regarding who ran the company between the death of Mr. Serois and when Mr. Saleen later purchased it.
Ed Brown, Dave Traitel, and the other unnamed silent partners purchased Nutro in 1975[3].
Between 1975 and 2005, Mr. Brown eventually bought out his partners and took over sole ownership of Nutro until 2005.
A company by the name of Bain & Associates bought the company in 2005 but only kept it for two years, until 2007.
In 2007, Mars Incorporated purchased Nutro[4], making it once again a family owned and operated pet food company.
Nutro has 5 Different Dry Dog Food Lines
Nutro offers special recipes within each of the five different food lines for different life stages, weight management, and different breed sizes.
The five food lines they offer are:
Grain Free
Wholesome Essentials
Limited Ingredient Diet
Nutro 3 Best Selling Dry Dog Foods
Wholesome Essentials Natural Adult Chicken, Brown Rice & Sweet Potato
Max Natural Adult with Farm Raised Chicken
Wholesome Essentials Adult Lamb and Rice
Blue Buffalo Company History
The inspiration behind Blue Buffalo is an Airedale named Blue[5].
The business was started in 2003 by Bill Bishop.
Blue Buffalo was initially a small family owned company; however, in 2018, the Bishop family sold the business to General Mills.
Blue Buffalo Varieties
Blue Buffalo has 5 different dry dog food lines:
Blue Life Protection – There are 23 varieties with specific formulas for adult dogs, puppies, seniors, breed size, and weight management. The Blue Life Protection lines are, “Formulated for the health and well-being,” of dogs.
Freedom Grain-Free – Has 12 different options ranging from puppies to seniors and a couple specific to breed sizes.
Basics Limited – This line is made up of 13 recipes and are all limited-ingredient formulas for dogs with food sensitivities. There are unique blends for weight management, puppies, adults, and seniors. Also, they have foods based on breed size as well.
Blue Wilderness– Like the other diets, they have individual formulas for different life stages and breed sizes. This line was, “Inspired by the diet of wolves, true omnivores whose endurance is legendary,” and is a grain-free high protein option.
Blue Natural Veterinary Diet – Exclusive to vet clinics.
Blue Buffalo 3 Best Selling Dry Dog Foods
Life Protection Formula Natural Adult Chicken and Brown Rice
Life Protection Formula Natural Adult Lamb and Brown Rice
Wilderness High Protein Grain Free Natural Adult Salmon
Nutro Recalls
In the last ten years, Nutro has only had one recall that affected their dog food products.
The recall occurred in September of 2009 when they discovered plastic on their production line[6].
The following is a list of foods involved:
Nutro Ultra Puppy
Nutro Natural Choice Chicken Meal Rice
Oatmeal Formula Small Bites Puppy
Since the 2009 recall due to plastic on the production line, there hasn’t been any other recalls on their dry dog food.
Blue Buffalo Recalls
Blue Buffalo has had six recalls in the last ten years involving their dog food products:
March 2017 – Blue Wilderness Rocky Mountain Recipe Red Meat Dinner Wet Food for Adult Dogs, due to high levels of beef thyroid hormones[7].
February 2017 – Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipe Healthy Weight, Chicken Dinner with Garden Vegetables, 12.5 ounce can, due to possible aluminum contamination[8].
February 2017 – The following varieties packaged in the 3.5 oz cup were impacted due to packaging issues with the foil cover[9]:
BLUE Divine Delights Filet Mignon Flavor in Gravy
BLUE Divine Delights New York Strip Flavor in Gravy
BLUE Divine Delights Prime Rib Flavor in Gravy
BLUE Divine Delights Rotisserie Chicken Flavor in Gravy
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Filet Mignon Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Porterhouse Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Grilled Chicken Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Top Sirloin Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Angus Beef Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Roasted Turkey Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate with Bacon, Egg, and Cheese
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Sausage, Egg and Cheese Flavor
BLUE Divine Delights Pate Steak and Egg Flavor
BLUE Wilderness Trail Trays Duck Grill
BLUE Wilderness Trail Trays Beef Grill
BLUE Wilderness Trail Trays Chicken Grill
BLUE Wilderness Trail Trays Turkey Grill
Does “New and Improved!” mean “Salmonella free”?
May 2016 – 30lb Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Fish & Sweet Potato Recipe, due to high moisture content[10].
November 2015 – Cub Size Wilderness Wild Chews Bones, due to possible salmonella contamination[11].
October 2010 – The following foods were impacted due to possible excess Vitamin D[12]:
4.5#, 11#, 24# Blue Wilderness Chicken Flavor dry dog food
11#, 24# Blue Basics Limited Ingredient Formula Salmon and Potato Recipe dry dog food
30# Blue Life Protection Formula Natural Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Large Breed Adult dog food
Most of these were voluntary recalls made due to the possibility of contamination, with no or minimal negative effects.
What’s Important When Choosing a Dog Food?
Obviously, we know that ingredients are essential in deciding which food would be the best match for our dog, but numerous other factors impact our buying decision.
There are two groups of elements that help us decide on the best dog food choice for our dogs.
The first group is the primary factors that directly relate to our dog’s specific needs, and the other group is the secondary aspects that aren’t related to our dogs.
Primary Factors
Health – Heart or kidney disease, GI issues such as chronic pancreatitis or irritable bowel disease, allergies, and so on can require dietary changes
Weight (gain or loss)
Energy Level
Secondary Factors
The dog food company’s reputation
Where the food is manufactured
Where the ingredients are sourced
Comparison of Nutro vs. Blue Buffalo
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
This was almost a tie since the two companies have similar product line variations; however, Blue Buffalo has enriched their foods with probiotics and also has a higher fiber, omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids content.
Another enhancement Blue Buffalo made to their products was to add BLUE LifeSource Bits, which are a precise blend of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Nutro does have impressive, extensive food lines. It is worth noting that their dry dog foods are all made up of non-GMO ingredients.
  Winner: Nutro   
The average price per pound for Nutro is about a dollar fifty and the average price per pound for Blue Buffalo over two dollars.   
The X Factor
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo’s exclusive LifeSource Bits are unique, and the added bump in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals is a definite bonus in any dog food.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo is available in almost all large pet stores, some boutique stores (but only select lines), some large hardware stores, and grocery store chains.
Nutro is available in most of the large chain stores like Pet Smart, Target, and Walmart, but not as many places as Blue Buffalo.
You can find Nutro at both Amazon and Chewy.
You can get Blue Buffalo from both Amazon and Chewy as well.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Dogs seem to prefer Blue Buffalo over Nutro.
The ingredient lists are similar, so there’s no apparent reason that stands out as to why one is preferred over the other except for the vagaries of taste.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo and Nutro are very similar products, but Blue Buffalo is available at more retailers, has the LifeSource Bits, and more importantly, the dogs’ votes!
If you are deciding between the two brands and are unable to choose between the two, maybe consider the fat and protein content.
The crude analyses between the foods vary and depending on your dog’s needs, and those might be worth factoring into your decision.
Also, if you are purchasing the food from a pet food retailer, many will let you return the open bag of food if your dog doesn’t eat it.
The post Nutro vs Blue Buffalo appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/nutro-vs-blue-buffalo/
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danielstastypetfood · 6 years
20 Signs of Stress in Dogs [Infographic]
For self-aware mammals like humans, stress signs are a good thing because that’s what helps us navigate and function in our daily lives. For dogs, on the other hand, there’s no way to use that information to their advantage without the help of owners. Recognizing signs of stress in dogs is vital for the overall well-being of your Fido.
Stress in animals, and dogs in particular, has been actively studied for the last three decades (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and researchers found effective ways not only to distinguish signs of stress in dogs but methods on how to relieve it quickly. More studies are ongoing and find new tell-tale signs like dog’s mouth licking and causes of stress like lack of sleep. Understanding your stressed dog’s behavior is the only way to prevent further health complications.
Here are 20 signs of stress in dogs you should watch out for, potential causes and a few things you can do to relieve stress in dogs:
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20 Signs of Stress in Dogs
1. Loss of Appetite
Your dog’s refusal to eat is one of the first and most common sign he’s likely stressed out. This can also be a sign of apathy, boredom or depression in the dog, all of which are more or less related to stress, too.
2. Appeasement Signals
Your dog exhibits slow movement, lip licking, exposing his underside, turning his head away or averting his eyes – these are signs of stress in dogs, and often go hand in hand.
3. Avoidance
Your pooch becomes less interested in things, more apathetic. Your normally playful dog is now shut down, consistently turning away, and avoids your touch.
4. Digestive Disturbances
Like with humans, tummy issues are often related to mental health. The dog’s digestive system is very sensitive to stress, and repeated vomiting and diarrhea (among other GI issues) could be signs of stress in dogs.
5. Displacement Behaviors
Excessive blinking, yawning, chattering teeth, nose licking, scratching, shaking off as if wet when dry. Each case separately will usually be a tell-tale sign of something else, but when a few are paired together, it could mean your dog is stressed.
6. Excessive grooming
Dogs are not cats and generally do not groom themselves too often. However, when stressed, dogs may excessively groom themselves even to the point of self-mutilation.
7. Hyperactivity
Hyperactivity is a common problem in canines and has been well-studied. When your dog engages in frantic behavior or constant restless pacing without stopping, stress could be the cause of it.
8. Clinging
Your dog wants to be in constant contact with you for reassurance. Pets who feel unease due to stress instinctively seek the help of and closeness to their owners.
9. Lowered Body Posture
Not always proven signs of stress in dogs, but slinking, cowering or being sneaky may be indication that your pooch is experiencing something uncomfortable.
10. Mouthing
This could go from gentle nibbling to painfully hard mouthing or snapping, all the way to biting. Mouthing is a common behavior problem and indicator of other problems, so you’ll need to watch out for other signs of stress in dogs alongside this one.
11. Panting
Your dog is breathing heavy or taking shallow rapid breaths, but hasn’t been physically active. When clearly observed, it’s one of the more obvious signs of a stressed animal.
12. Sweaty Paws
Like panting mentioned above, if your Fido hasn’t been physically very active, sweaty paws may be a sign that he’s stressed out.
13. Excessive Shedding
All dogs shed, but a stressed dog will clearly show an increase in shedding. You’ll start seeing a decrease in the amount and health of his fur, and begin finding far more dog hair around.
14. Destructive Behavior
Like mouthing, destructive behavior is common in dogs and can be caused due to many other reasons. However, studies show that dogs may try to alleviate stress by chewing or biting furniture, or even themselves.
15. Increased Sniffing
You’ll know your pooch may be stressed when sniffing has taken priority over your commands or other things normally important to your dog.
16. Pee Accidents
Your house-trained dog is now backtracking on training. He doesn’t understand that he needs to ask to go out, and doesn’t “remember” how to hold his pee.
17. Constantly Pinned-back Ears
Many dogs who don’t often do this otherwise will draw their ears back and low when under stress, and maintain this (possibly with cowering and lowered posture) for prolonged periods of time.
18. Increased Sleeping
Your dog is sleeping significantly more than usual, which is one of the most commonly observed signs of stress in dogs. Interestingly, an increased amount of stress can also be caused due to lack of sleep, making it a closed circle.
19. Excessive Vocalizations
The dog who normally doesn’t bark a lot is now constantly whining, howling or barking. This has been going on for hours and maybe days, and you know there’s no reason for your pet to bark, meaning that he’s likely experiencing a mental health issue.
20. Physical Symptoms
New physical symptoms resembling illness like allergies or skin problems may be a sign of stress. There’s a large number of physical health problems your pet will experience when stressed, and those are usually hard to pin down without testing at the vet clinic.
Common Causes of Stress in Dogs
It’s virtually impossible for a dog owner to know the exact cause of stress in dogs because the reasons are numerous. You’ll need to take your pooch to a vet and canine behaviorist to get several opinions on what might be the reason, but here are the most common:
Exposure to novel items, animals or people.
Separation from human family members.
Negative training methods like punishment.
Changes in the environment.
Loud noises like thunderstorm or fireworks.
Constant disruption when eating or sleeping.
Lack of outlets to exercise, herd, run or retrieve.
Excessive changes in house rules and routines.
It’s likely you’ll have to work through every single one of these stress causes to pin down the exact one, and it’s possible there’s more than one.
How to Help a Stressed Dog
An increased amount of stress is dangerous for dogs, and helping your pooch to relieve it is essential. Getting help from a professional is recommended as the first course of action, but there are also a few things you can do after you’ve recognized signs of stress in dogs:
Regular exercise and play time.
A game of fetch or a long walk are the best ways to reduce stress.
Prevent stressful situations.
Try to avoid situations and places that you know may cause stress.
See if the dog’s diet is well-balanced.
Proper nutrition is an integral part of your dog’s overall wellbeing.
Be consistent.
When you set any rules, do not change them so your pet knows what is to be expected.
Provide your dog with a safe zone.
The dog needs some space with a bed, crate or blanket to escape from your now and again.
Spend more time together.
Daily walks and some play time may not be enough, so try to find more time to be with your pet.
Remember that even when you begin seeking help for your stressed pooch, it’s best to be aware of your pet’s condition and not make it worse. For example, vet visits are likely to cause even more stress to your dog but there are ways to make them less stressful. The same applies to all other situations when trying to fix the problem.
READ NEXT: 7 Ideas on How To Relieve Stress in Dogs
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The post 20 Signs of Stress in Dogs [Infographic] appeared first on Daniels Tasty Pet Foods.
20 Signs of Stress in Dogs [Infographic] published first on https://www.danielstastypetfoods.com/
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