#but g&g and exalting lvl 7 fodder every day gives you a big chunk a day
gaolerdeathmetal · 5 months
Hi, I'm still relatively new to FR (I've been there for a year) and I wanted to ask you how do you grind 1000+ gems? I sell fodder dragons + buy gilded chests when I have treasure but still it brings me like ~50-80g.
Sorry if I bothered you!
exalting leveled fodder on top of hitting the max lucky streak through glimmer and gloom is pretty much all i do these days (you can find guides on how to do g&g quickly, when you get used to it it takes a max of 12 mins to get 75kt)
then you trade all the treasure you get with someone on the items for sale forum looking to trade their gems for treasure! theres usually a few of those threads up at a time :)
.... HOWEVER. since its night of the nocturne i heavily recommend grinding the coli/bond with all of your familiars (look at the post below) to get a bunch of chests and sell those! the best places are bamboo falls, redrock cove, boreal wood, rainsong jungle & harpy's roost. good luck!
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