#but believe me william maximoff and billy kaplan are two different people
azurecanary · 6 months
So apparently Wiccan is about to make his MCU debut
What are the chances they'll fuck him up too?
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 years
hi! I hope this isn’t a dumb question or something you get a lot (i tried searching your blog to see if you’d answered it before so sorry if it is) but I’ve often wondered how billy (and tommy) are Romani when I’ve always thought it was believed that Rebecca and Jeff Kaplan were Billy’s biological parents? So wouldn’t he be the same race as them? And that the twin’s “souls” were just from Wanda’s and Visions kids, any explanation if you can would be super appreciated thank you!!!
I'm going to break this down in two parts-- first, what happened in canon, and what the text indicates about Billy and Tommy's nature; second, what this means for the characters in a meta sense, and I how I think readers and writers alike should approach the twins' relationship with Wanda and each other.
Wanda conceived twin boys with her then husband, the Vision, through a feat of magic which is, I believe, the earliest example of her apparent "reality warping" abilities. Much like her other instances of reality warping, however, this was an exceptional circumstance in which Wanda had become a vessel for magic powers greater than those she ordinarily possesses-- in this case, the combined power of six hundred and sixty-six witches. She only held that power for a moment, but it was long enough for her to make a a wish-- that she might start a family with her otherwise infertile partner. Wanda discovered that she was pregnant not long after, and the next nine months went off more or less without a hitch, ending with the birth of two healthy, seemingly ordinary baby boys-- Thomas and William. Although the Vision is considered to be their father, the children were, biologically, born of Wanda and Wanda alone, and take after her in every respect.
The children died tragically only a few years later, when they were still very young, destroyed by the demon Mephisto and his servant, Pandemonium. In her grief and desperation, Wanda sought out Doctor Doom, who helped her perform a ritual which would make her a conduit for something he called the "Life Force", so that she may use it to restore her children. This overwhelming power, combined with manipulation and gaslighting at the hands of her so-called allies, led to the catastrophic breakdown that we see in Avengers Disassembled and House of M. Once again, the reality warping that Wanda performs is the product of outside forces, and the results are unpredictable at best. Although she didn't realize it at the time, Wanda did succeed in resurrecting her twins, but rather than reconstituting their original forms, she caused them to be retroactively reincarnated, essentially making it so that they'd already been born instead of having to reform them. This is why Billy and Tommy are way older than they should be-- their current lives actually overlap with their originals. Billy, as a teenager, even met Wanda shortly before the Life Force incident.
So, it is true that the Kaplans and Shepherds are Billy and Tommy's biological parents, respectively, which is to say that Rebecca Kaplan and Mary Shepherd physically carried and gave birth to them. There's no indication that anything strange or supernatural happened during those pregnancies, but it is confirmed in Children's Crusade that the babies in question were reincarnations of the Scarlet Witch's lost sons. While there is a lot of talk about the "transmigration of souls" in Children's Crusade, there are also numerous indications that the twins are genetic duplicates of the original William and Thomas. We know that they are physically identical to each other, coloring aside, and other characters observe, on separate occasions, that they resemble both Wanda and Erik. Billy and Tommy sharing Wanda and Pietro's powers is frequently brought up as evidence of their relationship, and, at the time, the Maximoffs were canonically mutants, which means that their powers were genetic. If their powers are evidence of anything, they're evidence of a genetic connection. All of this is to say that, while the Shepherds and Kaplans are their birth families, Wanda is also their birth mother--the two incarnations are genetically, biologically continuous, not just spiritually continuous.
The cool thing about comics is that we can accept both of these things as true, even if that doesn't make any scientific sense. The manner in which Billy and Tommy were reincarnated was unconventional, even by fantasy standards, and it's basically a retcon of a retcon, written by somebody who might not have had a solid grasp on the Marvel timeline. It's messy, but anyone who reads cape comics needs to be good at suspending disbelief.
So, I usually look at Billy and Tommy's heritage and identity in one of two ways-- taken very literally, they each have three biological parents, and we should view them in a way which reflects all parts of that parentage; taken as a more of a metaphor, their origin is basically an adoption story. Wanda lost her kids as a young mother, and they were adopted by different families and reached out to her as young adults.
The neat thing is that Wanda, through Erik, is also Ashkenazi, so you don't have to lose or change any part of who the kids are to embrace their relationship with her. I'm not erasing any part of Billy's heritage by making Wanda his birth mother-- he is Jewish, and was raised in America by a Jewish family, but he also has Central European Roma ancestry.
It shouldn't require very much imagination to envision somebody with more than one ethnic background, especially since these communities do intersect and have shared history. Mutants and magic and reincarnation don't exist, at least not like this, but Romani people exist. Mixed kids exists. Adopted kids exist. This is a fantasy story, but those fantasy elements don't have to preclude any of the things I just described from existing, or from being visible, not unless we willfully interpret it as such. Remember, this is fiction. Fiction doesn't have to erase real groups of people who inhabit real parts of the world and were part of real history-- that is a choice that we make as real people who create or consume media.
There's a lot which could be said about the parameters of Romani identity, and what it means to have gadje parents, or be generationally removed from one's culture and community of origin, the way that Billy and Tommy are. I'm not the right person to explain that stuff, and I don't think it's necessary information for outsider consumption, at least not in this context. What I will say is that many members of displaced and diasporic communities can attest to having gaps in their family trees and disruptions in their cultural lineage, especially in the generations following events such as the Shoah or the Porajmos. For me, that's what Billy and Tommy represent, because that's who I am. I deserve to have space here, but more than that, I want people who care about these characters to care about the history they represent and be motivated to learn more and do better as allies, even if it is only within the sphere of pop culture. And part of that is looking at questions like these ^ and challenging the patterns of misrepresentation and erasure that many, many people in this fandom uphold. I'm extremely grateful to you, Anon, for approaching me so politely, doing your own research, and challenging your own conceptions. That's literally the only reason I was motivated to write all of this. I hope it's legible and that y'all get something out of it.
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profxisajerk · 7 years
Maximoffs Disassembled
So, this occurred during a session of IC CAH last night. I wanted to post it because I really enjoyed writing Charles’ reactions to this situation - I feel like I don’t write Charles being compassionate and helpful very often, and I thought I pulled it off pretty well. Although there is one line where Charles outright lies in order to make himself look better - see if you can spot it.
Wanda - @scarlxtisms?
Tommy - @odoktor​
Billy - @apprcnticesuprcmc​
CubedCutie - @unparalleledpower​
Rahne - @wolfrahne​
Pietro - @dad-neto​
Vision - @visixnaryx​
<Charles Xavier> -parks his wheelchair next to her- Wanda . . . is there something wrong? More than your children being reckless?
<Wanda> They don't like me, Charles. I wouldn't too if what I did to them happened to me.
<Charles Xavier> They do. They were just being young. Young men are fickle by nature. I should know - I was one once, as hard as that may be to believe. -smiles slightly at his own joke-
<Wanda> Charles, you do have an idea how much I love them. All I want is to make this work.
<Charles Xavier> And you will.
<Wanda> How?
<Charles Xavier> No one could blame you for what happened. You didn't even know that they existed - in their current incarnation - until they were teenagers.
<Charles Xavier> And you couldn't have known.
<Wanda> -sighs- I missed their golden years
<Charles Xavier> They're young, and so are you. There'll be more golden years.
<Wanda> Let's go back in, Charles.
<Charles Xavier> All right. Ladies first.
<CubedCutie> Vision, you should, uh, maybe try to get your kids in line . . .
<Tommy> Uhuhh . . . spent a while being a disappointment anyway.
<Tommy> -returns to sipping juice- Anyway. No big deal
<CubedCutie> Guys, can’t you two try to get along? There must be something you two have in common . . .
<Tommy> Our looks and soul?
<CubedCutie> Okay, but maybe you two should try to act like beings . . . Not two toddlers who can’t get along. Your mom loves you and does what she can for you. Brother, maybe you should tell them how much you care . . .
<CubedCutie> I mean, I know we don’t see eye to eye, but we at least act civil, right?
<Tommy> I don’t do feelings. I think I get it.
<Tommy> -crosses his arms and leans back-
<CubedCutie> *starts drinking again* So, boys, are we going to apologize to your mother and father?
<CubedCutie> Or am I going to have to keep threatening to send Thanos to you?
<Tommy> -eyes Billy at the comment-
<Vision> Well -  we should not have expected the adjustment of being brothers to have settled easily.
<Wanda> -walks inside, and immediately sits on the couch-
<Tommy> Granted, I’m not use to family life at all
<Charles Xavier> -follows, his expression serene-
<Tommy> I don’t really talk about it . . .
<Vision> Understandable. It was too much to expect you to fall into this family without some <Wanda> You should. I'm here now, I'm your mother.
<Wanda> You'll never forgive me, I know . . . but I'm trying.
<Tommy> Being my mom doesn’t make me wanna talk about it
<Charles Xavier> Life is never that simple. People need time to adjust. ALL of you need time to adjust.
<CubedCutie> *watches from afar* Yeah, time heals things . . .
<CubedCutie> Maybe not fast, but it does.
<Tommy> It hurts things.
<CubedCutie> What do you mean, Tommy?
<Wanda> I can't turn back time again, Tommy! I wish I could . . .
<CubedCutie> Hey, the past shapes what we become - without it, well, we couldn't move forward.
<Wanda> You can. Past didn't change the essence of me.
<Tommy> Shapes us in ways that won’t change, yeah. And it’s not always good.
<Rahne> It does both. Just depends on what you do with it. An' Wanda's been doin' a damn good job with what cards she's been dealt in this life.
<Charles Xavier> All of you have.
<CubedCutie> Hey, I was used as a weapon for years, and I am not that anymore. I let that shape how I am now. I know that’s not what I am. I become who I want to be. Try and think -  who do you wish to be?
<Tommy> You’re being really quiet, William
<CubedCutie> As a mortal once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world . . . I think that’s right.”
<William Kaplan> Yeah . . . I know. I -  This is all my fault.
<Charles Xavier> This is NOT your fault. This isn't anyone's fault.
<CubedCutie> No, it’s not - It’s no one’s. Ok?
<Tommy> ---!!
<William Kaplan> Yes . . . Yes it is. I should have known better. I . . . I'm supposed to---
<Wanda> Billy. Come here.
<Tommy> -looks away. Oh No-
<CubedCutie> *hugs William* It’s ok, we can all work through this.
<Wanda> Tommy, you too.
<William Kaplan> I-- [tears up] I didn't mean to make everyone so upset---
<Vision> -just stays far away because never helpful-
<Wanda> Sunshine, no. Don't cry
<Wanda> Just come here. Let me hold you.
<Tommy> -kill bill sirens play in his head-
<William Kaplan> I just w-wanted us to be a f-family and... And now--- You're all talking about how it isn't working and---
<CubedCutie> William - it’s ok, you didn't mean it. Don’t worry, things like this happen - Vision, come help - You’re their father.
<Wanda> We're trying. I know I am.
<CubedCutie> William, I think you are good for this family . . . And I think that it’s just going to take some time . . . Being a family isn't easy . . .
<Tommy> -just gonna tiptoe out the window. he’s gonna take a breather-
<William Kaplan> N-no I'm just making things harder for everyone.
<Wanda> Billy. Come to Mama.
<CubedCutie> *sighs* No. William, you aren't. I don’t mind you . . . Living is hard and living with others, even harder. But we truly care about you.
Pietro came in and Wanda told him to hold her, so he did. She started crying and told him he's all she has left.
<Tommy> I don’t even remember why we fought. Probably that stupid . . . but gosh, aren’t I? I guess it’s natural, baby bro. You’re my perfect twin.
<Tommy> - ruffles his hair- I didn't want to make you cry.
<William Kaplan> It's not your fault. I was worried that I'd upset you. You're worth more to me than any stupid fight.
<Tommy> -he laughs- No one has told me that . . . Means a load more than you think . . . I hope nothing makes me lose you . . .  Again. I  . . . love you . . .
<William Kaplan> I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to, Tommy. You're stuck with me because I love you, too.
<Tommy> That’s good! I’ll hold it against you. Now let’s cruise back in. Walking this time.
<William Kaplan> Yeah, walking would be best. I'm kinda still a little dizzy from the drinking earlier and speeding around doesn't help.
<Tommy> I knew you’d get buzzed - he laughs as he walks to the door- I’m all fine. I wish I knew what hammered felt like.
<William Kaplan> It's not that bad. I can still walk . . . Kinda. [follows him] Maybe we can work on something strong enough for you eventually . . . Trust me, it's not as fun as it seems, though.
<Tommy> Maybe that Asgard stuff . . .
<Charles Xavier> -re enters, quietly-
<Wanda> I only have you now.
<Vision> -wellok-
<Vision> -phases away forever-
<Pietro> -scowls- What'd the little idiot say?
<CubedCutie> No, Vision! DON’T!
<Wanda> -you should be there for your wife dork-
<Charles Xavier> Be kind to the young man, Pietro.
<CubedCutie> Come on. I still care about you, and you shouldn't just leave when the pressure is too much.
<Wanda> I want to disappear. I really do.
<CubedCutie> Why, Wanda? Don't . . .
<Wanda> It's for the best. -sighs-
<CubedCutie> No, it’s not . . .
<Pietro> Wanda, please! Is there anything I can do?!
<Wanda> Take care of my twins. I'll be back sooner or later.
<CubedCutie> Wanda, no . . .
<Pietro> You know I can't leave you. Not like this.
<Pietro> -squeezes her tighter-
<Charles Xavier> Where are you going, Wanda? -frowns-
<Wanda> Come with me, then. -holds- you'll make me feel better.
<Wanda> I don't know, Charles. I don't know.
<Pietro> Of course! -will say anything to stay by her side, guess the boys gotta fend for themselves-
<Charles Xavier> You can't run away from your problems, Wanda.
<Wanda> But I can try, Charles.
<Rahne> I tried runnin' from mine. Came back t'bite me in the arse.
<Tommy> -he opens the door- We’re bACKK!
<Tommy> Aww sweet, it’s Uncle Pete!
<Charles Xavier> Or you could face your problems. Take care of your children.
<Tommy> Oh . . .
<Pietro> -scowls at nephews-
<Tommy> . . . Evening to you too . . .
<William Kaplan> [peers around tommy] What's going on?
<Tommy> I don’t feel like knowing . . .This feels like Genosha all over again
<Charles Xavier> Let's not take this out of proportion.
<Pietro> -snaps at Tommy- You don't understand Genosha.
<Tommy> We’re talking about a different time period.
<Tommy> The time you lifted Billy and ran off with him
<Tommy> Was it called Genosha? Uh
<William Kaplan> No, we visited Genosha, first. You're thinking of Wundagore, I think.
<Tommy> Transia! Yes. My bad my bad
<wanda> Let's go, Pietro.
<William Kaplan> Wait, Mom . . . Where are you going?
<Vision> Are you truly leaving, Wanda?
<wanda> I am. What's there for me here?
<Vision> Your family.
<Tommy> oH snap
<Pietro> -sets Wanda back on her feet-
<Vision> Or would you rather run away again rather than find a solution?
<wanda> You and William can come visit me and Pietro.
<Tommy> Well . . .
<William Kaplan> [nudges past tommy to stand in front of her] Wait . . . Don't go.
<Pietro> -defensively- She needs some time away.
<Charles Xavier> Does she, Pietro?
<Vision> She always chooses to have "time away".
<Tommy> She always runs off
<Vision> Every time there is something wrong.
<Tommy> She cried ‘cause we had a teenage boy fight.
<Tommy> And now she’s being dramatic. I’m not trying to be rough, but honest.
<Tommy> We already made up.
<wanda> You can't judge me. You're the one that runs away from your problems.
<William Kaplan> Mom, please . . .
<Tommy> Maybe I learned it from someone?
<wanda> You don't care about me, Thomas
<Charles Xavier> Wanda!
<Charles Xavier> Please. Don't say things you'll regret.
<wanda> Don't make me stop caring about you.
<Tommy> Everyone stops caring about me.
<wanda> You push them away.
<Tommy> Just like you.
<William Kaplan> No, that's not true, guys . . .
<Pietro> -stunned, then defensive again- She just needs someone to listen to her.
<wanda> You always are saying how has life treated you. You and all of the world. I didn't have a happy childhood either.
<wanda> But I don't hate my father for what he did.
<wanda> He had his reasons.
<Pietro> -grumbles- Oh, Father had selfish, immoral reasons.   
<Tommy> What? I never even TALK about it
<Tommy> So stop asking like I use my past.
<wanda> I'm not asking.
<wanda> I'm telling you.
<wanda> Wake up and smell the coffee.
<Tommy> I meant acting
<William Kaplan> Guys, you both have reasons to be upset . . .
<wanda> I did too.
<William Kaplan> But there is no reason to be turning on one another like this . . .
<Rahne> *shakes her head lightly*
<wanda> I created life because that's what I wanted! I had a selfish dream to be a mother . . . sorry for being selfish.
<Charles Xavier> Magneto had his reasons. But that doesn't absolve him.
<wanda> I had mine too. And here I am, condemned for being selfish.
<Tommy> You’re no help. I’d rather have Billy console me.
<Pietro> -stays silent during this conversation about children and selfishness, feeling condemned himself-
<Tommy> We had a fight, you started to bitch. I wasn’t even saying anything bad to you. Only Billy. But for a kid who raised himself, of course I’m not fucking adjusting quick.
<Charles Xavier> Wanda . . . listen to me. You told me earlier you were afraid that you'd abandoned your children when they needed you most.
<Charles Xavier> Don't make that fear come true.
<wanda> I am tired of him silently judging me for what I did.
<Tommy> Stop it! Stop assuming!
<Tommy> I looked for you. Just like Billy!
<Charles Xavier> -sharply- He's your SON!
<wanda> I am assuming because you don't fucking talk to me!
<wanda> I've tried and tried, and tried and tried - !
<Tommy> FINE
<Tommy> STOP GUILT TRIpping me! I’m not meant for this! Just like how I couldn’t live with Billy’s family! FINE
<wanda> I'm not guilt tripping you.
<wanda> Stop assuming I am
<William Kaplan> Tommy, you belong here as much as any of us.
<Pietro> -uncharacteristically quietly anxious-
<Tommy> I know what guilt tripping is
<Tommy> "Oh, I’m SELFISH!! YOU HATE ME,” putting words in my mouth and making me feel bad!
<wanda> I know what accusation looks are.
<Tommy> I know what a dramatic lady is
<wanda> Do whatever you want, Thomas.
<Pietro> -quietly- Wanda, please don't ignore your children. Believe me, you'll regret it.
<Rahne> Be grateful ya have a mother who cares! That ya HAVE a family that doesn't want'a condemn you to hell at e'ery chance they get!
<wanda> I'm done. -walks away-
<Vision> This is no solution.
<Pietro> -dashes after Wanda and grips her arm- Wanda, believe me. You don't really want to cut off your children.
<wanda> Like Dad did?
<Pietro> Father's a monster. I just know I couldn't live without Luna.
<Charles Xavier> Tommy . . . Billy . . . I'm so sorry this is happening to you two. I hope you know that neither of you deserves this.
<Tommy> She’s getting mad . . . for all the times I never talked about my feelings
<Tommy> I haven’t even told Billy my feelings.
<Tommy> I’m aggravated . . .
<Tommy> Or my past. Someone shouldn't stick you up for being closed off for safety.
<Charles Xavier> She's not really angry at you. She's angry because of things that happened before you even came into her life, and it's not fair of her to take it out on you.
<Tommy> But she doesn’t get mad at Billy.
<Tommy> Just me
<wanda> Charles, stop.
<wanda> You're not an angel.
<Tommy> He’s better at talking
<Tommy> I want to listen
<wanda> Well, listen to him. You never listen to me
<Charles Xavier> Wanda, this is beneath you. You sound like your father right now.
<Pietro> -snaps- Stay out of this, Xavier.
<Charles Xavier> -gives Pietro that 'i love you, but I'm Very Disappointed In You' look-
<Pietro> -snaps at Xavier- As if you know what it's like to be a parent.
<Charles Xavier> -raises his eyebrows faintly at Pietro, but otherwise doesn't rise to it-
<William Kaplan> Mom, that's not fair.
<Vision> Wanda, you are accusing him of things he has not done.
<Vision> You expect too much of him too quickly.
<wanda> I expect much of everyone. I give too much to be pushed away by my mistakes. You know it, Vision. Didn't you push me away?
<Tommy> You're literally blaming everyone
<Tommy> It’s in the past. Be civil. Rational.
<wanda> I'm tired of blaming me.
<wanda> No one knows what it’s like to wish and lose
<wanda> No one knows what it’s like to be looking for something that was ripped from you.
<Tommy> Dad’s right. What do you want from me?
<wanda> Nothing, Thomas. I don't want anything from you anymore.
<Pietro> -frowns at Wanda-
<Tommy> Uh-huh . . . That’s a first.
<Tommy> If you say so.
<Pietro> -folds his arms over his chest, irritated-
<wanda> If you buy a lottery ticket to win money day after day and you never win, you'll end up letting go.
<Tommy> Fancy way of disowning me
<Tommy> After you provoked me so much.
<wanda> I'm not disowning you.
<wanda> Stop putting words in my mouth.
<Tommy> Then say them clearly
<Vision> You are choosing to run away, however.
<Vision> It is nearly the same.
<Charles Xavier> -heads out into the kitchen-
<wanda> -just looks at Vision-
<Pietro> -gestures broadly- She's only asking for a break.
<Tommy> If she says so . . . Let her have it
<Tommy> I just try and fit in.
<Tommy> I don’t want anyone mad at me.
<Tommy> I am just . . . no good . . . at this.
<Charles Xavier> -there's a crash as if someone dropped and shattered something. Charles sticks his head out of the kitchen, apologetic- I'm sorry, I appear to have broken a glass.
<Charles Xavier> Tommy, do you think you could help me sweep it up?
<Pietro> -rolls his eyes-
<William Kaplan> [pulls tommy towards the kitchen] Yeah, we should help, come on.
<Tommy> Yeah, sure. On my way -comes over after finding the broom and dust pan-
<Charles Xavier> Thank you so much, boys.
<Charles Xavier> -shuts the door to the kitchen behind the two of them once they get in-
<Tommy> No problem, Professor. It’s all good . -entering and motions the broom- Now, is this just about the glass?
<Charles Xavier> To be honest, Tommy, I didn't see any point in you having to stand there and listen to that. I can't talk Wanda out of saying and doing whatever she wants. But I thought at least I could offer you an out.
<Tommy> Yah . . . I try to fit in. Me and my dad are on good terms after meeting. Me and Billy? Excellent ones. But me and my mom . . . always seem to bump heads.
<Charles Xavier> -shakes his head- I had the same problem with my father. My brother was the apple of his eye . . . and I always got blamed for not living up to him. But you see, it wasn't my fault, or my brothers.
<Charles Xavier> It was his.
<Tommy> Uh-huh . . . I can relate to you, then. But then aren’t you comparing her to your dad?
<Charles Xavier> Yes.
<Charles Xavier> My father had his own reasons for acting the way he did. But he was still in the wrong. And he still hurt me and my brother.
<Tommy> Really? I don’t blame her . . . for what hurt her. But I’m just too insecure to be open. I barely knew her and she expected too much. She thinks I don’t want her, but she made me feel really bad.
<Charles Xavier> You didn't do anything wrong.
<Tommy> I had parents before her in this life. They were no good. And her introducing herself like one puts me on edge. -he sighed-
<Tommy> I don’t know, but she’s turning my uncle against me
<Tommy> I wonder what my dad thinks.
<Charles Xavier> I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have two sets of parents hurt you.
<Tommy> You . . . You’re more understanding. She makes it a suffering game . . . Because she had more life trouble,  I should be able to open up quicker
<Charles Xavier> -quietly- I wouldn't be surprised if her father did the same to her.
<Tommy> It’s messed up. Grandpa really hurt them both. I just don’t understand why she’s mad at me and not Billy too. Not that she should be.
<Tommy> It makes me feel like I keep doing something differently. Wrong.
<Charles Xavier> Pain makes people irrational. That's all. It has nothing to do with you.
<Tommy> I’m really awful at talking about my, uh . . . feelings. But . . . you’re right. I just don’t think I can make it up to her. Or her to me. I feel too out in the open after it all. But that’s exactly what she shamed me for.
<Charles Xavier> You don't need to try to put things back together right now. You need time to heal.
<Tommy> -he does a very out of place laugh derived from how nervous he was- Yeah I.. I’ll keep it in mind. You’re uh . . . Real good at this . . . talking thing
<Charles Xavier> -laughs- It comes of being a teacher. You learn as much as your students do.
<Pietro> -glances at Wanda-
<Pietro> Wanda, you know I'll go wherever you want to go.
<Vision> Best not encourage her to leave her children.
<Vision> -casually floats outside-
<wanda> Let's go, Pietro. There won't follow us now. -she holds his hand, and disappears
<Pietro> -disappears with Wanda-
<wanda> Thanks for doing this with me, Pietro. I love you so much.
<Pietro> -glances around, startled- I know what it's like to have a child taken from me, and then to be rejected by the same child.
<Pietro> I love you too, Wanda. I just don't want to see you in pain.
<wanda> He was so happy when he was a baby. He was my sun and stars. He was happy and . . . I deserve it.
<Pietro> You deserve to raise your children.
<wanda> They're not mine. I'm like the horrible mother that gave their children I'm adoption because she can't raise them.
<Pietro> -frowns- No, you're nothing like our father. And there's nothing wrong with their adoptive families. You can still provide extra care to them!
<wanda> You know what I want. I want to wake up to the times where he was a toddler and tugged on my skirt to ask for a drink.
<Pietro> -sighs and gestures frantically- Ialwaysbelievedyouwouldmakeagoodmother,Wanda. AllIcansayisthatIwouldneverlivewithmyselfifIgaveuponLuna!
<wanda> -leans and kisses his cheek- You didn't. Crystal did.
<Pietro> Iknowhowyoufeel,butyou'llbemissingoutonsomuchmore...!
<wanda> He had the cutest cheeks, remember? He was always fighting for me with William. I was a good mother back then. Until I left him with those people.
<Pietro> -shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair- Idon'tknow. ItfeelslikeCrystalwastheonethatdidn't.
<wanda> You can leave whenever you want. I'll stay here until I die. I won't come back.
<Pietro> -startled- Where is 'here'?
<wanda> No idea. -shrugs-
<Pietro> And what about the Avengers?
<wanda> They'll figure out what to do
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