#but anyway yeah y'all are free to turn him into a sticker if he want
I uneldered Elder Faerie Cookie :D
I'd like to think back when things were just starting out with the virtues and him, he was named Moonflower before becoming, well, Elder Faerie- anyway here he is
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not so elder Elder Faerie, or otherwise Moonflower as I'm gonna call him :>
enjoy elder faerie nation you get to see your boy at like maybe confused teen to young adult stage i dunno
tags for some moots I figure might wanna see it: @xaytheloser @undeadvinyls @snail-noodle @onesacrificiallamb
and for anyone who may want to turn him into a sticker and smack him onto an item-
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here's the bordered version, you can now turn him into a sticker, if you can figure out how to do it (i have no clue how to do it myself good luck)
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Challenges for The Cookies- Little Vlogs (Chapter Eight)
A/N: This is like, a fairly short chapter. I apologize for any typos or whatever, and the fact that I haven't updated this story in two weeks. I hope you guys like it though, it's my first time actually showing them recording a video for the channel, which is weird because Patton's channel is such a huge element/plot device in this book. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!
Chapter Summary: Patton acquires his boyfriend and two crushes to participate in a video challenge for his channel. Many shenanigans and cute clips ensue.
"But-...Daddy said that I'd get to do it!" Patton pouted, looking at Virgil. Patton had started this video big, and was obviously regressed before they really got into the video plan. He knew that if needed, he could be big for a whole video. But the whole point of being open as a little online was that he didn't need to do that.
"And daddy is now saying to let Vee do it," Logan decided, taking the package from Patton and giving it to Virgil. Patton was pouting over opening a box, as if it really mattered that much. Virgil tried to take it from him because he was obviously in the mindset of a toddler, and he'd get frustrated if he couldn't open it quickly.
"Yay!" Patton cheered once the box was open, and Virgil handed it back to him.
"You never told us what we are supposed to be doing for this video," Roman spoke up, leaning so that he was looking at Patton from the other side of Logan.
"You didn't!" Virgil's eyes widened, "You just turned on the camera with no explanation. What the hell did we sign up for?"he narrowed his eyes, somewhat worried that the toddler-minded boy had pulled them into something crazy.
"No cursing around the little," Logan motioned to Patton, before looking at the boy, "But yes, what are we doing?"
"We're decorating pacis again, because you guys-" Patton pointed directly into the camera with a giggle, "said dat you guys liked it last time!"
"So is that what's in the box? Some plain pacis?" Logan didn't track whatever Patton ordered for videos, so he wouldn't know for sure. He trusted Patton not to spend money on stupid things.
"yes, yes, yes!" Patton bounced a bit in place, "But dis time, we are making them however the cookies want!" Patton absolutely loved referring to his fans as 'the cookies', he thought it was cute and creative, and they seemed to like it.
Patton started explaining the rules of the challenge, "okay, here's how dis is gonna work. Three of us are given very simple requests for decorative pacifiers, all from the cookies, and then the fourth will judge them when we are done! Oh, and it's on a scale from 1 to 10, and the highest scorer wins and gets to be the judge to the next round!" Patton spoke really fast, somehow not stumbling over his words whatsoever, and continuing to speak in his cute little voice.
They split up to grab the pacifier decorating supplies, setting up what they needed on the coffee table. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high..." Patton sung softly, setting the Generation One pacifiers in a neat row across the coffee table. Logan, who stood behind the tripod, used the camera and zoomed in on Patton, who looked up.
"Hello, Daddy! And hi to all da cookies too!" he scrunched his nose,giggling a bit. He set down the pacifier in his hand before softly waving at the camera.
"You gonna finish your little song, Pat?" Virgil questioned, setting tubes of super glue on the table, next to the small organizers of plastic gems and letter beads. There were three of them, and they were divided into little squares, each square holding different colors of plastic gems, letter beads, or charms to go on the centerpieces.
"Oh! Um...up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star," Roman joined in and sang with him softly, Logan putting the camera on Virgil for a bit before zooming out to catch both of them.
"how I wonder what you are!"
Patton looked at the camera, thinking after a few moments. "Do nursery rhymes have copyright? I hope not..." he seemed confused, and more aware that there was a camera on him.
"I can confirm, nursery rhymes do have copyright, but most of them have passed into the public domain-" Logan started talking from behind the camera, getting interrupted by Roman, who was returning to the living room with smaller plastic gems.
"Shut up with your facts or whatever, we are gonna start the challenge!" Roman climbed onto the couch before lowering himself on the ground, between where Roman and Patton were sitting.
"Patton asked a question and I was just replying to it!" Logan defended, pointing the camera at Roman, who stuck his tongue out.
"Patton asked a question and blah blah blah. Can't you see we have a challenge that is much more important to begin?" he mocked Logan voice for a bit before quickly dividing up the smaller plastic gems between the three dividers. After a few seconds of silence, Roman looked up at the camera and laughed,
"Sorry Lo, I'm joking!" he apologized quickly, giving a soft pout as he waited for a response.
"You better be, little prince." Logan teased, Roman rolling his eyes and ignoring him.
Patton spoke up before any of them could say anything, "Okay! So the first paci request is...." he scrolled on his screen, his eyes glancing over a few words before he read them aloud, "From babykitten14 on twitter, 'how about a space theme?'"
The gears in Roman's head seemed to be turning, his eyes glancing between the different supplies in front of him quickly. "I can definitely work with a space theme." he assured, obviously excited to attempt to win this little challenge.
"Okay, let me set the timer!" Patton started tapping on his phone, Virgil's eyes widening.
"We're being timed?!" he seemed panicked, obviously thrown off.
"Yeah, I wasn't aware we had a time limit!" Roman dramatically exclaimed, both of the other boys obviously taking this more seriously now.
"Mhm! I thought that was obvious....have you never watched a youtube challenge, ever? If you don't set a time limit, the video will never end!" Patton set his phone in front of him on the table, speaking calmly as the other boys seemed a bit stressed now. It was a simple challenge, and they were probably exaggerating a bit for the camera, but they were being TIMED? This was absolutely outrageous.
...Okay, not really, but a bit shocking. "How long do we get, then?" Roman questioned, looking over at Patton. Logan stayed silent, just standing behind the camera and recording their interactions.
"Ten minutes!" Virgil and Roman's eyes widened, but before they got the chance to protest, or ask for more time, Patton started the timer and they immediately started grabbing different supplies. Throughout the video, they held four rounds of this challenge. Roman managed to win the first, with a simple dark purple pacifier with silver and white gems, the button being decorated with a black star charm. He spelled out, "Baby Star" on the handle.
Virgil ended up shyly asking if he could have the pacifier Roman made for the first round near the end of the video, and of course, Roman handed it right over. The next round had to do with a 'royal theme', and all three of the contestants made pacifiers related to princes. Roman declared Patton's baby pink pacifier, with dark red and gold gems, as the winner. On the button, was a little red crown sticker, and the handle read 'little prince'. Patton offered it to Roman, and he took it.
The third round simply was supposed to follow a "pastel theme". Patton probably would've won that one if he wasn't the judge. Logan won it though, and that pacifier went to Patton. The final round was supposed to follow a 'edgy baby' theme. As expected, Virgil won that round by a landslide.
Patton had them sit down to close out the video. "Okay, so each of us won one round. That's pretty good, I think!" Patton said, looking at Logan beside him on the couch, who nodded. "I want to clarify that all the pacifiers made today, besides the ones we claimed for ourselves, will be going to some of my agere friends, so they aren't going to waste at all!"
"Who is gonna claim the messy pacifiers that we had ten minutes to make?" Roman questioned from the other side of Patton. Virgil smacked his arm, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sure someone will," Virgil assured. "Most of them aren't that bad."
"Yeah, says the 'pince' paci." Roman rolled his eyes, teasing Virgil for his mistake earlier. Virgil somehow managed to forgot the 'r' during the Royal Pacifier round, and Roman had been teasing him endlessly about it throughout the video. Patton laughed before finally saying his outro and moving to turn off the camera.
All of the boys could genuinely say that they enjoyed filming videos for the channel, and the fans could say that they liked watching the content. It was a win-win situation, and Patton got to keep doing what  he loved with the man...
with the men he loved.
Yeah, all three of them definitely had a special place in his heart, they all cared for him endlessly. He liked that they genuinely cared about each other, too.  And the fact that they were willing to give up time to take part in his little hobby, and that they'd do almost anything to make him happy?
He liked that even more.
A/N: aka, patton has fallen in love with an idiot prince and his emo internet best friend. anyways, the next chapter might be more agere based, continuing to follow the path of logan getting to know the others while little (ft. lots of cute fillers and logan being a good cg). then I will loop back to the romance part and maybe write in a few more dates before I make them “officially” begin dating and what not. okay i’m done spoiling the plot of future chapters, but I hope y’all liked this one! Feel free to sends asks to my inbox with reactions to this chapter and stuff, I’d appreciate it!
Taglist: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0 @lgbtqiaemo
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Part 17: Interruption
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Ahead, there's the tall engraved wall standing alone with the words Reunion Tower as big as your head. The words are also large on the building which has metallic accents, glass windows, glass walls, and glass doors. It's somewhat reminiscent of Erik's hidden house back in Cali now that you think of it.. if it were dropped in the middle of the city and a tower were placed on top. Take away the fields of green grass and the towering trees. Maybe that's why you seemed so much more excited than he did. He was aready used to it.
Inside, the lights pop even brighter than before. There's the fat, round silver-colored column with diamond cutouts and it glows neon blue on one side, purple on another, and orange on the other. The pink neon light flowing from the ceiling bleeds into the purple lights while the adjacent white ceiling lights bleed into the blue. On top of that, there's lime green to your right. It's a panorama of color.
"Look at you, easily impressed. Smile big my nigga." When you turn, he's got his phone in the air. Again. "Stand by that column over there. That light on your skin finna look cool as shit... Aight tilt your chin down and turn three centimeters to the left. That's four, come back one. Perfect."
"Stupid. Let me see." Looking over his shoulder, you watch as he flips through the photos. "Send me the ones from before too, I wanna send them to Ava and Toni. They said show them how the dresses look."
"Sending them now."
Group by group the pictures arrive in your text thread and you save them making a note to self to send them when you reach the hotel. You'd do it now, but you're ready to go. Now that you got the photos from him, you can send them whenever you want. For now, it's time to go eat because the last thing you ate was a snack and before that you'd only eaten once. Erik's inner fatboy has reared his head a couple times since then.. though in this moment, he's calm.
"Feed me Seymour," you yell beating him to it. You pull on the arms of his slim fitting navy pinstripe suit. He's dressed smartly with his black shirt, silver jewelry, and black oxfords. Of course he had to be like you with the black to match, you hadn't missed the gesture either time.
"I'm trying." He pulls you in the direction of the hot pink lights and you take your hand back to store the phone away in your clutch before following free from his hold. The elevator this time takes you to a floor with a red, tan, and black theme. There're red flower arrangements conveniently placed and even a red lit fountain with coins at the bottom of the shallow clear water representing the wishes of passersby. Digging in your clutch, you have a few coins from the change you got on the first day in Houston when you'd bought the both of you that food. Tossing the penny, you close your eyes and wish for a raise on your job. You already have a list of upgrades to your apartment you'd make. The showerhead. A new comforter. A security camera perhaps. Maybe another lock for the door.
Erik leads you into Five Sixty, a restaurant by Wolfgang Puck, and you look around briefly at the other people sitting and eating primly at their tables, the clang of silverware mingling with the chatter. A waiter in black and white passes in front of you drawing your attention to the magnificent view through the floor to ceiling glass windows lining the walls ahead. There's the cityscape and bright lights against a dark sky. It's the same view as before but it's even better because everything is amplified against the night.
"Wait, we sitting back here?" You look between Erik and the concealed booth he stands beside in a way that communicates your discontent. You didn't get all dressed up and fine to haul your cookies to this tower and hide in the back! "This is a new dress," you lean forward to whisper with a threat in your tone. You don't care that the waiter is there averting his eyes uncomfortably. "I didn't put this on to not be seen... They gone see me.. THIS.. tonight!" You smooth the thigh-length black lace dress with sheer lace sleeves and lace cutouts in the bodice that's hugging you just right. It's the same dress that made him go gaga and now he wants to deprive others of the vision? Oh no. On your feet are the strappy black heels and you use them to turn around looking for another empty table.
"Ay, come here! You are beautiful, that's true... You fine. Still, this is more private than sitting in the middle of the restaurant. I just wanted us to have some space.. to talk." Right, 'talk'.. that's code for hanky panky. You literally just did that. Aren't you tired? "Thanks," he eyes the waiter slapping his hand and you wonder how much money he slipped into it as the guy walks away. Erik gestures to the booth for you to slide in. It's concealed by a little wall and faces the window while he sits across from you facing the restaurant that's hidden from you. It's like being in a private room. There's even a fresh red floral arrangement on the table along with lit white candles, none of which were on the other tables. This.. This was thought out ahead of time. When did he call?
"I.. guess.. it's not.. so bad," you shrug watching the subtle tension in his shoulders drop. He's relieved and you can tell by the ghost of a smirk on his lips.. light dancing in his eyes. "Plus these flowers are beautiful," you add watching him tilt his face away modestly. Watching him shift his attention to the menu, you do the same.
"Get what you want. Whatever you don't eat, just take it out."
"I know the drill." He doesn't have to tell you, you already know the routine at this point. He won't be happy until you spend a couple hundred. He's got so much money it's burning a hole in his pocket. You could think of better ways to spend it.
Still. Being pampered is not a bad thing every once in a while. It's not like you get this type of sugar daddy treatment often.
"What are we having," the waiter asks on his return looking to Erik and then you. He reveals a bottle of wine with Gaja Ca Marcanda written on the label, pouring two glasses.
"Thank God it's not Hennessy," you think aloud watching Erik's brows knit in humor.
"I should've got you some Hennessy. That's right.... Y'all niggas got Hennessy?" The waiter shakes his head and you cringe.
"Erik, stop. Don't nobody like the taste of gasoline but you." You decide to just start pointing to whatever you think is good. "Tamarind glazed baby back ribs, pork belly pot stickers, szechuan Beef Filet Au Poivre, and the tempura shrimp and crab roll."
"I'll take the roasted free range half chicken and pot stickers sound good. I'll take those too." Erik hands over his menu and you glare at him as you fork your menu over but he's not looking. He would order less than you. Doesn't matter anyway.. you'll still crush that food when it comes. "You up for another round of tame that anxiety? If so, I have something I want you to do."
"Boy I'm drinking my wine, I'm not messing with you." You take a sip and set your glass back down ignoring him as he leans forward trying to catch your eye. "Mm-mm, nope.... Move," you swipe deterring his hand from trying to touch yours. None of that smooth shit.
"I'm right here what's gone happen? Besides, you know I know how to calm you down."
Heads Will Roll plays loudly over the theme park speakers as you speedwalk away hoping no one will recognize you or point you out to their friends and family as the running joke while you search for a ride that's BBW friendly and NOT the Skycoaster.
"Erik, move... Come on stop," you push at him when he stands in your way like it's a joke.
"Why you running? Ain't like you getting shot at. Ain't no one after you, look." He kisses his teeth as you pass him. "You so embarrassed.. You won't see any of these people again."
"Yeah well anxiety doesn't necessarily run on common sense." You grab your flip flops from his hand and slip them on. He'd had you walking around barefoot like a Flinstone because he'd been too slow to catch up. He didn't get it.
"Obviously.... Come this way," he nods walking left. He turns walking backwards as you peek around him to see the bathrooms in that direction. That's an idea you can get behind, a quick bathroom break to escape the faces of the crowd until you could return to rational thinking. Too bad it smells like eight tons of gorilla ass.
"This is the women's restroom," you freeze, blocking Erik's path inside. Man it stinks. You can't stay in there. His face twists getting a whiff and he backs off quickly holding the back of his hand to his nose, pulling you with him. So much for escaping into the bathroom. Suddenly he pulls you into a cut and you speedily look around for anyone who could be seeing the two of you. It doesn't seem that anyone's paying attention. You could've sworn someone would've been looking. There's a small space behind the bathrooms just wide enough for one and a half of one of you to fit through at a time. You're pushed in first and Erik towers behind you. It seems private like no one would or should be back here, a theme park blind spot. Suddenly you have the urge to bring this to the park owners' attention. They need security cameras too.
"I feel like someone's gotten molested back here.. or something dark and unsavory," you whisper.
"Anyway." His thick arm snakes around your waist while the other cradles your head against his solid chest, his fingers massaging your scalp through your afro. Clinging to his body, you let your shoulders drop. "Relax and when I say breathe I want you to inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four then exhale slowly through through your mouth for a count of five. The goal is to breathe deeply to your abdomen. Okay?
Now breathe.
In, 2, 3, 4... Out, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Again. In, 2, 3, 4... and out, 2, 3, 4, 5.
How do you feel," he whispers and you close your eyes, your ear against his chest listening to his even heartbeat and naturally husky voice.
"I understand anxiety, Y/N... the navy will definitely do it to you. But it's unhealthy stress that takes a toll on your mind and body and that means.. health is relaxing both."
Your eyes pop open looking at the wall beside you when the hand on the back of your head lowers drops moving to your thigh and crawling under your red kimono and up into your panties. He's got a surprise coming. His finger slides slowly along your outer lips slipping between.
"Always wet," he whispers before his thick finger sinks into you and on your sharp intake of air he tells you to breathe.
"In.. 2, 3, 4," he counts as your chest continues to rise. The slick feeling of his finger rotating and pressing inside of you is all you want to focus on. "Out, 2, 3, 4, 5," he directs and you feel a second finger push in, stretching slowly and gently finding its place.
"Did I say moan?" The arm around your waist goes ghost and you feel a firm smack on your butt.
"Did I SAY moan," he repeats, his fingers still working skillfully.
"No," you moan, your voice unexpectedly meek. Another firm smack comes and then another. And another, his low chuckle so subtle it's like you've imagined it.
"You still moaning. And you breathing hard. Did I tell you to do that?" Another smack comes and you're close.
"No, Daddy," you whine. His grip comes on your asscheek tightly.
"Then why I still hear you? We controlling our breathing right now.. Aht," he brushes your hand from his half-mast bulge. You had a theory he wouldn't be so calm and quiet if the tables were flipped. "I remember when you were scared to moan now I can't stop you," he muses.
"I wasn't scared."
"Yeah you were but I made you feel good didn't I? You still came. Breathe in, 2, 3, 4.. Out, 2, nope start over. You still breathing hard."
It's his motions. His thick curled fingers plus the addition of his thumb rubbing your clit is making your breathing ragged.
"Control it this time. In, 2, 3, 4.. Out.."
You gasp. The feeling is building in your stomach and you keep inhaling in the middle of the exhale.
"I'm coming," you whisper seconds away from erupting on his fingers.
"Not if you don't breathe. Do it right and you can cum."
You whine quietly unsure if you can control it.
"You can do it, angel. Breath deeply in, 2, 3, 4. Steady through your mouth, 2, 3, 4. Good girl, cum on my fingers. Go 'head cum."
You already have and for a second you get chills, trembling, but it subsides. He releases you and your dress falls back down as you look up at him, relaxed.
"You ready to go back out?"
Erik smirks across the table having successfully triggered your memory and you send him a glare that this time he can clearly see.
"Aight so what you gotta do is go to the middle of the floor next to that table with the bl--"
Bl--? Blonde? Blowfish? Black? What is he staring at? You start to look back too but he grabs your hand shaking his head in a way that shushes you and brings more questions.
"Get down," he mouths soundlessly scooting closer to the wall and lowering his head and then you hear it. A loud bang followed by a scream, the slam of dishes, and the scoot of chairs. Frantically, you search Erik's face for clues of what's happening and his dark eyes are trained on the scene behind you as he holds his head in a particular way so not to be seen. He points to you and the table and you don't waste time getting under it. There's only enough room for one person, but now you're at an angle to see him pull a small gun from inside of his blazer. There was a pocket for it in the lining. You see him cock the gun and then it rests in his hand in wait, pointed away from you. How did he get that through airport security though?! What the hell is going on? It doesn't make sense and a thousand thoughts rush you at once.
The screaming continues but you only counted three shots through all of the chaos and noise as people scurry to escape and evacuate.
Should the two of you be running? Aren't you sitting ducks? How did Erik even bring that gun? Or did he pick it up when he got to Houston? Was that why he left you at the hotel alone? Why did he think he'd it? Does he always have a gun just on him for no reason? Was he anticipating something like this? Is he just paranoid and then something actually happened to cement the paranoia like with you in college? Should you be concerned? Who the hell is shooting in a restaurant?! Guess it wouldn't be Texas without guns. Will you really be safe here? Will Erik? It feels like forever under the table as you're cramped and folded and you have severe goosebumps, your heart pumping fast, every sound an alert. You're suddenly reminded of your phone and you pray no one calls it. The crowd seems to be gone but there's still noise. Small sounds. Shuffling, footsteps, low grunts, and zips. It's only after you don't hear anything for about five seconds that you notice Erik's foot move.
Instantly, you grab it bending your head and putting a crook in your neck to look up at him through the gap between him and the table. You shake your head when you catch his eye.
"Don't you dare," you mouth. You can feel he's about to dash off to play hero and get himself killed so you hold his leg more tightly. Just because he has military experience doesn't make it his job to confront a shooter. You refuse to let him go even when he mouths the words 'let go'. With a grip on his leg, you listen as the low sounds of footsteps retreating finally stop. Erik who has the visual doesn't look away from where his eyes have been fixed until almost a minute has passed. This time when he moves, you let him go and he walks away toward the main dining area, looking around you assume before bursting into the kitchen. "They gone," he says. You have to strain to hear but then there're two more voices. When you peak out, there's Erik with two employees who look nervous. You grab your clutch and climb from under the table on your way to stand behind Erik.
"Are you guys okay," the southern woman asks looking around as if the shooters might return. The guy with her seems too shaken to speak outside of echoing the woman here and there. "I-I called the police they should be here any minute if you all wanna wait. There's coffee back here.. tea.." She looks past Erik to the floor and when you look and see the blood smeared there, you both look away from it simultaneously. "I just don't understand," she sighs looking genuinely perplexed. "Why bring that street beef or whatever it is in here? There are families that come here." She looks disgusted and Erik looks like he's really trying to get out of here.
"We're gonna take off. We were just hiding out waiting for the shooters to leave. Safe to say the night's been ruined," Erik replies grabbing your hand and guiding you to the door. The two of you decide to take the steps, that way you have more control in case anything happens. Luckily, you don't run into anyone. "Order the car to take us back to the hotel," he says before you leave the staircase. "Let's be safe and wait here just in case."
As the uber pulls off, you see the police rolling up but you guys are already on the road.
"You aight," he asks looking to you and when you think about it, you're safe and nothing happened to you thankfully. However... he made you worry! What was going through his mind to want to confront murderers?
"Erik, what were you thinking? You were really gonna play hero? Do you realize if I hadn't stopped you from jumping out there, you could be dead? Have you even considered what that would do to me?"
"I know I must've scared you. I'm sorry for that. You absolutely right, you saved me from making a big mistake tonight and I appreciate you for that."
He'd seen the entire scene play out from beginning to end and was gauging the ideal time to step in and shoot the colonizing muhfukas who'd ruined the goddamn evening. He knew this hadn't been a regular shooting. Nah, this was a hit and going by the appearance of the body they'd taken.. young black man, short locs, muscular build.. He had a feeling they'd taken out the wrong guy. It was only a matter of time before they realized and he had to act before then. If only he could've followed them, he'd be lit but he couldn't abandon Y/N.
Still, she was right. If she hadn't stopped him from stepping out, he'd have killed both colonizers and there would've been three bodies. She'd have then viewed him as a killer and outside of being scarred for life, she'd have left his lying ass forever and rightfully so. If she hadn't been there at all, he'd of popped the two employees as well leaving five bodies since they'd of seen him shoot the other two. Her presence was saving lives and ain't nobody know it.
Now that he had the element of surprise and a lead, it was the perfect time to strike but he couldn't fuck it up this time. Again, his pride was on the line and now that Y/N had almost gotten involved in the bullshit, it was definitely time to get her outta there asap.
"Whoever on security tonight, they ass definitely getting fired," he deadpanned in an attempt to lighten the mood. She wasn't having it.
"Don't ever scare me like that again. You're not the police and you're not the terminator," she stated so firmly he knew not to fuck with it. He just nodded.
"You absolutely right." The rest of the ride to the hotel was relatively quiet with her laying on his chest, his fingers in her hair, massaging her scalp to calm her down. Walking through the lobby to the elevator was just as quiet until he broke the silence with a thought that'd been running though his mind since she'd scolded him. "You'd think you'd be the one to lose your composure, but it was me," he mused. "I ain't see that coming."
"I think I'm rubbing off on you," she chuckled wryly. He wanted to combat that thought, but when he really thought about it... she was. Ever since he'd gotten involved with her, he'd been crazier than usual, more prone to rookie mistakes, more emotion-driven instead of logic-driven. He barely recognized himself. This wasn't something that should happen at this juncture of his career or mission. He was fuckin up and if he continued to fuck up he wouldn't be the only one paying the price.
When they arrived in the room, he asked her to head back downstairs and buy them both food handing her a one hundred dollar bill and packing her bags in her absence. He figured take-out would be a bit of a wait time since it was dinner hours and he was right. By the time she got back, her return flight time had been changed and her bags were against the wall near the closet. She sat the plastic bag of plastic containers on the table and unpacked the items, dividing them up by which item belonged to who. She'd even brought bottled drinks. Pulling the utensils from the bag, she placed them on top of a container that held a bigass steak. He took it gently from her hand setting it on the bed next to him.
"I just got what I thought you might want," she shrugged unwrapping a straw to put in one of the drinks, handing it to him. That was when she happened to look left and see her bags packed on the wall. He stared at the bags, looking for his and not finding it before looking back to him, realization dawning on her. "We're going back tomorrow?" She was trying to keep the emotion from her voice but it had already flashed in her eyes.
"You're going back tomorrow," he clarified knowing full well she got it the first time. "But I'll follow you in a few days or so don't worry." Instant relief in her eyes, but then they got suspicious and he had to brace himself to dodge any verbal traps she'd try to set.
"I thought you were done with the responsibilities you came here for with your job. What did they even want you to do? You've been with me almost the whole time."
"It's been two days... I didn't have to report anywhere today so I dedicated it to us, but there are a couple of events I want to attend before I leave and it would be a waste if I didn't. You, however, have no more reason to be here and it seems to be getting dangerous in these streets. I want you back home for now."
"Dangerous? That was one coincident that had nothing to do with us. It's just as dangerous in Cali."
Somehow I doubt that.
"Naaah... Baby, I'd feel much better if you weren't in Houston after what I saw today. That's final. Flight's changed to 2 AM so after you eat you got a few hours to sleep and change.. bags are already packed. Go straight to my place when you get back and just wait for me. Use the car, pool, I don't give a fuck, but don't go to your apartment. I still need to check it out before you do."
"Okay, I know I'm paranoid... But you are PARANOID. Seriously? You're not coming?" She wasn't satisfied. She wanted her way, but he couldn't give it to her. "If Houston is as dangerous as you say it is then your well being is more important than some little event wouldn't you say so? So change your ticket too or we both staying here because I'm calling bullshit! What else is here? You already told me about your subs, what you got to hide?! What could possibly be keeping you here that you don't want me to see?! It gotta be wild since I've already seen you FUCK ANOTHER GIRL. WHAT IS IT ERIK?! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?"
He stared at her like she'd lost her damn mind and he was trying to figure out when she'd find it. She stared back before returning to the food on the table. When she turned back, she was calm.
"My bad. I just don't get why I gotta go," she shrugged. He blinked a few times at her quick change in demeanor and she sighed heavily.
"It's okay... You've been through a lot of emotions today..."
"Yeah but I shouldn't blow up on you. That's a YOU move. It's not like it's your fault, you just want me to be safe... I get it. I just think you should worry about yourself too."
"...I feel you," he nodded. He had to borrow a page from handling Shay and Jaliyah. "And I appreciate your concern, but Y/N you getting ya ass on that plane and that's an order."
"Yeah, yeah," she muttered grabbing her container and plasticware. She sat in the chair at the table to eat and he stood to plant a kiss on her cheek before returning to the bed. He opened his own container and used the tall plastic straw sticking from the bottled lemonade to take a drink. She was too sweet for him to keep being so damn selfish. She definitely had to go.. for now.
A night flight alone to Cali. All there is to do, is sleep on the plane.
Erik had carried your things to the point where the two of you had to split, then he'd handed them over to you and nodded you on. It was all very quick and you were sleepy having gotten to the airport early just in case.
The sight through the window is black and there are lights on the ground but you don't really feel like looking, you're ready to close your eyes.
The little vacation with Erik was fun and so was seeing a completely different side of him, but now it was time to get back home. Well, his home...
Wait, he'd said. For the time being, you'll have to. The question to you now however, is for who? Who knows which Erik he'll be by the time he gets back. You can never tell with him. It's because he has more moods than a mood ring. More faces than Mr. Potato Head. For all you know, he could come back with a whole other woman expecting you to be cool with it. You just don't know what you'll get with him. Wait..
"Damn." You forgot to send the pictures of you and Erik to Ava and Toni. You didn't even get to see them again before you left. Kissing your teeth, you sigh and close your eyes again. You'll do it when you get to Erik's. Suddenly your eyes pop open and a smile spreads across your lips. You have his giant beautiful home all to yourself. You can use his things, smoke his weed, jump on his bed, wear his clothes, spray his cologne, eat his food, and explore as much as you want and he can't say a thing... Yes!
This might actually be the true vacation.
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagine   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess @trevantesbrat @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent @blackpinup22
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mattcullen · 7 years
Farah is overprotective of Derek, she had shown up unannounced to legatees because she wants to meet the people he's hanging around ("Where's Dexter?" "Who?" "That Dex boy you never shut up about it's so sweet have y'all kissed yet is he good to you?" "Oh MY GOD HES MY D-MAN" {dex heard everything and almost passed out}) but no one minds when she shows up cause she's so cool
alright lets fuckin do this
working title: Farah Nurse (eventually) ships nurseydex
Farah loves her dumb as shit baby brother, okay? The problem is, obviously, that he can be dumb as shit.
When he starts at Samwell she decides that, living in Boston, it makes sense for her to check up on him every now and again. Just to make sure her dumb, emotional, wonderful brother is thriving.
The first time Farah visits it’s mid-October and she’s barely managed to fit in her and Derek’s weekly skype calls since her promotion to sergeant and she misses him. She’s also worried about him. Derek was never that kid growing up, the one surrounded by tons of friends. So she spends most of the drive overthinking scenarios in which he’s isolated himself from everyone.
It turns out her fears are completely unfounded.
She arrives at the end of practice, most of the team either collecting stray pucks or already in the locker room. As she walks down the stairs towards the boards she sees her baby brother still out on the ice, mucking around with who she can only assume is Chowder, the goalie she’s been hearing about non-stop. She sees #11 skate up behind Derek to pull off his helmet and give him a face wash before squeezing him around the waist. She sees her brother fucking giggling as an older boy with a C on his jersey barks at them to get off the ice. She watches Derek skate up to his captain to offer an apology fist bump, more confident in his own skin that she’s ever seen him.
Farah has tears in her eyes before she even reaches the side of the rink. She hasn’t met any of the team yet but she already fucking treasures them. She spends most of their introductions mentally thanking each of them for loving her brother the way he deserves to be loved.
Well, everyone except for William Poindexter. Who makes himself scarce as soon as he realises she’s Derek’s sister. Who she’s already heard enough about to not particularly care for his brand of ignorance. Who honestly doesn’t deserve to know the wonder that is her baby brother.
As such, she becomes accustomed to their Nurse sibling skype calls turning into “Dex is so fucking ignorant”, “Dex is a small-town asshole, he just doesn’t get it”, “Dex is a dumb motherfucking white boy and I need him to stop”. Then, during Derek’s second year, she’s forced to adjust her views in response to a gradual shift, as her brother’s stories turn into “Dex took the Republican sticker off his laptop today”, “Dex apologised for the stuff he said last year”, “Dex came out to me today”. By Derek’s junior year she actively looks forward to hearing her brother moon; “Dex scored the most amazing goal last night”, “Dex got his septum pierced, it looks really um cool”, “Dex, uh, hm, Dex made out with some guy at the kegster last night, ah, yeah anyway”.
Farah decides it’s time to visit her dumb as shit baby brother again.
She doesn’t really bother knocking when she gets to the Haus anymore. The SMH have always been welcoming and since Derek moved in they insist she comes and goes as she pleases. However, her surprise visit does lead to Derek opening his bedroom looking less than thrilled to see her. She pretends to be put out by this, just for the sake of keeping up appearance.
“I know why you’re here, Rah-Rah. It’s fine, don’t worry about me,” he mutters, scuffing his socked feet against hers.
Farah crosses her arms.
“One: I don’t even get a ‘hello’ anymore? Rude. Two: I always worry about you. Especially when you’re in love with one of your best friends and won’t do anything about it so said friend goes and kisses other people. I swear, if I have to sit through one more ‘wow, Dex’s hair is so pretty, did you know his freckles go all the way down his back, I wonder if Dex likes rice-‘”
A resounding crash can be heard from the frogs’ shared bathroom before Farah can finish her sentence, followed by a deafening silence and then what is unmistakably Dex’s muffled cursing. Derek immediately goes ashy. Farah feels like an asshole.
“Shit, Der-bear. I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t know he was in there.” Fuck, there are tears in his eyes. Shit, shit, shit.
“It-it’s fine, I didn’t either. He-uh, must have been hangin’ out with Chowder.”
The bathroom is eerily silent. Derek’s hands are shaking. She needs to get him out of here.
“Let’s go get ice cream!” She suggests, loudly.
Derek sighs, “Farah, it’s January and it’s 7pm.” But he follows her as she turns to walk down the stairs.
Derek spends the rest of the evening sitting in Giovanni’s alternating between freaking out and being totally silent. Farah spends it feeling absolutely terrible and praying that this doesn’t fuck her brother up completely.
Eventually they have to head back. Farah can’t stay late; early shift at the station, Derek understands. She walks him back to the Haus at close to midnight, repeating mantras of apologies and promises that she’ll always be free to talk if he calls, even if she’s in the middle of taking down a perp. Derek snorts at that and finally gives her a small grin for the first time since she arrived at Samwell. Doesn’t make her feel like any less of an asshole.
She’s still thinking about his shaky smile as she approaches her car and sees a dimly lit Dex leaning against it.
“Uh, hey,” he mumbles. Astaghfirullah, he looks awkward.
Farah takes a deep breath.
“Hey, Dex. What’re you doing out here?” She shoots for casual, missing it by a mile.
Dex winces, then visibly steals himself.
“Were you joking?” He asks, bluntly.
The flat ‘what’ escapes her mouth before she can really process what he’s asking.
“Earlier, were you joking?” He repeats, the words sounding like they’re being ripped out of him. “When you said Nursey was in love with me, was it-is it true?” Dex continues to speak through gritted teeth but Farah can hear the edge of desperation.
“That’s not really for me to say,” she answers honestly.
Dex lets out a groan of frustration.
“Farah, please.” His voice cracks.
“Talk to my brother, Dex. I’ve already fucked up enough tonight. It’s time for you two to do this on your own terms.”
With that she sidesteps him and gets into her car. Over the sound of engine, she hears the frantic footfalls of Dex sprinting back towards the Haus.
She’s just pulled into her parking spot when she checks her phone and sees she has three new texts.
Derek ‘fuckboy’ Nurse:
[12:12am] Dex says you talked to him
[12:13am] Dex wants to talk to me now
[12:29am] Dex is a really good kisser
Farah just smiles into her scarf and sends back three eggplant emojis.
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