#but also art is so fun I forgot how fun it is
factual-fantasy · 2 days
Greetings Factual! I just realized I completely forgot to congratulate you in my last Ask- so although it's a tad late, allow me to say, great job getting to yet another milestone in the form of 27,000 followers! As I've said before, you deserve every single one and more- your works, both big and small, make bad days brighter and good days even better! I've especially enjoyed the pixel art gags these past few days- "human sans" and "Bingus" in particular- and it seems like many others have too- at this rate, 30,000 is just a few steps away! Almost their!
Also, thanks a million for responding so kindly to my idea regarding the gangs reunion with patty and meeting with Baragara! I'm glad you like it, and regardless of what details you decide on, I just hope we get to see the moment illustrated some day, as emotional as it is epic!
As for my actual Ask today- I was wondering about Grimaces Gigantamax status. As you probably know, some Pokemon species, including Gengar, can take mega evolution to the next level and temporarily grow to Kaiju sizes when exposed to certain types of legendary energy. However, of the 26 compatible species, not all members have the genes necessary to do so. So, even though he is unlikely to be exposed to the energy required to Gigantamax, if he was, would Grimace be among the lucky few of his kind to react? Or does he lack the Gigantamax genes- which, if he does, certainly wouldn't make him any less awesome!
Oh, and also, small goofy side ask I just thought of- since the group usually seems to sleep together, do any of its six ( later eight ) members snore? And if so, have the others grown accustomed to the noise? Or do they "throw a pillow at the problem" so to speak?
(27,000 followers) (Human sans) (Bingus)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm glad to hear that you've been liking my pixel stuff!! :DDD
As for the Baragara ask, awe! No problem!! :D I've been thinking about his story and how I would draw it.. it just seems like a hefty project to take on in my current state.. <XD
Now hmm.. Gigantimaxing.. Funnily enough the discord server an I actually talked about Grimace potentially Gigantimaxing or mega evolving. You know, for angst reasons XD But the general take away I got is it would requite too specific of an environment and situation for him to mega evolve on accident. If mega evolving on accident is even possible- (I say accident because the group are not intended to know what megastones are or how they work. So its not like Grimace could mega evolve intentionally-)
Gigantimaxing had a similar problem. Requiring too specific of an environment/situation for him to Gigantimax unintentionally. They're not in/from the Galar region, so they don't have access the things needed to Gigantimax.. and since Grimace isn't from Galar, I thought it would stand to reason that he wouldn't have the gigantimax genes..(do only galar region pokemon have the genes..?)
And even if they were in Galar and Grimace had the genes, Gloria would be a roadblock.
If they found like.. a gigantimax den.? She would surly sense the powerful aura and be sketched out. Thus steering the group away. And since Gloria has never steered them wrong before.. no body would disobey her.
It kind'a sucks that I cant find a way for these two scenarios to work out! 😭 I had a lot of fun imagining Grimace mega evolving in a panic to protect the group and then needing Sylvester to talk him down. But needing a megastone, and a keystone..? And somehow having Gloria not get sussed out by the stones powerful aura and not taking it away from Grimace just seems pretty far fetched. Darn you Gloria for being so observant and caring for your friends. 😔
I'm open to ideas of how I can make either idea less specific and more possible though.. 👀👀
As for your last ask, I'd like to say that thankfully none of them snore <XD it would be pretty hard to stay hidden in the forest if you snore!
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absolutely CANNOT draw any complete side profiles. a bit of angle? great! full on staring into my soul? amazing! side profile? evil on earth, ends with a too big chin or forehead or the angles are wrong and just aaaAAAHHHHHHHHhhh
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b4kuch1n · 8 months
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study of this masterwork
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sableeira · 6 months
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Sigma for kokoasci’s 5k dtiys ✨
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wasyago · 8 months
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IGNEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im actually so obsessed with drawing this guy. it's too fun ough ougb ough
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koyodraws · 2 months
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This image has been living rent free in my head for like 2 or 3 months. My Durge Void, and @meanbossart 's Drow
kinda like how the lines look just on their own so i figured i'd post both
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zarla-s · 3 months
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I was cleaning up some broken links on my old silly Pokemon fansite, the Neglected Pokemon Lovers Unite (NPLU), and I realized that it has now been open for 25 years. TWENTY. FIVE. YEARS. That is an ASTONISHING amount of time for a site to stay open! Even if the last substantial update was like back in 2009 lol. The world around it has changed so much, but I think it's still valuable as a time capsule of a certain time on the internet. I wrote up a new essay about it on the site and did some general clean-up here and there.
Anyway to that end, since so much of the fic and art there is so old, I decided to compare Radic's oldest form to his newest! Radic was always a human boy but I just couldn't draw humans at the time so I made him a furry lol. Eventually I figured it out.
I also thought it'd be a neat challenge to mimic my own style back when it was really wonky and bad. And it was! It was kind of fun actually. I don't have too many shots of Radic from back then (it was hard to get art on the internet in the late 90's-early 00's), but I do have a few - hugging Kitsune, two old kiribans if you want to compare. I had a lot more old shots of Parasects though to reference unsurprisingly, they were very triangular lol. I think I did a pretty good job of matching what my art used to look like. I had a clear see-through Gameboy back in the day if you can't tell what Radic is holding lol.
("Isn't Radic the faceless avatar of your gamer self as depicted in Handplates-" yes, but Pokemon!Radic is the only one that actually became his own character, all the rest are shells)
If you do go poking around the NPLU, please keep in mind that almost everything there is very old and most of the fic and art is pretty bad (and shockingly violent). Plz do not judge me! My younger self was a cringey weeb but she was trying very hard. :<
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shuuenka · 10 months
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And it's my whole heart Weighed and measured inside
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constarlations · 7 months
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Champion Dawn 🌸❄️
Known as Sinnoh’s Ice Queen, Dawn is best known for her intimidating yet caring nature. She’s fierce and calculating, never leaving any room for error especially when it comes to battling. On her off days you can find her in the contest hall, a hobby she picked up from her mother, or in the Battle Frontier/Pokémon Lab to catch up with her best friends. It is said she was recently engaged to a certain johto boy (Ethan. It’s Ethan.) however they will not publicly revealed their plans for the wedding as of yet
Made a timeskip adult champion Dawn design a while back! It’s still my favorite of my timeskip series hehehe I hope you enjoy!
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arom-antix · 3 days
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Me? Posting finished art? Ain't no way :O
No but @korruptbrekker reached out to me and asked if I was interested in doing a collab (go check out their piece here, I implore you), and you know I could not say no to such a wonderful artist asking lil ol me to do something fun like this. We ended up doing a swap @laugaheim and I came up with ages ago that I so sussinctly refer to as a moodboard-sketch-lineart-render swap. Rolls right off the tongue, right? Nah but it's exactly what it says. Make moodboards, swap and sketch from the other's, swap again and line the other's sketch, and then swap once again and finish the piece you sketched.
Very big thanks to Brekker for reaching out! This was so fun, I hope we can do something together again in the future!
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fearandhatred · 2 months
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went back to my crosshatching roots for this one <3 been obsessed with this photo ever since i saw it lol
timelapse under the cut because it's so satisfying to watch
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ind1c0lite · 9 months
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working late at night (at least that's what they're telling themselves)
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querical-equinox · 1 year
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“Dave, what did you think you were doing?” your heart was beginning to calm down. “What. Were. You. Doing?”
This was one of those scenes that has been bouncing around in my brain non-stop since I read it and I'm so happy to have it drawn out finally! Like serious kudos to @glitchysquidd for this chapter of Frighteningly Intriguing, I have been knawing at this for days now. I was originally just gonna thumbnail the scene out for funsies, but the inspiration hit hard lol and here we are. And as an extra treat here are said thumbnails cause i still like the sketchiness of em (not pictured however are the other variant pages lmao i did quite a few)
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zecoritheweirdone · 3 months
i am being so so normal about these guys right now
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matutito · 5 months
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redraw of this thing i did two years ago
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corpsoir · 11 months
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okay here's my main group of ocs stands :]
voulez-vous and förutan vind got some small design updates :) they look much better now i think ^_^ and yes calamari's stand has two acts because i thought it would be fun
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