stealingpotatoes · 9 months
Okay, here's the thing, I feel so bad for TBOBF in a lot of ways.
Cuz parts of it (albeit very short parts) are just Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen wandering around doing hot girl shit, or Boba hanging out with his adoptive Sand People family, or Cobb Vanth just showing up and flirting with anything that moves...But in a lot of ways, the show suffers from A) Being a backdoor pilot for Mando s3 which had already been confirmed which takes over the last 3 episodes out of nowhere and feels really shitty as they cast Boba aside in his own show and B) The show seems uncomfortable with it's own premise in a lot of ways. It falls into the trap that "protagonist = morally and ethically perfection" instead of just letting Boba be a crime boss? Like, sure he doesn't have to be as cruel as the Hutts, and he doesn't have to be okay with the Pikes moving in on his territory, but in the end...He's too nice to be a believable threat to anyone. (And in a lot of situations...is just bad at his job, or ill prepared for what he has to do.)
Which is a shame, because there could have been a really compelling story about Boba taking over Tatooine's mob scene, ruling it with an iron fist, while managing to win the love of the people. Hell, have a whole arc about him outlawing still totally legal Tatooine slavery and fighting all the people who would oppose people being free. But instead they just have him turn into this dude who shows up, not really kick as much ass. He was far scarier when he showed up in Mando s2 and beat the crap out of those stormtroopers then he ever was in a show meant to be about him.
Sorry this got long and rambly, I just...I feel like the bs robo-Luke stuff in TBOBF is only the tip of the iceberg. The urge to write an academic paper on the subject is strong.
WRITE THAT ACADEMIC PAPER YOU ICON!!!!!!! but also wtf that's so shit. i've heard from a couple ppl that they were rlly on the right track w some boba scenes so it sucks ass they didn't just. have the confidence to continue that and also TRYING TO MAKE BOBA FETT A MORALLY PURE GOOD GUY??????? DO. DO THEY KNOW WHO BOBA FETT IS??? DIDN'T HE BLOW UP A VENATOR WITH CHILDREN ABOARD??? HE WAS A BOUNTY HUNTER!!!! that is the biggest nuanced morality fail i've heard of in my life
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