#but I’m just putting my raw little HEY SKYE STOP LETTING YOUR BRAIN BE DUMB pep talk 😂
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Well zip-a-dee doo da if it ain’t self deprecating and overthinking hours :D
I’m definitely not as present and empathetic as I could be for some of y’all, and I’m sorry about that. Also I need to read your writing and see your art more. And check in on people more.
But you know what, let me show you how I stop saying things like that.
I want to do all those things for everyone. But I’m also brain dead and slowly trying to breach the surface and keep my head above water after drowning for a few days, so there’s that too. (I am getting better ☺️👍🏻) This isn’t a call out post, this is me reorienting my brain since it’s making me overthink things, and I’m doing it here so others can see that yes, even us “well adjusted adults” run into this issue too and this is how we seemingly don’t lose our marbles.
To all of y’all who are drowning and feel guilty if you don’t try to juggle taking care of the entire freaking world while you’re actively inhaling water, numbing out into nonexistence, and slowly dying inside, stop it. Take a look at yourself and recognize that you’re not God, you can’t fix everything and everyone, and you will never be able to. What you can do is remember that you can’t give others light if you have none for yourself. You’re not perfect, don’t you dare expect yourself to be. When you’re hurting you’re hurting. Be humble and responsible and recognize that in order for you to help others, you have to help yourself first.
Thanks for coming to me half-addled, Legend infused TedTalk. ❤️👍🏻
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