#but I needed to state this cause I am genuinely afraid to openly add aspects like that to the characters
alevolpe · 3 months
If I may ask, what's going on with Minako and ami?? Do they dislike each other or are they just not really compatible?
I've actually talked about it here and also here!
But yeah, I basically don't really see them as super compatible, Mina doesn't necessarily dislike Ami, she's just bored by her, while Ami does actively dislike Mina, even if it's in a very passive manner most of the time.
They work well together as a team, but as soon as Sailor business is done, they go back to their default dynamic.
Ami recognizes that Mina is a good friend and excellent leader, but Ami's not willing to let invade her boundaries like the other girls let her do. Mina can be brash, rude, disrespectful, offensive and I see her as quite willing to make someone uncomfortable just to get attention and Ami does NOT like that. So they just ignore each other unless they are the only ones in the room or Mina is feeling especially 'generous' LOL.
It also does boil down to a conflict in their communication skills too. Mina is very smart when it comes to interacting with other people and especially reading people, while Ami struggles a lot more with that. I do hc Ami as autistic and for her picking up on things like sarcasm, context, verbal and non verbal hints and intentions is a lil more complex. Not that she's oblivious 100% of the time, quite the opposite (she overthinks everything!), but if it's Mina THEN it gets very complicated. If Mina wants you to be confused by or wants you to misinterpret something she said or did, you will!
While the other girls brush it off as Mina just messing around (which it honestly is), Ami does not see any humor in such behavior and gets very frustrated by it, seeing it as more along the lines of bullying/being annoying for the sake of it.
As well as Mina initiating in unwanted physical contact. Ami does not like being touched (unless your names are Luna, Mako, Usagi, Saeko or Michiru) unless pretty explicit consent is given or she's the one initiating. This is a problem Rei has too (in some ways more than Ami, but Rei has a much scarier face than Ami, so people don't dare touch her most of the time), but Rei has an easier time getting past it cause well, Mina's her gf, so Mina has implied consent most often than not.
Small rant/disclaimer:
I see most often people agreeing with me, up to the point I say Mina doesn't have a problem invading Ami's personal boundaries and I totally understand that.
It is NOT a nice thing to do, especially if you know the person you are doing it to is on the spectrum. It's incredibly disregarding and disrespectful of another person's feelings. That said, I like writing small aspects to characters that might not make them 'morally just' 100% of the time, or even a decent human being!
I see Mina saying offensive shit for the sake of it, including slurs (ex Haruka and Mina are VERY close friends, she does call Haruka dyke jokingly at times), I see Rei getting angry and acting like an absolute unreasonable Karen at service workers sometimes (I work retail, I'd murder her irl), I hc Mako growing up fairly homophobic (only to later live her life with a more open mind, while discovering some things about herself lol), and so forth, stuff like that it could be nowadays considered 'problematic'. I think it's quite important (at least for me) to include more negative human aspects to the girls as well as positive ones, but then again, this is my version of the characters.
If them acting this way at times makes you uncomfortable, it's totally fair! It's my HC!
The only thing I ask is that you respect my boundaries and not attack me for my views on some characters. They're not real, but me and other artists and writers online are.
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