#but I dont bcs I want my channel to be funded by viewers not beholden to advertizers
lastoneout · 26 days
This is what I mean when I say the average fandom legit treats artists like content machines instead of people. We're not allowed to ask for support of any kind, we just have to shut the fuck up and give you whatever you want for free no matter if it means we have to live in poverty or we're selfish, greedy monsters. Real "I can't believe this handmade crochet blanket costs $500 you're so selfish don't you know I'm too poor to buy that?" type energy. Clown shit of the highest degree.
You're not fans, you're entitled assholes who have no idea how the world works and got their understanding of class politics from oppression olympics type dipshits on twitter who think anyone who isn't so poor they live in their car and can't afford food is part of the 1% and it's so fucking obnoxious.
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