hatsukoi-neidhardt · 17 days
everyone meet gojo "if i cannot be wanted i will be needed and if i cannot be needed let me be used until there's nothing left of me" satoru
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 1 month
raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can't locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn't archive because you always assumed they'd be there.
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 1 month
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 2 months
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"his rough hands are a stark contrast to his lips - a feather touch to the wound that's yet to heal."
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 2 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 3 months
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 3 months
So after 20 days of change, anxiety, emotional farewells (my former colleagues are absolute angels 🥹), and pure chaos, all of which would have left me exhausted even without the added physical strain, I now find myself suddenly with some unexpected free time.*
Hopefully I will find the calm to read / write some fics and play around with my graphics tablet a little. Wish me luck.
I have also put part of my farewell present (amazon gift certificate) to good use and finally afforded myself the illustrated hardcover edition of Good Omens.** (Not that I don't love my ancient tattered discoloured 2006 paperback. The pages are still affixed and for the last decade I didn't even have a bathtub to drop it in.)
I think I am prepared for the week end now.
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*= which is great now, but will very probably come back later to bite me in the ass, in the form of more stuff to learn crammed into less time, i. e. more panic and anxiety.
**= I really, really wanted to order it from Discworld.com together with some pins, but shipping would have cost even more than the book itself. And the very probable customs fee I was actually prepared to pay would have come on top. Thanks, Brexit. 😠
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 3 months
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miss mona megistus
dress is sarah burton for alexander mcqueen 2016 with mona specific alterations
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 3 months
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my favourite genre is women setting fire to their tormentor's homes/buildings and then walking out surrounded by flames
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 4 months
Persona 1-5 all take place in the same universe and timeline
However, the nature of that timeline has changed between Persona 2 and Persona 3 due to an internal cosmic 'retcon' that altered the nature of reality. 
Persona 3 directly references the main characters of Persona 2, and it is therefore possible to say that they canonically exist in the same universe.
👉 Persona 3 also directly references the Nanjo group from Persona 1, saying that the Kirijo group split off from it. It is implied, but not stated outright that this was over a disagreement about shadow/persona research resulting from appropriating SEBEC's DEVA system.
👉 According directly to Persona 3, the characters and entities of Persona 1 and 2 absolutely canonically exist in its timeline.
👉 Therefore, since characters from Persona 4 and 5 both directly interact with characters from Persona 3, it is absolutely and unquestionably canonical that all of these games exist within the same universe.
👉 So what happened between Persona 2 and 3 to change the nature of the persona universe? How does it fit together, and why does it change?
Prior to the end of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment in 2000, Philemon and Nyarlathotep have a wager about the nature of humanity and whether it will destroy itself.
Nyarlahotep gives humanity the power of rumor in an attempt to metaphorically 'give them the rope to hang themselves with', manipulating people with rumors to change reality and lead itself to destruction.
At the end of Eternal Punishment the characters "manage to defeat and banish him from the Persona universe, allowing Philemon to win the bet and eradicate the power of rumors once and for all." (wording directly from the Persona wiki)
that means--
Reality takes a concrete shape and can no longer be influenced by rumor and belief.
Due to reality's newly concrete nature, the powers of rumor and belief gather in pockets of subreality such as Mementos, The Dark Hour and the TV world where they reflect human desire.
The Velvet Room closes its doors to the public.
Philemon disappears disappears into the background
Nyarlahotep disappears into the background
a number of new forces representing Nyarlahotep's views appear to threaten humanity
Due to the power of rumor disappearing, Personas can no longer be summoned by ritual, and are instead unlocked by users due to trauma and circumstance.
We can infer that--
due to being banished from the universe and unable to intervene directly, either Nyalahotep began to act through proxies (such as Nyx) or the power vacuum resulting from Nyalahoteps absence in the universe retroactively created these independent avatars of humanity's desire for destruction.
due to the power of rumor no longer being active, people can no longer use the rumored summoning ritual to gain a Persona, and Personas must therefore be unlocked in different ways.
Because the world of the collective unconscious (dark hour, tv world, mementos) is kept away from the world at large there is no longer a reason for the Velvet Room to be a public 'club'. It closes its doors to all but special demand.
The Persona games, 1-5 and relevant spin-offs, all take place in the same single universe, in a timeline in which the nature of the universe was changed at the end of Persona 2 and continuing forward from there with a different structure.
In a way you can liken the end of Persona 2 to the same biblical punishment that it references-- being cast out of "eden '' a place where dreams come true, and forced into the cold, hard permanence of the 'real' world. 
Here's a look at exactly what changed between the Malleable Persona Reality (pre-2000) and the Permeable Persona Reality (Post-2000)
The world of Persona 1 and 2 (the Malleable Persona reality):
The Velvet Room: Appears as a nightclub and can be accessed by anyone with a persona, or potentially even anyone with a link to the collective unconscious. 
Igor: A servant of Philemon who takes care of persona fusion for anyone who enters the Velvet Room.
Personas: Thanks to the power of rumor a persona can be summoned by anyone who enacts the correct summoning ritual. Philemon: A benevolent observer and guardian of humanity. He has a wager with Nyarlathotep that humanity will overcome their baser nature and reject their own destruction. 
Nyarlathotep: A malefactor of humanity who believes that humanity truly wishes to destroy itself and cannot overcome this urge for destruction. To this end he directly intervenes in human affairs in a bid to tempt humans to destroy themselves.
The nature of reality: Malleable. Reality can directly be changed by the beliefs or worldview of the collective unconscious.
The world of Persona 3-5 (The Permeable Persona reality):
The Velvet Room: Can only be accessed by those who have made a contract with Igor. This space is used by the protagonist to unlock the deeper power of Personas that those without contracts don't have access to. Igor: A spiritual guide who makes contracts with people who have a certain destiny.
Personas: Personas are summoned by people who have experienced a severe trauma of some kind, whether an experience of death, a separation from their shadow self or true nature. Philemon: Only seen or referenced in the form of a blue butterfly.
Nyarlathotep: Absent. Replaced by other avatars of humanity's desire for destruction such as Nyx.
The nature of reality: Concrete, but permeable. Reality can no longer be directly changed by the beliefs or worldview of the collective unconscious. Instead, these beliefs create separate layers or pockets of their own reality (Tartarus, the TV world, Mementos etc) which can be entered by certain persons and when growing too strong can threaten to intrude on the concrete reality above.
Abbreviated timeline:
1996: SEBEC DEVA system experiments
1996: Events of Persona 1
August 1999: Events of Persona 2 Innocent Sin
1999: Kirijo group experimenting with SEBEC tech-- after the change in the universe this becomes Shadow research.
February 2000: Events of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment retroactively affecting the P3 timeline
Summer 2000: Aigis catches Death and imprisons him in P3MC
2009: Persona 3 starts
2011: Persona 4 starts
2016: Persona 5 starts
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 4 months
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Happy release day Persona 3 Reload! 💙🩷
Here's a Minato and Kotone I drew for my Persona fashion zine! They're wearing matchies :3/
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 4 months
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Domestic bliss I know how bad you wanted it (x)
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 4 months
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soul phase 🌙
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 4 months
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you're my home sweet home 🌷🌹🌻 .・゜✧
akishinjiham living as roommates for @ateliebiabonne for the p3 secret santa!
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 5 months
As an omnivore who likes vegan and vegetarian cooking I think the mistake a lot of people make when trying to convince meat eaters to go plant based is trying to convince them that something you’ve got will replace meat for them.
I like vegan nuggets and real chicken nuggets for different reasons. They taste different. They only taste identical to you because you haven’t eaten meat for five years.
When cooking for myself I only eat meat maybe like three times a week because vegetarian cooking is often cheaper and it tastes good.
Like just give people the actual recipes you use that aren’t pasta. Every time you ask what to eat on a meatless day people are like. Pasta. I don’t want pasta every day.
Point out the foods people already eat that are vegetarian. Like sweet potato fries, veggie chow mein, grilled mushrooms, mashed potatoes, black bean enchiladas, peanut butter sandwiches. Tell people what you microwave when you’re drunk at 3am. Show people that vegetables are so good they’ll want them in their diet.
Also some people are just never gonna go vegan. They’re just not. I’m certainly not, and I love vegan food. But since I’ve fallen in love with vegetarian cooking I eat meat much less and I’m much more careful about picking the meat I do eat. Doesn’t that align with a lot of your goals?
Impossible burger doesn’t taste like meat. But you know what tastes really good? A mushroom fajita taco. Falafel. Potato pancakes with applesauce. Smoky vegan collared greens. Hot potato salad with herbs. Palak paneer with rice. Tofu Pad Thai with extra peanuts. Some of my favorite foods of all time, and I’m a dirty rotten meat eater. Use THAT to get your foot in the door. And be more accepting of some half-assed victories. I’m on your side for the most part, believe it or not. But stop trying to claim certain things are just like meat. You and I both know you don’t plan most of your weeknight dinners around meat substitutes.
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 5 months
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All my Lunar Year prints are up on my INPRNT, Year of the Rabbit included!
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hatsukoi-neidhardt · 5 months
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